1 Introduction

Over the past century, a number of countries have produced many comic books since comics are mesmerizing visual texts that create long-lasting impressions among a huge number of audiences, from eight to eighty. Comic artists incorporate various components such as panels, speech balloons, text-boxes, characters, gutters, and narrative text boxes to illustrate the entire story aesthetically (Fig. 1). Research works are being carried out on comic books to provide a fantastic user-friendly experience to the readers while reading them digitally. These researches focus on multiple aspects, such as interactive reading [3, 29, 52], content adaptation [27], retrieval of comics [33], development of new technologies for visually challenged people [11], and automatic content understanding [35]. In a nutshell, the primary targets of all these research works are—(1) extraction of various elements from comic images, (2) analysis of the relationship between these elements, and (3) the emotion/sentiment analysis of comic scenes. Some research works have focused on the first two challenges, i.e., automatic extraction of various components of comic images and analysis of the relationship between them [5]. However, sentiment analysis of comic scenes and automatic content understanding are still open areas of comic research that need strong research efforts from the community. The objective of the present work is to help researchers in this field by mulling more comic images available with adequate and authentic ground truth. We also believe that the detailed description of the development of this database and ground truth generation would give a lot of insights to the comic document image processing community. To our knowledge, there is no publicly available dataset of comic books in any Indian language. So, we decide to add this dataset on Bangla comics, considering the rich heritage and literary trait of Bangla among the Indian Languages. Moreover, the total volume and varieties of Bangla comics from many famous writers and easy availability are also the factors for the choice of the language as well.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Visual components of comic (Source:BCBId)

To sum up, in this paper, the two significant contributions of our research works are presented: (1) the creation of a new comic dataset along with the development of a new GUI-based annotation tool and the presentation of an efficient strategy to approximate the errors caused by the annotators during the annotation process; (2) sentiment analysis of comics based on textual content and demonstrations of experimental results of various analysis task of comic evaluated on this dataset and other publicly available datasets along with the description of some evaluation parameters.

Table 1 Some publicly available comic datasets
Table 2 The details of the proposed Bangla Comic Book Image dataset (BCBId)

2 Related work

Here, our discussion of the previous research works is primarily based on (1) visual element extraction and (2) sentiment analysis-related aspects.

2.1 Visual element extraction

In [5], the readers may get beautiful insights about various comic related research works. Most of these works focused on the automatic extraction of various component of comic book page images such as panel extraction [12, 20, 37, 45, 51], speech balloon extraction [11, 13, 34, 44, 46] and comic character extraction [12, 32, 34, 39, 48]. However, a limited number of comic document image datasets are publicly available for pursuing academic research in this field due to copyright issues. The four publicly available comic datasets are eBDtheque, Manga 109, DCM772, and COMICS. A brief summary of these four publicly accessible comic datasets is presented in Table 1.

Guerin et al. [17] created eBDtheque, the first publicly released comic dataset. This dataset contains a total of 100 pages of American, French, and Japanese comics. Each of these pages, taken from various sources, includes the details of its source information. Along with the position of panels, speech balloons, and text-lines, this dataset also contains different speech balloons of various shapes (cloud, typical, spike), the reading order of panels, direction of the tail of speech balloons, and so on. COMICS, Iyyer et al. [23], includes 3498 volumes of American comics taken from the Digital Comics Museum. This dataset contains the annotations of bounding boxes around panels and text. However, only 500 pages are manually annotated. A Faster R_CNN [42] is applied to annotate the rest of the images. Another available comic dataset is Manga 109 [1, 28, 36] which contains 21,142 images of Japanese comics written by 94 various authors. This dataset includes the annotations of characters, items, scene texts, speech balloons, panels, thoughts, and narration. On the other hand, the DCM772 dataset [33] consists of 772 images of 27 golden-age comic books, which are collected from the Digital Comic Museum [9].

2.2 Sentiment analysis

Most of the previous research works of sentiment analysis depend on the analysis of the textual contents. All the existing methods of lexicon-based approaches are categorized into three groups [6]—(1) statistical based, (2) knowledge based, and (3) hybrid approach. The NLP-based sentiment analysis techniques are further partitioned into two categories : (1) traditional based and (2) machine learning based. Most of the traditional-based approaches are based on lexicon sets [22, 30, 31] and parse tree or n-gram features [8, 24]. Recently, the performance of sentiment analysis has been improved a lot with the evolution of different neural network algorithms [4, 10, 26, 38]. Yadav et al. [53] beautifully reviewed the existing deep learning models of sentiment analysis.

