Variation in bariatric surgical outcomes is common, even among surgical centers of excellence [1]. Technical proficiency among bariatric surgeons varies widely and is an important predictor of clinical outcomes including surgical site infection, readmissions, hemorrhage, reoperation, length-of-stay, and mortality [2,3,4,5].

Increasingly, surgical training relies on the use of video-based assessment (VBAs) [6] and the evaluation of technical skill using validated instruments [7, 8]. The most common of these instruments are the Objective Structured Assessments of Technical Skills (OSATS) and the Global Operative Assessment of Laparoscopic Skills (GOALS) [9,10,11]. Both instruments generate a global rating of surgeon technique in select domains of surgical practice. However, evidence suggests that the instruments may not adequately assess surgeon technical skill during training [12] and more importantly, omit the specific skills required to safely complete a specific surgical procedure. A recent systematic literature review of tools to assess surgical technical skills concludes that most published and validated instruments have limited adoption [13].

More recently, there has been a trend toward development and validation of objective, procedure-specific assessments (OPSAs). The most cited and only procedure-specific scale focused on bariatric surgery, the Bariatric Objective Structured Assessment of Technical Skill (BOSATS) [14] is a checklist that rates 23 bariatric surgery tasks. Each task is rated on a unique scale with multiple criteria contributing to each level of response. Like many surgical assessments, the BOSATS has not enjoyed widespread adoption in part because its lengthy and complex scoring algorithm adds substantial administrative burden to already busy surgical training programs.

Nonetheless, this type of procedure-specific assessment has the advantage of providing surgical residents and fellows with necessary feedback required for safe surgical practice. In alignment with competency-based medical education and the evolving focus on entrustable professional activities (EPAs) in training programs and professional societies, [15,16,17] OPSAs provide a logical, data-driven methodology to ensure trainees are prepared for safe autonomous practice [18].

In support of developing and implementing EPAs focused on safe completion of surgical procedures, the objective of this research was to evaluate changes in general surgical skill acquisition as well as changes in the safe completion of 12 consecutive tasks required for the jejunojejunostomy (JJ) segment of the Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass (RYGB) procedure.


This was a prospective cohort study of consecutive case series assessments of 17 RYGB procedures performed by a single post-doctoral surgical fellow from the University of Iowa Hospital & Clinics, Department of Gastroenterology, Bariatric Surgery Section. The bariatric surgery fellow’s laparoscopic surgical skill and competence was assessed by four board-certified, fellowship-trained bariatric surgeons using GOALS and two novel instruments: an RYGB OPSA and a General Assessment of Surgical Skill (GASS).

Instrument development and selection

The assessment included independent completion of three rating scales related to surgical technical performance: Global Operative Assessment of Laparoscopic Skills (GOALS) the RYGB OPSA (Supplemental Fig. 1), and the General Assessment of Surgical Skill (GASS) (Supplemental Fig. 2). GOALS is a standardized and validated instrument for grading overall technical proficiency for laparoscopic surgery, using a 5-point scale with a 3-level response option for assessing depth perception, bimanual dexterity, efficiency, and tissue handling. The second rating scale, the RYGB OPSA, was designed and developed by five study authors (PN, RL, EW, BR, MSW). The RYGB OPSA was designed to assess surgeon competence in completing discrete tasks of the JJ, pouch, and gastrojejunostomy. This study used only the JJ portion of the assessment. The following 12 tasks comprised the OPSA for the JJ portion of gastric bypass surgery: adequate reflection of the transverse colon, clear identification of the ligament of Treitz, maintenance of appropriate orientation of biliopancreatic and Roux limb, selection of the jejunal division point, stapler use, mesentery division, bleeding control, selection of JJ anastomotic site, apposition of JJ anastomotic site, creation of JJ, common enterotomy closure of JJ, and finally, evaluation of integrity of anastomosis. Each task was rated as poor—unsafe, acceptable—safe, or good—safe (scored numerically as 1, 2, and 3, respectively). Finally, raters assessed each surgery for global case difficulty (GCD) as “easy,” “average,” or “hard.” Similar to the GOALS, the GASS measures aspects of overall surgical technical performance including economy of motion, tissue handling, appreciating operative anatomy, bimanual dexterity, achievement of hemostasis, and overall performance with scoring rubric of poor—safe (1), adequate—safe (2), and good—safe (3).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Average assessment scores with linear trendline for 17 consecutive procedures

Operative video selection and data collection

The first 17 consecutive gastric bypass procedures completed by a single fellow from the Bariatrics Section of the Fellowship Training Program at the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics were video recorded. The cases were completed between August 2021 and January 2022. All videos were de-identified and uploaded to a proprietary online software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform. Each case’s JJ portion was isolated and clipped using the platform’s video editing function. The clipped JJ video was downloaded and labeled with a unique number generated using a random number generator with a lower limit setting of 1 and an upper limit setting of 5000, generating 100 numbers. The videos were then uploaded to a secure, password-protected cloud that the reviewers accessed to complete the video reviews. Two raters completed the GOALS assessment first, followed by the OPSA and GASS. Two raters completed the OPSA assessment first, followed by the GOALS and GASS. Raters were provided scoring sheets and received no specific training in the completion of assessments. All four reviewers were board-certified general surgeons trained in bariatric surgery, ranging in experience from 4 to 28 years in practice and a mean of 17.8 years. Each reviewer used a pre-formatted Excel spreadsheet to rate each video. Assessments were completed between January 10th and February 11th, 2022. Finally, each rater scored each operative video for case difficulty on a scale of easy (score: 1), medium (score: 2), or hard (score: 3).

