1 Introduction

In August 1985, while I was participating in the world meeting of the Econometric Society at MIT in Cambridge (Mass.), I had a browse in the MIT bookshop and came across the just published autobiography of Quine (1985). As many social choice theorists, I had (and still have) a side interest for logic and, by extension, for analytic philosophy in general. Then, I decided to get a copy and read the book. Reaching page 217, I discovered an astonishing fact: Quine already knew Arrow’s work on social choice in 1949 and even made some research based on it (Quine 1949a, b, c). It is remarkable that a scientific link could be established between two of the major thinkers of the contemporary world of knowledge.Footnote 1 However, in Quine (1985) one can read:

‘Rand Corporation was an intelligence facility in the service of national defense. It was agreeably situated in Santa Monica, a coastal suburb of Los Angeles. My summer job as consultant there was unprecedentedly remunerative, but apart from that it was a mistake. Despite my top-secret clearance in the Navy, fresh clearance was required-reasonably enough, since a staunch anti-Nazi could be a communist. My new clearance did not arrive in time, so I was put on boondoggles. One of them concerned Kenneth Arrow’s monograph on social reconciliation of individual preferences. My resulting memoranda included two theorems about Boolean functions, ultimately published in Selected Logic Papers. The other project was in game theory. My memorandum on this was subsequently incorporated by McKinsey and Krentel into an article under our three names.’Footnote 2

It seems that the word ‘Boondoggle’ is rather disparaging. In another (shorter) autobiography (Quine 1986) Quine speaks of ‘innocuous projects’, which seems to me more appropriate.Footnote 3 Anyway, boondoggle or not, Quine in 1966 judged that the paper was sufficiently interesting to be published in his Selected Logic Papers.

In 1986 I wrote to Quine and, to my great surprise, received a hand-written response in French. I asked Quine whether he had ever worked on Arrow’s theorem after his 1949 stay at Rand corporation. He replied: ‘Malheureusement je ne me suis plus occupé du résultat de Kenneth Arrow depuis cet époque tellement éloigné’ (his French was excellent except that ‘époque’ is a feminine word and, accordingly, the correct spelling should have been ‘depuis cette époque tellement éloignée’).Footnote 4 With his letter, Quine was so kind as to send me his page-proofs (with his hand-written corrections) of the relevant chapter in his Selected Logic Papers.Footnote 5

I subsequently left this question aside until I recently decided to work on a partly historical monograph on logic and social choice.

I will first present in this paper the chapter On Boolean functions as it is in the Selected Logic Papers. Then I will describe the Rand memoranda related to Arrow’s impossibility theorem.

2 On Boolean functions

It is very difficult to perceive how Chapter XVI of Selected Logic Papers is related to Arrow’s impossibility theorem. Neither Arrow nor the aggregation of individual preferences are mentioned and there are no references. We are left somewhat in the dark with the vague phrase ‘utility concept’ in the first sentence:

‘As auxiliaries to a concurrent study of the utility concept, two theorems of set theory are proving useful. The envisaged application of these theorems concerns only relations, or sets of ordered pairs, whereas the theorems hold for sets generally. Consequently the two theorems are most conveniently set forth separately from the eventual memorandum in which they are to be applied.’

The two theorems are, as Quine said, theorems of set theory, but I do not know whether they have been used or applied somewhere.

A Boolean function is defined as a set which is specifiable in terms of given sets by means exclusively of intersection, union and by taking complements.Footnote 6

Quine then proposes to link general functions taking sets as arguments (variables) and as values to Boolean functions.

Precisely, let \(\phi \) be any n-ary function.

Definition 1

The function \(\phi \) is said to be a parametric Boolean function if there are sets \(H_1,\ldots , H_r\) for some r and an \((n+r)\)-ary Boolean function \(\psi \) such that for all sets \(F_1,\ldots , F_n\),

$$\begin{aligned} \phi (F_1,\ldots ,F_n) = \psi (H_1,\ldots ,H_r,F_1,\ldots ,F_n) \end{aligned}$$

Two sets are said to agree in an object x when x belongs to both or to neither.

Definition 2

An n-ary function \(\phi \) is said to preserve agreement when the following law holds:

If \(F_1,\ldots , F_n\), \(G_1,\ldots , G_n\) are any sets and x is an object in which \(F_i\) and \(G_i\) agree pairwise for each i, then \(\phi (F_1,\ldots ,F_n)\) and \(\phi (G_1,\ldots ,G_n)\) agree in x.

Then we can state the first theorem.

Theorem 1

A function is a parametric Boolean if and only if it preserves agreement.

It seems rather obvious that agreement preservation is related to independence of irrelevant alternatives and that Theorem 1 provides an equivalence to independence.

The second theorem is even more easily interpretable in the context of social choice.

