1 Introduction

Maize, very popularly known as “corn,” is one of the emerging crops which is very versatile even under varied climatic conditions. It is one of the important food and industrial crops of the world. It is also named as the “queen of the cereals” as it has the highest yield among the cereal crops. It is grown in almost every country except Antarctica and also under varied range of agro-climates than any other cereal crops.

Maize diseases have a critical effect in maize production. The diseases can be visible in various parts of crops such as leaf, stem or panicle. Observing the plant with naked eye and detecting the disease results in inaccurate detection of diseases. This leads to the wrong usage of pesticides which causes harmful chronic diseases on human beings due to biomagnification and also in turn leads to reduction in quality and quantity of maize production. Thus, the detection of maize diseases plays a vital role in sheltering the high quality and high yield of maize. In this work, a technique to classify the disease in maize leaf automatically is proposed.

Zhang et al. [1] have used the genetic algorithm support vector machines (SVMs) for the classification of maize leaf diseases. To recognize and classify maize leaf diseases and healthy leaf, Alehegn [2] developed a technique based on color, texture and morphological features.

Many research works make use of artificial neural networks compared to SVM when the balanced learning is absent [3]. Jafari et al. [4] have used the artificial neural network (ANN) for scaling imbibition recovery curve. Current trends have shown that deep learned neural network is a precious tool in the field of computer vision and pattern recognition. In the year 1998, LeCun et al. [5] developed the LeNet Architecture for digit recognition. For the past two decades, LeNet architecture has been used for variety of applications. Badea et al. [6] used two different kinds of network architectures, namely LeNet and Network in Network (NiN), for various applications like recognizing burn wounds from pediatric cases, art movement and facial keypoints detection. Xu et al. [7] used LeNet for 3D object recognition using volumetric representation. Recently, convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are widely used for plant leaf disease classification such as tomato [8], rice [9] and cucumber leaf [10]; Ferreria et al. [11] used CNNs for weed detection in soybean crops. So far, no research works have explored the use of deep neural network for the classification of diseases in maize leaf. In this research work, we have used the LeNet architecture for classifying diseases in maize leaf. The aim of our work is to study the potential efficiency of LeNet architecture in automated disease classification for maize leaf images by varying various parameters such as kernel size and depth of the convolutional layers.

In maize, the leaf is affected by bacterial and fungal diseases. Northern leaf blight and gray leaf spot are the bacterial diseases, whereas common rust is a fungal disease. The motivation for developing the deep network model for maize leaf disease is to support the farmers to detect the maize leaf disease in an early stage by digital camera in an accurate and efficient manner. Extraction of effective features for identifying diseases in maize leaf images is a critical and challenging task. But deep networks like LeNet can automatically extract the features from the raw inputs in a systematic way. The learned features are reckoned as the superior level abstract depiction of inferior level raw healthy and unhealthy maize leaf images. Also, deep learning-based model is considered as one of the best classifications in pattern recognition tasks to improve the analytical results. So we develop a LeNet-based deep network model to classify the maize leaf diseases.

2 Proposed methodology

In this work, we present a novel maize leaf disease classification method based on LeNet architecture. The gradient-descent algorithm is used to train the LeNet deep network. A total of 3852 maize leaf images are used from the PlantVillage dataset [12] for classification. The images from the dataset are preprocessed using PCA whitening to make the features less correlated for speeding up the feature learning algorithm. Then, the dataset is randomly partitioned into training and testing subsets. The training subset is used to train the LeNet. The testing subset is then used to assess the performance of the learned model.

2.1 Preprocessing

Preprocessing is used to improve the image data by suppressing the unwilling distortions or enhancing some features of an image for further processing. Preprocessing technique used here is PCA whitening. Principal component analysis (PCA) is a dimensionality reduction algorithm that can be used to significantly speed up the feature learning algorithm. Whitening makes the features less correlated with each other by giving all the features the same variance which reduces the training period.

