1 Introduction

A data-intensive system, encountered in some grid and cloud computing applications, consists of jobs that perform analysis or large-scale transfer data. Cloud computing system is getting more and more considerations as a new trend of data management (Peer Mohamed and Swarnammal 2017; Gupta et al. 2018; Mansouri et al. 2019). However, with the increasing requirement of users, size of data files, and request to obtain more knowledge from the huge amount of data, the utility of plain storage elements that are easy to control at a large scale increases (Mansouri and Javidi 2018). In cloud computing, data is one of the main elements and so a suitable, well-maintained, and efficient platform must be provided to guarantee dependability and availability of data. Some popular examples of cloud management systems are Cassandra (Cassandra 2011) and Hive (Thusoo et al. 2009) in Facebook, and HBase (HBase 2016). Well-defined data management techniques must have to present data reliability, availability, durability, and fault tolerance at different levels. Moreover, a platform where data replication is applied can present better aforementioned features and response time, which are serious from the perspective of the consumers (Rehman Malik et al. 2016).

1.1 Cloud Computing

Cloud computing provides various computing services as a utility service similar to power and water (Mansouri and Javidi 2018; Qi et al. 2017; Park et al. 2017; Mell and Grance 2009). Cloud computing is usually divided into the classes of: (a) Software as a Service, which offers applications as services in real time to different users, (b) Platform as a Service, which presents powerful environment where developers can customize their applications, and (c) Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), which presents virtual machine servers (Al-Asaly et al. 2019; Bojanova and Samba 2011). Each category has a specific purpose that provides various facilities to researchers and individuals. These categories with examples of each service provider are shown in Fig. 1. The possible variations of cloud computing paradigms are indicated in Fig. 2 (Abouzeid et al. 2009; Cooper et al. 2009).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Cloud computing service models and examples

Fig. 2
figure 2

Cloud computing service models variations

1.2 Data replication in cloud computing

Replication in cloud computing can be introduced as storing multiple replicas of data across different data center. A cloud data replication service is shown in Fig. 3.

Fig. 3
figure 3

The cloud data replication architecture

Replica management challenge is a hot research area in cloud computing environment (Mukundan et al. 2014). Replica management technique can reduce network delay and bandwidth usage of remote data access, improve load-balance of network, and enhance the safety of data by storing important replicas at suitable data centers (Torres-Franco et al. 2015). The main steps of replica management are replica creation, selection, placement, and replacement. According to various creations, selections and replacement algorithms, replica management methods can be classified into simple replication strategy, hierarchical model-based replication method and economic model-based replication schema (Zhong et al. 2010). Dynamic replication can take advantage of discovered relation through data mining approaches (Settouti et al. 2016; Jalil et al. 2016; Croda et al. 2019). Recently, there has been more attention on data mining approach in grid environment (Hamrouni et al. 2015). The first aim of this emerging field is to investigate and monitor history of data access in order to efficiently found new meaningful knowledge (Sánchez et al. 2008). The knowledge discovered can enhance overall performance in many fields such as data transfer (Grace and Manimegalai 2014), failure detection (Duan et al. 2006), scheduling (Bouyer et al. 2009), and resource management (Khanli et al. 2011).

1.3 Background of data mining

Han et al. (2011) and Zaki and Meira (2014) introduced data mining as the automated technique of extracting beneficial information and knowledge consisting of associations, changes, trends, patterns and structures from huge data sets. A typical knowledge discovery process may consist of the following steps: developing and understanding the domain of application, selecting and creating set of data, preprocessing and cleansing, selecting the data mining method, finding evaluation. Data mining as a core of knowledge discovery process is shown in Fig. 4. The main data mining approaches relied on distributed environment are association analysis, classification, and clustering (Kou et al. 2014, 2019). The author can study the issues of other data mining tasks such as outlier detection more deeply in (Moradi and Mokhatab Rafiei 2019; Kou et al. 2012; Peng et al. 2008, 2011; Ahmed et al. 2018).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Knowledge discovery process

As we can see that while grid and cloud focus on the distributed system architecture and protocols, data mining is combined basically with replication and scheduling methods for discovering knowledge from data. Nowadays, the emergence of cloud approach, as well as the increasingly complex nature of data mining applications, has led to a new cooperation of cloud and data mining. On the one side, cloud environment provides powerful computational system for distributed data mining applications. On the other side, mining cloud data is emerging as a novel type of data mining application. The interesting task is to monitor access pattern from the cloud based on data mining techniques to extract new useful knowledge and enhance cloud performance.

Generally some data files tend to have correlations in same jobs, applications or users. In many real data-intensive applications such as high-energy physics, some files are requested together. We can group files with strong correlations in the same replica group to improve the data replication strategy. For example, if correlated files are stored in the same or nearby sites then the number of distributed transactions, which need to access to several sites, is reduced.

In this paper, we propose a Data Mining-based Data Replication (DMDR), which determines the correlation of the data files accessed using the history of access. An efficient replica placement strategy can result in good performance gains. In this regard, DMDR selects the best site that is most central and high number of accesses. Finally, DMDR uses another paradigm based on replica deletion instead of unnecessary replication to further improve the efficiency of storage resource utilization. DMDR removes data files that are the least likely to be needed in the near future. For evaluation purposes, the DMDR is simulated using the CloudSim simulator (Calheiros et al. 2011). The experimental results show that the DMDR is able to reduce access time, enhance hit ratio, total number of communications, and improve effective network usage in the cloud environment.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 shows a brief introduction of the related works on data replication. Section 3 introduces Data Mining-based Data Replication (DMDR) Algorithm. We explain DMDR process using a case study in Sect. 4. Section 5 evaluates the performance of effective and current replication strategies in cloud system. In Sect. 6, we illustrate some real examples to see the application of the proposed method. Finally, we conclude the paper and point out some future works in Sect. 7.