Definition 3

An n-ary Boolean function \(\phi \) is thoroughly commutative if for all sets \(F_1,\ldots , F_n\) and every permutation \(G_1, \ldots , G_n\) of them \(\phi (F_1,\ldots ,F_n) = \phi (G_1,\ldots ,G_n)\).

The incidence of x in the sets \(F_1,\ldots , F_n\) is the number of sets from \(F_1,\ldots , F_n\) to which x belongs. It will be denoted by \(\hbox {I}_x(F_1,\ldots ,F_n)\).

The second relates the thorough commutativity to some integer.

Theorem 2

An n-ary function \(\phi \), whose arguments and values are sets, is a thoroughly commutative Boolean function if and only if there is a class N of natural numbers \(\le n\) such that for all sets \(F_1,\ldots , F_n\), and all objects x,

x is an element of \(\phi (F_1,\ldots ,F_n)\) if and only if \(\mathrm{I}_x(F_1,\ldots ,F_n)\) belongs to N.

3 The Rand memoranda

In 1949 Quine authored three Rand memoranda:

  • A theorem on parametric Boolean functions, RM-196, dated 27 July 1949,

  • Commutative Boolean functions, RM-199, dated 10 August 1949 and

  • On functions of relations, with especial reference to social welfare, RM-218, dated 19 August 1949.

The concatenation of the first two memoranda essentially constitutes the paper published in Selected Logic Papers. So the remaining part of my paper will be devoted to RM-218. It is rather curious that, according to their dates, the more abstract papers precede the memorandum which is, in some sense, an application, and, as a consequence, less abstract or more precisely more interpretable from an intuitive standpoint. But one can suppose that RM-218 was conceived before the other two. This research memorandum includes a reference to ‘Kenneth J. Arrow The possibility of a universal welfare function RAD(L) 289. This is probably the same document as The possibility of a universal social welfare function P-41 dated 26 September 1948 (Arrow 1948). I have been unable to trace RAD(L) 289. In Amadeo (2003, p. 85), one can read:

This puzzle led to Arrow’s initial formulation of his impossibility theorem, titled “Social Choice and Individual Values,” RAND report RM-291, 28 July 1949.

I have also been unable to find this document whose title is strangely identical to Arrow’s monograph (Arrow 1951, 1963) and whose date and number are not consistent with Quine’s RM-218. As a consequence I even doubted that Arrow and Quine met at RAND in 1949 until, in a private communication, Arrow wrote me ‘I did meet him (Quine) briefly at RAND. I did not meet him when I was at Harvard...’.

3.1 Postulate P1: preservation of agreement

In the first section of RM-218, Quine introduces the notion of aggregation of individual orderings function, denoted by F (then we have a social ordering given by \(F(R_1,\ldots ,R_n)\) where the \(R_i\)s are the individual orderings) mentioning that such a function must satisfy suitable conditions and justifies his work by stating “The purpose of the present paper is to transform certain such conditions into logical equivalents with a view to illuminating those conditions and making them easier to work with.”

Quine formally considers binary relations (which Quine calls ‘relations’), that is subsets of the Cartesian product of a basic set X by itself or sets of ordered pairs. Then two binary relations R and S are said to agree in a pair \(<x,y>\) when \(<x,y>\) is an element of both R and S or of neither. Although Quine does not mention the phrase Independence of irrelevant alternatives (IIA) but only mentions Arrow’s Condition 2 (in RAD(L)-289) his P1 is obviously IIA.

P1. For all relations \(R_1,\ldots , R_n\), \(S_1,\ldots , S_n\) and all objects x and y, if \(R_1\) agrees with \(S_1\) in \(<x,y>\), and \(R_2\) with \(S_2,\ldots ,\) and \(R_n\) with \(S_n\), then \(F(R_1,\ldots ,R_n)\) agrees with \(F(S_1,\ldots ,S_n)\) in \(<x,y>\).Footnote 7

One can remark that this is basically similar to Definition 2.Footnote 8

Then Quine defines Boolean functions and parametric Boolean functions essentially as in his previous RAND memorandum RM-196 and as in Quine (1995).

‘A function of \(R_1,\ldots , R_n\) is called Boolean if constructed of \(R_1,\ldots , R_n\) by means exclusively of intersect, union, and complement.’

‘An n-ary function \(\psi \) is called a parametric Boolean function if there are relations \(H_1,\ldots , H_r\) and an (n + r)-ary Boolean function \(\phi \) such that, for all choices of \(R_1,\ldots , R_n\),

\(\psi (R_1,\ldots ,R_n) = \phi (H_1,\ldots ,H_r,R_1,\ldots ,R_n)\).’Footnote 9

Quine then states:

‘Now P1 is equivalent to this:

F is a parametric Boolean function.’

