1 Introduction

Video cameras are extremely cheap and easily integrated into today’s mobile and static devices such as surveillance cameras, police body cameras, laptops, smartphones, and Google Glass. In front of the large amount of video data, several researches have focused on techniques that enhance video indexing and retrieval of videos in large datasets based on analyzing the video structure. Furthermore, video structure analysis leads to segmenting the video into a number of structural elements that have semantic contents, including shot boundary detection [1, 2], key frame extraction [3], and scene segmentation [4].

Indeed, video-based face recognition systems aim to scan environments in a discreet manner and without feeling peoples under surveillance [5]. In other words, without having a physical contact with an acquisition device (i.e. a fingerprint, an iris scanner...). This is why face recognition from the video has become one of the major areas of interest in the field of biometric and security and rapidly overcome the image-based methods [6].

However, face images in video suffer from several issues which may could not lead to higher results in an unconstrained environment. Recently, two surveys have classified these issues into two different categories. The first survey aims to classify face recognition issues into intrinsic and extrinsic factors [7]. Intrinsic components are the physical characteristics of the human face such as aging, facial expression, and plastic surgery, whereas extrinsic factors are the ones responsible for changing the appearance of the face, such as occlusion, low resolution, noise, illumination and pose variation.

The second proposes to classify them using a face recognition covariates [8], in which, the covariate is a variable that affects the intra- or the inter-class variation. The image covariates could be classified into two categories: controlled and uncontrolled covariates. The controlled covariates include the properties of an image that can be controlled by the user or an application (i.e., pose, illumination, facial expression, occlusion, resolution). The uncontrolled covariates are the inheritable properties of a person’s face, such as the effects of aging, age group, race, and gender.

To overcome these issues, two alternatives are proposed. The first is to reproduce a new face image, neutral and frontal, using a set of face images taken in different views [9]. This technique is known as face frontalization [10]. Different techniques have been used such as 2D/3D texture mapping [11], statistical modeling [12], and deep learning-based methods [13,14,15].

The second technique is to extract robust features for the recognition. Besides, feature-based methods aim to extract a discriminate representation of faces based on one or various face feature extractor. Several feature extraction techniques are currently being used such as the scale-invariant feature transform (SIFT) [16,17,18,19], the histogram of oriented gradients (HOG) [20,21,22,23], the local binary pattern (LBP) [22, 24, 25], the local Gabor binary patterns (LGBP) [26], and the local phase quantization (LPQ) [27].

While methods based on facial image reconstruction or neutralization can be used for several tasks related to facial images analysis or with any facial recognition system, their complexity always remains a challenge given the large dataset required for training. In addition, generating neutral face images require complex models and longer learning process. Whereas, by using face features, we can combine descriptors from several face feature extractor to construct a robust descriptor.

In this paper, we focus on face recognition under uncontrolled conditions using face features. In fact, a face feature extractor provides a face description that represents well face image and could improve recognition accuracy. For this aim, we explore the possibility of combining several face features methods in order to obtain significant and robust face descriptor against facial expression, pose and illumination.

The main contribution of this paper is to fuse shape and texture information into a single face feature used to train a neural network in order to extract robust face representation for more efficient face recognition. To achieve this goal, we propose to use both 3D data and LBP feature since this descriptor is invariant to illumination variations. In addition, LBP could be used in several fields such as texture analysis, face detection and recognition and facial expression analysis [28]. In other words, we build a face recognition systems under variation in pose, illumination and expression by the use of a 3D model-based alignment, an LBP descriptor constructed on the 3D mesh to obtain a face representation that combines shape and texture LBP local histograms, and a CNN model for efficient facial recognition based on descriptor rather that an entire face image.

The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2 outlines the related works in video-based face recognition. Section 3 devotes to introduce the proposed method. Section 4 discusses and analyzes the obtained experimental results. The conclusion is reported in Sect. 5.

2 Related work

Face recognition is considered as one of the most complex systems in the field of pattern recognition because of the several constraints caused by face image appearance changes. The various face recognition techniques have achieved remarkable success in well-controlled environments. However, these techniques tend to fail in real-world scenarios. So far, most of face recognition techniques have not achieved the level of accuracy that can be achieved in controlled recognition environments due to these problems [29]. Therefore, several researches have been made in order to improve the recognition accuracy either by the use of large datasets for training deep models or by enhancing the face image before proceeding to the recognition stage. According to [30], three promising techniques can be identified for the further development of this area. The three techniques are 3D face recognition methods, multimodal fusion methods and deep learning methods.

For 2D face recognition, lighting and pose variations are two major unresolved problems. Since a slight illumination variation often causes significant changes in the facial image, variation in pose can also obscure facial detail, both of these could degrade the performance of facial recognition systems [31, 32]. This is why 3D face recognition has been widely studied in order to overcome these challenges and obtain higher accuracy [33,34,35].