2 Related works

Data replication is one of the most challenging issues in distributed systems (Manjula et al. 2016; Nivetha and Vijayakumar 2016; Khalili 2019). This issue has attracted considerable international attention from the researchers in the last few years. In the following, we present a review of most relevant prior investigations.

Long et al. (2014) designed a Multi-objective Optimized Replication Management (MORM) strategy by balancing the trade-offs among the different parameters in cloud environment. They proposed formula that is combination of various optimization factors such as data availability, load, latency, service time, energy consumption, probability of failure. Users can set weight of variables based on the requirements. For example, assigning a higher value on their performance objectives makes replication strategy adaptable. The experimental results using the extended CloudSim showed that MORM strategy enables to enhance load balancing of system and reduce the energy consumption. This algorithm does not pay attention to the replica replacement that is the crucial step when the storage space is full. But our proposed algorithm (DMDR) tries to deletes files with the least likely to be required in the future.

Casas et al. (2017) presented a Balanced and file Reuse-Replication Scheduling (BaRRS) strategy that schedules applications in cloud environment. BaRRS splits large workflows into several small workflows to improve system utilization using paralleling technique. It also uses data replication algorithm to data access at run-time. BaRRS considers important characteristics of workflows, such as execution time, dependency patterns, and file size. They executed four scientific workflows based on various dependency patterns and file size. The obtained results confirmed that the workflow dependency patterns have a significant effect on performance of scheduling strategy. The main weakness of this approach is that it ignores dynamic variation of file access patterns. But, our proposed replication algorithm (DMDR) handles monitors historical data of data centers based on data mining techniques to find important information and improve response time.

Tos et al. (2018) introduced Performance and Profit Oriented Data Replication (PEPR) method that provides SLA guarantees such as availability and performance as well as improves the economic benefit of the cloud provider. When an estimated response time is higher than the SLO response time threshold, PEPR stores replicas in data centers. PEPR triggers replication only when the response time and profitability of the provider are satisfied. It stores replicas in the site that is closest to the most amounts of requests. The number of replicas is continually determined based on satisfying the SLA objectives. Simulation results confirmed that PEPR satisfied the SLA and profitability of the cloud provider. Neglecting the hidden association relationships in file access is the main disadvantage of the PEPR strategy, while our proposed replication algorithm (DMDR) focuses on pre-fetching replicas within the cloud computing that is not considered in Tos et al. (2018).

Mansouri et al. (2017) developed a Dynamic Popularity aware Replication Strategy (DPRS) that is based on the leveraging data access behavior. It dynamically calculates data popularity based on the variation of users’ access behaviors and then stores most frequently requested data to the best locations. It finds the best locations according to the number of requests, free storage space, and site centrality. DPRS applies the parallel downloading approach to assemble data fragments. The weakness of strategy is neglecting the effect of file access pattern in replica decision. But our proposed replication algorithm (DMDR) replicates the related files based on historical behavior.

By consideration of transmission cost, evaluation information of history, system load and users QoS preference as criteria, Lou et al. (2014) proposed a strategy on the base of individual QoS sensitivity restrictions. This strategy answers to this question: Does appropriate file exist in local node? If yes, used directly. Else, feature of replica and historical evaluation information must be checked. QoS preference is able to estimate the availability level, timeline and reliability. By doing so, it is responsible to estimate the similarities between current demanding environments with the historical replica. Finally, the replica with the highest credibility similarity environment is selected. The analytical results indicated that the proposed strategy enables increase data availability due to that replication in an adaptive manner by adjusting the reliability parameters in the environment model. Nevertheless, the scheme focuses only on the replica selection. Our proposed replication algorithm (DMDR) considers the issue of replica placement and replica replacement simultaneously.

Elango and Kuppusamy (2016) proposed a data replication strategy based on the Fuzzy-FP-Tree-based frequent pattern mining algorithm. They applied FP-growth strategy along with the support and confidence is being determined based on the membership function in the fuzzy logic to extract the frequent patterns. In the first step, they converted quantitative values in transactions into linguistic terms according to the on Hong et al.’s (1999) idea. Experiment results demonstrated that it delivered better data access time without much delay while comparing the available Apriori_based method. Its shortcoming is that it didn’t determine which file to be replaced whenever the storage is full. In a real large-scale cloud environment, storage is a critical element. Therefore, the proposed strategy (DMDR) improves the temporal locality property by considering information such as data access frequency, size of file, access time to determine the victim file.

Alghamdi et al. (2017) formulated problem of file replication inside data center, with the goal of reducing the energy consumption of data file access in cloud system. They proposed Profit-Based Replication (PBR) algorithm, which minimizes the energy consumption by at least half of that, obtained by an optimal solution. Profit concept is defined as combination of the file size and energy consumption. The intuition behind the profit is that storing a replica in a data center is more profitable if this decrease more energy usage for file access and the file has a smaller size. Simulations using CloudSim toolkit indicated that under Zipf distribution, the performance difference between Profit and Local is even larger. But the file access pattern is not addressed in this work. Our proposed strategy (DMDR) takes into account file correlations to pre-fetch the frequently access files in the suitable location based on centrality.

