1 Introduction

Nonverbal communication that includes communication through body postures, hand gestures and facial expressions makes up most of all communication among human. Hand gestures are one of the most common forms of communication to interact with human to human or human to machine. Hand gestures consist of specific linguistic content, whereas other forms of communications are general emotional state. Due to its speed, simplicity and naturalness, hand gestures have been widely used in sign languages and human–computer interaction systems [1]. Hand gesture recognition provides human to interact with computer in more natural and effective way. The hand gesture recognition system available in the literature has successful applications in computer games, sign-to-text translation systems, sign language communication [2, 3], robotics [4] and video-based surveillance.

Hand gestures may be static or dynamic. In static gesture recognition, the hand shape, size of palm, length and width of fingers need to be kept in mind [5]. Dynamic hand gestures need spatiotemporal information to track hand [6]. Hand detection and tracking is the initial step in any hand gesture recognition system. Comaniciu et al. proposed a model to track hand using color histogram [7]. They used the color histogram of the detected hand as the mean shift input to locate and track hand in the video sequences. But the drawback of the model was that it was unable to detect hand when background had similar color as object. Similarly, Chai et al. [8] and Wang et al. [9] used skin-colored information to detect hand. YCbCr color space model was used for segmentation. Guo et al. [10] proposed a hand tracking system using skin filtering, pixel-based hierarchical feature for AdaBoosting, and codebook background cancelation. But, the background has to be known a priori. Camshift—an improved version of mean shift algorithm, was widely used for tracking objects [11]. This algorithm has found to be efficiently track hand in a simple background scene, but it cannot give the same result when the target is occluded with other skin-colored objects. Shi and Tomasi [12] selected the corner points with high intensities as the features to track target object. Though good tracking results have been observed, the feature points go on decreasing with succeeding video frames. This happens due to change in illumination or change in appearance of the hand. Asaari et al. [13] integrated adaptive Kalman filter and eigenhand to track hand under different challenging environment. But the algorithms fails when there is presence of large-scale variations and pose changes. Kolsch and Turk [14] introduced a KLT tracker-based hand tracking algorithm. This tracker fails when there is shape transformation of the hand. Nowadays, many depth-based hand detections [15] are observed, but 3D gesture interaction is not much user friendly.

The contributions of our paper are as follows. Firstly, a database has been developed using bare hand, namely ‘NITS hand gesture database IV,’ for 40 class of gestures (10 numerals, 26 alphabets and 4 arithmetic operators). This database has also been made publicly available. Secondly, a new hand detection scheme has been developed by combining three-frame differencing and skin filtering. The hand was then tracked using modified KLT algorithm which included additional compact criteria, velocity and direction information along with traditional KLT algorithm. Finally color cues were used to detect the final hand region in every frame. Thirdly, ANOVA and IFS techniques were used to select the optimal features from the 44 existing features. Study on the effect of different combination of features made by IFS using individual classifiers such as ANN, SVM and kNN was made in this paper. Lastly, classifier fusion technique was developed by combining the results of individual classifiers such as ANN, SVM and kNN. Moreover, one-way analysis of variance test, Friedman’s test and Kruskal–Wallis test were also conducted to validate the statistical significance of the results.

The paper is organized as follows. The architecture of the proposed gesture recognition system with details about each subsystems is presented in Sect. 2. The different experimental results obtained during hand detection, hand tracking, feature selection and classification are discussed in Sect. 3. Finally, the paper is concluded in Sect. 4.

2 Proposed system

There are five phases in our proposed system. They are hand detection, hand tracking, feature extraction, feature selection and classification. Figure 1 shows the block diagram of the proposed hand gesture recognition system. The details of each phases are provided in the following subsections.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Proposed system

2.1 Hand detection

The first step in any hand gesture recognition system is the segmentation of hand from the background. For this, the first three frames of the video sequence were considered. The system architecture for detection of hand is shown in Fig. 2. The algorithm for hand detection is presented as ‘Algorithm 1.’ This process includes three steps whose results are combined to obtain the desired hand. They are:

Fig. 2
figure 2

System architecture of the hand detection

  • Face detection followed by skin filtering

  • Three-frame differencing for colored frames

  • Three-frame differencing for grayscale frames

Initially, the face of the user gesticulating (if present) is detected and removed from the second frame of the video using the Viola–Jones algorithm [16, 17]. After the face is removed, skin filtering [8] is performed to obtain the skin-colored objects in the frame. On the other hand, three-frame differencing is performed with the first three frames. It is computed for both colored and grayscale frames. Morphological operations are carried out as shown in Fig. 2 in order to achieve the desired results. The results of the skin filtering and three-frame differencing are combined to obtain the desired hand from the background. But, it has been observed that along with the desired hand, there is other small skin-colored objects in the surroundings. Thus, the largest binary linked object was filtered from the other objects which are considered to be the desired hand in the background.

figure a

2.2 Hand tracking

The hand detected is tracked using three steps such as initialization of tracking region, exaction of features from initialized tracking region and refining tracking region as shown in Fig. 3. The steps are presented in ‘Algorithm 2.’ The details of each step are discussed in the following subsections.