For the multimodal facial recognition, sensors have been developed with a higher ability to acquire not only two-dimensional information about texture, but also about the facial shape (i.e., three-dimensional information). Therefore, studies have merged the two types of 2D and 3D information in order to take advantage of each of them and to obtain a hybrid system that improves recognition as the only modality. In addition, these 3D face data could also be acquired by a reconstruction process from 2D face images. Contrary to the higher cost of these devices, 2D facial image acquisition mechanisms (such as surveillance cameras and webcams) are more economical and common for such applications [36].

On the other hand, the use of deep learning (DL) techniques leads to build high-level abstractions, by modeling multiple processing layers. Although several deep neural networks are used in face recognition, convolutional neural network (CNN) is the most popular [37]. Autoencoder (AE) and its variants [38] also gained much attention especially in unsupervised learning. Recently, generative adversarial networks (GAN) have been increased rapidly and are widely used for image reconstruction fields [39].

Face recognition systems usually start by detecting faces from the input image. Then, the FR system extracts a face feature vector that we could name it signature [40]. The recognition will be based on a comparison between the input face image signature and all signature in our dataset. Although 2D face recognition research made significant progresses in recent years, its accuracy is still highly dependent on environment and human conditions. With the evolution of 3D face acquisition hardware and 3D face reconstruction techniques, a new path is emerging for face recognition that could surpass the drawbacks of 2D methods. In fact, the 3D face data provide geometric information that could improve the recognition accuracy under some conditions that are difficult to deal with using 2D technologies [41].

From another side, the use of 3D-assisted for 2D face recognition has been attracting increasing attention because it can be used for pose-invariant face matching. This requires fitting a 3D face model to the input image, and using the fitted model to align the input and reference images for matching. As 3D facial shapes are intrinsically invariant to pose and illumination, the fitted shape also provides an invariant representation that can be used directly for recognition.

Nevertheless, these methods have been replaced by deep learning methods, in particular those based on CNNs. Face recognition systems based on CNNs have become a standard because of the significant improvement in accuracy achieved compared to other methods. However, this improvement still needs to be improved in cases of crowded environments.

The main advantage of deep learning methods is their ability to be trained with large amounts of data in order to learn a robust face representation. In this manner, and rather than designing robust features, CNNs are able to learn them from training data. Despite of the availability of several large-scale face in the wild datasets into the public domain and powerful hardware equipment, these models require a long time in the learning phase [42].

In this paper, we study the techniques that use the multimodal 2D/3D. These techniques take benefit of the 3D face texture and the 2D face image descriptors (or the face feature extractor extended to deal with 3D data) in order to improve the recognition rate with low costs. We present, in the end of this section, a brief summary of the most popular deep learning-based methods.

2.1 2D/3D-based face recognition

Multimodal methods try to combine multiple processing paths (typically in 2D and 3D) into a coherent architecture to solve critical aspects of individual methods. The 3D techniques are used as an intermediate step for 2D face recognition. In other words, they perform a pre-processing step by reconstructing a new image more suitable for recognition rather than the original one.

In [43], the authors have detected salient points in 3D faces by maximum and minimum curvatures estimated in the 3D Gaussian scale space. Then, the local region around each salient point is described by three quantities: the histogram of the mesh gradient (HoG), the histogram of the shape index (HoS) and the histogram of the gradient of the shape index (HoGS). Berretti et al. [44] used the meshDOG as a detector to capture the local information of the face surface. After the keypoints detection, different local descriptors are extracted at each keypoint and are then used to compare faces during the match. Abbad et al. [45] proposed 3D face recognition based on geometric and local shape descriptors to overcome the challenges of different facial expressions. They had applied four different steps to solve the problem: First step was to model 3D face, second step was feature extraction, third step was to find out geometric information on the 3D surface in terms of curves and fourth step was to find out feature vectors on each scale. Deng et al. [46] employed features extracted from different features based on local covariance operators. Therefore, feature concatenation is a process of merging a set of features to obtain a unique and powerful operators, which contribute more characterization and useful information. Zhang et.al [47] propose a data-free method for 3D face recognition using generated data from Gaussian Process Morphable Models (GPMM).