According to literatures, different replication strategies developed to copy the critical file at reasonable time. Table 1 summarized these strategies based on different options:

Table 1 Data replication factors considered by existing replication algorithms in cloud
  • Bandwidth Consumption determines whether the bandwidth consumption is considered in replication decision.

  • Response Time shows whether the replication strategy takes into account the response time for replication.

  • Load Balancing specifies whether the workload is balanced on different data centers.

  • Energy Efficiency option determines whether replication considers the energy consumption in cloud data centers.

  • Consistency management guarantees that the multiple replicas of a particular file are kept consistent in the presence of concurrent updates.

  • Security option determines whether the replication algorithm takes into account the security factors in the replication process.

  • Data Mining indicates whether the data mining techniques is used in replica decision or not.

  • Simulator used factor specifies the simulator that is used to test the proposed strategy.

Results of the experimental evaluation show that while a data replication strategy is necessary to satisfy performance requirements, using traditional algorithms are not enough for the cloud provider to take a holistic view of the different steps and benefits of replication. Traditional strategies have done that, such as providing better response time, higher network usage, they did not pay attend to relevant knowledge like file access pattern. To the best of our knowledge, comparatively less works have been attempted for proposing replication algorithms based on the data mining techniques for cloud systems, instead most of the works exist for grid environments.

  1. 1.

    In many real data-intensive applications like high-energy physics (Doraimani 2007; Ko et al. 2007), some files tend to have correlations. As a consequence, it is necessary to discover files that are accessed together. Therefore, we apply a maximal frequent correlated pattern mining strategy to find sets of highly related files.

  2. 2.

    Data retrieval time is a key factor in determining the throughput and the quality of service of cloud. So, the proposed method considers centrality and number of replica access in placement step to reduce retrieval time. The central data center can disseminate files faster.

  3. 3.

    With explosive growth of data, storing several replicas in the limited storage is another problem and hence a powerful replica replacement strategy is essential to replace useless replicas with vital replicas. DMDR strategy removes replicas based on the last time the replica was accessed, access number and size of file.

3 Data Mining-based Data Replication (DMDR) algorithm

3.1 Main definitions

In this section, we introduce how each data replication concept is mapped to suit the data mining tasks.

Item: The proposed strategy assumes an item is a logical value (zero or one) that indicates whether or not the file is required enough by a particular job.

Transaction: The proposed strategy determines each transaction as a set of files required by a particular job.

Extraction context: Generally, data mining approach defines an extraction context based on a triplet K = (T, I, R), where T shows the set of transactions/object, I indicates the set of attributes/items and R determines a binary relation (i.e., \( R \subset T \times I \)). In other words, each couple \( (t,i) \in R \) shows that the object \( t \in T \) consists of the item \( i \in I \). In our case, items are the accessed files and transaction is the required files of each job.

Pattern: A pattern/itemset is determined as a set of items.

Frequent pattern: The proposed strategy defines a frequent pattern as a set of files that exist simultaneously in the history of file access with a higher support than predefined support value.

Correlation measure: There are different metrics for correlation such as lift and χ2 (Brin et al. 1997), all-confidence, any-confidence and bond (Omiecinski 2003), coherence (Lee et al. 2003), and cosine (Wu et al. 2010). The all-confidence correlation measure is selected for our replication case. The all-confidence value for an itemset Y is found based on Eq. (1):

$$ All{ - }Confidance\,(Y) = \frac{Support( \wedge Y)}{{Max\{ Support( \wedge i)|i \in Y\} }} $$

Correlated pattern: If the value of correlation measure for a pattern is higher than or equal to the predefined threshold of correlation measure then pattern is found as a correlated pattern.

Frequent correlated pattern: In our case, a set of files whose correlation value overpasses the predefined threshold (i.e., MinCorrelation) and the number of simultaneous occurrences in the history of file access overpasses the predefined threshold (i.e., MinSupport) shows a frequent correlated pattern.

Maximal frequent correlated pattern: If a frequent correlated pattern has no frequent correlated pattern as a superset then it found as a maximal frequent correlated pattern. We have four main steps as follows:

Step 1: Each site saves the history of accesses performed by the jobs assigned on it for all remote files and local ones. In the first step, we extract the history of file access. Access pattern specifies the order of requested file by the job. Let us consider, a job J1 needs three files F1, F2, and F3. History of file access creates couple (J1, F1) which is shows the number of times F1 is accessed by a J1 in a particular period.

Step 2: Second step converts the history of file access to logical file access history, named as binary context. We creates binary context in a form of table which is contains the logical values for required files of each job.

Step 3: Third step found the hidden correlations among files according to the maximal frequent correlated pattern mining strategy. In other word, we group the closely related files.

Step 4: Fourth step uses the maximal frequent patterns determined in the third phase as input of the replication strategy. It found the best site for replica placement based on the centrality and number of access. If enough storage is available to store the set of correlated files in the best site, then the replication will trigger. Otherwise, replacement process should be take place. We assigned value to each file based on important parameters such as the last time the replica was accessed, access number and size of file. If aggregation value of the candidate files for deletion is lower than the value of the group of files to replicate, then candidate files are removed. Otherwise, the replication process will be abandoned.

3.2 Constructing a binary context based on the file access history

Each site creates history of file access periodically. Assume a matrix An × m indicates history of file access on site Sitei, where number of jobs are scheduled to the site Sitei in a particular period is shown by n and number of files requested by these jobs is determined by m. In other words, Aj,k = NumAccess (Jj, Fk) shows the number of times the job Jj accessed the file Fk. Now we transform the history of file access to a binary context consisting logical values (zero or one). For this purpose, we consider the popularity of file. If number of requests of Fk by jobs executed in Sitei is higher than average number of accesses Fk, then Fk is popular. The average number of accesses of each file, i.e., AverageAcc (Fk) is determined as Eq. (2):

$$ AverageAcc\,(F_{k} ) = \frac{{\sum\nolimits_{k = 1}^{{N_{j} }} {NumAccess(J_{j} ,F_{k} )} }}{{N_{j} }} $$

where Nj is the number of jobs assigned to Sitei that request the file Fk.

