1 Introduction

The classical dilogarithm function, defined as \(\text {Li}_{2}{(z)} := {\sum }_{n=1}^{\infty } {z^{n}/n^{2}}\), which converges for all complex values of z with |z|≤1 [8],Footnote 1 was introduced by Leibniz in 1696 [7] and was thoroughly discussed by Euler in 1768 [3]. The analytic continuation of Li2(z) is found by taking into account its integral definition, i.e.,

$$\text{Li}_{2}{(z)} = - {{\int}_{0}^{z}}{\frac{\ln{(1-u)}}{u} ~ du}, $$

which cannot be expressed in terms of elementary functions. In the complex plane, Li2(z) has a branch point at z=1 and we are considering here the principal branch of this function, namely \(z \in \mathbb {C} \backslash [1,\infty )\).Footnote 2 Since the times of Euler, the dilogarithm function was familiar only to a few enthusiasts, but in recent years it has become popular due to its appearance in hyperbolic geometry (e.g., in low-dimensional topology, when one computes the volume of hyperbolic 3-manifolds) and algebraic K-theory on one hand and in conformal field theory (e.g., in the computation of QED corrections to the electron giromagnetic ratio) and thermodynamics on the other hand [6, 13].

With respect to special values, the dilogarithm function has only eight values of \(z\in \mathbb {C}\backslash (1,+\infty )\) for which both z and Li2(z) can be written in closed form: {0,±1,1/2,±1/ϕ,1/ϕ 2,−ϕ}, where \(\phi := (1+\sqrt {5})/2\) is the golden ratio [13].Footnote 3 The function Li2(z) can also be written in closed form for zi, 1±i, and (1±i)/2, but these values involve the Catalan’s constant \(G := {\sum }_{n=0}^{\infty {(-1)^{n}/(2n+1)^{2}}}\), a real number whose irrationality remains unproven, so most purists prefer to omit them. In contrast to this paucity of special values, Li2(z) satisfies many functional relations, which can be readily derived from its integral definition, as shown in [10](@var1@Section 3(a)@var1@). The main ones are the Euler reflection formula (1768)

$$ \text{Li}_{2}{(1-z)} = -\text{Li}_{2}{(z)} -\ln{(z)} \ln{(1-z)} +\frac{\pi^{2}}{6}, \quad z \not \in (-\infty,0] \cup [1,+\infty) $$

and the inversion formula

$$ \text{Li}_{2}\left( \frac{1}{z}\right) = -\text{Li}_{2}(z) -\frac{1}{2} \ln^{2}(-z) -\frac{\pi^{2}}{6}, \quad z \not \in [0,+\infty). $$

These functional equations can be used to derive the Landen’s formula (1780) [8](@var1@Eq. (1.12)@var1@)

$$ \text{Li}_{2}\left( \frac{z}{z-1}\right) = -\text{Li}_{2}(z) -\frac{1}{2}\ln^{2}{(1-z)}, \quad z \not \in [1,+\infty), $$

which is useful for transforming Li2(z) with z<0 into Li2(w) with w∈(0,1).

In an attempt to calculate the central charges of certain conformal field theories, many conjectures and problems have arisen since the late 1980’s involving some few-terms dilogarithm identities [2, 6, 9, 13]. A general theorem for functional equations involving dilogarithm values was then proved by Wojtkowiak in 1996 [12](@var1@Section 4@var1@), which establishes that any functional equation of the form \({\sum }_{n=1}^{N}{c_{n} \text {Li}_{2}{(f_{n}(z))}} = C\), with constants c 1,…,c N ,C and rational functions f 1(z),…,f N (z) is a consequence of the Hill five-term relation, our (6). It remains unknown whether this is true for algebraic functions.

In a recent work, Khoi has found some new dilogarithm identities by calculating the Seifert volume of certain manifolds obtained by Dehn surgery on the figure-eight knot in two different ways [5]. In particular, his second identity (see the last Remark in [5]) reads

$$ L\left( \frac{1}{\phi(\phi+\sqrt{\phi})}\right) -L\left( \frac{\phi}{\phi+\sqrt{\phi}} \right) = \frac{\pi^{2}}{20}, $$

where L(z) is the Rogers dilogarithm function, defined asFootnote 4

$$L(z) := \text{Li}_{2}(z) + \frac{1}{2} {\ln}(z){\ln}(1-z), \quad 0<z<1. $$

This function can be extended to the whole real line by setting L(0)=0, L(1) = π 2/6, andFootnote 5

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} L(x) = \left\{ \begin{array}{ll} - L\left( \frac{x}{x-1}\right),& \qquad x<0, \\ \pi^{2}/3 -L(1/x),& \qquad x>1, \end{array} \right. \end{array} $$

which yields a continuous function for all \(x \in \mathbb {R}\) [10, 13]. In the next section, it will be shown that Khoi’s identity, above, is accessible from the five-term relation for the dilogarithm function, thus answering a question posed by Khoi himself at the end of [5].

