1 Introduction

The explosive growth of the diversity commercial data online has more and more given rise to the difficulty in extracting the interesting and valuable information from the huge redundant data warehouse, such as there are more than 17,000 movies in the Netflix Web site, and the kindle component of Amazon Web site already provide about 41,000 books to be selected [1, 2]. And a data-based automatic personalized recommendation system is helpful to relief this information overload. Recently, many online shopping Web sites, such as Amazon and Alibaba have taken advantage of the recommendation services to improve the sales and comfort the user’s experience. Generally, the collaborative filtering (CF) and the content-based recommending are the two main types of recommendation systems, with the great development of historical user data. The CF-based methods also are raised quickly, as CF-based methods predict the item preference of new users by ranking the similarities between the new users and historical users, and the performance of those methods are large depended on the quality and quantity of the historical users. Specifically, the user-based CF considers the item similarity among the historical users as the main reference of the recommendation of new users [3, 4], while the reference standard of the item-based CF depends on the user similarities among the historical items [5].

In practice, the efficacy of CF models also is limited by the sparsity of the rating matrix of historical users and the cold start of new users [2, 6,7,8]. The data sparsity indicates that just a few items are rated records by the historical users, for example, there are less than 2% movies in the film Web site browsed by an audience on average and much less user produce comments(ratings). And the situation will be more serious with the increment of historical data. Data sparsity gives rise to severe reduction in accuracy and the high computational cost of CF-based methods. Cold start means it is difficult to predict the preference of new users who do not have any item records.

Researchers have proposed several advanced CF methods to overcome the above limitations and improve the performance of recommendation system. One class of wide range of concerns is taking advantage of the clustering or dimension reduction to eliminate the effect of sparsity of the historical user-item-rating data. Typical representative of this type methods are the bi-cluster algorithms, singular value decomposition, nonnegative matrix factorization, etc. [9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16], and the key idea of those methods is utilizing the local dense and low-dimension modules of rating matrix instead of the original sparse user-item-rating data to estimate the similarities of new user and historical users, and then give rise to recommendation by the improved similarity. Another strategy is utilizing some advanced similarity measures to improve the perception capability to the sparse data and complex information. The traditional similarity measures in CF are either the Pearson correlation or the cosine correlation. In order to consider the high-weight property of the shared common items within the K-nearest historical neighborhoods of the new user, the sigmoid function-based similarity measure is used to capture the contribution of shared common items. Furthermore, the cosine correlation is revised to adapt the real number of rating system [17], and some specific measures are able to integrate the generality and preference of rating, popularity, and influence of items into similarity metric to relieve the recommendation under the cold start. That is, Li et al. [18, 19] considered the gender and region as the basic components of the similarity metric, while Deng et al. [20] pre-filled the null rating terms of rating matrix before performing the recommended algorithm. In addition, some CF methods integrate the local and global similarity, user’s credit level, and generalized K-nearest neighborhood into recommendation system to generalize the performance of CF [21, 22]. In recent years, the machine learning-derived CF models, such as probabilistic latent semantic analysis (PLSA), latent Dirichlet allocation (LDA), which often generate the multi-dimension probability density distribution of historical user-item-rating data to re-define the similarity measures in a conditional probability way, are greatly developed as the high smooth and robustness for the heterogeneous training data, although suffering the high computational complexity [23, 24].

This paper presents a bi-clustering and information entropy-based collaborative filtering method (CBE-CF) to overcome the data sparsity and heterogeneity. Specifically, we take the advantage of the bi-clustering to identify the dense modules of rating matrix and then measure the similarity of new user and the dense modules based the information entropy measure, which characters both the global generalized consistency and the local maximal correlation of module ratings preference. Finally, a linear weighted combination of user-based CF with the improved similarity measure and item-based CF is used to perform the recommendation. In the experimental part, two benchmark datasets are used to evaluate the performance of our proposed method, compared to the state of the art.

