
Recent advancements in natural language processing (NLP) and machine learning (ML) have opened new possibilities for leveraging artificial intelligence (AI) models. These models, such as ChatGPT (Generative Pretrained Transformer), a powerful large language model (LLM) developed by OpenAI, have rapidly gained global attention since their public release in November 2022, attracting an unprecedented 100 million users within just 2 months.

The integration of AI in healthcare has witnessed a progressive evolution, with ML and NLP playing pivotal roles. ML algorithms, initially applied for tasks such as image recognition and diagnostics [1] have matured into sophisticated models capable of processing vast amounts of medical data [2,3,4]. NLP, on the other hand, has enabled AI systems to understand and generate human-like text, facilitating communication between machines and healthcare professionals.

The development of large LLMs, exemplified by GPT-3 and its successor ChatGPT, represents a noteworthy milestone. These models, built on architectures leveraging billions of parameters and trained on massive text datasets, hold substantial potential to revolutionize diverse fields, including healthcare. ChatGPT has demonstrated its prowess in healthcare by passing medical exams, elucidating treatment risks and benefits, educating patients on obstructive sleep apnea, and generating automated hospital discharge summaries [5,6,7,8,9]. Furthermore, it can simplify complex medical terminology, enhancing patients' understanding of their options. It is crucial to emphasize, however, that while ChatGPT can be a valuable resource, it does not substitute for professional medical advice, and decisions should always be discussed with healthcare professionals [10].

Understanding the evolution of AI, from foundational machine learning to the development of advanced language models, is essential in appreciating the capabilities and drawbacks, and thus, the potential impact of ChatGPT in healthcare.

Clinical guidelines serve as the gold standard in medical decision-making, developed through meticulous analysis of high-level evidence, expert consensus, and a thorough review of the current medical literature.

Established in 1995, the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) has become a cornerstone in oncology, committing to enhancing the quality, effectiveness, and efficiency of cancer care. The NCCN guidelines are a result of a comprehensive program focused on developing clinical practice guidelines for the management of several tumors. Rooted in consensus-building, these guidelines undergo continuous evaluation of evidence and structured feedback, reflecting the dynamic nature of cancer care to incorporate the latest high-level of evidence-base and consensus of a multidisciplinary panels of experts in cancer care [10, 11].

In the ever-evolving landscape of oncological decision-making, the integration of artificial intelligence, exemplified by tools like ChatGPT, necessitates rigorous performance benchmarking against the established NCCN guidelines [11].

In this context, our study aims to explore the landscape of AI-assisted decision-making in head and neck oncology, specifically focusing on the concordance between ChatGPT responses on treatment suggestions, adjuvant treatment indications, and follow-up recommendations and the established guidelines. By comparing ChatGPT's responses with the NCCN guidelines [11], we seek to evaluate the model’s performance and highlight its potential impact in the context of oncological decision-making.

Materials and methods

In this head-to-head comparative study, we consulted ChatGPT version 3.5 to obtain the most accurate therapeutic recommendations for each combination of cancer site, stage and nodal involvement (according to the latest edition of the AJCC Staging Manual [12]), covering the landscape of head and neck cancer scenarios outlined by the NCCN guidelines [11] (i.e., from the NCCN Guidelines Version 2.2024 Table OR 1- Cancer of the Oral Cavity- Including Mucosal Lip-: T1-2,N0; T3N0; T1-3, N1-3; T4a,N0-3; T4b, N0-3). All the categories explored are listed in Table 1. These categories served as the basis for our comparative analysis. Then we compared the answer provided by the Chatbot with the Guidelines suggestions. The chatbot’s answer was considered correct if responses were deemed fully aligned when they unequivocally matched the treatment suggestions, adjuvant treatment indications, and follow-up recommendations outlined in the NCCN Guidelines. Chatbot’s responses were categorized as incorrect when they deviated from the NCCN recommendations one or more suggestions, either providing inaccurate information or suggestions not supported by the guidelines.