However, these neural network models require a large amount of textual data for training purposes, which is a constraint for comics due to copyright restrictions. Therefore, we propose a lexicon-based approach for the sentiment analysis of comic stories based on textual data.


The preliminary version of this BCBId dataset is briefly presented in [13]. In this version of the BCBId dataset, we have added 1954 more images along with 25 more stories. A new type of XML annotation (CBML-based XML annotation, Sect. 4.2), which encodes the underline structure and semantics of comics stories, is also added in this version of the BCBId dataset. Furthermore, the detailed annotation procedure, the developed GUI-based annotation tool, and the error rectification strategy during the annotation procedure are also included here. Now, the entire BCBId dataset is the collection of 3327 images taken from 64 Bangla comic stories designed and animated by 8 writers. This entire dataset includes images, a wide variety of dimensions, and drawing styles used by comic artists. The BCBId also contains some Bangla translation of English comics like Tintin, Mandrake, and Jungle Girl. The details of the whole dataset are given in Table 2. The following subsections show the details of the BCBId Dataset and its ground truth.

3.1 Dataset details

This Bangla Comic Book Image dataset (BCBId) has the following attributes: (1) The images’ resolution remains constant for a single story, and it changes if the story changes. (2) Most of these comic books are written in the twentieth century. Some of them include Bangla translation of English comic books, i.e., Tintin. (3) Most of the images are collected from different Bangla webcomic websites,Footnote 1 which host user uploaded scan copies of several Bangla comics. (4) \(80\%\) of those images are color images. The rest are gray and binary images. (5) Each comic book page image contains fundamental elements of comic book like panels, characters, speech balloons, narrative text boxes, gutters, etc. (6) The shapes of the panels are heterogeneous. Most of the panels are regularly shaped closed panels. A significant amount of panels are open. Their boundaries are interpreted by the color difference between panels and the background. Moreover, some overlapping panels also exist, i.e., those panels are not separable by using boundaries. (7) The shapes of the speech balloons are mostly oval, rectangular, peaky, wavy, circular, and square with white backgrounds. Most of them have a tail pointer, which links them to their respective speakers. (8) Texts are mostly handwritten; some of them are printed. The text portion mainly appears within speech balloons and narrative text boxes. However, some text appears neither in speech balloons nor in narrative text boxes, and those texts are mainly used to express the corresponding contextual emotions.

Table 3 Details of Content-based and CBML-based XML annotations of the BCBId Dataset

4 BCBId annotations

Although ground truth is an essential part of evaluating the results of any algorithms and pursuing further research, developing those ground truths is always a tedious task. The GUI (graphical user interface)-based annotation tools reduce the annotator’s efforts and speed up the overall annotation process. For pursuing the two main aspects of comic research, the entire annotation procedure of the BCBId dataset is conducted in two different steps: (1) content annotations and (2) CBML-based XML annotations. Table 3 demonstrates the detail descriptions about both content annotations and CBML-based XML annotations.

4.1 Content annotations of comic images

This research domain focuses on extracting and analyzing various contents of comic images such as panels, characters, text boxes, speech balloons, and narrative text boxes. Though this task is similar to visual scene understanding, the huge variety in drawing style and lack of publicly available ground truth data makes the task more challenging than natural images. Each of those components is annotated using the following guidelines:

(1) Panels In comic book images, an image area demonstrating a single scene is called a panel. There must exist at least one panel on a page. The bounding boxes are drawn as close as possible across the boundaries to trace the closed panels. In the case of open/frame-less panels, the bounding boxes are drawn depending on the understanding of the scene. (2) Balloons The speech balloons represent the conversation between characters, which helps the readers understand the comic content and follow the story pattern. In the case of closed balloons, the boundaries are located first, and then they are annotated at the pixel label. To deal with open speech balloons, the boundaries are approximated first and then annotated at pixel label. (3) Text boxes The bounding boxes, named text boxes, are drawn to locate the text region inside the speech balloon and narrative text boxes. Once the text boxes are appropriately located, the inside text can be used for other research purposes like text-line segmentation, character recognition, OCR, etc. Moreover, this text is encoded with more intricate details for other research purposes. (4) Comic Characters One of the essential tasks of comic content analysis is to extract the characters of comic books. The characters are located by drawing bounding boxes around them (including face and body together). (5) Narrative Text Boxes The narrative text boxes, also referred as captions, are used to represent narrative text. The bounding boxes are drawn to locate these regions.