2 Related method

2.1 User-based collaborative filtering

The basic idea of user-based CF is identifying the top n most similar neighbor users of the new user from the historical user set, and thus the item preference of the top n neighbor users is used to perform the recommendation for the new users; this procedure is simple and intuitive, and known as KNN. Specifically, for a given user-item-rating matrix U, user-based CF firstly transform the U to user–user similarity matrix R by a specific similarity measure S, that is S:U × U → R. The Pearson correlation coefficient and cosine correlation coefficient are the two widely used similarity measures.

$$S(u,v) = \frac{{\sum {_{{i \in I_{u} \cap I_{v} }} (r_{ui} - \bar{r}_{u} )} (r_{vi} - \bar{r}_{v} )}}{{\sqrt {\sum {_{{i \in I_{u} \cap I_{v} }} (r_{ui} - \bar{r}_{u} )^{2} } } \sqrt {\sum {_{{i \in I_{u} \cap I_{v} }} } (r_{vi} - \bar{r}_{v} )^{2} } }}$$

where the Iu and Iv indicate the index of common items of user u and v, while the rui and \(\bar{r}_{u}\) are the rating score of item i and the average rating of all common items of user u. In general, the common items should be more than 50 to avoid the high correlation effect derived by the few common items between the users of historical data.

Similarly, the cosine correlation can be represented as the following formula:

$$S(u,v) = \frac{{r_{u} * r_{v} }}{{\left\| {r_{u} } \right\|_{2} *\left\| {r_{r} } \right\|_{2} }} = \frac{{\sum {_{i} r_{ui} * r_{vi} } }}{{\sqrt {\sum {_{i} r_{ui}^{2} } } \sqrt {\sum {_{i} r_{vi}^{2} } } }}$$

Based on the above similarity measures and the top N neighborhoods which have the highest similarity with the new user, the user-based CF can be implemented as the weighted average of the neighborhoods u′ of the new user u:

$$P_{ui} = \bar{r}_{u} + \frac{{\sum {_{u' \in N} S(u,u^{\prime } )(r_{u'i} - \bar{r}_{{u^{\prime } }} )} }}{{\sum {_{{u^{\prime } \in N}} \left| {S(u,u^{\prime } )} \right|} }}$$

In practice, the selection of N have great influence on the performance of user-based CF, and N = 20–50 is an empirical parameter for the general application scenario.

2.2 Item based

Although the user-based CF has been widely used in various applications, the computational cost of similarity measure of users is sharply increased along with the increment of historical users; hence, the item-based CF is developed to adapt the requirement of fast response for large-scale user-item data, i.e., Amazon and Alibaba, which are the famous online shopping stores. Different with the user-based CF, the item-based CF firstly constructs the items similarity measure based on their shared users, as the number of items often is much less than the number of users in most applications; this strategy can effectively reduce the computational cost of identifying the K-nearest neighborhoods. Specifically, the item-based CF can be represented as:

$$p_{ui} = \frac{{\sum {_{j \in S} S(i,j)(r_{uj} - b_{ui} )} }}{{\sum {_{j \in S} \left| {S(i,j)} \right|} }} + b_{ui}$$

where the bui is a baseline predictor.

2.3 Bi-clustering

In practice, some users often share the common preference to a specific group items, which patterns can well described by the local preference consistency among both the users(rows) and the items(columns) of the rating matrix and often are used to relieve the data sparsity in recommendation system. Unfortunately, those local patterns are explored neither by the user clustering nor by the item clustering. And we utilized the bi-clustering methods to identify the combining patterns composed of the local dense rating region for identified items with specific users. The general idea of bi-clustering is iteratively aggregating the rows and the columns of rating matrix until to convergence [25]. Specifically, for a rating matrix R, using X represents the users (rows) and Y represents the items (columns), then I ∈ X and J ∈ Y indicate the index subset of users and items within the same cluster. Then the clustering RIJ can be derived by minimizing the average square loss function H(I, J):

$$H(I,J) = \frac{1}{\left| I \right|\left| J \right|}\sum\limits_{i \in I,j \in J} {(a_{ij} - a_{iJ} - a_{Ij} + a_{IJ} )^{2} }$$


$$a_{iJ} = \frac{1}{\left| J \right|}\sum\limits_{j \in J} {a_{ij} } ,\quad a_{Ij} = \frac{1}{\left| J \right|}\sum\limits_{i \in I} {a_{ij} }$$


$$a_{IJ} = \frac{1}{\left| I \right|\left| J \right|}\sum\limits_{i \in I,j \in J} {a_{ij} }$$

here aiJ, aIj, aIJ represent the average value of rows, columns and cluster. The bi-clustering is a NP-hard problem and the approximate δ convergence region can be reached according to an iterative algorithm.

2.4 Information entropy

Information entropy is a measure of information distribution of random variable [26]; the large entropy means the trend of uniform distribution, and on the contrary, the small entropy indicates the sharp distribution of the random variable. Specifically, given a user i with m identified nonzero ratings for all corresponding items, the corresponding information entropy can be presented as:

$$H(x_{i} ) = - \sum\limits_{j = 1}^{m} {P(x_{ij} )\log P(x_{ij} )}$$

where the xij indicates the jth specific rating value of user i, and the P(xij) represents the probability of user i taking the rating value according to all the item’s ratings.