Recently, Guosheng et al. [48] have addressed the problem of 3D-assisted 2D face recognition when the input image is subject to degradation or exhibits intrapersonal variations not captured by the 3D model. They learn a subspace spanned by perturbations caused by the missing modes of variation and image degradation, using 3D face data reconstructed from 2D images rather than 3D capture. The experiments show that this method achieves very competitive face recognition performance. Koppen et al. [49] propose a Gaussian mixture 3D morphable face model (GM-3DMM) that models the global population as a mixture of Gaussian subpopulations, each with its own mean, but shared covariance. This model is constructed using Caucasian, Chinese and African 3D face data. Finally, Liang et al. [36] use Mugshot face images for identity recognition. In fact, Mugshot face images consist of 2D frontal and pro le face images of each person. The frontal and pro le face images provide complementary information of a face and are thus believed to be useful for pose-robust face recognition.

2.2 Deep learning-based face recognition

Deep neural networks have also been applied in the past to face detection [50], face alignment [51] and face verification [52]. In the unconstrained domain, Huang et al. [53] used as input LBP features with convolutional deep belief networks and they showed improvement when combining with traditional methods. Zhenyao et al. [54] employ a deep network to “warp” faces into a canonical frontal view and then learn CNN that classifies each face as belonging to a known identity. For face verification, principal component analysis (PCA) on the network output in conjunction with an ensemble of support vector machines (SVMs) is used.

Taigman et al. [55] proposed a multistage approach that aligns faces to a general 3D shape model. A multi-class network is trained to perform the face recognition task on over four thousand identities. The authors also experimented with a Siamese network where they directly optimize the L1-distance between two face features. Schroff et al. [56] published the best performance on controlled environment. Their method, called FaceNet, learns a mapping from face images to a compact Euclidean space where distances correspond to a measure of face similarity. FaceNet uses a deep convolutional network trained to directly optimize the embedding itself, rather than an intermediate bottleneck layer as in previous deep learning approaches. Parkhi et al. [57] combined very deep convolution neural network and the triplet embedding in order to build a robust face recognition system named VGG-faces. Wu et al. [58] propose Light CNN frameworks with reduced parameters and time to learn a 256-D compact embedding on the large-scale face data with massive noisy labels. Other works aim to design powerful loss functions: Wen et al. [59] propose a center loss function. This function is used to learn a center for deep features in each class and penalized the distances between the deep features and their corresponding class centers. Yeung et al. [60] introduced a constrained triplet loss layer (CTLL) to enhance the deep model to specify further distinguishable clusters between different subjects by placing extra constraints on images of the same person while putting margins on images of different persons. However, other works focus on fusing loss functions in order to enhance face recognition systems. Fredj et. al [61] propose to learn a deep face representation from large-scale data that contain massive noisy and occluded faces. The proposed deep face model uses a fusion of softmax and center loss in order to improve the final classification.

Based on the above study of the state of the art, the following conclusions could be drawn:

  • The use of face feature extraction and /or 3D methods has enhanced facial recognition rate, but this improvement remains still limited in crowded environments.

  • The use of deep models tends to achieve high recognition rates but they require a long learning process and require powerful hardware and large datasets.

  • The image reconstruction process is useful for recognition. However, such process requires complex models for learning (e.g., GANs).

Based on these conclusions, we propose a method based on the fusion of feature descriptors and 3D model with a neural network. Unlike method that extract several feature from the input face image [18, 19, 62,63,64,65], we use a 3DMM for attenuating the pose variation effect. After that, we propose to extract face feature from a 3D face data using the mesh-LBP. Indeed, by using the mesh-LBP, we obtain a robust descriptor against pose, illumination and facial expression variation, which is not as expensive as generating new face image from a 3D model as used in [48, 49, 66]. Nevertheless, the use of LBP on 3DMM aims to obtain a robust face representation that will prove a huge improvement in the mentioned difficulties. Then, the obtained features will be fed into a neural network that could allow to classify the faces. In our method, we use raw images as our underlying representation. We also provide a new CNN architecture through the use of the locally layer. This network will be trained on a very large labeled dataset.

3 Proposed method

The proposed method is three stage fold: First, we perform face detection and landmarks location. Then, a generic 3D face model is used to match 2D images. This is accomplished by modeling the difference in the texture map of the 3D aligned input and reference images. After that, we use the mesh-LBP [67] as a face feature extractor. Finally, the obtained descriptors are used for training a CNN architecture basically on fusing pose, texture and shape information and recognize faces. The complete flowchart of our method (named Deep 3D-LBP) is illustrated in Fig. 1.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Outline of the proposed face recognition method

Deep 3D-LBP uses 3D data are provided by 3D Morphable Face Models (3DMM) as an intermediate step for 2D face recognition. These 3DMM consist on a generative model of the shape and appearance of the face, essentially based on two concepts: First, all faces are in dense point-to-point correspondence. Second, the facial separation of shape and color and disentangling them from external factors such as lighting and image capturing conditions [68]. In the following subsections, we detail each step of our method.