Data analysis

The mean GOALS score was calculated for each case based upon the sum of the five individual item scores divided by five. Additionally, we calculated percent agreement between the categorical (safe vs. unsafe) measure for each of the 12 tasks in the OPSA and for the GCD. To calculate percent agreement across the raters, both the OPSA and GASS scale scores were categorized as either safe or unsafe. For the OPSA, unsafe was assigned to a score of 1 and safe to scores of 2 or 3. For the GOALS, unsafe was assigned for a score less than 3 and safe for scores of 3 or higher. Measurement of performance was assessed for all cases, cases with an average GCD less than 2, and cases with an average GCD 2 or greater. Evidence of a learning curve was measured by change in score over time, as measured by the slope of the linear trend line fit to the chronologically order average rater score for each component and the overall average of both the GOALS and OPSA scales.


A total of 17 gastric bypass procedures were performed by the Fellow between August 2021 and January 2022. As assessed by the raters, the average case difficulty score was 1.8 (SD 0.5), with only one surgical case receiving a GCD score of “hard” from one of the four raters.


On the five-point GOALS rating scale, the average score for all cases was highest for tissue handling (3.76, SD 0.76) and for depth perception (3.74; SD 0.89). The lowest average rating was for efficiency (3.46; SD 0.82). Scores stratified by GCD averaged mildy worse performance for harder cases. (Table 1) The slope of the linear trendline across the 17 consecutive operative videos was positive and significant for the total GOALS score (Table 2; Supplemental Fig. 3) and for the bimanual dexterity, depth perception, and efficiency items (Table 2). Only tissue handling did not show a positive trend toward improvement.

Table 1 Performance measures for the RYGB OPSA, GOALS, and GASS
Table 2 Test for trend for each item assessed for the fellow surgeon


On the 3-point GASS rating scale, the highest average score for all cases was achievement of hemostasis (2.82; SD 0.38) followed by appreciating operative anatomy (2.62; SD 0.52). The lowest average score was reported for economy of motion (2.32; SD 0.53). Using the categorized safe vs. unsafe rating scale, both achievement of hemostasis and overall performance were rated as safe across all 17 procedures, with tissue handling and economy of motion having the highest percent rated as poor/unsafe (4.4% and 3.9%, respectively) (Table 1). Scores stratified by GCD were mildly reduced for harder cases. Despite having no ratings of poor (unsafe), the slope of the linear trendline for achievement of hemostasis was significant and negative, while the slope of the trendline for bimanual dexterity was significant and positive (Table 2). No other items showed a significant change across the 17 operative videos (Table 2; Fig. 1).


Overall, the highest average rated items of the RYGB OPSA were maintenance of orientation of biliopancreatic and Roux limb (3.0; S.D. 0), and evaluation of integrity of anastomosis (2.94; S.D. 0.34). The lowest average ratings were for common enterotomy closure of the JJ (2.37; S.D. 0.54) and for creation of the JJ (2.54; S.D. 0.5) (Table 1). Scores stratified by GCD showed no significant changes. Of interest, no raters scored creation of the JJ, apposition of JJ anastomotic site, creation of the JJ, maintenance of orientation of the biliopancreatic and Roux limb, or stapler use as unsafe for any of the operative videos. The tasks with the highest percent of unsafe ratings were clear identification of the ligament of Treitz (13.2%), followed by adequate reflection of the transverse colon (11.8%) and selection of the JJ anastomotic site (4.4%). In addition to the average score across all 12 items (Fig. 1), three RYGB OPSA items showed a statistically significant improvement in scores across the 17 operative videos: creation of the JJ, selection of jejunal division point, and stapler use (Table 2).


To create a laparoscopic bariatric surgery assessment instrument aligned with the needs of competency-based medical education and EPAs (enabling trainee micro-assessments in routine clinical practice), a novel 12-item RYGB OPSA focused upon safe completion of narrowly defined surgical tasks was developed and field tested for initial performance against a single surgical fellow over a series of 17 procedures. Preliminary results indicate the instrument was able to measure meaningful changes in surgical performance, both for general assessments of surgical technical skill and procedure-specific assessments of the specific tasks required to complete a procedure. OPSA RYGB performance scores demonstrated did not vary substantially based upon case difficulty.

The improvement in performance documented in this study is consistent with one of the few prior studies evaluating surgical fellows’ performance using objective assessments. In a study including 98 assessments among 31 surgical fellows, Hogle et al. [19] reported that GOALS scores for overall performance, bimanual dexterity, efficiency, and autonomy significantly improved throughout the fellowship year and that depth perception and tissue handling improved but didn’t reach statistical significance.