3 Method

Our proposed CBE-CF method can be described as the following four steps:

Step 1 A bi-clustering analysis is performed on the original user-item-rating matrix to identify its low-dimension and dense local modules. Theoretically, the ideal local clustering modules should be composed of the users with similar preference patterns and separated by the users with distinct preference patterns. In other words, users within each specific cluster have the identified item-rating patterns, and each pattern indicates specific cluster, as shown in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

An example of clustering result of user-item-rating matrix. Each color block indicate one identified cluster

Step 2 Calculate the information entropy for each cluster derived from step 1. In detail, we firstly count the number of items which are awarded the same rating score within the specific cluster and then estimate the probability of each rating score for the identified cluster to find out the cluster-specific information entropy, by the ratio of the number of specific rating score to the total number of items within the cluster. Then the information entropy of each cluster is calculated according to Eq. 8 and is considered as the representation patterns of each cluster. Theoretically, a new user is similar with an identified cluster when they give rise to the similar information entropy for the cluster-associated items, and hence the information entropy can be used to measure the local similarity between the new users and clusters.

Step 3 User-based CF implementation. We firstly ascending sort the \(Ep_{{{\text{diff}}_{i} }} ,i = 1,2 \ldots ,C\) is the index of cluster, the difference of information entropy between all the clusters \(Ep_{{{\text{clu}}_{i} }}\) and the new user \(Ep_{{{\text{new}}_{i} }}\) with the measure \(Ep_{{{\text{diff}}_{i} }} = \left| {Ep_{{{\text{new}}_{i} }} - Ep_{{{\text{clu}}_{i} }} } \right|\) and then select the top N smallest differences-associated clusters as the nearest neighborhoods to construct the recommendation system. This strategy can effectively reduce the computational cost of similarity estimation, as it just focuses on a few pre-defined clusters instead of the similarity between huge number of pairs of new users and historical users in a real-time computing way. We assume Inew, the items of new user can be divided into Ik, k = 1, 2, …, N the item set associated with the top N neighbor clusters. And the similarity between a new user \(u_{{{\text{new}}_{k} }}\) and the cluster ck can be defined as:

$${\text{Similarity}}(u_{{{\text{new}}_{k} }} ,c_{k} ) = \hbox{max} \frac{1}{{\left( {e^{{\left| {Ep_{{{\text{new}}_{k} }} - Ep_{{{\text{clu}}_{k} }} } \right|}} \left( {\sum {_{{j = I_{k}^{1} }}^{{I_{k}^{IC} }} \left| {r_{\text{new}}^{j} - r_{{u_{k}^{v} }}^{j} - b_{{u_{k}^{v} }}^{\text{new}} } \right| + 1} } \right)} \right)}}$$

where the IC indicates the number (capacity) of Ik, the U v k represents the vth user of cluster ck, r is the rating value, and the \(b_{{u_{k}^{v} }}^{\text{new}} = \bar{r}_{\text{new}} - \bar{r}_{{u_{k}^{v} }}\) indicates the base difference between average of ratings of new user and the historical user v in cluster ck. Finally, the recommendation for the new user \(u_{{{\text{new}}_{k} }}\) can be implemented by taking the weighted average of the top N nearest neighborhoods:

$$p_{{u_{\text{new}} j}} = \bar{r}_{\text{new}} + \frac{{\sum {_{{c_{k} \in C}} {\text{Similarity}}(u_{{{\text{new}}_{k} }} ,c_{k} )(r_{kj}^{v} - \bar{r}_{{c_{kj} }} )} }}{{\sum {_{{c_{k} \in C}} \left| {{\text{Similarity}}(u_{{{\text{new}}_{k} }} ,c_{k} )} \right|} }}$$

Step 4 Combinatorial collaborative filtering method (CBE-CF): the proposed bi-clustering and information entropy-based CF in step 3 primarily takes the advantage of local patterns of historical users and significantly reduces the computational cost for the large-scale training data; however, this method fails to consider the global patterns of the historical data. Hence, we present the combinatorial collaborative filtering by integrating the advantage of the bi-clustering and information entropy-based CF and the traditional item-based CF in a linear way; meanwhile, this model also maintains the low computational complexity. And this model can be described as:

$$\overset{\lower0.5em\hbox{$\smash{\scriptscriptstyle\frown}$}}{p}_{{u_{\text{new}} j}} = \lambda p_{{u_{\text{new}} j}} + (1 - \lambda )p_{{u_{\text{new}} j}}^{\text{item}}$$

Overall, the proposed method is named as CBE-CF, which is described as algorithm 1, and take O(mn) + O(k) time in training phage, where the m, n, k are the user number, item number and cluster number, for the sparse matrix, the computational complexity of our method is approximated to O(mk) + O(k) in training phage, and O(1) in test phase.

figure a

The prediction score is calculated by: \(\widehat{p}_{{u_{\text{new}} j}} = \lambda P_{{u_{\text{new}} j}} + \left( {1 - \lambda } \right)p_{{u_{\text{new}} j}}^{\text{item}}\).

