
Use of videofluoroscopic study of swallowing (VFSS) by speech-language pathologists (SLPs) as an instrumental dysphagia assessment is well known [1]. VFSS is a dynamic, real-time, two-dimensional assessment of swallowing [2]. Despite the widespread clinical use of VFSS, interpretation is often subjective and inter-rater agreement for diagnosis and treatment recommendations is highly variable across clinicians [35]. Clinician agreement, or inter-rater reliability, is improved by training clinicians to observe and rate diagnostic variables systematically to a criterion—typically using rating scales [6, 1, 7, 8, 9]. Hind et al. [10] investigated the judgement of trained, expert SLPs when using the criterion-based, Penetration-Aspiration Scale (PAS) [8]. After 20 min of tutoring, aspiration identification agreement was high (K = .86 to .89). Similarly, in the development of the MBSImP™, SLPs were trained for 8 h and underwent 4 h of independent study [1]. Through standardized criterion-based scoring and coaching, agreement improved irrespective of years of experience [1]. Intra-rater and inter-rater agreement for MBSImP™ was more than 80% [1].

Although these studies address the issue of clinician agreement, lack of objectivity remains a challenge. Over the last fifteen years, Kendall and colleagues have published a standardized approach using objective, digital timing and displacement measures of key swallowing events including a substantial adult normative database [11]. Appendix 1 provides a selection of their published measures and definitions. They have systematically defined these measures and demonstrated correlation with clinical risk such as total pharyngeal transit time and pharyngeal constriction ratio [11]. Reliability of these measures has been established across eight to ten raters in numerous studies involving normal and dysphagic patients, typically resulting in substantial agreement (intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC) .90 to .98) [11]. Clinician agreement of these objective VFSS measures was supported by a recent pilot study [12]. The authors compared VFSS interpretation agreement of SLPs pre- and post-training using objective VFSS measures. Twenty-one SLPs with a wide range of experience (6 months to 16 years) participated in the study. The study was divided into three assessment scenarios: (1) real-time view in radiology suite, (2) frame-by-frame and, (3) objective VFSS measures. Agreement across clinicians for pharyngeal phase measures increased from low agreement in scenario 1 (K = .19) to moderate agreement in scenario 3 (K = .60) following the introduction and familiarization with the objective VFSS measures [12].

Increased objectivity and agreement in VFSS interpretation has potential for clinical benefits as accuracy in rehabilitation management should also improve [13]. To encourage uptake of such objective measures, it would be helpful to advise clinicians of the expected learning curve and time requirement to become proficient with the measures. The overall aim of this study was to evaluate competency development and feasibility of SLP use of a systematic (or quantitative) VFSS measurement process in order to improve the objectivity of study interpretation and better inform care. Competency was defined as the SLPs’ ability to effectively apply new knowledge and skills in learning objective VFSS measures then translating them into reporting. We measured this by comparing accuracy of measures and interpretations, inter- and intra-rater agreement. Feasibility was defined as time required to measure and report and an arbitrary judgement as to whether this would fit into a clinical workload. A second aim was to assess participating clinicians’ self-reported feelings of competence and pressure when learning and using this measurement system. The following research questions were asked: Can SLPs master a selected number of objective VFSS measures within an eight-week period? Do speed, accuracy and interpretation skills improve over time? Does previous clinical experience in VFSS influence competency development? How do SLPs’ perceived competence and perceived pressure in completing the measures change over time?


This study received appropriate regional ethics approval (UAHPEC 013106) and all participants provided written informed consent.


An advertisement was published on a University social media website. Participants were selected on first-come, first-served basis. Six novice SLPs with no experience in conducting VFSS and four experienced SLPs with experience in leading VFSS were recruited. Five novice SLPs were new graduates with no previous clinical experience. One novice had three years experience working clinically without exposure to VFSS. Experienced SLPs’ years of clinical experience and proficiency leading VFSS ranged from 2 to 10 years. No participants had familiarity with objective VFSS measures (Table 1). Participants were required to attend a training session in person but then completed the study from their home locality (between 5 and 1000 km from the research site).

Table 1 Demographic information

Objective Measure Training

Participants underwent 4 h of hands-on objective VFSS measures training focused on learning five measures described in detail by Leonard and Kendall: pharyngeal constriction ratio (PCR), maximum pharyngoesophageal segment opening (PESmax), pharyngoesophageal segment opening duration (POD), airway closure duration (ACD) and total pharyngeal transit time (TPT) (Appendix 1) [11]. Participants had the opportunity to practice each measure as well as being provided with the clinical implications of their use. Participants viewed each study frame-by-frame (Quicktime Media Player, Apple Inc) and were trained to calculate displacement measures using Universal Desktop Ruler (AVPSoft Inc). Alongside the training process, they were also given weekly mentoring via email and access to the key textbook: “Dysphagia Assessment and Treatment Planning: A Team Approach” by Leonard and Kendall [11]. Mentoring included email responses to queries and brief weekly feedback regarding measures and interpretation accuracy.