(A) Content Annotation Procedure The drawing of these visual components is entirely independent of each other. For example, it is not necessary that a speech balloon or a character must appear within a single panel. Therefore, each of these components should be annotated separately in order to detect them easily from the images. Manga 109 [1] developed an annotation tool to provide bounding box annotations for the panel, character faces, character body, and text. However, the content annotations of the BCBId dataset contain polygonal masks annotations for speech balloons and bounding box annotations for the panel, text boxes, characters, and narrative text boxes. Therefore, with the help of a well-established publicly available VGG ANNOTATION TOOL [14, 49], we annotate each of those components separately and export those annotations into plain text formats (CSV and JSON) to utilize them for further processing.

(B) Error calculation The outcome is error-prone when many people are engaged in developing such types of content-based annotations. We introduce an error calculation strategy only to rectify the errors being incurred while developing content-based annotation. The position of corner points of the bounding boxes around panels, characters, and text lines is crucial while preparing the ground truth for visual segmentation. Instead of utilizing a particular number of pixels, a certain percentage of the entire page size is used to fix the error of the corner points. In our case, the percentage P is set to the 0.35% of the page width and height on the y and x axes, respectively. For example, if the test image size is \(1690 \times 2195\), this creates a delta of +/– 7 pixels along the x-axis and +/– 6 pixels along the y-axis, respectively.

Fifteen people have been engaged in developing our dataset. Each of these fifteen persons is asked to draw the four corner points of bounding boxes. Then, the mean position from fifteen values is computed for each corner point around bounding boxes. Then, the distance of each of those points to its mean is calculated. After analyzing the data, it has been observed that the \(90 \%\) pointed corners have a distance of 5 pixels to mean position for the threshold value of P set at 0.35. In the case of huge improper segmentation, the errors are corrected manually. This error criterion strategy is successfully applied to panels, characters, and text lines. Although speech balloons have polygonal boundaries, this strategy gives promising outcomes.

Fig. 2
figure 2

a Input image; b Screenshot of the XML-based annotation up to third panel; c Developed tool

4.2 CBML-based XML annotations of comics

Another research area on comic book images focuses on understanding the story and dialogue of comics depending on natural language processing. Therefore, the information on each page should be encoded in such a way so that it can be processed later to identify the underlined structure, semantic, and other features of the document. The semantic annotation of a given page is stored as XML encoding, which includes parts of CBML (Comic Book Markup Language) [50] with some more additional tags. This XML-based format provides essential benefits to the database since the predefined metadata element helps to encode the information of a page in an easier and faster way.

The complete descriptions of comic book pages are encoded with the help of a total of 13 tags. The XML encoding begins with the root element <panelGrp>, which binds the information of all panels of a single page together. Each root element contains several <panel> children, which are used to describe the complete information related to each panel. Each of these <panel> node is described through some attributes characters, n and id. Here, the attribute, character, signifies the total number of characters present in that particular panel along with their name. The attribute, n, signifies the rank of the panel on that page. The attribute, id, is used to identify the position of that panel within the page. For example, the first panel of a comic page is denoted by <panel characters= ” #1 Cap #2 Batul ” n=”1” id=”eg_000”>. Here, \(character = ''\#1 Cap \#2 Batul''\) signifies that the first character is Captain and the second character is Batul in that panel. \(n=1\) denotes the first panel of that page, and \(id = eg\_000\) signifies the panel exists in the first row of that page. Under <panel> node, the information related to speech balloons is described through <balloons> children node along with various attributes. Each of these <balloon> node is described through some attributes type, who and id. Here, the attribute, type signifies the category of speech balloon, i.e., ”speech,” ”telepathic,” etc. The attribute, who, denotes the speaker of the speech balloon. On the other hand, the attribute, id, signifies the rank of speech balloons within comic pages. For example, the first speech balloon of a comic page is represented as <balloon type=”telepathic” who=”#cap” id= ”eg_001”>. Here, \(type=''telepathic''\) signifies that the type of the speech balloon is telepathic. The attribute, \(who = ''\#cap''\), signifies that the speaker of this speech balloon is Captain. The attribute, \(id = eg\_001\) signifies the first speech balloon of that page. The text within the speech balloon is then written under <balloon> node. Sometimes, only a single character is used within speech balloons to materialize some emotions and expression (i.e., ’?’ is used to express a lack of understanding or ’!’ for expressing surprise). A single word is also used to express certain emotions. Another child <emph> under <balloon> node is used to encode these special types of emotions and expressions to distinguish those from normal text speech. However, some texts, which do not appear within any speech balloon, are used to describe certain emotions (i.e., especially graphic sound). That information is encoded separately under <sound> node within each panel if such sound exists. The narrative texts, i.e., captions of panels, are written under <caption> node. The <caption> node has an attribute id which identifies the position of the caption, i.e., \(id = eg\_001\) signifies the first caption of that page. The metadata of that page, i.e., page number, title, etc., are also recorded under <fw> node. The value of the attribute \(type='pageNum'\) records the page-number of that page. The input image and its corresponding CBML-based XML annotations are depicted in Fig. 2. A brief summary of the tags introduced is given in Table 4.

