1 Introduction

Linear feedback shift register (LFSR) has become widely used in applications that are required to generate binary sequences of random numbers due to its simplicity in hardware and effectiveness in generating large distributing binary numbers with good statistical properties [3, 15, 26]. Such applications are related to tests boundary scan and functional tests coverage of hardware components about SoCs and embedded systems [4, 29]. Other applications of LFSR are related to support communication components such as cyclic redundancy check (CRC), low-density party check, and digital filters, for which LFSR considers an essential circuit [7, 31]. Additionally, LFSR has been recorded widely and successfully in the field of cryptography, where a large class of stream cipher is fully dependent on the binary sequence of LFSR [13, 25, 30].

Consequently, circuit designers of LFSRs investigate several improvements in circuit performances that are related to high-speed clock operation [12], multistage input–output configurations [21], low-power with high test coverage [5], and parallel architecture [35]. Furthermore, FPGA implementations of LFSRs consider faster development and easy to reconfigure for varieties of lengths and different seeds' taps [28, 36]. Besides, FPGA implementation offers flexibility in verifications and fast production to market [9].

Conventionally, LFSRs produce several sequences of binary numbers with high statistical randomness [6]. Additionally, LFSRs are sometimes referred to as linear recurrences, in which, the output values are given through a combination of some previous output values. Consequently, pseudorandom sequences are generated instead of true-random sequences [18]. Another drawback of the LFSR structure is related to the seeds’ taps of the feedback coefficients. The coefficients remain constant while LFSRs generate the output sequences. The coefficients can be evaluated by a set of linear recurrence equations. Therefore, linear behavior dictates the LFSRs with the tendency to predict the sequences and the structure of the LFSRs, a limitation in cryptography applications [14, 20].

As a result, several outstanding attempts precluded the linear behavior within the period of sequences by introducing several nonlinear functions into the feedback coefficients while maintaining the maximum periods [17]. Briefly and not limited, [19] introduces a nonlinear feedback function in a form of m-subsequence to change the coefficient variables within the period. Another attempt uses Zech’s algorithm of a cascaded connection of two LFSRs to dynamically change the coefficients while doubling the period size [33]. Further attempts use a polynomial modulator to change the coefficients dynamically while maintaining the sequence operation [11, 14, 17]. Additionally, [8] uses a pre-period type of function to keep inserting a new initial state and changing the period sequence dynamically. Others use parallel LFSRs with nonlinear output functions and good statistical properties [34]. Different directions make an effort toward a coupled linear congruential generator (CLCG) with a coupled variable input to alleviate linearity behavior and improve randomness for the fall of a large computational processing and high cost of hardware [27].

In alignment with the aforementioned attempts, we proposed the programmable feedback shift register (PFSR) that seeds new feedback coefficients and the initial states based on the degree m-bit of LFSR and the number of keywords. Therefore, the PFSR produces nonlinear sequences with multiple different linear periods since every keyword generates a distinct linear set of sequences within its period. A good analogy for this is to approximate a nonlinear function with several piecewise linear functions. The purpose of the keywords is to change the feedback coefficients from one set of sequences to another set of sequences, resulting in a non-periodic overall set of sequences and a non-predictable set of equations for better security and wider sequences. The major contributions of the proposed work are outlined with the following key features:

  1. 1.

    The main aim of the proposed PFSR design is to generate overall nonlinear unpredicted pseudo-random binary sequences that cannot be modulated with a linear set of equations and enjoys high statistical behavior.

  2. 2.

    The other objective of the PFSR of degree m-bit is to generate a large number of sequences. Since every keyword can modulate a number (i.e., length or period) of sequences of a total (2m − 1), the maximum number of generated sequences is equal to the number of keywords multiplied by (2m − 1). Thus, the PFSR aims to replace LFSR whenever the efficiency of cryptosystems and scan-for-test systems are needed.

  3. 3.