Firstly, for each file Fk, the algorithm computes AverageAcc (Fk). Then for total number of jobs, if NumAccess (Jj, Fk) > AverageAcc (Fk), i.e., Jj frequently requests Fk, The value of (Jj, Fk) cell is set as 1. Otherwise, the value 0 will be stored

figure a
figure b


3.3 Algorithm of maximal frequent correlated pattern mining

Algorithm of maximal frequent correlated pattern mining needs binary context, MinSupport threshold and Min-All-Confidence threshold as inputs. Definition of parameters is presented in Table 2. Algorithms 1 and 2 indicate the Maximal Frequent Correlated Pattern (MFCP) algorithm.

Table 2 Parameter description
  1. 1.

    It compares support of each item with MinSupport threshold. Then, the initial set of maximal frequent correlated patterns is determined by set of frequent items. In addition, the all-confidence value of an item is set as 1.

  2. 2.

    We do the following steps in each iteration:

    • Frequent correlated patterns of size k-1 constructs the frequent correlated patterns of size k.

    • Mfcp contains the set of Fcpk + 1. Moreover, line 10 to line 11 in the strategy is used to guarantee each element of Mfcp has no subset in this same set.

    • The algorithm is terminated when the new pattern isn’t generated.

3.4 Replica placement

One of the serious concerns in cloud with high-speed growth of data is finding the best site for replica placement. We store replicas based on the centrality and number of replica access. According to the temporal locality (recently accessed file are likely to be accessed again), number of replica access has a main role in replica placement decision (Saleh et al. 2015).

Moreover, the relative importance of a site in the system can be determined by the centrality of a node in a graph. Our strategy considers the centrality to reduce retrieval time. There are different centrality metrics such as closeness centrality, degree centrality, between centrality, and eccentricity centrality (Newman 2009). We only consider the closeness metric in replica placement process. A site is set as closeness in a network, if it has the lowest value for the summation of the distances from all of the other sites. The lower the sum of distances from the other sites, the more centrality has the site. The closeness centrality value for site v can be defined as the following (Newman 2009):

$$ Centrality(a) = \frac{N - 1}{{\sum\limits_{a \ne b} {d(a,b)} }} $$

The parameter N is used to indicate total number of data centers in the system and d(a,b) shows the distance between data center a and data center b.

In the sequel, replica is stored in a site with the highest value of Merit by Eq. (4).

$$ Merit(s) = w_{1} \times TotalAccess + w_{2} \times Centrality $$

where TotalAccess indicates total number of access for files in Mfcp list by site s, Centrality is centrality value of site s, w1 and w2 are the proportion weights corresponding to the above two main parameters. We know that the scale of above parameters is different. Therefore, it is necessary to transform value of parameters into a scale of 0–1 before applying them in Eq. (4). We assume that the scale of normalization is uniform.

Maximal frequent correlated patterns that are found are candidates for replication. Now, we have three important phases:

  • Maximal frequent correlated patterns are arranged based on the number of items in descending order.

  • For each pattern, if the enough storage space is available in the selected site to copy all the files of the correlated pattern, then DMDR strategy stores them.

  • Otherwise, one or more replicas must to be candidate for replacement. For this purpose, DMDR strategy considers key factors such as the last time the replica was accessed, access number and size of file. The number of access and the last time the replica was requested identify the probability of requesting the file again. In addition, it is logical to replace files with large size and can decrease the number of replica replacement. Firstly, it creates list L from files in selected site and for each file compute Value based on Eq. (5). Then it sorts list L in ascending order of Value. It selects candidate files from list L until enough space is available. Value of file is obtained by:

$$ Value(f) = \frac{{NAcc_{f} }}{{(CT - LT_{f} ) + Size_{f} }} $$

where CT is the current time, LTf is the last request time of file f, Sizef shows size of file f, and NAccf is the number of access of file f

figure c


Then, it computes two average value criteria: the first for the set of data files to replicate and is named AvgMfcp, while the second is related to the candidate files for deletion and is called AvgDel. Finally, if the Value gained by replicating files (AvgMfcp) is greater than the accumulative Value loss in deletion of the candidate file (AvgDel), then DMDR deletes the candidate files and places new correlated group of files. Replacement strategy is shown in Algorithm 3. Figure 5 shows flowchart of the DMDR algorithm.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Flowchart of DMDR algorithm

4 Case study

In this example, there are four sites Site0, Site1, Site2 and Site3 as shown in Fig. 6. Let us consider nine master files are stored in Site0 with size 30 GB and the storage size of other sites is 15 GB. We assume that the proposed algorithm select Site1 for replication according to the Merit value. In addition, eight jobs run on the Site1 in the studied period. Table 3 indicates the history of file access.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Distribution of files before executing the DMDR algorithm

Table 3 File access history for Site1

Phase 1: Constructing a binary context based on the file access history

DMDR strategy determines for each file Fk its average number of accesses as indicated in Table 4. For example, average number of accesses of F1 is 55. For each job Jj and a given file Fk, if NumAccess (Jj, Fk) ≥ AvgerageAcc (Fk) then it set NumAccess (Jj, Fk) by value 1. Otherwise, the value of NumAccess (Jj, Fk) is set by 0. In this case, we replace the NumAccess (Jj, Fk) value by 1 in the binary context; otherwise, the value 0 is saved. Table 5 indicates the binary context.