Table 4 A brief description of introduced tags

Developed tool The creation of the CBML-based XML annotation is always a tedious and time-consuming task, and it needs a considerable amount of effort. There exists no available GUI-based annotation tool for creating such kinds of CBML-based XML annotations. We developed a GUI-based ground truth construction tool, coded utilizing Java and Java’s Applet web browser to take advantage of platform independence and reduce the server’s burden. The user can efficiently encode the information of a comic book page in an interactive way by using the tool, and it automatically generates the corresponding information in XML annotation format. Moreover, the designed tool also provides an elegant display of the unlined XML tree structure and semantic relationship between the various elements of the comic book page. This tool also facilitates the user to encode the textual information in any language according to their need. Nine various buttons control this annotation tool—(1) Add XML format, (2) Group the panels, (3) Enter Panel format, (4) Add Balloon, (5) End the panel, (6) Stop grouping, (7) Add a Narrative Text box, (8) Add a Sound effect, and (9) Create a Meme, as depicted in Fig. 2c. Each time a button is pressed, the corresponding XML structure along with the designated attributes (as described in Sect. 4.2) will be embedded automatically into the annotation file. For example, the XML format <balloon type=”speech” who=”#Batul” id= ”eg_001”> is added automatically into the annotation file by pressing ”Add Balloon” button and selecting the corresponding attribute values. The text fields, namely, ”Write your speech” and ”Caption for adding Narrative TextBox,” include speech texts and narrative texts within balloons and narrative text boxes, respectively. Moreover, the text field, namely ”Category of the sound,” assigns the emotion labels (such as excitement, anger, sadness, happiness, surprise, etc.) associated with the corresponding sound. Such types of emotion labels are incorporated in a separate CSV file for utilizing them further in several other applications like comic style video summarization [16], comic video generation [18], etc. Furthermore, this annotation tool also gives the privilege of annotating social media memes by utilizing the ”Create a Meme” button. This tool is publicly availableFootnote 2 for research purposes with a user manual as a complete annotator guideline.

5 Various applications of BCBId dataset

The proposed dataset has been developed with the focus on pursuing research work into two different domains. One of them is associated with the extraction of various components, i.e., panels, characters, speech balloons, and narrative text boxes from a comic book page. In contrast, the other research domain focuses on analyzing the encoded metadata of comic pages for the intuitive understanding of comic stories, sentiment analysis of comic stories, etc., based on Natural Language Processing.

5.1 Visual components extraction from comics

The primary objective of this research work is to detect various components of comic images such as panels, characters, text boxes, speech balloons, and narrative text boxes. However, there exists almost no structural homogeneity among the layout structures of these multiple components of comic images.

5.2 Sentiment detection of comic stories

The primary focus of this research area is the prediction of sentiment associated with comics which plays a significant role in some other aspects of comic research like intuitive understanding of comic stories, genre prediction of comics, etc. To pursue research in this domain, we encode all the semantic information of a comic book page into XML format with various tags (see Table 4). In this paper, the proposed method detects the contextual sentiment associated with the textual part of comic stories depending on Natural Language Processing. In this work, we consider a total of three sentiment labels. They are positive, negative, and neutral. We analyze the raw text information under balloons and caption tags (see Table 4) as the speech balloons and captions are the text-containers of comic stories. The raw data extraction precede the following three steps: (1) text-box localization, (2) text-line segmentation, and (3) text recognition. We perform text localization, text line segmentation, and text recognition by utilizing Dutta et al. [12], Dutta et al. [13], and Hartel et al. [19], respectively. The proposed method of sentiment detection is language independent. Since English is an international language, we explain the proposed approach explicitly with the examples given in both Bangla and English. Figure 3 depicts a brief overview of our proposed algorithm.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Brief overview of the proposed method

(A) Pre-Processing Text The raw text information extracted from different comic book pages contains some unwanted and noisy data. Therefore, this information should be processed properly in order to obtain clean and suitable text data. Then, those clean data are analyzed in order to retrieve the proper sentiment associated with it. The following steps are taken for the pre-processing of the raw text data.