    Every keyword comprises feedback coefficients (Pis) and initial states that seed the network structure of the LFSR with degree m-bit. Thus, every keyword has new Pis and initial states that generates a new set of sequences, wherein the overall sum of keywords generates an unpredicted and nonlinear set of sequences. In contrast, an LFSR with degree m-bit has fixed feedback coefficients (Pis) and fixed initial states, such that the structure can be predicted by the coefficients Pis as well as the output states' sequences due to its deterministic period as defined by the following equation [25, 30]:

    $$ S_{i + m} = \mathop \sum \limits_{J = 0}^{m - 1} P_{j} .S_{i + j} \quad \bmod \, 2;\quad S_{i} , P_{j} \in \left\{ {0, 1} \right\};i = 0, 1, 2, \ldots $$
  4. 4.

    The CMOS design of the proposed PFSR with degree m-bit has a FIFO that stores the keywords and a simple LFSR with degree m-bit. The FIFO operates at the low phase of the clock to initialize the network structure of the LFSR, wherein the LFSR processes the sequences at the high phase of the clock. Thus, the two-phase clocking system is used to shorten the critical path delay, and to avoid the cumbersome design related to setup/hold timing criteria [1]. Consequently, the design is stable and can be implemented with the low-cost standard CMOS library, an attractive feature for FPGA synthesis and ASIC designs.

  5. 5.

    The proposed PFSR is difficult to intrude by a side-channel attack through the use of reverse hardware since the initial states and the coefficients are dynamically changing by encoding new keywords [16], despite the fact that the reverse hardware attack can determine the structure of the PFSR and its degree. Furthermore, the decryption function has the same PFSR characteristics as the encryption function, in contrast to other nonlinear sequence generators that require high-cost reverse decryption functions.

In summary, Sect. 2 exploits the principle of programming coefficients and their impact on the nonlinearity and non-periodic pseudorandom numbers. Section 3 demonstrates the complete circuit architectural design of the proposed PFSR from input to output. Section 4 records the simulations and results with some performance features. Section 5 realizes comparisons with recent works. The conclusion is given in Sect. 6.

2 Keywords Principle

Conventionally, an m-bit LFSR consists of clocked storage elements (D-type flip-flops (DFFs)) and a network of feedback paths that manages by switches of coefficients Pis that direct the outputs of DFFs to XOR-sum logics as clearly illustrated in [25]. The number of DFFs represents the degree (m) of an LFSR, where the degree determines the number of sequences before being repeated; that is, the maximum length (period) is given by [25]:

$$ L = 2^{m} - 1. $$

Assume the LFSR is initially loaded with values S0,…, Sm−1. The next output bit Sm of the LFSR, which is also the input to the left-most flip-flop, can be computed by the XOR-sum of the products of DFFs outputs and the corresponding feedback coefficients; thus, expanding Eq. (1):

$$ S_{m} = S_{m - 1 } P_{m - 1} + \ldots + S_{1} P_{1} + S_{0 } P_{0} \quad \bmod 2 $$

Intuitively, the general output sequences of the linear set of equations can be inspected from the above equation as follows:

$$ \begin{aligned} S_{m + 1} & = S_{m } P_{m - 1} + \cdots + S_{2} P_{1} + S_{1 } P_{0} \quad \bmod \,2 \\ S_{m + 2} & = S_{m + 1 } P_{m - 1} + \cdots + S_{3} P_{1} + S_{2 } P_{0} \quad \bmod \,2 \\ & \cdots \\ & \cdots \\ S_{2m - 1} & = S_{2m } P_{m - 1} + \cdots + S_{m + 1} P_{1} + S_{m } P_{0} \quad \bmod \, 2 \\ \end{aligned} $$

As a result, Eq. (3) shows m linear sets of equations between the states and the next states, where Pis have constant values through all linear equations. Thus, Eq. (3) uniquely determines the coefficient Pis. However, if the coefficients Pis change (variant) with the new states, then Eq. (3) becomes invalid and cannot be recognized for evaluating the coefficients Pis, as illustrated by the next example.