Table 1 Raw data of ChatGPT-generated suggestions and NCCN guidelines for head and neck cancer, including primary treatment, adjuvant treatment, and follow-up

In Table 2 we reported, as examples, few questions we asked.

Table 2 Examples of questions asked to the chatbot and the responses obtained for different scenarios along with their respective evaluations

To address unintentional bias, a junior author (E.B.) consulted the chatbot, while two senior authors (F.M., A.I.) independently assessed responses. The process was repeated twice, with disagreements resolved by a senior author (G.P.). Patients with synchronous head and neck cancer, previous treatment(s) for head and neck cancer, and metastatic patients were excluded to focus specifically on treatment recommendations in scenarios without these complicating factors.

We utilized a range of performance metrics to comprehensively evaluate the concordance between ChatGPT responses and the NCCN Guidelines. Sensitivity emerged as a critical metric, given its role in identifying true positives and ensuring reliable recognition of appropriate treatments, a crucial aspect in the clinical context of accurate treatment suggestions. Sensitivity was calculated by considering true positives (TP) and false negatives (FN) (where ChatGPT failed to identify correct responses). Specificity was deemed inapplicable since, assuming NCCN Guidelines are the “gold standard, and thus always correct, true negatives (TN) were absent. Accuracy served as an overall measure, considering both TP and TN, providing an overview of the model’s performance across diverse scenarios. Precision gauged the proportion of correctly identified answers (TP) among all cases predicted as correct by ChatGPT, offering insights into the model's ability to avoid false positives (FP). The F1 score, balancing precision and recall, provided a comprehensive measure of the model’s performance, crucial in situations where FP and FN carry different weights. All the formulae are reported in Fig. 1. The confidence interval (95% CI) has been calculated for each metric across the three scenarios. These selected metrics collectively offer a nuanced evaluation of ChatGPT's performance in providing recommendations. The diagnostic performance of ChatGPT was assessed across three distinct sets of questions (Primary treatment, Adjuvant treatment, and Follow-up) using Receiver Operating Characteristic (ROC) curves and Area under the ROC Curve (AUC) calculations. The AUC values, along with their 95% confidence intervals, were computed to quantify the discriminatory ability of the test in each population. To statistically compare the diagnostic performance among populations, a bootstrap analysis was employed, generating 1000 resampled datasets for each population. Pairwise comparisons of AUCs were conducted using bootstrap-derived confidence intervals, with significance determined if the interval did not include zero. Statistical analyses were performed using the R software for statistical computing (R version 4.3.2).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Formulas to calculate perfomance metrics


Performance evaluation of Chat GPT in NCCN-related scenarios

In our study, ChatGPT exhibited promising capabilities in addressing NCCN-related queries across diverse scenarios. Our investigation involved 68 hypothetical clinical cases for primary treatment, adjuvant treatment, and follow-up, covering all stages and tumor sites outlined in the NCCN Guidelines. A summary of the raw data collected is presented in Table 1.

For “Primary treatment”, ChatGPT provided accurate suggestions in 58 cases and inaccuracies in 10 cases, resulting in TP = 58, TN = 0 (as NCCN is always correct), FP = 10, and FN = 0. This yielded metrics of 100% sensitivity (0.97–100 95% CI), 85.3% accuracy (0.78–0.92 95% CI), and an F1 Score of 0.92 (Table 3).

Table 3 Performance metrics for ChatGPT in comparison to NCCN guidelines, including sensitivity, specificity (not applicable), overall accuracy, and F1 score for primary treatment (Treat) and the evaluation of Confidence Interval (CI)

For “Adjuvant treatment”, ChatGPT’s suggestions were accurate in 65 cases and inaccurate in 3 cases, leading to 65 TP, 0 TN (as NCCN is always correct), 3 FP, and 0 FN. The resulting metrics were 100% sensitivity (0.98–100 95% CI), 95.59% accuracy (0.76–0.95 95% CI), and an F1 Score of 0.96 (Table 4).