Table 4 Average access of each file for Site1
Table 5 Binary context for Site1

Phase 2: Determining the maximal frequent correlated pattern

DMDR strategy uses algorithm of maximal frequent correlated pattern mining (Sect. 3.3) based on the value of MinSupport is 0.3 and Min-All-Confidence is 0.4.

For frequent correlated with size one, only F3 is infrequent. Then it finds the frequent correlated patterns with size two according to the frequent correlated patterns with size one. For each pattern, it identifies whether it is frequent. If pattern is frequent, then it compares its all-confidence measure with Min-All-Confidence. Else, it prunes this pattern and it doesn’t calculate its correlation value.

In this case, frequent correlated patterns with size 2 are F1F2, F1F5, F1F6, F1F4, F2F4, F2F5, F2F6, F4F5, F4F6, F4F7, F4F8, F4F9, F5F6, F6F7, F6F9, F6F8, F7F8, F7F9and F8F9. Then, it determines the maximal frequent correlated patterns with size 3 and so on based on the same method. F1F2F4F5F6 and F4F6F7F8F9 are maximal frequent correlated patterns.

Phase 3: Replication process

The file characteristics such as number of accesses, size of file, and last time access are presented in Table 6. DMDR strategy determines two patterns (F1F2F4F5F6 and F4F6F7F8F9) for replication. Site1 contains the F1 and F2 for first pattern. The free storage of Site1 is 8 GB (15 GB − 7 GB = 8 GB). For the first pattern, available storage of Site1 is enough for storing F4, F5 and F6. After replication, Site1 has F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 and F6.

Table 6 File characteristics

In another example, we want to place F4F6F7F8F9 in Site1 that contains F1, F2, F3. The free storage of Site1 is 8 GB. Therefore replacement process is triggered. For this case, DMDR strategy assigns Value to the files based on Eq. (5) as shown in Table 7. Therefore, it selects F1 and F3 as the candidate files for replacement.

Table 7 File Value

As a result, the average value of candidate files for deletion (i.e., F1 and F3) and the average value of candidate files for replication (i.e., F4F6F7F8F9) are computed as 0.04 and 1.02, respectively (i.e., AvgDel = 0.04 and AvgMfcp = 1.02). Since the average value of candidate files for deletion is lower than the average value of candidate files for replication, the files F1 and F3 will be removed from Site1, while F7, F8 and F9 will be stored in Site1. As a consequence, Fig. 7 indicates the new distribution of files in the cloud site for two previous examples.

Fig. 7
figure 7

Distribution of files after executing the DMDR algorithm

5 Evaluation results and analysis

5.1 Simulation scenarios

We have performed extensive experiments with three main categories as follows.

  • Replication algorithms comparison: Performance evaluation of the proposed replication algorithm by comparing it with other related methods based on different metrics.

  • Effect of thresholds of the proposed algorithm on efficiency: Investigation of MinSupport and Min-All-Confidence thresholds in response time and effective network usage.

  • Network topology architecture: Study of the parameters which effect on topology network.

5.1.1 Replication algorithms comparison

We have extended different classes of CloudSim toolkit to test replication algorithms. Table 8 shows the general parameters’ setting of cloud simulator. The parameter of simulation is set based on the existing studies (Barroso et al. 2013) to represent a typical cloud environment realistically. We have performed an intensive set of simulation studies for showing the performance power of proposed method. To test the effectiveness of the proposed strategy, we consider Average Response Time, Storage Usage, Number of Communications, Replication Frequency, and Hit ratio as performance metrics for analytical evaluation. At the beginning of simulation, we placed the primary copy of each data file is randomly sites.

Table 8 Parameters setting of cloud simulator Average response time

If the response time is defined as the time duration among the sending of job and receiving of the answer, then the average response time calculated from Eq. (6):

$$ Average\,Response\,Time = \frac{{\sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^{m} {\sum\nolimits_{k = 1}^{{m_{j} }} {(J_{jk} (rt) - J_{jk} (st))} } }}{{\sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^{m} {M_{j} } }} $$

where \( J_{jk} (st) \) and \( J_{jk} (rt) \) shows the sending and receiving times of job k in user j, respectively. mj is the number of the jobs for user j. We have performed four different of tests based on different number of tasks, different number of data centers, different file size and different number of files for average response time.

Tables 9–12 show the simulation structure for test numbers 1–4, respectively. Figure 8 compares the average response time of the replication strategies for the uniform distribution and Zipf distribution. We can see that MORM strategy outperforms the BaRRS algorithm by up to 11% when number of task is 1000. Since MORM strategy replicates based on the file unavailability, service time, load variance, energy usage and latency to determine the relationship among replica number, replica layout and these performances. But BaRRS achieves better average response time compared with Fuzzy-FP due to creating a much greater number of copies in the cloud nodes. DPRS executes tasks on a data center with the most required files and has slightly better average response time in comparison with PEPR strategy. DMDR applies pattern mining to find subsequent file requests when a file is requested in data center, and this hence reduces average response time and latency.