Fig. 3
figure 3

System architecture of proposed hand tracking

2.2.1 Initialization of tracking region

In traditional CamShift algorithm or KLT tracker, the initial tracking region needs to be selected manually. But to make a system robust, automatic selection of tracking region is necessary. In this proposed system, initialization of the first tracking window has been made automatic by considering the detected hand as the initial tracking window.

figure b

2.2.2 Extraction of features from initialized tracking region

Selecting good features from the initial tracking window is very important. The feature points should satisfy three rules:

  • It is in the tracking region.

  • It should not be spread far from each other over the hand.

  • It should not be concentrated on a small part of the hand.

By using KLT feature tracker, the feature points go on decreasing at next frames. This is because the points are lost in the succeeding frames of the video. A time comes when there are no more features to be tracked, and thus, tracking is lost. Moreover, if the hand is occluded with other skin-colored objects, the tracker gets confused, and thus, the some of the features are lost or it wrongly tracks the features which do not belong to the hand. To minimize such difficulties, we used compact criteria to select the optimal feature points so that the features are not too sparsely spread over the hand. This compact criterion is based on the centroid of the feature points. The traditional way of computing centroid directly by averaging the position of feature points is very sensitive to outliers. The detailed steps of compact criterion are provided below:

  • The distance between each point and the remaining points and weight each point were calculated as shown in Eq. (1).

    $$w_{i} = \frac{1}{{\mathop \sum \nolimits_{k \ne i} \left| {\left| {x_{k} - x_{i} } \right|} \right|^{2} }}$$
  • According to the equation, if a feature point x i is far from the other feature points, then it has a small weight. Alternately, if x i is near to most of the other feature points, then it will have a larger weight. After normalizing the weights as ∑ i w i  = 1, the centroid is calculated as:

    $$x_{c} = \mathop \sum \limits_{i} w_{i} x_{i}$$
  • The final step of compact criteria for a feature point x i is expressed as \(\left| {x_{k} - x_{i} } \right|_{2} < r_{o}\), where r o is a distance threshold. This criterion helps to eliminate the redundant feature points and ensures that the feature points are concentrated around the centroid.

In the next step, the system was checked for the presence of any skin-colored static objects in the background which could lead to confusion with the hand. Thus, velocity information was added to remove the feature points corresponding to the static objects. The feature points having velocity less than a threshold value ((2 * V avg)/3) are rejected, where V avg is the average velocity. After this, the orientation information was used to detect the direction along which the feature points are moving in the consecutive frames. Figure 4a shows an example where direction of orientation is shown with yellow lines. The red points correspond to the feature points in previous frame, and yellow points refer to feature points tracked in current frame. Firstly, the 360° is spited into 8 bins as shown in Fig. 4b. Then, all the velocity orientation of feature movements is calculated. Figure 4c shows the histogram of the direction of orientation. Finally, the bin corresponding with the most feature points is considered as the main orientation. The feature points moving in different direction compared to the direction along which majority feature points are moving are rejected for tracking in the next frame. The above steps help to remove the redundant feature points. The red bounding box in Fig. 4a shows the final tracked hand region, whereas the green bounding box shows the detected hand region without the orientation feature.

Fig. 4
figure 4

a Tracking result, b 8-bin segments of orientation and c result histogram

2.2.3 Refining tracking region

The bounding box calculated from former step cannot represent the hand region precisely. This is because although compact criterion selects appropriate feature points, sometimes the features are not uniform in the hand region and the existence of tracking failure makes the tracking result not reliable. Thus, CamShift algorithm can maximize the probability of skin region in the tracking window in a few iteration. This makes the tracking process more stable. Finally, the features are again generated at every 30 frames and the above process is carried out accordingly so as to avoid loss of information from feature points.