(1) Tokenization Tokenization is the process where a text line is partitioned into several components like phrases, words and symbols. Each of these components is called a token. For example, the following text line is taken from one of the comic pages of the BCBId dataset:

The English translation of the above Bangla text is—I can do this job very well ! You just wait for much enjoyment. After tokenization, the output for the Bangla text will be—

figure b

Similarly, after tokenization, the English text will produce the following output—’I’, ’can’, ’do’, ’this’, ’job’, ’very’, ’well’, ’!’, ’You’, ’just’, ’wait’, ’for’, ’much’, ’enjoyment’, ’.’

(2) Punctuation Removal Raw text data may contain some punctuations that have very little impact on sentiment analysis. Therefore, those punctuation are removed at pre-processing step. After punctuation removal, the output for the Bangla text will be—

figure c

After punctuation removal, the output for the English text will be—’I’, ’can’, ’do’, ’this’, ’job’, ’very’, ’well’, ’You’, ’just’, ’wait’, ’for’, ’much’, ’enjoyment’

(3) Stop-word RemovalStop words are used to represent a sentence in a better way, but they have no impact on sentiment analysis [25]. Therefore, we scan all the tokens at the pre-processing step and remove the tokens that match the list of stop words. Some examples of stop words in English language are—’I’, ’You’, ’We’, ’Our’, ’just’, ’can’, ’do’, ’so’, ’therefore’, ’and’, ’this’, ’that’, etc. Some of the stop words in Bangla are

figure d


After stop-words removal, the output for Bangla text willbe

figure e

The output for English text will be—’job’, ’very’, ’well’, ’wait’, ’much’, ’enjoyment’

(4) Stemming In the raw text, a single word may appear in many forms, but the original/root word is needed to identify the sentiment associated with it. The lexicon dictionary stores the original/root form of the sentiment words with their corresponding sentiment score. Therefore, first, all the tokens are scanned for stemming. In English, the words ending with ’ious’, ’ment’, ’ness’, ’ing’, ’ly’, etc., are stemmed to extract the corresponding root words. In Bangla text, if a word ends with

figure f

, etc., then that word is stemmed. After stemming operation, if any match occurs with the lexicon dictionary, then that token is replaced with the stemmed word from the dictionary. Also, the associated sentiment score is retrieved to be analyzed later. In contrast, the tokens, for which, the associated stemmed words do not match with the dictionary, are kept as it is. After stemming, the final token list for the Bangla text will be—

figure g

Note that, here, (

figure h

) is the sentiment word that is replaced with stemmed word (

figure i

) However, the tokens (

figure j

) remain constant as they are not sentiment words. Similarly, after stemming, the final token list for the English text will be—’job’, ’very’, ’well’, ’wait’, ’much’, ’enjoy.’ Like Bangla text, here also, the sentiment word (’enjoyment’) is replaced with the stemmed word (’enjoy’).

(B) Polarity detection of words In the proposed method, three categories of sentiments, i.e., positive, negative and neutral, are considered. After pre-processing of raw text information, those cleaned text data are matched with the lexicon dictionary SentiWordnet [7, 15]. Then, each of these matched words is assigned a polarity (positive, negative, and neutral) according to the SentiWordnet [7, 15].

Special Checking There exist some words which can change their polarities according to the context. Therefore, the associated sentiment scores of these words cannot be predicted directly. To deal with this, we check the another two following conditions before assigning sentiment score to a word.

(1) Priority Check We create a list of priority words that elevate the polarity of its next words. Therefore, the polarity of a word is decreased or increased according to the presence of these priority words in a text line. In English, some of the priority words from the proposed list are—’many’, ’much’, ’few’, ’very’, ’most’, etc. In Bangla, The proposed list contains the priority words such as

figure k

etc. According to the list of priority words, in the Bangla text,

figure l


figure m

are two priority words that elevate the polarities of the next two following words

figure n


figure o

, respectively. Here,

figure p


figure q

are two sentiment words with positive polarities. Therefore, the words

figure r


figure s

increase the polarities of the text line. Similarly, in the English text, ’very’ and ’much’ are two priority words that elevate the polarities of the next two following words ’well’ and ’enjoy’, respectively. Here, ’well’ and ’enjoy’ are two sentiment words with positive polarities. Therefore, the words ’very’ and ’much’ increase the polarities of the text line.