Let \(\left\{ {y^{(1)} , \, y^{(2)} ,y^{(3)} , \ldots ,y^{(n)} } \right\}\) be the maize leaf images from the PlantVillage dataset. First, compute the covariance matrix of y, \(\sum y\) using Eq. 1.

$$\sum y^{ } = \frac{1}{m}\mathop \sum \limits_{i = 0}^{m} (y^{\left( i \right)} )(y^{\left( i \right)} )^{\text{T}}$$

Next, compute eigenvectors of \(\sum y\) and stack them to the columns of U as shown in Eq. 2. Here, u1 represents the top eigenvector of \(\sum y\), u2 represents the second eigenvector and so on.

$$U = \left[ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} | & | & {} & | \\ {u1} & {u2} & { \ldots } & {un} \\ | & | & {} & | \\ \end{array} } \right]$$

To make the input features uncorrelated with each other, compute \(y^{(i)}_{\text{rot}} = \, U^{T} y^{(i)}\). The covariance matrix of yrot results in diagonal matrix whose diagonal elements are λ1, λ2λn. Here, λ1, λ2λn be the corresponding eigenvalues of eigenvector matrix U. Now PCA-whitened data are computed according to Eq. 3.

$$Y_{{{\text{PCA}} \;{\text{Whitening}},i}} = \frac{{y _{{{\text{rot}},i}} }}{\surd \lambda_ i}$$

The PCA-whitened images are shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

a Sample images and b PCA-whitened images

2.2 LeNet architecture

Convolutional neural networks (CNNs) are special kind of multilayer neural networks, designed to recognize visual patterns directly from pixel images with minimal preprocessing. CNNs are inspired from multilayer perceptrons, and they maintain a spatially local correlation using a local connectivity pattern between neurons of adjacent layers. That is, the inputs of hidden neurons in layer N are from a subset of neurons in layer N − 1, neurons that have spatially contiguous receptive fields.

The LeNet architecture is an excellent “first architecture” for convolutional neural networks. LeNet is small and easy to understand—yet large enough to provide interesting results [5]. Originally, LeNet is designed for handwritten and machine-printed character recognition. LeNet is made up of neurons with learnable weights and biases. Each neuron accepts several inputs, takes a weighted sum over them, passes it through an activation function and responds with an output. LeNet is a five-layer network consists of 2 convolutional layers and 3 fully connected layers. It is originally designed for an input image of size 32 × 32. But in this work, we modified the LeNet-5 architecture to accommodate the input image of size 64 × 64. The modified LeNet architecture is shown in Fig. 2.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Modified LeNet architecture

2.2.1 Convolutional layers

The convolution layer is the key element of a convolutional neural network [13]. The convolution layer comprises of a set of independent filters. Each filter is independently convolved with the image, and feature maps are obtained. In general, if we convolve an image of size M × N with a filter of size w × h, we get an output feature map of size ow × oh and it is shown in Eq. 4.

$$\begin{aligned} o_{w} & = \frac{{M - w + 2p_{w} }}{{s_{w} }} + 1 \\ o_{h} & = \frac{{N - h + 2p_{h} }}{{s_{h} }} + 1 \\ \end{aligned}$$

where \(p_{w}\) and \(p_{h}\) represent the padding of zeros in width and height, respectively, and \(s_{w}\) and \(s_{h}\) represent the stride in horizontal and vertical directions. Figure 3 shows the convolutional operation of a 3 × 3 filter on an input map of size 7 × 7.

Fig. 3
figure 3

Convolution operation

Each output feature map is obtained by the convolution of the input maps with linear filter, adding a bias term and then applying a nonlinear function. The output can be generally denoted by the formula as in Eq. 5.

$$X_{j}^{l} = f\left( {\mathop \sum \limits_{{i \in I_{j} }} X_{i}^{l - 1} *W_{ij}^{l} + b_{j}^{l} } \right)$$

where l represents the layer number, \(W_{ij}\) represents the convolutional kernel, \(b_{j}\) represents bias, \(I_{j}\) represents the set of input maps and f(.) represents the activation function. The convolution layer makes the CNN to be scale invariant.

The activation function is very essential in a convolutional neural network making it capable of learning and performing more complex tasks. Activation functions are the nonlinear transformation applied to the input. They basically decide whether the information that the neuron is receiving is relevant for the given information or should it be ignored. The commonly used activation functions are sigmoid or logistic activation function, tanh or hyperbolic tangent activation function, rectified linear unit (ReLU) activation function, etc. In this work, the nonlinear activation function used is ReLU.

ReLU function is nonlinear, which means we can easily back propagate the errors and have multiple layers of neurons being activated by the ReLU function. The main advantage of using the ReLU function over other activation functions is that ReLU does not activate all the neurons at the same time. This means that, at a time, only a few neurons are activated making the network sparse, efficient and easy for computation. For negative inputs, the gradient is zero and the weights are not updated during back-propagation. This can create dead neurons which never get activated. The ReLU function is depicted in Fig. 4. The equation for the ReLU function is given in Eq. 6.

$$f\left( X \right) = \hbox{max} \left( {0,X} \right)$$
$$f\left( X \right) = \left\{ { \begin{array}{*{20}c} {X, \quad X \ge 0} \\ {0, \quad X < 0} \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

The first convolutional layer extracts different low-level features such as edges, lines and corner. Stacking of many such convolutional layers leads the network to learn more global features. So in this work, we have used two convolutional layers.