Fig. 8
figure 8

Average response time based on varying number of tasks

Figure 9a compares the average response time for different number of data centers. From Fig. 9a, it is clear that as the number of data centers increases, the replication algorithms are able to process the tasks in the low response time with high efficiency because tasks can be distributed on different data centers and the task waiting queue in each data center has small size. Tasks for execution in each data center require several files. In difficult conditions such as low number of data centers and resource constraints, the advantage of the proposed replication method will be more prominent than other algorithms. DMDR considers a proper mechanism to place copy of files in appropriate data center. It can be seen from Fig. 9a, MORM algorithm achieves lower response time compared with fuzzy-FP method (about 13.5% in average) because in MORM algorithm the load variance of data centers is considered as a parameter for replica placement.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Average response time based on a varying number of data centers. b different file size

Figure 9b presents the results that are obtained when the size of files changes. The size of files is another evaluation factor that can show the advantage of one replication algorithm compared with others. So the replication algorithm that considers appropriate way to identify popular files obtained lower response time in comparison with other methods. It can be seen from Fig. 9b that DPRS obtains lower response time compared with MORM algorithm (about 21%) even in high level of file size, because it uses a dynamic process to find popular file and replicates those files.

We can observe from Fig. 10 that as the number of files increases, the replication algorithms process the tasks in the high response time. The difference of replication algorithms is appeared in difficult conditions such as high number of files. In this situation, the advantage of the proposed method will be more distinguished than other algorithms; the proposed method executes tasks in average 27% faster than other methods.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Average response time based on different number of files

Figure 11 shows average response time for the proposed method (DMDR) and DPRS in terms of file size and number of files. We can see from Fig. 11 that in low number of files and file size these two methods have close performance ; DPRS has better performance due to considering an intelligent data placement process for balancing of the system. As the file size and number of files are increased, the response time for the proposed method (DMDR) and DPRS also increased. In high number of files and file size, DMDR method achieves lower response time compared with DPRS because it considers centrality as a parameter for selecting data centers and also it applies a good strategy for replacing replicas.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Average response time for different number of files and file size Storage usage

We know that various methods proposed for data replication may lead to different storage usage, affecting the storage capacity planning. The storage usage for replicas by replication schema can be expressed as in Eq. (7):

$$ Storage\,\,Usage = \frac{Filled\_Space\_Available}{Space} $$

Storage is undoubtedly one of the key elements in cloud environment, so beneficial information can be provided by monitoring the use of storage resources. This can be valuable in proposing an efficient replication methodology from two important points of view: on the one hand, the objective could be the minimization of storage consumption, perhaps because the resource cost is proportional to the amount being used; on the other hand, its cost might be constant and one would then goal at maximizing the use of storage space.

We have performed four different of tests based on different number of tasks, different number of data centers, different file size and different number of files for storage usage.

Tables 13–16 show the simulation structure for test numbers 1–4, respectively. From Figs. 12, 13, 14a, b, we can observe that MORM achieves lower storage usage compared with PBR, Fuzzy-FP, and BARRS. Because in MORM instead of storing replicas in many sites, they can be placed in the best locations so that the storage usage can be reduced. From Fig. 12 and referring to the resource consumption, by using DPRS, the storage usage is decreased by outperforming PEPR, 23%. This is because DPRS only keeps frequently accessed files that are a small part of the whole data set, thus decreasing the storage usage of replication. DMDR strategy consumed almost half of the storage capacity used by PBR, while PBR method filled more than half of the entire storage capacity available in the cloud environment. This is because DMDR only replicates the important files based on the Value assignment to each file. When set of files are candidate for replication in the selected site and there is no sufficient space, the DMDR compares the aggregated Value. If their summation of Value for is “higher,” these files will be replicated. Otherwise, the file will be accessed remotely.

Fig. 12
figure 12

Storage usage based on varying number of tasks

Fig. 13
figure 13

Storage usage based on varying number of data centers

Fig. 14
figure 14

Storage usage based on different a file size, b number of files

We can see from Fig. 14a, as the size of file is increased the storage usage by different replication method is also increased. The proposed algorithm (DMDR) compared with BARRS and Fuzzy-FP can reduce storage usage by 35% and 39%, respectively. Since using an appropriate replacing strategy is one of the main factors especially when sufficient space is not available for storing a new replica.

Figure 15 shows storage usage for the proposed method (DMDR) and DPRS in terms of file size and number of files. We can observe form Fig. 15, in low number of files and file size, these two methods have close performance. In high number of files and file size, the proposed method achieves lower storage usage in comparison with DPRS since it deletes replicas with low value and only keeps the valuable files.

Fig. 15
figure 15

Storage usage for different number of files and file size Number of communications

The next evaluation is planned to study the number of communication for DMDR in comparison with other replication methods. It is crucial to reduce the total number of communications for decreasing the access latency and the bandwidth congestion. We have performed three different of tests based on different number of tasks, different number of data centers, and different number of files.

Tables 17–19 show simulation structure for test numbers 1–3, respectively. In Fig. 16, it is observed that DMDR outperforms by 9% over DPRS and by 15% over PEPR. Instead of storing individual files, an advanced DMDR replication strategy replicates the most related files. In addition, DMDR stores replicas in the best site (i.e., best site that has the great number of access and most central) based on the temporal and geographical locality concepts. Consequently, it can decrease total communications between data centers.

Fig. 16
figure 16

Number of communications based on varying number of tasks

Based on the results of Fig. 17 and Fig. 18, we can infer that the number of communications in our approach is fewer than other approach. This optimization has a big impact, since the number of communications increases rapidly with increasing the number of files. When the number of data centers is low, more number of tasks are assigned to data centers thus more number of files are available for tasks in local location of tasks, and as a result number of communications are low but average response time is incredibly increased by considering the lower number of data centers for systems. We can see from Fig. 18, PEPR has lower number of communication compared with PBR algorithm because (about 18%) PEPR considers storage space and computational load of the data centers for replica placement.