(2) Inversion Check Sometimes, the presence of inverted words changes the contextual meaning of a sentence. In Bangla, some of the inverted words are

figure t

, etc. Similarly, in English, some examples of inverted words are ’no’, ’not’, ’never’, ’neither’, etc. Therefore, in our method, if any inverted word is found within a sentence, \(-1\) is multiplied with the sentiment scores associated with the sentiment words to invert the polarity of the sentiment (i.e., positive polarity will be converted to negative and vice versa). Let us consider the sample Bangla text—

figure u

The English translation of the above Bangla text is—I do not work badly. In the English text, ’bad’ is a sentiment word with negative polarity, the presence of the inverted word ’not’ makes it positive by changing the contextual meaning of the sentence. Similarly, in the Bangla text, tough,

figure v

is a sentiment word with negative polarity, the presence of the inverted word

figure w

makes it positive by changing the contextual meaning of the sentence.

(C) Computation of sentiment scores After the pre-processing of raw text and polarity checking, in this step, each final token is matched with the lexicon dictionary SentiWordnet [7]. Then, according to the lexicon dictionary SentiWordnet [7], the sentiment score for each final token is assigned a sentiment score based on the following rules :

  1. (1)

    Each of the final tokens is assigned a sentiment score within the range \(-2\) to \(+2\). Here, the sentiment score for strong positive words is assigned as \(+2\), and the sentiment score for strong negative words is assigned as \(-2\).

  2. (2)

    If a token does not match any sentiment word, that token is considered neutral and assigned a zero sentiment score.

  3. (3)

    If the final token list contains any priority word, then the sentiment score of its next sentiment word is multiplied with 2 to elevate the score.

  4. (4)

    If any inverted word presents, then the sentiment score of the sentiment word is multiplied with \(-1\) to invert the context.

  5. (5)

    Then, the total sentiment score for each sentence will be— \(S_{\mathrm{score}} = \sum _{i=1}^{n} S(T_i)\). Here, \(S_{\mathrm{score}}\) represents the total sentiment score computed for a sentence where \(S(T_i)\) denotes the sentiment score associated with ith token \(T_i\).

(D) Resultant sentiment analysis The \(S_{\mathrm{score}}\) should be normalizedFootnote 3 within the range \(-1\) to \(+1\) in order to predict the proper sentiment associated with a sentence. The normalized sentiment score for a sentence is now represented as \(NS_{\mathrm{score}} = \frac{S_{\mathrm{score}}}{\sqrt{{S_{\mathrm{score}}}^2 + \alpha }}\), where \(\alpha = 15\). Therefore, the normalized sentiment score \(NS_{\mathrm{score}}\) now exists within the range \(-1\) to \(+1\). In our paper, if \(NS_{\mathrm{score}}\) of a sentence is greater than \(-1\) and less than \(-0.2\) (\(-1< NS_{\mathrm{score}} < -0.2\)), it is considered as negative. The sentences having \(NS_{\mathrm{score}}\) greater than 0.2 and less than 1 ( \(0.2< NS_{\mathrm{score}} < 1\)) are considered as positive. The sentences with \(NS_{\mathrm{score}}\) greater than equal to \(-0.2\) and less than equal to 0.2 (\(-0.2 \le NS_{\mathrm{score}} \le 1\)) are regarded as neutral.

6 Evaluation parameters

Along with the database, some parameters are also provided for the evaluation of various kinds of algorithms of different tasks. Suppose, \(E_x\) = (\(x_1\), \(x_2\)...\(x_s\)) and \(G_y\) = (\(y_1\),\(y_2\)...\(y_t\) ) are the set of s extracted and t ground truth, respectively, for same kind of elements (panels, speech balloons, textlines and characters). All the objects of \(E_s\) are compared with each of the elements of \(G_y\), and the corresponding matching elements of \(E_s\) are labeled as correctly extracted objects.