Fig. 4
figure 4

ReLU activation function

2.2.2 Pooling layers

Sometimes, a pooling layer is inserted in between successive convolutional layers in CNN. The function of the pooling layer is to gradually reduce the spatial size of the representation. This reduces the amount of parameters and computation in the network, and hence, it controls over-fitting. Also, pooling layers make the CNN to be translation invariant. The pooling layer operates independently on every layer of the input and resizes it spatially, using the pooling operation. The most common form of a pooling layer is with filter of size 2 × 2 applied with a stride of 2 down-samples every depth slice in the input by 2 along both width and height, discarding 75% of the activations [13].

Spatial pooling can be of different types: max, min, average, sum, etc. For spatial pooling, spatial neighborhood of 2 × 2 window is defined and largest element from the feature map is taken within that window if it is max pooling as depicted in Fig. 5. Average value is taken for average pooling and so on. Max pooling gives better results for two reasons: (1) It reduces computation for upper layers by elimination non-maximal values, and (2) it provides a form of translation variance. Since it provides additional robustness to position, max pooling is a “smart” way of reducing the dimensionality of intermediate representations [14].

Fig. 5
figure 5

Max pooling operation with a stride of 2

2.2.3 Fully connected layers

The term “fully connected” implies that every neuron in the previous layer is connected to every neuron on the current layer. Their activations can hence be computed with a matrix multiplication followed by a bias offset. The number or neurons in the last fully connected layer is same as the number of classes to be predicted. Since the default LeNet architecture is designed for digit recognition [5], the output layer is of size 10. In our work, we carried out a four-class problem, and thus, the size of the output layer is 4 as depicted in Fig. 2.

Most of the features from convolutional layers and subsampling layers are good for the classification, but the combination of those features might be even better. So the fully connected layer combines all the features extracted from the previous convolutional and subsampling layers. The final fully connected layer is using the softmax activation function. The softmax function is a more generalized logistic activation function which is used for multiclass classification.

2.2.4 Learning algorithm

We know that the first convolutional layer extracts low-level features such as edges, lines, curves and corner. The next level of convolutional layers learns the global features. The way the features are learnt by the CNN is through a training process called back-propagation. The back-propagation learning algorithm consists of four distinct sections, namely the forward pass, the loss function, the backward pass and the weight update.

During the forward pass, the CNN takes the training image and passes it through the whole network. Initially, all of the weights or filter values are randomly initialized. The CNN, with its current randomly initialized weights, will not be able to look for the low-level features, and thus, the CNN will not be able to make any reasonable conclusion about what the classification might be. This goes to the loss function part of back-propagation. A loss function can be defined in many different ways, but a common one is MSE (mean squared error). In this proposed work, we are using soft margin loss as defined in Eq. 7.

$$J\left( . \right) = \frac{ - 1}{K}\mathop \sum \limits_{k = 1}^{K} \log (1 + e^{{ - o_{k} t_{k} }} )$$

where K represents the total number of classes,

  • \(o_{k} \in \left[ { - 1,1} \right]\); the output of the CNN

  • \(t_{k} \in \left\{ { - 1,1} \right\}\); target response desired.

The loss will be extremely high for the first few training images as expected. We need our CNN to predict the label which is the same as the training label. To achieve this functionality, we want to minimize the amount of the loss. Considering the minimization of the loss as an optimization problem in calculus, we wish to find out which inputs (weights in our case) most directly contribute to the loss of the network. So we need to perform a backward pass through the network, which determines the weights that contribute most to the loss and finding ways to adjust them so that the loss decreases. After the backward pass, we update the weight as shown in Eq. 8. This is the stage where the weights of the filters are updated, so that they change in the opposite direction of the gradient.

$$w^{k + 1} = w^{k} + \eta \frac{\partial J\left( w \right)}{{\partial w_{k} }}$$

where \(w^{k + 1}\) is the updated weight, \(w^{k}\) is the old weight, \(\eta\) is the learning rate and \(\frac{\partial J\left( w \right)}{{\partial w_{k} }}\) is defined as follows.

$$\frac{\partial J\left( w \right)}{{\partial w_{k} }} = \frac{\partial J\left( w \right)}{\partial o} \cdot \frac{\partial o}{{\partial Y_{d} }}\left( {\frac{{\partial Z_{d - 1} }}{{\partial Y_{d - 1} }} \cdot \frac{{\partial Y_{d - 1} }}{{\partial w_{d - 1} }} \ldots \frac{{\partial Z_{2} }}{\partial Y} \cdot \frac{{\partial Y_{2} }}{{\partial w_{2} }}} \right) \cdot X$$

where \(\frac{\partial J\left( w \right)}{\partial o}\) is the \(\nabla J\left( . \right)\), X is the input to the CNN and the other terms are termed as \(\nabla \left( {\text{net}} \right)\).