2.3 Trajectory smoothening

The trajectory of the gesture is obtained by joining the centroid points of the tracked region during tracking of hand at every video frame. This gesture trajectory is generally noisy because of the factors like movement of hand. Thus, the gesture trajectory must be smoothened before processing further steps. Douglas–Peucker algorithm [18] is applied to the gesture trajectory to smoothen the gesture trajectory. The gesture trajectory smoothened using the Douglas–Peucker algorithm showed better results compared to the smoothening process used by Bhuyan et al. [19] and Singha et al. [20, 21].

The self co-articulated strokes were detected after the smoothening of the gesture trajectory and removed from the gesture using the same steps performed in our previous paper [20]. These strokes were removed in this stage because these hand movements are not a part of the gesture.

2.4 Extraction of features

For matching the trajectory, 44 features were considered in this paper. We used the features from different literatures [19, 20, 2227]. The total set of features used in our system is presented in Table 1.

Table 1 Description on features used

2.5 Selection of optimal features

From the 44 features extracted in our system, the best set of features was selected using feature selection technique by ANOVA and IFS. This could reduce the overfitting and information redundancy in the model. The two-level feature selection technique is developed as explained in our previous paper [34] to obtain the optimal features.

2.6 Classification

2.6.1 ANN-based classification

The ANN architecture used for the proposed system has three layers: 1 input, 1 hidden and 1 output. Input layer consists of 40 neurons which represent the 40 features, and output layer has 40 neurons representing 40 gesture classes. The network was trained with different numbers of hidden units such as 50, 52, 54, 56 and 58. This helped the system to capture the network structure with highest train accuracy. The weights were adjusted by back-propagation algorithm. The optimum network achieved for our system was 40L-54N-40L. Then, the testing was performed using fivefold cross-validation process.

2.6.2 SVM-based classification

Here, the dataset used in our system was trained with different kernel functions: linear, quadratic, polynomial and radial basis function. During training, the kernel function which provides the best results was used for the testing. After the training phase, the testing was performed using fivefold cross-validation process.

2.6.3 kNN-based classification

The system was trained for different values of k such as 3, 5, 7 and 9 during the training phase. Odd values of k have been selected so as to avoid draw votes. After the training phase, the testing was performed using fivefold cross-validation process.

2.6.4 Classifier fusion

The results of individual classifiers such as ANN, SVM and kNN were combined to get the classifier fusion result. Majority voting technique was used for combining the individual classifiers. It has been observed that combining the results of the individual classifiers provides result which was more desirable than the individual ones [28]. After the classifier fusion was performed on training set, fivefold cross-validation was carried out.

3 Experimental results

For the experiments, we developed ‘NITS hand gesture database IV.’ It consists of 40 gesture class (10 numerals, 26 alphabets and 4 arithmetic operators) gesticulated by 20 users. A total of 9600 gestures were used as training dataset and 2000 samples as testing dataset. Some of the samples of the total database are available in http://www.joyeetasingha26.wix.com/nits-database. The proposed system was tested on Windows 8-based Intel Core I7 processor with 4 GB RAM, and all the experiments were performed using MATLAB R2013a. The users were asked to gesticulate keeping the following conditions into account.

  • The background should not consist of moving skin-colored objects at the start of the video recording.

  • The hand should be already available at the start position of the gesture before the video recording starts.

  • The palm of the hand should be moving at the same place for few seconds to detect the presence of hand.

  • The hand is then moved smoothly and slowly to the most prominent gesture positions.

  • The hand is kept in the final gesture position for few seconds to complete the gesture.

The performance of hand detection and tracking is provided in Sect. 3.1. The experimental results of optimal feature selection using ANOVA and IFS are provided in Sect. 3.2. Section 3.3 includes the results observed from the individual classifiers such as ANN, SVM and kNN. Moreover, the results of the classifier fusion have also been provided here. Three statistical tests such as ‘one-way analysis of variance,’ ‘Friedman’s test’ and ‘Kruskal–Wallis test’ were performed to test the statistical significance of the classifier fusion. Also the stability of the algorithm to Gaussian noise is examined in Sect. 3.4. Finally, a comparison is provided in Sect. 3.5.

3.1 Performance of the hand detection and tracking

The objective analysis of the results obtained using the proposed algorithm for hand detection and tracking is provided in Figs. 5 and 6, respectively. The proposed hand detection technique is compared with the existing techniques such as skin filtering [2] and two-frame differencing [13]. Figure 5 shows the comparative analysis of the proposed hand detection algorithm with other techniques. The result obtained using the proposed hand tracking algorithm is compared with the other three state-of-the-art object tracking algorithms such as CamShift [29], KLT [14] and particle filter [30].