3.1 Face and face features detection

We use the Dlib face detector [69] to detect and crop faces from the images. In fact, Dlib detects faces using histograms of oriented gradients (HoG) [70] trained with structural support vector machines (SVM)-based training algorithm. For the landmark localisation, the dlib library implements Khazemi and Sullivan’s algorithm in order to detect precisely a 68-point face feature set using ensembles of regression trees [71]. Figure 2 gives an example of the Dlib face detector workflow. First, the face detection and location are shown in Fig. 2a. Then, the landmark detection occurs, which can be founded in Fig. 2b. The landmark localisation aims to detect the important facial structures from a face image. We note that the main facial areas to be labeled are mouth, right eye and eyebrow, left eye and eyebrow, nose and jaw.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Output of the DLIB detector

The facial landmark detector used in the dlib is an implementation of the One Millisecond Face Alignment with an Ensemble of Regression Trees [71]. The pre-trained facial landmark detector estimates the location of a 68 (x, y) coordinates that correspond to the facial structures, as shown in Fig. 3. From the obtained map composed of 68 landmark points, we can identify the following face features: jaw points [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14, 16,17,18], right brow points [18{22], left brow points [23{27], nose points [28{36], right eye points [37{41], left eye points [44,45,46,47,48,49], mouth points [50,51,52,53,54,55,56,57,58,59,60,61,62,63,64, 66,67,68,69,70].

Fig. 3
figure 3

The 68 facial landmarks configuration [71]

3.2 3D Morphable model

In this work, the 3D model used is surrey face model [72]. This 3D morphable model is a PCA shape model and a PCA color model. Each mode have a different resolution level, and accompanying metadata, like a 2D texture representation and landmark annotations. The open source library providedincludes methods to the pose and the shape of a model and perform face frontalization.

The first component is pose (camera) fitting. Given a set of 2D landmark locations and their known correspondences in the 3D Morphable Model, the goal is to estimate the pose of the face (or the position of the camera, which in this case is the identical problem). It assumes an affine camera model and implements the Gold Standard Algorithm of Hartley and Zisserman [73] which finds a least squares approximation of a camera matrix given a number of 2D—3D point pairs.

The second component consists of reconstructing the 3D shape using the estimated camera matrix. It implements a simple shape-to-landmarks fitting similar to the algorithm from Aldrian and Smith [74]. The pose estimation and shape fitting steps can be iterated if desired to refine the estimates. The pose estimation can make use of the shape estimate (instead of using the mean face) in order to re ne the face pose. The shape estimate can in turn use the refined camera matrix to improve the shape fitting. The shape estimation is as fast as the pose estimation: Each of them involves only solving a small linear system of equations and runs in the order of milliseconds.

After obtaining the pose and shape coefficients, there is a dense correspondence between mesh vertices and the face in the input image. We can then remap the texture into the model, store it, and re-render it in arbitrary poses (e.g., frontalise it). The texture can be then extracted and stored in the isomap, similar to that presented in Fig. 4.

Fig. 4
figure 4

Texture representation in the form of an isomap [68]

Figure 5 shows an example of landmarks fitting for the input image (Fig. 5a), the resulting shape and camera model fitting is shown in Fig. 5c. In Fig. 5b, regions of self-occlusion are depicted as white spots; however, in the isomap, they are identified by the alpha channel.

Fig. 5
figure 5

: An example result of the landmark fitting [68]

3.3 Mesh-LBP

The mesh-LBP descriptor is used to fuse the geometric and appearance features extracted from 3D face models. In the standard LBP-based face representation [63], a 2D face image is divided into a grid of rectangular blocks, then histograms of LBP descriptors are extracted from each block and concatenated afterward to form a global description of the face. Thus, image partitioning is performed easily thanks to the natural ordering of image pixels. To extend this scheme to the face manifold, we need first to partition the facial surface into a grid of regions (the counterpart of the blocks in the 2D-LBP), compute their corresponding histograms, and then group them into a single structure. Since partitioning of the 2D mesh manifold is not straightforward, we rely on the idea of extracting a grid of fiducial points of the face with predefined position and then use their neighborhood regions as local supports for computing mesh-LBP.

The mesh-LBP operator at the facet \(f_{c}\) is defined in Eq. 1:

$${\text{mesh }}LBP_{m}^{r} \left( {f_{c} } \right) = \mathop \sum \limits_{k = 0}^{m - 1} s\left( {h\left( {f_{k}^{r} } \right) - h\left( {f_{c} } \right)} \right) \times \alpha \left( k \right)$$
$$S\left( x \right) = \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {1 if x \ge 0} \\ {0 if x < 0} \\ \end{array} } \right.$$

We define by \(r\) as the number of ring facets. The parameter \(m\) is the number of facets uniformly spaced on the ring. In fact, r and m control, respectively, the radial resolution r = 7 and the azimuthal quantization m = 12. We refer by h, the scalar function defined on the mesh, either a geometric (e.g., curvature) or photometric (e.g., color or gray level) information. The (k) is a weighting function and can be used for the purpose of deriving different LBP variants.