The novel instrument introduced in this study—the 12-item RYGB OPSA—was deliberately designed with a consistent “poor-unsafe,” “adequate—safe” vs. “good—safe” scoring rubric to enable low-stakes feedback to surgical trainees. Though the average score across all 12 items was high (2.69 out of 3), all but four of the tasks had at least one unsafe rating and two tasks had a substantially higher number of unsafe ratings. Providing unambiguous assessment of safe task-specific performance coupled with VBAs where trainees can visualize their technique provides a rich context for providing feedback that surgical residents and fellows [20] desire as part of their training and has been demonstrated to improve operative performance [21, 22].

The approach used to assess surgical fellow performance in this study is consistent with a recent review of the use of VBA in surgical education which summarized results from 199 peer-reviewed manuscripts [7]. The authors report on numerous benefits of VBA in the educational process, concluding with potentially the most relevant, that VBA may help decrease the assessment demands of medical education. The two novel instruments included in this study, the GASS and the RYGB OPSA, were designed to work seamlessly with VBA and to explicitly prioritize the most important aspect of surgical performance, namely the safe completion of a procedure, while also focusing on ease of use and administration. Efficiency of use and ease of administration may be particularly important as it is estimated that the learning curve range for RYGB is anywhere from 30 to 500 procedures [23].

Advancing the real-world adoption of competency-based medical education and entrustable professional activities

While the vision and value of competency-based medical education and EPAs is clear, the pathway to widespread adoption is less certain. The core operating components of EPAs include reliable assessments of trainee performance as part of routine surgical practice and the provision of robust feedback for both formative (low-stakes) assessments and summative (high-stakes) assessments. One of the critical enabling factors of EPAs will be assessment instruments that are: (a) reliable and bias-free, (b) easy to use as part of routine practice, and (c) valid in that they improve trainee performance and enable promotion of safe, competent surgeons. The design approach for the RYGB OPSA included iterative engagement with clinical experts, narrowly defining surgical tasks and the use of unambiguous assessment scales, testing of instrument constructs against a variety of surgical videos, focus on safety and brevity, and statistical validation within the context of intended use. One of the core drivers of the adoption of EPAs is the willingness of busy surgical mentors to actually perform assessments of their trainees [24]. While sound methodologies such as those used in the development of the 23 item BOSATS including hierarchical task analysis and Delphi questionnaires may deliver theoretically consistent instruments, the lack of broad adoption forces one to question the ultimate effectiveness at delivering instruments that can achieve intended goals established by EPAs. This study provides preliminary evidence that a 12-item RYGB OPSA is sensitive enough to measure improvements in novice surgical performance, and provides evidence regarding the value of rapid, real-world approach to developing and testing instruments focused upon safe surgical practice.

Future research

This research investigation represents a proof-of-concept, namely, that it is practical to assess procedure-specific surgical skill at the level of definable tasks and that measurement can document improvement in a surgical fellow’s performance. The current laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery OPSA represents an initial step toward the development of objective, measurable EPAs. However, addressing known challenges of existing instruments including reliability, usability, and validity for high-stakes assessments will require additional investigation [11, 25]. First, continued evaluation and validation of the GASS and RYGB OPSA with investigations focused on test–retest reliability, evaluation of trainer and trainee qualitative feedback on the utility and value of the instruments, and on the association of performance on clinical and financial outcomes following surgery. In support of this work, the RYGB OPSA will continue to be used in fellowship training and will be used in a national surgical collaborative to collect additional validation data.

Strengths and limitations

The strength of this study is reflected in the uniqueness of the data. VBA is a practical method for allowing the assessment of surgical performance and safety. Further, this is the first time that the RYGB procedure has been deconstructed into its major steps with a simple, easy-to-rate scoring rubric focused on the safe completion of each task. The focus on safe completion of each surgical task may support more focused training and feedback on the specific areas of improvement required to grant autonomy.

Several limitations should be considered when interpreting these results. First, raters received no training in the interpretation and scoring of any of the instruments and no follow-up interviews were conducted among the raters to assess why a score—especially an unsafe rating—was assigned. Additionally, surgical performance was only assessed for a single surgical fellow, a fellow who entered the program with substantial surgical experience. This fellow’s experience and scores may not reflect those of surgical residents in training or with less experience. As a result, improvement in performance across all the instruments may be demonstrated in a surgical trainee population that is earlier in their surgical training residency.


This study demonstrated improved skill acquisition by a minimally invasive bariatric surgery fellow in the first six months of their fellowship training. The study also demonstrated that improvement occurs even in the latest stage of surgical training and that improvement is not just measurable at the general skill level but also at the level of procedure-specific tasks. With further validation, the new scales may assist in documenting competency and support the evaluation of EPAs during surgical training programs. Finally, with the goal of optimizing surgical technique, associated outcomes and patient safety, surgical training may benefit significantly from more systematic targeted feedback, coaching, and guidance provided for each task in a procedure.