Table 4 Performance metrics for ChatGPT in comparison to NCCN guidelines, including sensitivity, specificity (not applicable), overall accuracy, and F1 score for adjuvant treatment (Adj) categories and the evaluation of Confidence Interval (CI)

Regarding “Follow-up Indication,” ChatGPT’s suggestions were accurate in 64 cases and inaccurate in 4 cases, resulting in 64 TP, 0 TN (as NCCN is always correct), 4 FP, and 0 FN. This yielded 100% sensitivity (0.88–100 95% CI), 94.12% accuracy (0.88–100 95% CI), and an F1 Score of 0.94 (Table 5).

Table 5 Performance metrics for ChatGPT in comparison to NCCN guidelines, including sensitivity, specificity (not applicable), overall accuracy, and F1 score for the follow-up (FU) categories and the evaluation of Confidence Interval (CI)

Combining data from all three scenarios, the overall sensitivity was 100%, accuracy stood at 92%, and the F1 score was 0.93. The overall precision reached 91.7%

The ROC curves comparison is illustrated in Fig. 2, where the area underneath the curves (AUC) was 0.98 for the adjuvant treatment and 0.93 for the primary treatment, with a corresponding p-value of 0.052.

Fig. 2
figure 2

ROC curves: comparison between primary treatment and adjuvant treatment

The AUC for the adjuvant treatment was 0.98 and 0.93 for the follow-up (p-value of 1.000) (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

ROC curves: comparison between adjuvant treatment and follow-up

In Fig. 4, the AUC is 0.98 for the primary treatment and 0.93 for the follow-up, with a p-value of 0.028. The absence of specificity is acknowledged as it is not applicable in this context. The F1 score emphasizes the model's balanced performance across various NCCN stages.

Fig. 4
figure 4

ROC curves: comparison between primary treatment and follow-up


The integration of AI models, particularly LLMs like ChatGPT, into healthcare has witnessed a transformative shift in recent years [10, 13,14,15,16]. While AI already constitutes a valuable integrated tool in clinical practice across various specialties for the diagnosis and screening of several tumors, its integration into therapeutic decision-making remains a distant prospect at present [17,18,19,20]. ChatGPT's success in tasks such as passing medical licensing exams and generating automated hospital discharge summaries underscores its potential utility in complex medical domains [8, 9, 30].

However, LLMs demonstrated significant potential in providing treatment recommendations aligned with those offered by various specialists [21, 22] and was also capable to provide patients guidance to interpret symptoms and dietary recommendations [23]. Recent strides in NLP and ML have ushered in a new era of AI applications, with ChatGPT at the forefront [7, 28, 29].

ChatGPT in cancer care: a potential paradigm shift

This study delves into the application of ChatGPT in the context of head and neck cancer treatment, scrutinizing its ability to align with the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Guidelines [11]. The results not only shed light on the model’s performance but also open avenues for discussions on the evolving role of AI in oncological decision-making process and support. There is a dearth of prior research investigating this particular subject; however, in the case of neoplasms affecting other anatomical sites, the findings are heterogeneous [24, 25]. The results of employing ChatGPT to assist or simulate tumor board deliberations, or to offer patients guidance regarding appropriate treatments for specific tumors have exhibited notable variability (concordance ranging from 58 to 82%). These divergent results partially mirror the variability in treatment decisions, influenced not only by histologically and tumor stage but also by the genetic or somatic characteristics of the patient [26, 27].

ChatGPT emerges as a potential tool in assisting cancer patients, particularly in the intricate realm of treatment selection. Its ability to provide information, answer queries, and simplify medical terminology could enhance patient understanding and engagement [31, 32]. However, it is crucial to emphasize that ChatGPT complements, rather than replaces, professional medical advice [33,34,35,36]. Collaborative decision-making involving healthcare professionals remains paramount [37,38,39].