In this work, we will consider two variants of \(\alpha \left( k \right)\): First, \(\alpha \left( k \right)\) = \(2^{k}\), we obtain the mesh counterpart of the basic LBP operator. Second, \(\alpha \left( k \right)\) = 1, to obtain the sum of the digits that is equal to 1. We will refer to these two functions by \(\alpha_{2} \,{\text{and }}\,\alpha_{1}\), respectively. For the discrete surface function h(f), and for this work, we experimented the mean curvature (H), the curvedness (C), the Gaussian curvature (K) and the shape index (SI), as shape descriptors, plus the gray level value (GL) as photometric characteristic of the facets.

The mesh-LBP will be calculated according to the following steps:

First, the plane formed by the nose tip and the two eyes inner-corner landmark points is initially computed. We used these three landmarks as they are the most accurately detectable landmarks on the face, and they are also quite robust to facial expressions. From these landmarks, we derive, via simple geometric calculation, an ordered and regularly spaced set of points on that plane. Afterward, the plane is tilted slightly, by a constant amount, to make it more aligned with the face orientation, and then, we project this set of points on the face surface, along the plane’s normal direction. The outcome of this procedure is an ordered grid of points, which defines an atlas for the facial regions that will divide the facial surface. The grid contains 49 points forming \(7 \times 7\) constellation as shown in Fig. 6a.

Fig. 6
figure 6

The face descriptor image construction

Once the grid of points has been defined, we extract a neighborhood of facets around each point of the grid. Each neighborhood can be defined by the set of facets confined within a geodesic disk or a sphere, centered at a grid point (Fig. 6b).

3.4 CNN Architecture and Training

We train our CNN in order to classify the face descriptor image created using mesh-LBP. In our work, we deal with on a small neural network since we are dealing with images of face descriptors rather than images of faces. The learning step is to reinforce the ability of this network to predict and classify facial images. The proposed CNN, presented in Fig. 7, is composed of two convolution layers (C), two fully connected layer (F), max-pooling layer (M) and a locally connected layer (L).

Fig. 7
figure 7

Outline of the Deep 3D-LBP’s CNN architecture. We denote that C is referred to a Convolution layer, M for Max Poling, L for Locally connected layer and F for fully connected layer

The main difference between the convolution layer and locally connected layer is that the filter in a convolutional layer is common among all output neurons (pixels). In other words, we used a single filter to calculate all neurons (pixels). While, in locally connected layer, each neuron has its own filter. This type of layer lets the network able to learn different types of feature for different regions of the input. In fact, several researchers have benefited from this property especially for face verification tasks [64]. For example, areas between the eyes and the eyebrows exhibit very different appearance and have much higher discrimination ability compared to areas between the nose and the mouth.

The use of local layers does not affect the computational burden of feature extraction, but does affect the number of parameters subject to training [75]. That means that the number of parameters will be multiplied by the number of output neurons, which could increase the number of parameters in our network. However, in a smaller CNN architecture like ours, we could avoid such issues.

The size of the face descriptor image is \(91 \times 91\) pixels. These images are fed to our CNN. The first convolutional layer (C1) has 32 filters with size \(11 \times 11\). The resulting 32 feature maps are then fed to a \(3 \times 3\) max-pooling layer (M1) with a stride of 2, separately for each channel, followed by another convolutional layer (C2) with 16 filters of size \(9 \times 9\). The subsequent layers (L1) are a locally connected layer composed of 16 filter.

Finally, the last two layers, F5 and F6, are fully connected layers. These layers are able to capture correlations between distant face features. The output of the first fully connected layer (F1) in the network is used as our raw face representation feature vector throughout this paper. The output of the last fully connected layer F2 is fed to a K-way softmax (where K is the number of classes) which produces a distribution over the class labels. If we denote by ok the k-th output of the network on a given input, the probability assigned to the k-th class is the output of the softmax function (Eq. 2):

$$p_{k} = \exp o_{k}\left / \sum \limits_{h}^{k} o_{h} \right. $$

It is important to mention the use of the ReLU [76] activation function after the convolution, locally connected and fully connected layer (except the last one L6). In addition, we use the cross-entropy loss in order to maximize the probability of the correct class (face id).