For the proof, Quine refers to his previous memorandum. He also mentions that, as a by-product of this proof, ‘P1 guarantees the existence of relations \(K_1,\ldots , K_{2^n}\) such that, for all choices of \(R_1,\ldots , R_n\)

$$\begin{aligned} F(R_1,\ldots ,R_n) = \Sigma _{i=1}^{2^n} K_i R^i.' \end{aligned}$$

One needs some explanations regarding the \(R^i\) and about the meaning of \(\Sigma \) and of the contiguity of relations.

$$\begin{aligned}&R^1 \text { is equal to } R_1R_2\ldots R_n\\&R^2 = \overline{R_1}R_2\ldots R_n\\&.\\&.\\&R^{n+1} = R_1R_2 \ldots \overline{R_n}\\&R^{n+2} = \overline{R_1} \overline{R_2} R_3 \ldots R_n\\&.\\&.\\&R^{2^n} = \overline{R_1} \overline{R_2} \ldots \overline{R_n}. \end{aligned}$$

Furthermore, \(\Sigma \) is the symbol used for union, contiguity means intersection and an overline is for complements. Accordingly, with standard notations, we should have:

$$\begin{aligned}&F(R_1,\ldots ,R_n) = \bigcup _{i=1}^{2^n} K_i\cap R^i \hbox { and}\\&R^1\text { is equal to } R_1\cap R_2 \cap \cdots \cap R_n\\&R^2 = \overline{R_1} \cap R_2 \cap \cdots \cap R_n\\&.\\&.\\&R^{n+1} = R_1 \cap R_2\cap \cdots \cap \overline{R_n}\\&R^{n+2} = \overline{R_1}\cap \overline{R_2} \cap R_3 \cap \cdots \cap R_n\\&.\\&.\\&R^{2^n} = \overline{R_1}\cap \overline{R_2} \cap \cdots \cap \overline{R_n}. \end{aligned}$$

Quine does not offer any comments. Of course, in 1949, the Arrovian condition of independence of irrelevant alternatives and its consequences had been hardly discussed and even completely understood.Footnote 10

3.2 Postulate P2: symmetry over objects

According to Quine, the construction from a (binary) relation of a new relation where the objects x and y are interchanged but ‘leaving all other objects unchanged’ is due to Dalkey. Quine denotes by \(R^{xy}\) the relation obtained from R by interchanging x and y. In fact this is obviously a transposition in combinatorial theory and we know that a permutation is the product of transpositions. Quine mentions that ‘an interesting postulate on F that Dalkey has propounded is this:

$$\begin{aligned}&\hbox {P2 } {\textit{For all }} R_1, \ldots , R_n, x, y,\\&[F(R_1,\ldots ,R_n)]^{xy} = F(R_1^{xy},\ldots ,R_n^{xy}).' \end{aligned}$$

Quine justly observes that ‘The substance of this postulate is that \(F(R_1,\ldots ,R_n)\) is to make use of no special features of objects over and above their manner of occurence in \(R_1,\ldots , R_n\).’ This notion is now known as neutrality. However, one must distinguish a form of neutrality which can be called combinatorial neutrality from the more standard form of neutrality which one deals with in social choice, neutrality which can be called preference-based neutrality or, by analogy with welfarism, preferencism.Footnote 11 To clarify this distinction consider Borda’s rule with three individuals 1, 2 and 3, four objects x, y, z, w and the following relations:

$$\begin{aligned}&x R_1 y R_1 w R_1 z\\&x R_2 y R_2 w R_2 z\\&y R_3 x R_3 w R_3 z. \end{aligned}$$

With Borda’s scores given by (3, 2, 1, 0) (3 for top, 2 for second, 1 for third and 0 for last), x has a score of 8 y a score of 7.

Now with the following relations:

$$\begin{aligned} y R_1 x R_1 w R_1 z\\ y R_2 x R_2 w R_2 z\\ x R_3 y R_3 w R_3 z. \end{aligned}$$

The objects x and y have been interchanged in the sense of Dalkey/Quine and now the scores are 8 for y and 7 for x. Postulate P2 has been satisfied.

Now consider the following relations:

$$\begin{aligned}&y R_1 x R_1 w R_1 z\\&y R_2 x R_2 w R_2 z\\&x R_3 w R_3 z R_3 y. \end{aligned}$$

One can observe that, preference-wise, x and y were again interchanged (compared with the first set of three relations). But the score of x is 7 and the score of y is 6, so that, in spite of the interchange, the result (collective preference) regarding x and y is the same, showing that Borda’s rule does not satisfy preferencism although it satisfies combinatorial neutrality.