4 Experiment design

4.1 Data set and evaluation criteria

We construct the experiments on two benchmark dataset: One is MovieLens (HML), which was constructed by the GroupLens lab of the university of Minnesota and included 3952 users’ votes on 6040 movies [27]. The other data set NF contains ratings of anonymous Netflix customers on movies. Although there are 480,189 users in NF, we employed 10,000 users sampled from differing density ranges. Each of the users in both two datasets has 20 rating scores at least, which guards the existence of the user-based similarity.

We utilize the mean absolute error (MAE) and root-mean-squared error (RMSE) to measure the precision of our CBE-CF method. Assume the predicted rating of user ui, i = 1, 2, …, n to film mj, j = 1, 2, …, m is pij, and the corresponding real rating in test dataset is rij, then the MAE can be represented as:

$${\text{MAE}} = \frac{{\sum {_{i = 1}^{n} \sum {_{j = 1}^{m} \left| {p_{ij} - r_{ij} } \right|} } }}{nm}$$

And the RMSE is given in Eq. 13:

$${\text{RMSE}} = \sqrt {\frac{{\sum {_{i = 1}^{n} \sum {_{j = 1}^{m} \left( {p_{ij} - r_{ij} } \right)^{2} } } }}{nm}}$$

In addition, we record the computation cost of our CBE-CF method to explain how the time complexity is used and apply the t test to present the statistical significance of the results.

4.2 Experimentation methodology

In the experiments, we take the advantage of 10-fold cross-validation to test the performance of our method and the compared methods, thus, each of the two datasets is divided into 10 sub-datasets uniformly and in turn select the content of nine sub-datasets as training set and the rest one dataset as test set. The state-of-the-art, user-based CF, item-based CF, INMF, PLSA and NMF, are used to evaluate the advantages and the shortcoming of our CBE-CF method. In addition, the number of nearest neighborhoods is set to 50 for all the KNN-based DF. All experiments are run on the 1.7 version of JDK platform with an Intel i7 core processor and 8G RAM.

5 Result

5.1 The influence of cluster number

We take the threshold δ = 0.01–0.1 as the range of bi-clustering convergence rate with an increment 0.01 to change the number of clusters, and then evaluate the performance of CBE-CF on the two test datasets by the MAE and RMSE. And the result is given in Table 1.

Table 1 The precision of CBE-CF versus the number of clusters

As we expect, the number of clusters is increased along with the reduction of δ; furthermore, we can find the precision measures, both the MAE and the RMSE present a tendency of first decreasing and then increasing for the two test datasets, the minimal value is reached at \(\delta = 0.09\;{\kern 1pt} {\text{or}}\;{\kern 1pt} 0.08\), this observation also suggests the cluster number have a great influence on the result of recommendation system, the possible reason is that it is hard to capture the representative patterns for few large-size clusters derived from small δ and the global patterns will be broken on a large number of small-size local clusters derived from large δ In the following analysis, we use the δ = 0.08 as the optimal parameter.

5.2 The influence of nearest neighbor clusters and combinatorial coefficient

The performance of CBE-CF mainly depends on several pre-defined parameters: N is the number of selected nearest neighbor clusters; λ is the combinatorial coefficient of information entropy-based CF (the first term in Eq. 11) and K is the number of nearest neighborhoods of item-based CF (the second term in Eq. 11). In order to quantify the effect of parameter selection, we take the N = 10–130, with an increment of 10 for NF dataset, and the N = 10–75 with an increment of 5 for NML dataset, while set the λ = 0–1 with an increment of 0.1 in order, and K = 50, to estimate the optimal parameters by measuring the MAE and the RMSE. Specifically, Fig. 2a, b presents the trend of MAE and RMSE of the two test datasets along with the changing of parameter N, and Fig. 3c, d indicates the tendency of MAE and RMSE versus the changing of parameter λ.