We train our architecture with around 500.000 images from the CASIA-WebFace [77], which contains 494,414 images of 10,575 subjects collected from the Internet. Therefore, we implement the standard back-propagation on feed forward nets by stochastic gradient descent (SGD) with momentum (set to 0,9). We have set an equal learning rate for all trainable layers to 0.01, which was manually decreased, each time by an order of magnitude once the validation error stopped decreasing, to a final rate of 0.0001. We initialized the weights in each layer from a zero-mean Gaussian distribution with = 0.01, and biases are set to 0.5. As a first experiment, we are working on face descriptor image, we use a smaller batch size of 200, and we train the network for 10 epochs over the whole data.

4 Experimental Results

In this section, we first introduce the datasets used in the experiment process. Then, we present the evaluation protocol adopted and the metrics used to validate our method. After that, we focus on the objective evaluation of the proposed method against several challenges present in an uncontrolled environment. Lastly, we provide and analyze the utility of the main components of our system which will be presented as an ablation study. More details are presented in the following paragraphs.

4.1 Datasets

In this evaluation, we use four datasets:

  • The CMU Multi-PIE face dataset [78]: It contains more than 750,000 images of 337 people recorded in up to four sessions over the span of five months. Subjects were imaged under 15 viewpoints and 19 illumination conditions while displaying a range of facial expressions.

  • The Bosphorus dataset [79]: It contains 4666 scans of 105 subjects scanned in different poses, action units, and occlusion conditions. The dataset is divided in multiple subsets corresponding to neutral and expressive scans (the six fundamental expressions are considered, namely anger, disgust, fear, happy, sad, surprise), scans with Action Units, scans with rotations, and scans with occlusions.

  • The LFW dataset [80]: It consists of 13,323 web photographs of 5749 celebrities which are divided into 6,000 face pairs in 10 splits. Performance is measured by mean recognition accuracy using A) the restricted protocol, in which only same and not same labels are available in training; B) the unrestricted protocol, where additional training pairs are accessible in training; and C) an unsupervised setting in which no training whatsoever is performed on LFW images.

  • The YTF dataset [81]: It collects 3425 YouTube videos of 1595 subjects (a subset of the celebrities in the LFW). These videos are divided into 5000 video pairs and 10 splits and used to evaluate the video-level face verification.

4.2 Evaluation protocol

Our evaluation has three axes. Firstly, we evaluate the effectiveness of our method for recognizing faces while varying pose and illumination conditions using the Multi-PIE face dataset. Second, we evaluate the robustness of our method against facial expression variations by measuring the recognition rate under six facial expression variations from the Bosphorus dataset. Finally, we test our method in a crowded environments.

For the face recognition in the presence of pose variation (PFR) and combining pose and illumination variations (PIFR) using the Multi-PIE Dataset, two settings (Setting-I and Setting-II) are used for PFR and PIFR, respectively.

  • Setting-I: We used a subset in session 01 consisting of 249 subjects with 7 poses and 20 illumination variations. The images of the first 100 subjects constitute the training set. The remaining 149 subjects form the test set. In the test set, the frontal images under neutral illumination work as the gallery and the remaining are probe images.

  • Setting-II: We used the images of all the 4 sessions (01{04) under 7 poses and only neutral illumination. The images from the first 200 subjects are used for training and the remaining 137 subjects for testing. In the test set, frontal images from the earliest session work as gallery, and the others are probes.

To evaluate the performance of our system, we use the following metrics:

  1. 1.

    Accuracy: The accuracy defines the total number of correct predictions returned within the face recognition compared to all predictions during test.

  2. 2.

    The receiver operating characteristics (RoC) curve: the ROC curves aim to summarize the trade-off between the true positive rate (TPR) and false positive rate (FPR) for a predictive model. In other words, it tells us how good the model is for distinguishing a given classes, in terms of the predicted probability.

A ROC curve plots the TPR on the y-axis versus the FPR on the x-axis. We note that the true positive rate describes how good the model is at predicting the positive class when the actual outcome is positive, while the false positive rate (FPR), also referred as the false alarm rate, summarizes how often a positive class is predicted when the actual outcome is negative.

$${\text{TPR}} = \frac{{{\text{True \, Positives}}}}{{{\text{True \, Positives}} + {\text{False \, Negatives}}}}$$
$${\text{FPR}} = \frac{{{\text{False \, Positives}}}}{{{\text{True \, Positives}} + {\text{False \, Negatives}}}}$$

4.3 Pose and illumination-invariant face recognition

Pose and illumination-invariant face recognition is a challenging problem that has taken high interest from researchers [82]. We start by comparing our method with several state-of-the-art methods for pose-invariant face recognition. Then, for both pose and illumination invariant face recognition.

4.3.1 Pose-invariant face recognition PFR

In this test, we compare our Deep 3D-LBP against state-of-the-art method. We could classify the method into two classes: 2D and 3D methods. 2D methods deal with the pose and illumination with the use of the image pixels or image features for recognition.