Study Protocol

Twenty consecutive de-identified VFSS recordings of individuals with dysphagia due to stroke were taken from The University of California, Davis database. All VFSS were recorded at 30 frames per second with timing information superimposed on the fluoroscopic recording in 100ths of a second using a Horita VS-50 Video Stopwatch (Horita, CA, USA). A radio-opaque ring of known diameter was taped to the patient’s chin to allow calibration for displacement measures. Selected videos ranged from 39 s to 2 min 25 s in length. In order to avoid introducing bias from recorded audio instructions, all videos were de-voiced.

Participants were sent three randomly selected videos per week. For each video, SLPs were instructed to watch the full VFSS protocol but to complete timing and displacement measures on the one 20 mL fluid swallow. Videos were sent each Monday and participants were instructed to complete the objective measures independently in their own time. Three videos per week were selected to represent a realistic caseload for a clinician running a weekly VFSS clinic. To perform analyses of measurement agreement, six randomly chosen videos were re-coded and repeated a second time during the 8-week period. A standardized interpretation sheet [penetration-aspiration scale score (PAS), five objective measures, diagnostic impression and recommendations] was used for all videos (Appendix 2). After completing the measures, participants were expected to summarize their diagnostic findings and make recommendations based solely on the VFSS measures. They were also asked to time how long it took them to complete each video. Finally, participants were asked to rate their perception of competence and pressure each week using sub-sections of the Intrinsic Motivation Inventory (IMI): Task Evaluation Questionnaire [14]. Participants were required to rate 10 statements using a seven-point Likert scale (1 = not at all true, 4 = somewhat true, 7 = very true). For example, ‘I did not feel at all nervous about doing the VFSS objective measures’ and ‘I felt pretty skilled at VFSS objective measures’. They were required to email their measures, interpretations, timings and questionnaires to the researchers at the end of every week. In order to encourage participation by working clinicians and limit participation time, SLPs were asked to participate for up to eight weeks or until they reached the stipulated gold standard level of speed and accuracy. Three expert clinicians completed measures on all twenty videos independently prior to the research. Inter-rater agreement between expert clinicians was ICC .92 (confidence interval (CI) .87 to 1.0). Due to their high level of inter-rater agreement, the three sets of expert ratings were used as the gold standard against which study participants were compared. For experts, the time taken to complete one video was on average 20 min (range 18–24). Gold standard was set at 80% accuracy in comparison to the consensus of the three expert clinicians [5] within a 30-min completion time.

Data Analysis

Data were inputted into Excel (Microsoft Corporation, Santa Rosa, CA, USA) by the primary researcher blinded to participant number or week number. Statistical analyses were completed using SPSS version 22 (SPSS, IL, USA). Speed, measures, interpretations and perceived competence and pressure ratings were compared across weeks and experience levels. In order to explore agreement in diagnostics and management, two elements of the VFSS were selected for analysis. Diagnostic impression was coded for identification of pharyngeal constriction and pharyngoesophageal segment impairments to reflect the two objective pharyngeal displacement measures (PCR and PESmax) taken by participants. The management recommendations were also coded to identify exercises specifically known to focus on pharyngeal constriction (masako, effortful swallow) and pharyngoesophageal segment opening (Shaker head lift, Mendelsohn).

Inter-rater and intra-rater reliability was conducted using intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) to examine agreement among participants over time. The ICC values were interpreted using Kappa criteria of Landis and Koch [15] as they are considered comparable [16]: .01 indicates poor agreement, .01 to .21 slight agreement, .21 to .40 fair agreement, .41 to .60 moderate agreement, .61 to .80 substantial agreement and .81 to 1.00 almost perfect agreement [15]. Speed, measurements and interpretations were compared to the gold standard consensus to calculate percentage agreement. Participant percentage accuracy was defined as within one standard deviation from the experts—gold standard. Relationships between speed, accuracy, perceived competence and pressure were explored using linear regression. Friedman test was carried out to examine the differences in Task Evaluation Questionnaire scores over weeks for perceived competence and pressure domains.


All ten participants completed the entire study. No drop out occurred.

Demographic Data

Participant characteristics are presented in Table 1. One experienced SLP stopped measures at week 3 (participant 8) and another at week 5 (participant 6) having reached gold standard. The six novice SLPs and the two other experienced SLPs chose to complete all eight weeks irrespective of reaching gold standard on earlier weeks (Table 1).