2 The Five-Term Relation and the Corrected Version of Khoi’s Identity

There are several forms in which the two-variable five-term relation for the dilogarithm function can be written. For instance, Abel proved in 1826 (in a paper published posthumously, see [1]) that

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \text{Li}_{2}{\left( \frac{x}{1-x}~\frac{y}{1-y}\right)} &=& \text{Li}_{2}{\left( \frac{x}{1-y}\right)} +\text{Li}_{2}{\left( \frac{y}{1-x}\right)} -\text{Li}_{2}{(x)} -\text{Li}_{2}{(y)}\\ &&-\ln{(1-x)}\ln{(1-y)}, \end{array} $$

valid whenever x,y,x + y<1. On making the substitutions \(x/(1-y) \rightarrow x\) and \(y/(1-x) \rightarrow y\) and using the Landen’s formula in the last two dilogarithms, one promptly finds that

$$ \text{Li}_{2}(xy) = \text{Li}_{2}(x) +\text{Li}_{2}(y) +\text{Li}_{2}\left( \frac{xy-x}{1-x}\right) +\text{Li}_{2}\left( \frac{xy-y}{1-y}\right) +\frac12 \ln^{2}\left( \frac{1-x}{1-y}\right), $$

also valid for x,y,x y<1. This five-term relation is due to Hill (1828) [4]. Other functional relations involving five dilogarithm values are given in [8](@var1@pp. 7–11@var1@) and [6](@var1@pp. 88–89@var1@). As shown in Lewin’s book [8], any one of these five-term relations may be derived from any of the others by applying suitable transformations. A useful form due to Rogers (1907) is [11]

$$\begin{array}{@{}rcl@{}} \text{Li}_{2}(xy) &=& \text{Li}_{2}(x) +\text{Li}_{2}(y) - \text{Li}_{2}\left( \frac{x(1-y)}{1-xy}\right) - \text{Li}_{2}\left( \frac{y(1-x)}{1-xy}\right)\\ &&-\ln\left( \frac{1-x}{1-xy}\right) \ln{\left( \frac{1-y}{1-xy}\right)}, \qquad |x|<1 \text{ and } |y|<1, \text{ or } x y < 1. \end{array} $$

In the Rogers dilogarithm format, this relation reads

$$ L(xy) = L(x) +L(y) -L\left( \frac{x(1-y)}{1-xy}\right) -L\left( \frac{y(1-x)}{1-xy}\right) . $$

This is the only relation we shall use hereafter.

Lemma 1

(Abel’s formula) The Abel’s duplication formula

$$L(z) = L\left( \frac{1}{2-z}\right) +\frac{1}{2} L(2z - z^{2}) - \frac{\pi^{2}}{12} $$

holds for any z∈(0,1) and is accessible from the five-term relation only.


On taking x∈(0,1) and choosing x = z and y=2−z, so x y<1, in the Rogers five-term relation, (7), one finds

$$L(2z - z^{2}) = L(z) +L(2-z) -L\left( -\frac{z}{1-z}\right) -L\left( \frac{2-z}{1-z}\right). $$

The extended version of L(x), as stated in (5), yields \(L\big (-\frac {z}{1-z}\big ) = L\big (\frac {z}{z -1} \big ) = -L(z)\) and, since 2−z>1, then \(L(2-z) = \frac {\pi ^{2}}{3} -L\big (\frac {1}{2-z}\big )\). This reduces the above equation to

$$ L(2z - z^{2}) = 2L(z) +\frac{\pi^{2}}{3} -L\left( \frac{1}{2-z}\right) - L\left( \frac{2-z}{1-z}\right). $$

Again, since \(\frac {2 -z}{1 -z} > 1\), the last dilogarithm value becomes \(\frac {\pi ^{2}}{3} -L\big (\frac {1 -z}{2 -z} \big )\) and then (8), above, simplifies to

$$L(2z - z^{2}) = 2L(z) -L\left( \frac{1}{2-z}\right) + L\left( \frac{1-z}{2-z}\right). $$

Since \(\frac {1-z}{2-z} = 1 -\frac {1}{2-z}\), then the Euler reflection formula, (1), which reads L(1−x)=−L(x) + π 2/6 in the Rogers format, applies to the last dilogarithm value, yielding the desired result. □

On inspecting Khoi’s identity, (4), numerically, one promptly finds evidence that it should be correct except by an opposite sign in the right-hand side. The same error of the sign is found in the other two identities stated by Khoi there in [5], which suggests it is not a typo. I have then noted that the derivative \(L^{\prime }(x) = -\frac 12[\ln {(1-x)}/x +\ln {(x)}/(1-x)]\) is positive in all points of the open interval (0,1), which means that the function L(x) is monotone increasing in this interval, so L(a)−L(b)<0 whenever 0<a<b<1. Since 1<ϕ 2, it is clear that 1/ϕ<ϕ, so the subtraction at the left-hand side of (4) has to be negative, which confirms that a minus sign is missing in its right-hand side. This is proved in the theorem below.

Theorem 1

(Main result) The two-term dilogarithm identity

$$L\left( \frac{1/\phi}{\phi+\sqrt{\phi}} \right) -L\left( \frac{\phi}{\phi+\sqrt{\phi}} \right) = -\frac{\pi^{2}}{20} $$

holds and is accessible from the five-term relation only.


Let \(z = 1/[\phi (\phi +\sqrt {\phi })]\). Since z<1, being \(1/(2-z) = \phi /(\phi +\sqrt {\phi })\) and 2zz 2=1/ϕ 2, then Abel’s duplication formula, our Lemma 1, yields

$$ L\left( \frac{1/\phi}{\phi+\sqrt{\phi}} \right) = L\left( \frac{\phi}{\phi +\sqrt{\phi}} \right) +\frac{1}{2} L\left( \frac{1}{\phi^{2}}\right) -\frac{\pi^{2}}{12}. $$

Now, note that \(\text {Li}_{2}(1/\phi ^{2}) = \pi ^{2}/15 -\ln ^{2}{(1/\phi )}\) [13](@var1@Chap. 1@var1@) corresponds to \(L(1/\phi ^{2}) = \pi ^{2}/15 -\ln ^{2}{(1/\phi )} +\frac {1}{2}\ln {(1/\phi ^{2})}\ln {(1 -1/\phi ^{2})} = \pi ^{2}/15\), in the Rogers dilogarithm format. Using this value in (9) and simplifying, gives the desired result. □