However, the 3D methods model the variations in pose based on an analysis-by-synthesis approach [83]. In other words, these methods aim at matching a 3D face model to an annotated 2D image as input. We note that the annotation essentially consists of the facial landmarks detection. The overall results are summarized in Table 1.

Table 1 Recognition rate (%) on various poses under neutral illumination on the Multi-PIE Dataset [78]

Overall, the results show that most of 3D methods can obtain higher accuracy rates than the 2D methods, especially in the presence of a large pose variation (\(\pm 45^\circ\)). Nevertheless, SPAE [85], which is characterized by a robust nonlinear modeling capability, works more effectively than other 2D methods and provides better results than some 3D methods such as Asthana [88] and MDF [89]. But this remains limited, and it can be noted that other 3D methods (HPEN [66], and ESO [83]) outperform its results with a large margin of difference. HPEN [66], which generates a neutral and frontal face image based on the 3DMM and identity preserving 3D transformation and uses the PCA for classification, performs well only in small pose variation. Besides, the U-3DMM can model both pose and facial shape rather than pose only by [88, 89]. We present the result of the U-3DMM using high-dimensional Gabor feature (HDF) [91] and PCA coefficients. U-3DMM (HDF) works much better than U-3DMM (PCA) due to the ability of the HDF feature to capture both global and local facial information.

However, our proposed method outperforms both the 2D and 3D methods. This is due to the ability of our method to model and learn both pose variation and illumination variation. To summary, our method is more reliable than other methods since it deals with the limitations of the latter. We use 3D data from 3DMM to tackle the problems of wide variation in pose such as [48, 63, 89], and LBP feature to be more robust against illumination and expression. Moreover, the use of CNNs for training allows us to have high accuracy rates, rather than use of other classifiers methods [48, 83]. In addition, the face frontalization [66] improves the result but it seems limited especially in higher degrees which could be caused by the classifier used (PCA).

4.4 Pose and illumination-invariant face recognition PIFR

The result presented in Table 2 compares our Deep 3D-LBP against other methods while varying illumination and pose.

Table 2 Recognition rate (%) on the Multi-PIE dataset [78] across pose and illumination variations

The results in Table 2 show that the use of the subspace methods [92] offers the worst results. In addition, we could notice that our method outperforms both the deep learning and 3D-based methods. Moreover, it is obvious that the use of a 3DMM is well adapted to solve the problems caused by the extreme variations in pose and illumination. For example, we can notice that the maximum value obtained by the DL-based methods is 96.3% and 95.7% with a pose variation of -15 \(^\circ\) and + 15 \(^\circ\), respectively. Nevertheless, for the 3D-based methods, GM-3DMM [49] obtains 97.4% and 99% in -15 \(^\circ\) and + 15 \(^\circ\), respectively.

Using the deep 3DLBP, we are able to obtain much more interesting results, and this is more notable in the large variations in installation (97.4%, 96.7% obtained in—45 \(^\circ\) and + 45 \(^\circ\), respectively, by our method against 84.9 and 92 as a maximum value obtained for all the state-of-the-art methods).

We may also notice the difference taking the example of U-3DMM [48] from Tables 1 and 2, in which, U-3DMM offers more interesting results while varying pose (96.5% in -45 \(^\circ\) rather than for variation in illumination and pose (73.1% in − 45 \(^\circ\)). On the other hand, our method remains reliable and gives better results in both cases.

4.5 Facial expression-invariant face recognition

To include more challenging cases, we tested our method on the Bosphorus dataset, which presents huge variation in facial expressions. Table 3 provides a comprehensive comparison between our method and recently published methods.

Table 3 Recognition rate (%) across facial expressions on the Bosphorus dataset [79]

Table 3 provides a comprehensive comparison between our method and the published methods. We conclude that our solution is efficient against the state-of-the-art methods. Several methods achieve the rate of 100% when the face is neutral. But, this accuracy decreases when the expressions change. For instance, Zhang et al. [104] achieve higher results by observing emotional statements Neutral and Happy (100% and 96.23%, respectively). However, there is a significant decrease when it concerns an emotion of ANGER (81.6%), DISGUST (79.71%) and FEAR (88.5%). However, our method keeps higher results even in those categories.

4.6 LFW verification

We evaluate our model on LFW using the standard protocol for unrestricted, labeled outside data. Thus, we learn an SVM on top of the 2-distance vector following the restricted protocol, i.e., where only the 5400 pair labels per split are available for the SVM training. Results are presented in Table 4, in which, we compare our method against deep face recognition methods.