Across participants, the mean completion time for one video was 50 min in week 1 (range 28.3–62.3, SD 15.0) and reduced to 25 min by week 8 (range 15.0–33.3, SD 6.65, p < .001) (Fig. 1). Experienced SLPs reduced their time for completion earlier than novice SLPs. However, there was no significant difference in overall duration between groups at initial (p = .84) or final week (p = .99).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Mean speed to complete measures across weeks

Measure Agreement

Inter-rater agreement improved across weeks for PCR, PESmax and POD (Table 2). However, ACD agreement decreased from moderate agreement (ICC = .51) to fair agreement (ICC = .22). In comparison, PAS score achieved almost perfect agreement for every week (week 1 ICC = .91, 95% CI .58 to 1.0; Week 8 ICC = .95, 95% CI .80 to 1.0). Across participants, intra-rater agreement also increased over time (week 1 to week 3 = ICC range .09 to .986; week 3 to week 7 = ICC range .959 to .994) with no difference between experienced and inexperienced SLPs.

Table 2 Inter-rater agreement for measures across time

Accuracy of Measures

Accuracy was similar across experience groups (Fig. 2). At week 3, the accuracy was more than 80% for all measures with exception of PCR, where 80% agreement was achieved at week 5 (Table 3). ACD remained variable across weeks. As accuracy of the measurement improved, time for completion reduced (R 2 = .688, p < .05).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Mean percentage accuracy of measures across weeks

Table 3 Mean percentage accuracy of measures across participants

Perceived Competence and Pressure

There was a statistically significant increase in perceived competence among the participants across weeks (χ 2 (7) = 50.54, p < .001) and a statistically significant decrease in pressure (χ 2 (7) = 37.75, p < .001) (Figs. 3, 4). Experienced SLPs had higher perceived competence between week 1 and week 5. However, by week 6, there was no difference between experience levels. As accuracy in measurement increased, perceived competence increased (R 2 = .575, p = .12) and perceived pressure decreased (R 2 = .498, p = .20). As time to complete reduced, perceived competence increased (R 2 = .957, p = 3.94) and perceived pressure decreased (R 2 = .9134, p < .001).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Median perceived competence across weeks

Fig. 4
figure 4

Median perceived pressure across weeks

Diagnosis and Rehabilitation Recommendations

Mean percentage agreement of diagnosis and management recommendations are displayed in Table 4. By week 8, mean percentage agreement for diagnosis and management recommendations ranged from 66.67 to 100%.

Table 4 Mean percentage agreement in diagnosis and management recommendations across weeks


This research programme explored competency development for learning and undertaking objective VFSS measures in both novice and experienced SLPs. Comparisons were based on recorded pharyngeal timing and displacement measures of 20 mL fluid swallows. Speed and accuracy are often considered the simplest measures for evaluating skill training [17]. With training, and eight-weeks of practice, both novice and experienced SLPs achieved competency as judged by time to complete, accuracy and inter-rater agreement.


In order for objective VFSS measures to be feasible in clinical practice, measures need to be achievable within the time constraints of a busy caseload. This requires both the speed of performing the measures, undertaking analysis and reporting, as well as duration of the learning curve for individual SLPs to reach reasonable levels of accuracy and to feel competent with measures, to be realistic. Within six weeks, new graduate SLPs had achieved the same speed of completion measuring five measures of swallowing as experienced SLPs even though experienced clinicians increased their speed of analysis more quickly. This suggests that exposure to VFSS clinically does influence the learning curve of SLPs incorporating objective measures for the first time. Comprehensive knowledge in anatomic structures is essential for interpreting VFSS. Experience is well established as advantageous for learning [18, 19] with experience enhancing ones’ ability to reflect on action while practicing [20, 21]. Faster recall is also achieved with increased experience [19, 22, 23], and it is reasonable to expect experienced SLPs to make quicker decisions regarding interpretation of findings and recommendations compared with new graduates. It must be noted that although participants reported on the full VFSS including penetration/aspiration and oral parameters, the focus of this study was accuracy of five specific pharyngeal timing and displacement measures. Participants had little clinical information about each patient. Speed of completion may be greater if further clinical decision-making is needed or if additional measures of swallowing kinematics were to be measured. This would need to be factored into the clinical setting.

Measure Agreement

This research provides preliminary information regarding SLP agreement in objective VFSS measures following 4 h of training. The overall agreement of measures increased over time. All measures achieved substantial to almost perfect agreement within 8 weeks, except for ACD. Clinician agreement of objective VFSS measures yielded higher inter-rater agreement than that found by many previous researchers using the more traditional observational approach [6, 7]. Similar to previous study, looking at group discussion and training [24, 25], the findings of this study show promising results using an off-site mentoring technique following initial face-to-face training.