(1) Parameters for visual component extraction In the case of panels, characters and text-line extraction algorithm, the bounding boxes having more than \(80\%\) overlap with their corresponding ground truth are considered as true positive, i.e., \(T_P\). However, the extracted bounding boxes having no intersections with any of its ground truth boxes are taken as false positive, i.e., \(F_P\). Also, those ground truth bounding boxes, which have no matches, are regarded as false negative, i.e., \(F_N\). Therefore the \(p_r\), \(r_c\) and \(F_m\) are defined as: (1) \(p_r\) = \(\frac{T_P}{T_P + F_P}\), (2) \(r_c\) = \(\frac{T_P}{T_P + F_N}\) and (3) \(F_m\) = \( 2 \times \frac{p_r \times r_c}{p_r + r_c}\). Similarly, IoU is defined as \(IoU = \frac{E_s \cap G_y}{E_s \cup G_y}\). For speech balloon extraction, shared pixels are used to define metrics as the annotations are in pixel labels. But in some cases, there may exist some mismatches in segmented features though visual features match perfectly. Instead of ignoring those elements completely, a new technique is used to decrease those elements’ evaluation scores. The evaluation score is determined based on the introduction of a new function F. Firstly, any extracted element \(x_i\) is regarded as validated if the value of the precision and recall of that element with its corresponding matching element are, respectively, more than two thresholds \(t_{p_r}\) and \(t_{r_c}\). Therefore, this element is given a score (\(S_c\)) based on the following properties: (1) One-to-one matching: If \(x_i\) is matched with exactly one element \(y_j\) of \(G_y\), then \(S_c\) = 1. (2) One-to-many matching: If \(x_i\) is matched with more than one element \(y_j\), i.e., a subset \(G^{\wedge }_{y}\) of \(G_y\), then \(S_c\) = 1 - \(|F(G^{\wedge }_{y})|\), where \(|G^{\wedge }_{y}|> 1\). (3) Many-to-one matching: If more than one \(x_i\) , i.e., a subset \(E^{\wedge }_{x}\) of \(E_x\), is matched with exactly one element \(y_j\) of \(G_y\), then \(S_c\) = 1 - \(|F(E^{\wedge }_{x})|\), where \(|E^{\wedge }_{x}|> 1\). The function F is any nonlinear function and in our work, F(x) is regarded as \( \ln (x)\). Moreover, the thresholds values of \(t_{p_r}\) and \(t_{r_c}\) are not fixed to any particular values. Instead, the values are determined empirically.

(2) Parameter for sentiment analysis task Here also, precision, recall, and \(F_{\mathrm{score}}\) are used for measuring the performance of the proposed method on sentiment/polarity detection of comic stories. Here, the sentences, that are correctly identified, are recognized as true positive, i.e., \(T_P\). In contrast, the sentences, that originally belong to negative class but are incorrectly categorized as positive class, are recognized as false positive, i.e., \(F_P\). The sentences, which originally belong to positive class but are incorrectly identified as negative class, are labeled as false negative, i.e., \(F_N\).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Performance on BCBId dataset [13]: a different panel detection algorithms; b various algorithm on character detection. Here, SM stands for softmax function and SI stands for sigmoid

7 Result analysis

The performance of other methods from the literature is evaluated on the BCBId dataset. We also discuss the strength and weaknesses of the literature methods for both content and sentiment analysis.

(a) Result for content analysis Few research works have already been done on the content analysis of comic book pages. In this paper, we show the performance of these algorithms on the proposed BCBId dataset. Figure 4a depicts the implementation of various panel detection algorithms on the BCBId dataset. Since most of the existing panel detection algorithms [37, 47, 51] depend on the analysis of connected components and division lines, those methods do not perform well in the absence of white margin or the presence of complex layout structures of panels. To deal with these problems, A CNN (convolutional neural network)-based deep learning method is proposed to predict the locations of panels directly from comic images [12]. Later, another similar kind of deep learning architecture like [12] is reported in [18] for panel detection.

Figure 4b depicts the performance of various algorithms on character detection. There are huge variations in the expressions, position of organs, shapes, and sizes of comic characters. Moreover, comic characters are sketched using curved lines or straight lines and have little color information. These two constraints make the comic character detection problem more challenging than human face detection from real images. Some of the existing algorithms for comic character recognition [45, 48] rely on color descriptors and the similarity between various features such as facial expressions, poses, shapes, etc. With the recent advancement in deep learning, the deep neural networks proposed by [12, 32, 34, 39,40,41] tackle this challenge more efficiently with the significant improvement in the overall accuracy of the character detection problem. In narrative text boxes and speech balloon detection problems, the main challenge lies in capturing the entire balloon along with its tail which appears in many different styles and shapes. The previous heuristic-based algorithms [2, 21, 43, 44], that mostly rely on the bounding box alignment around the inside text of speech balloons, connected component labeling, and contour analysis, lack clarity and details. Although two recently proposed deep neural networks [11, 34] improve the accuracy by considering it as a pixel-based semantic segmentation problem, their performance degrades in bright areas due to the improper prediction of confidence score. To overcome this difficulty, a dual-stream neural network architecture is proposed in [13] by amalgamating both edge features and pixel-label semantics, and it successfully captures both speech balloons and narrative text boxes along with the huge variations in illustrator styles. However, the separation of overlapped speech balloons is still a challenging task. Table 5 demonstrates the performance of various speech balloon detection algorithms evaluated in the BCBId dataset. Similarly, Table 6 demonstrates the performance of narrative text box detection evaluated in the BCBId dataset.