Fig. 17
figure 17

Number of communications based on varying number of data centers

Fig. 18
figure 18

Number of communications based on different number of files Effective network usage (ENU)

The effective network usage indicates the ratio of files transferred to files requested. So a low value of ENU demonstrates that the data replication method is successful in storing files in the proper locations. As follow equation, Nrfa is the number of access times that local site gets a file from remote sites, Nfa is the total number of file replication operation, and Nlfa is the number of times that computing element uses a file locally (Cameron et al. 2003).

$$ E_{enu} = \frac{{N_{rfa} + N_{fa} }}{{N_{lfa} }} $$

The range of effective network usage is from zero to one. A lower value of ENU demonstrates that the network bandwidth is utilized more efficiently. Figure 19 shows effective network usage by different replication algorithms, when based on Table 20. It is obvious that data replication is a time- and cost-consuming process. But, performing no replication method has been proved to be improper in comparison with the simplest replication strategy. The effective network usage of DPRS is better in comparison with MORM and PEPR strategies because of considering access cost in replica placement. As depicted in Fig. 19, the ENU of PEPR is lower by 38% compared to PBR algorithm.

Fig. 19
figure 19

Effective network usage for different data replication strategies

This is because PEPR transfers most of files at the intra-data center level using replicas that are variable in the other sites in the local region with cheaper bandwidth. If accessing a file from remote site is more profitable than storing a new replica in local site, PEPR perform such an action to improve overall performance. When compared to the PBR, Fuzzy-FP, BaRRS, MORM, PEPR, and DPRS algorithms, the DMDR algorithm performs better because of considering centrality and number of accesses in replica placement. Most of the time replica of necessary files is available in the local data center. We can conclude from this evaluation that knowledge discovery process is beneficial in the determination of users’ future access behavior in cloud environment. Hit ratio

Hit ratio is as the proportion of total number of local file accesses to all accesses (i.e., local file accesses, total number of replications and total number of remote file accesses). Figure 20 explains the hit ratio among different replication algorithms, when based on Table 21. It is easy to see through the results of Fig. 20, DMDR has the highest value of hit ratio in comparison with other replication algorithms. In DMDR strategy, total number of local accesses has been increased by storing replica in appropriate location and avoiding unnecessary replication. When a site requests for a file and replication is triggered for it.

Fig. 20
figure 20

Hit ratio for different data replication algorithms

Adjacent files, which are extracted by mining the history of file accesses, if these are beneficial, are also pre-fetched. Therefore, total number of replications and remote accesses has been decreased and consequently hit ratio has been increased. As a result, prediction of future file requests according to the results of the data mining process has a great impact on enhancing the effectiveness of the replication algorithm by planning for a replication a priori, more dynamic and more adaptable to the user behavior. Replication frequency

By decreasing of the replication frequency, i.e., the ratio of how many replication trigger per data access, the ability of replication algorithm to sort data file in the appropriate sites is improved. The results of the replication frequency are presented in Fig. 21 when based on Table 22. The replication creation are higher than 0.73 for PBR algorithm, which shows that at least 0.73 replicas are created for a data access. The replication frequency of PBR method is too high which renders it not feasible in the real environment. Figure 21 shows that MORM strategy has reasonable replica frequency; it is due to fact that it creates replicas on the basis of access load. The replication frequency of DMDR is less than 0.21, i.e., for successive 100 data access; 21 replicas must be created. The ability of DMDR is to save valuable replicas during the change of environment. These characteristics can increase the availability beside of reducing unnecessary replications.

Fig. 21
figure 21

Replication frequency for different data replication strategies

5.1.2 Effect of thresholds Impact of MinSupport threshold

We investigate the impact of MinSupport on the ENU and average response time. The simulation results for the different MinSupport and fixed threshold of Min-All-Confidence are shown in Figs. 22 and 23. It is obvious that DMDR strategy gives reasonable average response time in low MinSupport value (from 0 to 0.5), which shows that it is efficient even if it does not take into account only high correlated files.

Fig. 22
figure 22

Average response time in different MinSupport value

Fig. 23
figure 23

ENU in different MinSupport value

In high value of MinSupport, the performance is deteriorated. The main reason is that replication strategy extracts only few frequent patterns. Impact of Min-All-Confidence threshold

Now we study the impact of variation Min-All-Confidence threshold for fixed values of the MinSupport in term of average response time and ENU. As illustrated in Figs. 24 and 25, optimum value of Min-All-Confidence equal to 0.5. Moreover, a rapid degradation of performance metrics is observed for a Min-All-Confidence value larger than 0.5.

Fig. 24
figure 24

Average response time in different Min-All-Confidence value

Fig. 25
figure 25

ENU in different Min-All-Confidence value

Comparing Figs. 22, 23, 24 and 25, we can see that DMDR strategy replicates efficiently when appropriate number of frequent correlated patterns is determined.

5.1.3 Network topology architecture

In our simulation, the input network topologies are generated under Waxman model (Jung et al. 2012). In Waxman model, N data centers are randomly placed into a square. A link is inserted between two data centers u and v, with a probability \( p(u,v) = \beta e^{ - d(u,v)/\alpha L} \), where d(u, v) represents the Euclidean distance between u and v, L is the largest possible distance between two data centers in the square. \( \beta \) and \( \alpha \) are Waxman parameters, and \( \alpha ,\beta \in (0,1] \). Figure 26 shows impact different value of \( \alpha \) and \( \beta \) on average response time, when these two parameters have small value, it means the probability that exist links between data centers is low and the system has low number of links. A low number of links means that a heavier load on the system and response time getting high value.