The relation of identity is then defined as the set of pairs of the form \(<x,x>\) and is denoted by I. Quine shows that adding P2 to P1 amounts to adding the following to the former result: F has no parameters but I. I quote from RM-218: ‘In other words, P1-2 are equivalent to saying that there is an (n+1)-ary Boolean function \(\phi \) such that, for all \(R_1,\ldots , R_n\),

$$\begin{aligned} F(R_1,\ldots ,R_n) = \phi (I,R_1,\ldots ,R_n).' \end{aligned}$$

In Quine’s words, this is ‘a considerable simplification.’ However, since scoring rules, such as Borda’s rule or plurality rule, do not satisfy IIA, and since combinatorial neutrality is not imposed in the Arrovian framework, the functions F which can be considered will be rather limited (pairwise voting rules where the names of objects/candidates do not matter, for instance majority rule or pairwise voting rules associated with a simple game structure).Footnote 12

3.3 Postulate P3: thorough commutativity

Again Quine refers to Dalkey who proposed a postulate which will be Quine’s third postulate, denoted P3.

  1. P3

    For all relations \(R_1,\ldots , R_n\), and every permutation \(S_1,\ldots , S_n\) thereof,

    $$\begin{aligned} F(R_1,\ldots ,R_n) = F(S_1,\ldots ,S_n). \end{aligned}$$

In Quine’s words, ‘the order of arguments of F is immaterial; F is, in a word, thoroughly commutative.’ Obviously this postulate of thorough commutativity is what social choice theorists call anonymity. Then Quine adds P3 to his two other postulates. He considers the complement \(\overline{I}\) of his identity relation, that is the set of pairs \(<x,y>\) such that \(x \ne y\) and if a pair is an element of exactly i of the relations \(R_1,\ldots , R_n\), i is said to be the incidence of the pair in \(R_1,\ldots , R_n\).

Considering the three postulates together, Quine demonstrates the following result:

‘There are classes A and B of natural numbers \(\le n\) such that , for all choices of \(R_1,\ldots R_n\), \(F(R_1,\ldots ,R_n) =\) the set of all identity pairs whose incidence in \(R_1,\ldots , R_n\) belongs to A, and all diversity pairs whose incidence in \(R_1,\ldots , R_n\) belongs to B.’

Of course, assuming anonymity in addition to P1 and P2 still reduces the set of possible F. For instance, if we consider voting games previously mentioned, we will have to restrict ourselves to the so-called quota games (voting games where coalitions are winning according to the number of voters belonging to the coalitions).

In his last , Quine considers relations of the form ‘better than’ (strict preference) and relations of the form ‘no worse than’ (weak preference). He obviously assumes that the relation ‘no worse than’ is complete. He then reformulates his result: if we choose the ‘better than’ interpretation we exclude all identity pairs and if we choose the ‘no worse than’ interpretation we include them all. In both cases, the so-called class A disappears from the statement of the result.

4 Conclusion

In my view, the most important part of Quine’s work is his alternative definition of IIA. The proof of the equivalence between P1, i.e. IIA, and the fact that F is a parametric Boolean function is far from trivial. Since Quine’s declared purpose was to ‘illuminate’ IIA—and also combinatorial neutrality and anonymity—and to ‘make them easier to work with’, the next step should have been to offer another proof of Arrow’s theorem. My conjecture is that, while at RAND, Quine tried to prove Arrow’s theorem, but did not succeed, and considering, back at Harvard, that he had more important, or at least more interesting from his point of view, things to do, he abandoned this research. So the question remains: Is it possible to derive a Quinean proof of Arrow’s theorem? Furthermore, are there Quinean proofs of the impossibilities of various preference aggregation functions? Related to these questions, we may wonder whether we can derive a Quinean version of preferencism.

In the more abstract setting where sets are considered rather than relations, another issue arises: is it possible to have a set-theoretic construction which would convert the Arrovian framework in this abstract setting? In case of a positive answer, would it be possible to prove an inconsistency? Finally, would it be possible to obtain something which is interpretable from an intuitive point of view?Footnote 13

There is a small literature on the use of Boolean functions in social choice, for instance Kalai (2002) and O’Donnell (2014). My comments here apply to O’Donnell. O’Donnell considers three alternatives and a Boolean function (of the variety described in footnote 6) for every two-alternative subsets (the Boolean function is not necessarily identical for each two-alternative subset). For each two-alternative subset, the Boolean function selects one alternative. The problem then is to obtain a Condorcet winner (an alternative selected against the two others). This is quite remote from Quine’s analysis, but I think that some further explorations could be undertaken. However, the restriction to two values, \(\{0,1\}\), or \(\{-1,1\}\) in O’Donnell, amounts to restrict the analysis to asymmetric binary relations (no indifference). Also, we cannot contemplate an analysis concerning transitivity or transitivity-type properties of the preferences. Incidentally, I believe that Quine came up against this difficulty: how can transitivity be rendered uniquely in terms of intersection, union and complementation of sets?