Fig. 5
figure 5

Comparison of proposed hand detection algorithm with existing techniques (green: skin filtering, yellow: two-frame differencing, red: proposed detector) (color figure online)

Fig. 6
figure 6

Comparison of proposed tracking algorithm with existing techniques for gesture ‘Five’ (green: KLT, blue: CamShift, yellow: particle filter, red: proposed tracker) (color figure online)

From Fig. 6, it can be seen that the CamShift algorithm fails if there is any overlapping between hand and other skin-colored objects in surrounding. The feature points are lost at certain interval of time when KLT algorithm is used, whereas in case of particle filter, as the number of particles is increased, the complexity of the algorithm increases resulting in delay. The proposed tracking algorithm is able to handle all the above problems during tracking discussed above.

3.2 Performance of the feature selection

The feature selection was performed as described in Sect. 2.5. The ANOVA was used to find the F value of each features for checking the statistical significance of the features. A total of 40 features were found to have statistical significance which is denoted by star marked in Table 2. These 40 features are ranked in the decreasing ‘F’ values as given in Table 3. Then, the performances of the combination of remaining 40 feature subsets were examined using IFS technique. The accuracy resulted in combining different feature set is shown in Fig. 7. It can be observed from the IFS curve that combination of 21, 18 and 26 features provides maximum accuracy for ANN, SVM and kNN, respectively.

Table 2 Total set of features used in the system
Table 3 Features ranked in the decreasing order of ‘F’ value
Fig. 7
figure 7

IFS curve of the combination of features

3.3 Performance of the classifiers

The results of the ANN are presented in Table 4. The parameters of ANN such as hidden units and iterations were varied, and the corresponding train and test accuracies were calculated. The highest train and test accuracy were observed for network structure 40L-54N-40L (L and N correspond to linear and nonlinear layers), iterations = 500. These network parameters were used for performing fivefold cross-validation. Cross-validation was performed to determine the validity of the proposed model. The results obtained during the cross-validation process are presented in Table 5.

Table 4 Results using ANN
Table 5 5-fold cross-validation result using ANN classifier

The SVM classifier was tested for different kernel functions. The results of the evaluation are provided in Table 6. The highest test and train accuracies were observed for kernel function as radial basis function (rbf). The fivefold cross-validation process was performed using rbf kernel function, and the results are provided in Table 7.

Table 6 Results using SVM
Table 7 Cross-validation results using SVM with ‘rbf’ kernel function

The system was also evaluated using kNN classifier using different values of k. The results of the evaluation are provided in Table 8. The highest train and test accuracy were obtained for k = 5. The fivefold cross-validation results are listed in Table 9.

Table 8 Results using kNN
Table 9 Cross-validation results using kNN with k = 5

Each classifiers with suitable parameters obtained from the experiments above (Tables 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9) were used to generate a classifier fusion model. The fivefold cross-validation result obtained for this classifier fusion is provided in Table 10. Table 11 provides the summary of the final cross-validation results of the different classifiers. It can be concluded that classifier fusion provides an improvement in terms of success rate of 1.65, 3.92 and 4.41 % as compared to baseline models ANN, SVM and kNN, respectively.

Table 10 Cross-validation results using classifier fusion
Table 11 Comparison of success rate by different classifier using fivefold cross-validation

To test the statistical significance between the different individual classifiers, we performed one-way analysis of variance test [31], Friedman’s test and Kruskal–Wallis test on the results obtained from the fivefold cross-validation process. The results of the one-way analysis of variance test are given in Table 12. The null hypothesis H o for this experiment is that the mean accuracies of all the classifiers are same. It can be observed that \(F > F_{\text{crit }}\) and \(P \le \alpha\) where \(\alpha = 0.05\). We may conclude that there is a statistically significant difference between the accuracies of classifiers. Similarly, the results of Friedman’s test and Kruskal–Wallis test are shown in Tables 13 and 14, respectively. In both the test, \({\text{Chi - sq}}\left( {{\text{our}} {\text{ data}}} \right) > {\text{Chi - sq}}\left( {{\text{from}} {\text{ table}}} \right)\) and \({\text{Prob }}\left( p \right)\) show that it is statistically significant for 0.1 significant level. Thus, we say that the mean and column effects of different classifiers are different and not all the classifiers come from the same distribution.