The process of forward pass, loss function, backward pass and weight update is for single iteration. The process is repeated for a fixed number of iterations or till the loss function reaches a threshold. Now, the network should have been trained well enough so that the weights of the layers are tuned correctly.

3 Experimental results and discussion

The proposed CNN model is applied to maize leaf disease recognition problem. The experimentation is carried out using PlantVillage dataset [12]. The dataset consists of four different classes. Among them, one class consists of healthy maize leaf images and the other three classes are the common diseases in maize leaf. The maize leaf images are of size 256 × 256. The images are resized to 64 × 64 for the experimentation purpose. The details of the dataset are given in Table 1. The sample images of PlantVillage dataset are shown in Fig. 6.

Table 1 Details of maize leaf images in PlantVillage dataset
Fig. 6
figure 6

Sample images from PlantVillage dataset: a common rust, b gray leaf spot, c northern leaf blight, d healthy

Initially, the resized images are preprocessed using PCA whitening, so that the features become less correlated. The PCA-whitened images are trained using the modified LeNet architecture. The parameters of the modified LeNet architecture is shown in Table 2. The experimentation is carried out with different train and test ratios. The classification accuracy for the various train and test ratio for the above CNN network described in Table 2 is depicted in Table 3, and the classwise performance of Table 3 with 1000 epochs is shown in Table 4.

Table 2 Parameters of the modified LeNet architecture
Table 3 Classification accuracy using modified LetNet architecture
Table 4 Classwise classification accuracy using modified LetNet architecture

From Table 4, it is observed that, when comparing the overall performance of all four classes, the class gray leaf spot showed less accuracy which affects the overall accuracy of the maize disease classification model. This is due to class imbalance of the class gray leaf spot which has comparatively less number of images. To make the dataset as a balanced one, we have performed data augmentation using horizontal flip for the class gray leaf spot. So, this class now contains 1026 images (513 original + 513 horizontal flip). From Table 3, it is evident that the classification accuracy is high for 1000 epochs. So, further experimentation is carried out with the balanced dataset for 1000 epochs. The performance measure with the balanced dataset for 1000 epochs using different train and test ratios is depicted in Table 5.

Table 5 Performance measure for the balanced dataset

From Table 5, it is observed that classification accuracy is improved for the balanced dataset. So far, the experimentation is done using the depth and the kernel size as mentioned in Table 1. For improving the classification accuracy, once again the proposed architecture is modified by varying the depth and kernel size. Huge hike in depth value leads to over-fitting. Thus, the depths are varied slightly. The performance measure for the balanced dataset with different kernel sizes and depths is shown in Table 6.

Table 6 Performance measure for the balanced dataset with different depths and kernel sizes

From Table 6, it is clear that kernel size 3 × 3 outperforms the other kernel sizes irrespective of the variation in the depth. Also slight increase in the depth gives more accurate results. Highest accuracies are shown in bold. The architecture yielding highest accuracy is shown in Fig. 2, and the corresponding parameters of our proposed method are shown in Table 7.

Table 7 Parameters of the proposed method

The performance measure of our proposed method compared with those reported in the literature [1, 2, 15] is shown in Table 8. Experimental results show that the proposed methodology can effectively recognize the maize diseases.

Table 8 Comparison of our proposed method with other methods

In [1, 2, 15], the experiments are carried out with lesser number of images only and those images were collected from various sources. In our work, we have used images only from the PlantVillage dataset. We have carried out the data augmentation and worked with a total of 4365 images.

4 Conclusion

A deep convolutional neural network (CNN)-based architecture (Modified LeNet) for the classification of maize leaf disease is proposed, and its usage has been explored in detail. This method focuses on classifying the various diseases of maize leaves by learning the local and global features together. Also, in this paper we have studied the potential efficiency of the LeNet architecture for plant leaf disease classification by varying the parameters like kernel size and depth. From this study, we infer that kernel of size 3 × 3 is better suited for maize leaf disease classification. Further, this proposed CNN can also be used for other plant leaf disease classification.