Table 5 Speech balloon detection on BCBId
Table 6 Narrative Text-box detection on BCBId
Table 7 Instances of sentiment predictions on BCBId dataset by our proposed approach

(b) Result for sentiment analysis We encode the textual descriptions of all the contents of almost 2032 comic book pages from the BCBId dataset (Table 3) with the help of various tags (Table 4). In our dataset, there exist a total of 4884 sentences under the tags balloons and caption that are analyzed for the sentiment prediction of comic stories. Figure 5 depicts the sentiment predicted by the proposed system on the BCBId dataset. The result of Table 7 demonstrates some instances of texts from the BCBId dataset and their predicted sentiment by our proposed approach. Although several lexicon-based tools are available to evaluate the performance of lexical texts in English, very few are available for Bangla. Therefore, we compare the proposed approach with the other machine learning-based standard classifiers such as Naive Bayes (NB), decision tree (DT), random forest (RF), and support vector machine (SVM) to avoid bias. To implement these machine learning-based classifiers, we use scikit-learnFootnote 4 and split the entire dataset (i.e., total 4884 sentences) into 70% as the train set and 30% as the test set.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Prediction of positive, neutral, and negative sentences by our method on BCBId dataset

Fig. 6
figure 6

Comparison based on Accuracy on BCBId

Fig. 7
figure 7

Comparison based on precision on BCBId

Fig. 8
figure 8

Comparison based on recall on BCBId

Fig. 9
figure 9

Comparison based on \(F_{\mathrm{score}}\) on BCBId

The NB classifier is trained with the prior probabilities of various classes and the likelihood of other features for every class. The training data are split recursively in the case of DT and RF. The outputs obtained from these two methods are the class label having the highest number of votes. In our dataset, ’linear kernels’ are used in the case of SVM due to their better performance than nonlinear kernels such as polynomial or Radial Basis Function (RBF). We utilize the standard performance evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and \(F_{\mathrm{score}}\). Accuracy does not always demonstrate the complete scenarios of imbalanced data since a large number of samples create a bias toward dominant classes. So, we consider precision, recall, and \(F_{\mathrm{score}}\) also. Besides, we also compare our method with other recently proposed lexicon-based sentiment analysis algorithms [8, 22, 30]. Figures 6, 7, 8 and 9 demonstrate the performance of our approach on the BCBId dataset while comparing with other methods based on accuracy, precision, recall, and \(F_{\mathrm{score}}\), respectively. Sentiment analysis in Bangla is always a challenging task due to the complex writing system, the presence of informal texts, and the wide variety of linguistic expressions. The lower number of training data, which is a constraint for comic research due to copyright issues, affects the overall performance of machine learning-based classifiers due to the difficulties in feature learning. The proposed lexicon-based method achieves promising results in terms of all the standard metrics, i.e., accuracy, precision, recall, and \(F_{\mathrm{score}}\).

8 Conclusion and future work

This paper represents the first-ever collection of Bangla comic book images, the BCBId dataset, and its various applications in comic research. This dataset contains ground truth for both visual segmentation tasks and metadata encoding of every comic book page. Moreover, the description of the entire corpus has also been discussed in detail. Besides, a tool has also been designed to develop ground truth in a more comfortable and time-efficient way. Also, the applications of the dataset on various research domains of comic document image processing are explained in detail. The evaluation parameters for various tasks are also described, along with different constraints. Interested researchers can access the database by following the guidelines mentioned on the website of the BCBId Dataset for scientific research purposes only. We are continuously adding more annotations to carry out various types of research on comic books and the increment of database size.

Other than Bangla, we will also try to analyze the performance of our method of sentiment analysis on other publicly available comic datasets such as eBDtheque, Manga 109, DCM772, and COMICS.