Table 12 One-way analysis of variance test details
Table 13 Friedman’s test details
Table 14 Kruskal–Wallis test details

Post hoc analysis was performed using Tukey’s HSD test for the three tests (one-way analysis of variance test, Friedman’s test and Kruskal–Wallis test) to find out the most significantly different classifier. Figure 8 shows that the classifier fusion is significantly different from other classifiers.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Post hoc analysis using Tukey’s HSD test for a one-way analysis of variance test, b Friedman’s test and c Kruskal–Wallis test (1-SVM, 2-kNN, 3-ANN, 4-fusion)

3.4 Performance of the system with noisy data

A set of experiments were conducted using the noisy set of data. The gesture trajectories were made noisy by applying a Gaussian white noise with signal-to-noise ratio of 30 and 40. Few examples of the noisy data are shown in Fig. 9. For moderate noise level (SNR = 40), the average accuracy of the 40 gestures was 90.5 % which is comparatively similar to the results with ‘no noise’ (92.23 %), while for high noise (SNR = 30), the accuracy got degraded to 83.26 %. The accuracy for different sets of gestures for different SNR values is shown in Fig. 10. The low accuracy was observed due to large number of misclassifications in gesture ‘One,’ ‘Two,’ ‘Seven,’ ‘S,’ ‘Z,’ ‘Divide.’ This may be due to the simplicity in these gestures, while the accuracy of other gestures remains high as they have large number of variations when gesticulated by different users at different instant of time.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Few samples of noisy data

Fig. 10
figure 10

Performance of the system for various gesture sets with varying SNR (30, 40, no noise)

3.5 Comparative analysis

A comparison has been done between the performance of the system with proposed optimal feature set and the features available in the literature [19, 20, 23]. The comparison is shown graphically in Fig. 11. Figure 11a–f corresponds to the accuracy of different feature sets using different classifier models such as CRF [23, 32], HCRF [33], ANN [20, 34], SVM [35] and kNN [36], and classifier fusion for numerals, alphabets, arithmetic operators, self co-articulated, non-self co-articulated and total set of gestures, respectively. The performance of the proposed system with the optimal set of features has been observed to outperform the feature set in the other literature using classifier fusion for every set of gestures. Also it has been observed that the classifier fusion performs better than the individual classifiers for different feature sets experimented. Thus, we conclude from the comparative analysis that the combination of optimal features and classifier fusion yields the highest overall accuracy of 92.23 % which is shown in Fig. 11f.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Comparison of proposed features with existing features [19, 20, 23] using CRF, HCRF, ANN, SVM, kNN and classifier fusion models for gesture sets: a numerals, b alphabets, c arithmetic operators, d self co-articulated gestures, e non-self co-articulated gestures and f total set of gestures

4 Conclusion and future work

In this paper, we have developed a hand gesture recognition system where 40 set of gestures were considered. As such, database for 40 set of gestures is not available in the literature, and thus, we developed ‘NITS hand gesture database IV.’ The proposed system can be used for developing a gesture-controlled hexadecimal keyboard making human–computer interaction easier. A total of 44 features were selected from the existing literature. ANOVA test was performed in order to check the statistical significance of the 44 features. The 40 significant features were then arranged in the decreasing order of the F-static value which was then fed to the IFS to select the optimal features. The total number of features or the optimal features was observed to be 21, 18 and 26 for ANN, SVM and kNN, respectively. The results of the three individual classifiers were combined to provide the classifier fusion results. After this, fivefold cross-validation was used to provide the overall accuracy of the system. The overall accuracy was observed to be 90.58, 88.31, 87.82 and 92.23 % using the ANN, SVM, kNN and classifier fusion, respectively. To test the statistical significance between the different individual classifiers, we performed one-way analysis of variance test, Friedman’s test and Kruskal–Wallis test on the results obtained from the fivefold cross-validation process. It was observed from these tests that the classifier fusion is significantly different from other classifiers.

Moreover, our system was tested for noisy set of data where Gaussian noise with SNR = 30 and SNR = 40 was added to the gesture trajectories. We can observe from the results that the low noise does not affect the system performance largely, but when the system was subjected to high noise (SNR = 30), the performance degraded from 92.23 to 83.26 %. Similarly, comparison of the proposed model was performed with the existing features in the literature. It was observed that our system provided performance better than the existing ones. However, the system was proposed for isolated gestures. This can be extended for continuous set of gestures in future. Moreover, new set of features may be added as a future work to the features used in this paper to enhance the performance of the system.