NCCN guidelines as the gold standard

The NCCN Guidelines [11], considered the “gold standard” in oncological care, provide a comprehensive framework for decision-making. Standardizing recommendations is crucial for minimizing disparities in clinical responses, especially in the context of head and neck cancers, where treatment protocols may vary based on country-specific conditions [40, 41]. Still, we cannot underline more the existing controversies since the integration of LLMs in the context of head and neck oncology, coupled with reliance on the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) Guidelines, introduces specific risks that merit thoughtful consideration. One of the major concerns derives from the interpretability in clinical decision-making process.

Understanding how the model processes clinical nuances is vital for clinicians to trust and effectively incorporate AI-generated suggestions. Medical practitioners must cultivate a deep comprehension of LLMs architecture and operational principles, enabling judicious interpretations and fostering trust in AI-generated recommendations within the decision-making process [42]. Our study assumes the infallibility of the Guidelines, but it’s important to acknowledge that guidelines themselves are subject to ongoing refinement. Those provided by the NCCN, undergo continuous evaluation based on high-level emerging evidence and are updated at least annually, sometimes addendums are made within the same edition. Consequently, the lack of real-time adaptation in AI models may lead to potential discrepancies between model-generated suggestions and the latest evidence-based practices. For this reason, the responses currently provided by the chatbot may not be accurate in the future.

Performance evaluation of ChatGPT

Our study focused on the concordance between ChatGPT and the NCCN Guidelines in the specific context of head and neck cancer. The results demonstrated promising capabilities. Noteworthy is the model's high sensitivity, emphasizing its robustness in providing relevant suggestions across diverse scenarios. We observed a high overall accuracy of 92%, showcasing the model’s effectiveness across diverse tumor sites and stages. However, we encountered 10 inaccuracies in primary treatment suggestions, as well as a few in adjuvant treatment and follow-up recommendations. These results might be explained by the fact that indications for adjuvant treatment are more standardized, even in various subsites of the head and neck, while the choice of primary treatment can vary significantly based on different anatomical characteristics of each subsite, nodal involvement, HPV/EBV status, and the evolving nature of cancer treatment protocols and approaches. In the realm of “Follow-up Indication”, ChatGPT displayed reliable performance, accurately suggesting follow-up recommendations in 64 out of 68 cases. The model achieved an accuracy of 94.12%, yielding an F1 Score of 0.94. This indicates the model's proficiency in providing consistent and accurate guidance for post-treatment monitoring.

To the best of our knowledge, there is a lack of studies in the current literature addressing AI-assisted decision-making for treatment suggestions in head and neck oncology. The only study in head and neck oncology explored the chatbot capabilities in oropharyngeal cancer patients, is focused on education in diagnosis, treatment and follow-up. The authors reported a higher accuracy in “follow-up suggestion” rather than “diagnosis and treatment suggestions” [43]

While the current study illuminates the potential of ChatGPT in supporting cancer care decisions, certain considerations should be acknowledged. The absence of specificity in our evaluation, owing to the assumed infallibility of the NCCN Guidelines, underscores the need for fine distinction in interpretation. While specificity was considered inapplicable due to the assumption that NCCN Guidelines are always correct, we want to underscore that in certain real-world clinical scenarios the guidelines may not be infallible since they do not take into account several patient’s features. Therefore, our study reveals knowledge gaps that hinder achieving true clinical decision support and the need for more nuanced understanding and integration of patient-specific factors into AI models. Additionally, we focused on hypothetical clinical cases necessitating of further exploration in real-world clinical settings. However, when we, as head and neck surgeons within a multidisciplinary tumor board, recommend what we consider to be the most appropriate treatment in accordance with guidelines, we take into account specific patient-related factors such as patient’s age, performance status, medical comorbidities, current medications, life expectancy, quality of life, and any prior treatments [44, 45]. Most of these features are not taken into account by LLMs. Therefore, the generalizability of our findings to actual clinical practice should be approached with caution beyond the evaluated context. The efficacy of ChatGPT in dynamic healthcare settings requires careful consideration of potential contextual variations. Our goal is to demonstrate that ChatGPT, when queried appropriately, can provide accurate information for educating patients about their condition and for guiding non-trained physicians in head and neck oncology to make proper referrals. Moreover, even though we have considered clinical cases reported in NCCN guidelines and the consequent indications, the choice of treatment in everyday clinical practice is a multifactorial decision where, at least, two other considerations must be made: first of all, within the same T stage, certain extensions may preclude a specific therapeutic approach (e.g., endoscopic vs. open; transoral vs. transcervical), and this consequence, merged with the patient’s will, can be a modifying factor in the final therapeutic choice. Secondly, multiple patient’s comorbidities can rule out certain extensive surgical approaches or prevent the administration of combined medical therapy with radiotherapy in case the primary indication is not surgical. Consequently, the model's suggestions may lack the necessary granularity required for individualized patient care.