Fig. 2
figure 2

The parameters estimation of CBE-CF. a, b The prediction accuracy of CBE-CF change along with the number of selected clusters which are traded as nearest neighborhoods for HML and NF dataset, respectively. c, d The prediction accuracy of CBE-CF change along with the combinatorial coefficient λ for HML and NF dataset, respectively

Fig. 3
figure 3

The distribution evaluation of bi-clustering and information entropy. a The comparison of performance among three distinct clustering methods (bi-clustering CBE-CF, DBSCAN and STING)-based CF on HML dataset. b The comparison of performance among three distinct clustering method-based CF on NF dataset. c The comparison of performance among the information entropy-based (CBE-CF) and the Euclidean distance-based local similarity measures (CB-CF)

Figure 2 indicates the optimal cluster number is reached at N = 50 for the two test datasets, while the optimal combinatorial coefficient λ = 0.8. Based on this observation, the optimal number of nearest neighborhoods suggesting a relative small value will contribute to the improvement in the accuracy of recommendation system and the reduction of the computational cost. The optimal λ with a relatively large value means the optimal structure of CBE-CF is composed of the high-weight component of the information entropy-based user CF and the low-weight component of item-based CF.

In order to explore the contribution of our proposed two components, the bi-clustering and the information entropy, to the performance of CBE-CF method, a density-based clustering method, DBSCAN, and a grid-based clustering method, STING, are utilized to replace the bi-clustering of CBE-CF, and then the prediction accuracy of the three distinct clustering method-based CF is evaluated on the HML and NF dataset, by adopting an varying number of clusters (Fig. 3a, b). Obviously, the bi-clustering-derived CBE-CF has the predominant preference contrast to the two other methods on tested dataset. In addition, we highlight the contribution of information entropy on the aspect of capturing the local similarity by utilizing the Euclidean distance instead of the information entropy (named CB-CF) (Fig. 3c). All those comparisons validate the excellent performance of our CBE-CF.

5.3 Performance evaluation of CBE-CF

In this section, we evaluate the performance of our CBE-CF method and four other compared methods by comparing the precision and computational cost on the HML and NF dataset. We run the CBE-CF method based on the optimal parameters, and the result is given in Table 2 and Fig. 4.

Table 2 The statistic of prediction precision and computational cost of 5 CF methods on two test dataset
Fig. 4
figure 4

The comparison of predicted accuracy of our CBE-CF methods against the 4 compared methods on HML and NF datasets. The accuracy is measured by the MAE and RMSE

According to Table 2 and Fig. 4, we can find that our method has the highest predicted accuracy and relatively low computational cost when compared to all five presented methods. In particular, the performance of our method is better than the probability model (PLSA) and the nonnegative matrix factorization model (INMF) with a relatively small cost. An obvious observation is that the computational time of user-based CF fast increase along with the increment of the training data, while our CBE-CF method is not sensitive to the size of training data.

In order to validate the capability of dealing with the data sparsity of our CBE-CF, we split the NF dataset into 10 different-scale sub-datasets in a random way (such as each sub-dataset contains 1000, 2000, …, 10,000 users in order), and then we perform all the 5 CF methods on those different-scale sub-datasets and identify the tendency of the predicted accuracy and the computational cost along with the increment size of the training set. Then the result is presented in Fig. 5. Figure 5a shows the strong robustness of INMF, PLSA and CBE-CF, which maintain low RMSE against the changing size of training set. Interestingly, our CBE-CF method presents the improved accuracy along with the expanded training set, which indicates that our method can overcome the influence of sparse training data. However, except our CBE-CF, the other two robust methods (INMF and PLSA) are presented the high computational cost for the large training set.

Fig. 5
figure 5

The performance analysis of CBE-CF on the different-scale training set. a The comparison of accuracy measured by RMSE of the 5 compared algorithms versus the changing-size training set. b The comparison of computational cost of the 5 compared algorithms versus the changing-size training set

6 Conclusion

In this paper, we propose a new collaborative filtering method: CBE-CF, which take the advantage of bi-clustering and information entropy to overcome original problems of CF methods, especially the data sparsity and high computational cost for the big training set. We replace the complex global similarity measure of the traditional user-based CF with the representation patterns (based on information entropy) of the local dense clusters. The feasibility of this strategy is validated on two benchmark datasets according to the four compared methods. It is noteworthy that the deep-learning-based CF methods also give rise to the excellent prediction capability although they are suffered from high computational cost and large size of training set [28,29,30]. Overall, we present a new CF method to improve the accuracy and the computational efficiency of recommendation system.