Fig. 26
figure 26

Average response time in terms of network topology parameters

Table 23 shows the simulation values for bandwidth test. In this test, we evaluate average response time in terms of different bandwidth value. As shown in Fig. 27, with the bandwidth reducing, the response time increases dramatically, especially when the bandwidth is lower than 700. The difference in response time of the proposed algorithm with the other replication algorithms for the bandwidth 100 is tangible. DMDR algorithm reduces bandwidth consumption by storing popular files based on access history in the best location. Therefore, most of time necessary files for task execution are locally available and do not need to transfer large files remotely.

Fig. 27
figure 27

Average response times for different bandwidth values

6 Real industry applications

In many real commercial applications, data files tend to have correlations (i.e., some files are requested by the same tasks). Examples include computational genomics, astrophysics, climate change modeling, biomedical information research network (BIRN), space shuttle flight simulation, high-energy physics, and earth observation (Russel et al. 2001; Keator et al. 2008; ESA 2010). Such data-intensive applications that mainly try to solve some of the most important problems facing human beings are becoming increasingly prevalent in various scientific and industrial disciplines.

6.1 High-energy physics

One of the most important activities in the department of Energy funded SciDAC-Data project is the analysis of the more than 410,000 high-energy physics files that have been generated by the Fermilab storage facilities. More than 5.6 million recorded projects process and analyze these files. The SciDAC-Data project began to analyze these huge files in order to present data-driven descriptions of high-energy physics (HEP) workflows and data management (Ding et al. 2016). The results include the investigation of file popularity, files access dependency, access pattern, and the correlations file overlap. Moreover, experiments present that how tasks and scheduling methods can be combined with various replication algorithms to execute the necessary tasks and find the requirements of physics analysis for the next generation in HEP computing. Therefore, the meta-information of these data along with HEP analysis chains are useful to understand how modern computing and data delivery is being performed.

6.2 Bioinformatic

Life science application is another motivating example that contains a large number of independent tasks and processes several files on computational servers. PattInProt is one of the applications which data replication can improve performance. This application focuses on the signatures and sequences of proteins. Genomic programs like full genomes sequencing projects generate huge files and present them to the community (Bernal et al. 2001). In addition, there are different bioinformatic tools for analyzing these large files. But most of them can be represented based on Fig. 28.

Fig. 28
figure 28

Current view of bioinformatics application (Desprez and Vernois 2006)

We can see from Fig. 28 that such bioinformatics applications access to several international protein sequence datasets such as Swiss-Prot/TrEMBL (Desprez and Vernois 2006). Therefore, data replication technique is necessary for reducing response time.

6.3 Simulation results

We have to use the simulator because target platforms are distributed and have multiple administrative domains. We set three tests (see Tables 24–26) to realistically represent a data-intensive task execution and evaluate performance of proposed method compared with other methods. Based on bioinformatics example, we consider requests as tasks, data centers as computational servers and files as data bases.

Figure 29a shows the performance of proposed replication algorithm for response time in terms of bandwidth and number of tasks compared with DPRS. We consider [700–1000] for network bandwidth. Figure 29a shows that the proposed algorithm for a high number of tasks leads to a greater reduction in time (10% performance better compared with DPRS).

Fig. 29
figure 29

Response time based on different number of a tasks and bandwidth, b files and file size

Figure 29b shows response time for DMDR and DPRS algorithms in different workloads (number of files and file size). From Fig. 29b, we can see that with the increasing number of workloads, our strategy has shorter response time (about 5%) than the other one strategy, indicating our strategy have more effective performance as workload increasing. Since, our strategy reduces the number of remote file accesses.

Figure 30 shows response time based on different number of tasks for various replication methods. In low loads, response times for DPRS, DMDR, BARRS, and MORM are not impacted significantly. For example, response time between DPRS and DMDR is about 150 and between PBR and Fuzzy-FP is about 100. However, significant response time degradations occur at higher number of tasks where more and more tasks with different files are added to the system. We can see from Fig. 30 that the proposed method achieves better performance in comparison with the other algorithms because of using appropriate replacing and placing strategies during replication.

Fig. 30
figure 30

Response time for large number of tasks

7 Conclusion

Nowadays, in various scientific disciplines, huge cloud-based applications have put forward higher request for storage and computing resources. It is essential to enhance data availability and the performance of the cloud system. In order to meet these goals, the replication technique is used. First, we designed a heterogeneous cloud environment to understand the relation between data file access, and replication cost. Then, we introduce a Data Mining-based Data Replication (DMDR) strategy. This replication method has three main steps and is suitable for replicating data files in cloud. In the first phase, maximal frequent correlated files are extracted based on file access history. In the second phase, DMDR stores replicas on a suitable location, with reduced access latency according to the centrality factor. In the third phase, the replacement decision is made in order to provide better response time. It replaces the replicas based on the importance value. The new replication schema was simulated using the CloudSim toolkit package. Our proposed mechanism replicates the data over the cloud nodes reasonably well and is easily implementable in a real environment. It stands good without increasing additional overheads. From the experiment results, it can be concluded that DMDR can achieve a good improvement of performance in term of average response time, effective network usage, replication frequency, and storage usage over former similar works. As ongoing and future directions, we enrich the set of QoS parameters taken into account for data replication process, consisting of service provider and client-related requirements with business driven limitations. Also, we want to perform more realistic evaluation with data accesses in actual applications.