Table 4 Face verification on the LFW dataset

It is important to note that the first three methods aim to generate a new neutral and frontal image for the recognition [66, 105,106,107, 109]. In spite of its efficiency, this is still limited. The deep methods [61, 110,111,112] use large datasets and very deep models and offer results that are competitive to our methods. To conclude, it can be mentioned that the use of robust and reliable features with a learning process even if the network seems small could lead to better results and outperform even very deep models. We plot the ROC curve, and the results are illustrated in Fig. 8.

Fig. 8
figure 8

ROC for face verification on LFW

Considering the ROC curve, we observe that the best results are those closer to the value y = 1, especially the blue (Deep 3D-LBP) and black curves (FaceNet [113]). Regarding the accuracy obtained using the faceNet (99.63%) [113] and our method are very close to each other. On the other hand, it should also be mentioned that we use a simple neural network compared to the one composed of 25 FaceNet networks.

4.7 YouTube Faces dataset verification

We further validate our Deep 3D-LBP on the YouTube Faces dataset (YTF). The image quality of YouTube video frames is generally worse than that of web photographs, mainly due to motion blur or viewing distance. The results are summarized in Table 5.

Table 5 Face verification on YouTube Faces

Our method, although the small learning process, allows us to achieve higher learning rates rather than [59, 109, 114, 116] that use also smaller datasets for training. Despite the fact that our results remain limited and do not reach the best rates like [57, 113, 119], the previous tests proved the effectiveness of our method for classification task. But improvement is always possible.

The results are also presented in the ROC curve shown in Fig. 9. Indeed, the margin between FaceNet and our method is larger than the other case (Fig. 8). Otherwise, this margin is produced due to the complexity of the environment and problems of the YTF dataset images.

Fig. 9
figure 9

ROC for face verification on YTF

4.8 Ablation study

To assure the effectiveness of our method, we will evaluate, separately, each component used in our method again the proposed Deep 3D-LBP system, with the same database that are already used in for evaluation process.

We start by analyzing the 3DMM’s utility. In fact, the use of 3DMM is designed to attenuate the pose variation’s effect. In a preliminary experiment, we will compare the results provided using only 3DMM against the corresponding ones obtained using Deep 3D-LBP for face recognition under pose variation.

From Table 6, we can definitely notice that the results are identical, so we can conclude that for images showing a pose variation, 3DMM is simpler and more efficient. But these results varied under different conditions. Let us consider the effects of varying both pose and illumination.

Table 6 Recognition rate (%) across poses on multi-PIE

On the one hand, we notice from Tables 6 and 7 that the results decrease when we consider the illumination constrains. On the other hand, the results obtained by our method remain the same. This improvement is due to the use of the Mesh-LBP features which are also robust to illumination variations, and also to the learning process that use a set of varied images, which further improves the result obtained.

Table 7 Recognition rate (%) averaging pose and illuminations on multi-PIE

Subsequently, we test our method when varying facial expression. In this context, we evaluate the results obtained by the Mesh-LBP as a robust feature to facial expression and the proposed Deep 3D-LBP system to assess the usefulness of combining robust face features with training. The results are shown in Table 8.

Table 8 Recognition rate (%) across facial expressions on Bosphorus

The results are similar when the expressions have no influence on the human face characteristics. But in other cases, we clearly visualize the difference. As in the case of the expressions “Disgust” or “Happy,” the evolution is about 11% and 9%, respectively.

As a last test, we compare Mesh-LBP and Deep 3D-LBP using the Bosphorus dataset while varying pose. The results are shown in Fig. 10.

Fig. 10
figure 10

Recognition rate (%) across poses on Bosphorus

Mesh-LBP method achieves comparable results to our method with a small rotation degree (10 \(^\circ\)). However, it decreases for a rotation of 20 \(^\circ\), and higher.

5 Conclusion

Face recognition in crowed environment is considered as a challenging problem due to the several issues could be caused in the process of acquiring facial images. Among the factors that should be considered in a facial recognition system is the feature extraction or face description. Indeed, the underlying face descriptor would need to be invariant to pose, illumination, expression, and image quality. In addition, short descriptors are preferable, and if possible, sparse features.

From the research that has been carried out in this paper, it is possible to conclude that coupling a 3D model-based alignment, an LBP descriptor constructed on the 3D mesh with a feed forward CNN model can effectively learn from many examples to overcome the drawbacks and limitations of previous methods. The findings of our research are quite convincing, and thus the following conclusions can be drawn: The results obtained indicate that our method outperforms the state-of-the-art methods on several points: Pose-invariant face recognition, pose and illumination face recognition and facial expression-invariant face recognition. However, the main limitation of the experimental result concerns face recognition in videos.

Clearly, further research will be required to improve our results and to work on the remaining issues. We suggest, as a future work, to generate a face image for those images having a weak quality or suffering from several problems (pose, resolution, and illumination) in order to improve its quality and make the recognition more accurate.