To enhance ChatGPT’s accuracy in oncological decision-making, several considerations are crucial. Firstly, fine-tuning the model for domain-specific knowledge by incorporating diverse oncological datasets during training can improve its familiarity with intricate details of cancer treatment. Additionally, the integration of real patient data is recommended to introduce the nuances of actual clinical cases, contributing to more context-aware responses. Ensuring a dynamic integration mechanism for guideline updates allows ChatGPT to adapt to the evolving landscape of cancer care in real-time, aligning its recommendations with the latest evidence-based practices. Implementing a user feedback mechanism within ChatGPT enables continuous learning, allowing healthcare professionals to provide insights and improvements, particularly when deviations from guidelines are observed. Lastly, it is imperative to emphasize the importance of model transparency. Clinician education on AI principles is fundamental before the integration of such models into routine practice. A deeper understanding of how ChatGPT processes information and generates responses is essential for healthcare professionals to trust and effectively incorporate its recommendations into their decision-making processes.

Nevertheless, we believe it is only a matter of time before technological advancements enable the integration of all these specific characteristics into guidelines, allowing for a personalized and specific recommendation for each head and neck cancer patient. This could be the most significant progress we may witness in the coming years. What we may not yet integrate, which currently holds great significance in the doctor-head and neck cancer patient-interaction, is the patient's preference and desire, stemming from their will to heal or not, to maintain the highest possible quality of life, perhaps at the expense of prognosis, or vice versa [30, 46, 47]. This process will require much more time and a different architecture capable of interpreting patients’ expectations and desires.

Our study has few limitations and it is crucial to acknowledge these aspects as they influence the interpretation and application of our findings. First and foremost, the use of hypothetical scenarios in our evaluation may not fully capture the complexity of real-world clinical decision-making. These scenarios, while meticulously designed to encompass a broad spectrum of cases outlined in the NCCN Guidelines, inherently lack the nuances presented by individual patient characteristics and unique clinical contexts.

Looking ahead, additional rigorous validation are warranted. While our study provides valuable insights into ChatGPT’s performance, further validation using real patient data and prospective studies will offer a more comprehensive understanding of ChatGPT’s applicability and limitations in the dynamic landscape of oncological decision-making. To integrate AI models into clinical decision-making, it is essential to propose and undertake structured pathways, along with the validation of our findings. In the future, a prospective study assessing the alignment between a patient's informed choice, ChatGPT recommendations, and the tumor board's recommendations in various clinical cases could represent an initial step toward the adoption of ChatGPT as an additional tool in clinical practice. Subsequent evaluations could then be conducted to assess the extent of congruence among these three facets.


To the best of our knowledge, this study is the first to highlight ChatGPT's potential in assisting with head and neck cancer treatment decisions. Acknowledging its current limitations, future endeavors should prioritize refining the model and fostering a collaborative approach involving clinicians educated in AI principles. Its high sensitivity and overall accuracy, aligning with NCCN Guidelines, demonstrate its promise as a complementary resource for healthcare professionals. However, further validation and integration into real-world clinical settings are necessary before considering widespread adoption. As AI evolves, collaborative efforts between AI models and medical experts are crucial to unlocking new frontiers in personalized and standardized cancer care decision support, previously thought unattainable.