Poor agreement in airway closure duration throughout the study period sits in contrast to the other measures. Poor screen resolution to detect subtle grey-scale changes is a possible explanation as participants often verbalized difficulty visualizing the laryngeal vestibule during this measure [25, 26]. Standardizing VFSS resolution and optimizing screen viewing by control of ambient light, adequate warm-up of the viewing screen and screen quality may improve measure accuracy.


Previous clinical experience with VFSS did not appear to influence SLPs’ ability to achieve accuracy in objective VFSS measurements. In fact, two novice SLPs achieved 80% accuracy in measures in week 1 following only four hours training. These data support the findings by Logemann and colleagues [27] that SLPs can achieve specific clinical skills with training irrespective of experience.

Diagnosis and Recommendations

Arguably one of the most important clinical questions is whether high accuracy and clinician agreement lead to high agreement in diagnostic impressions and treatment decisions. Although this was not the aim of this study, preliminary analyses suggest that participants did agree in diagnosis and treatment options for both impairments of pharyngeal strength and pharyngoesophageal segment opening. These positive results are in accordance with those obtained by Miles and colleagues [12], where agreements in interpretation and management decisions were high when objective VFSS measures were used for study interpretation. Interestingly, there was no difference between novice and experienced SLPs’ agreement of diagnostic impression and management decision, suggesting that objectivity refutes the reliance on experience in clinical decision-making. Evidence-based, objective measures perhaps provide confidence to novice clinicians in developing treatment recommendations. The researchers planned to code participants’ recommendations for oral intake as: normal, modified, nil-by-mouth. However, heterogeneity of responses precluded any statistical analysis of these responses, which provided only qualitative information. Participants’ responses were rarely decisive (for example, “nil-by-mouth but tastes of thick fluid and puree as tolerated”, “thick fluids or perhaps thin fluids with a straw might work”). This perhaps reflects the difficulty participants had in management decisions without adequate clinical information. A further more standardized study has been designed to address recommendations related to quantitative measures.

Perceived Competence and Perceived Pressure

As participants progressed through the eight-week study, perceived competence increased, while perceived pressure decreased with the majority of change occurring within the first three weeks. In the adult education literature, trainees often start with feeling the pressure of being externally assessed, fear of revealing low competence or differing from peers [18]. As trainees receive positive feedback from a mentor, they perform better [28, 29]. In fact, there is evidence that stress may be a catalyst for greater performance [29]. Again, the value of off-site (email or telehealth based) mentoring is promising.


To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first study to compare the development of competency between novice and experienced SLPs utilizing objective VFSS measures. Thus, there are no gold standard parameters that can be used to define competency attainment. The gold standard of 80% accuracy was based on previous benchmarking work [5] and 30-min completion time was solely based on what the researchers deemed to be clinically feasible within a hospital SLPs’ workload. This research may act as the baseline to identify the exact competency standard for SLPs who are learning objective VFSS measures in the future.

One limitation of the data was that with only three videos measured per week, one difficult case could skew the data considerably. The researchers ensured that high-quality videos were sent to participants; however, the participant SLPs’ personal computers might have inadequate processing power or screen resolution [30].

The limited number of participants may have influenced reliability measures and led to wide confidence intervals. Caution must be applied, especially as numbers of experienced SLPs decreased over the weeks, as participants reached gold standard. This can lead to normality violation and negatively affect ICC results [31, 32]. A fixed sample size could improve the power of future studies [33]. An alternative approach to strengthen the results would be to reduce variability through stricter data collection sheets with tick box responses rather than open-ended responses. Open-ended responses were chosen in this study to avoid priming of participants. However, criterion-based diagnostic impressions and rehabilitation recommendations could be added to the objective VFSS measures to reduce divergence.

Additionally, without adequate patient history information, diagnostic impression and recommendations were based solely on interpretation of the objective VFSS measures in this study. In reality, judgments influencing treatment recommendations are made based on all aspects of patient history, examination and co-related conditions. Furthermore, other measures of swallowing would likely be utilized in clinical practice including bolus flow and timing measures and these may have altered treatment recommendations in this study, had they been included.


SLPs can learn and incorporate objective VFSS measures within a feasible time frame. Speed to completion, inter-rater agreement and accuracy improved over an eight-week time period irrespective of prior VFSS experience levels. As perceived competence with measures increased over time, pressure of the new tool receded. Most importantly, these data demonstrate good agreement among SLPs on VFSS interpretation when utilising objective VFSS measures. With the use of objective, reproducible measures and strong agreement in diagnostic interpretation and recommendations, more specific standardized care can be recommended. This should, in turn, lead to better ability to share data in a standardized fashion and hopefully better patient outcomes. This study can inform SLP departments when developing training programmes to facilitate the implementation of objective VFSS measures in future.