2.1 Proof of Nonlinearity

For ease of understanding and brevity of discussion, let’s start with the following simple example (Example #1) which is illustrated in Fig. 1. Let’s start with the degree 2-bit LFSR structure that has two DFFs, where each DFF has a separate Set-Reset (SETi, RESi) for complete flexibility in setting the initial state. Besides, the feedback network consists of two controlling paths that gadget with multiplexers logic of select Pis. Consequently, each keyword contains the Pis, the SETis, and the RESis values that seed the LFSR structure. Additionally, each keyword includes extra bits that determine the number of sequences that LFSR should go through before the next keyword is used.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Programmable feedback shift register (PFSR) based on Example #1

Table 1 summarizes the keyword parameters with their associated definition and abbreviation based on Fig. 1. In this example, the counting cycle has two bits since the LFSR comprises two DFFs with a maximum counting period of three sequences. Example #1 is chosen for two keywords, where each keyword has a size of 8-bit with hypothetical values recorded in Fig. 1. The values for the two keywords are stored in memory devices such as FIFO. Figure 1 illustrates Example #1 based on each clock cycle showing how the keywords impacted the sequences of the LFSR during the low phase and the high phase of the clock. The operation is processed as follows:

  1. 1.

    Fetch the keyword#0 from the FIFO during the low phase of the clock

  2. 2.

    Operate LFSR based on the value of keyword#0 for two sequences (i.e., CC1 = 1, CC0 = 0) during the high phase of the clock.

  3. 3.

    Fetch the keyword#1 from the FIFO during the low phase of the clock

  4. 4.

    Operate LFSR based on the value of keyword#1 for two sequences (i.e., CC1 = 1, CC0 = 0) during the high phase of the clock.

  5. 1-

    Repeat process 1 to 4 until the data are completed.

    $$ \begin{aligned} S_{i} : & \, 1 \, 0 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 0 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 0 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 0 \, 1 \, 1 \to {\text{Generated }}\,{\text{from}}\,{\text{ Figure}}\,{ 1} \\ X_{i} : & \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \to {\text{ Hypothetically}}\,{\text{ chosen}}\,{\text{message}}\,{\text{ text}} \\ Y_{i} : & \, 0 \, 1 \, 0 \, 0 \, 0 \, 1 \, 0 \, 0 \, 0 \, 1 \, 0 \, 0 \, 0 \, 1 \, 0 \, 0 \to {\text{ XOR - Logic}}\,{\text{ generates}}\,{\text{ the}}\,{\text{ cipher}}\,{\text{ text}} \\ \end{aligned} $$
Table 1 Keyword parameters

Now, let’s examine the generated sequence of Fig. 1 on the stream cipher and observe if we can get a linear set of equations capable of decrypting the cipher back to text. Let’s assume the known plaintext for the two-byte Xis as simple as it gets to intrude, which is all ones. Subsequently, the generated cipher text (Yi) can result from XOR logic as demonstrated below for the two bytes of the plaintext of data:

In general, the intruder has the information of the Yi sequence and the first text header Xi, and thus tries to figure out the structure of the sequence Si. Therefore, using the set of linear equations given in Eq. (3), we have:

$$ \left. {\begin{array}{*{20}c} {S_{3} = P_{2} S_{2} + P_{1} S_{1} + P_{0} S_{0} } \\ {S_{4} = P_{2} S_{3} + P_{1} S_{2} + P_{0} S_{1} } \\ {S_{5} = P_{2} S_{4} + P_{1} S_{3} + P_{0} S_{2} } \\ \end{array} } \right\} \bmod \, 2 \to \left\{ {\begin{array}{*{20}l} {1 = P_{2} + P_{0} } \hfill & { \bmod \,2} \hfill \\ {1 = P_{2} + P_{1} } \hfill & { \bmod \,2} \hfill \\ {0 = P_{2} + P_{1} + P_{0} } \hfill & { \bmod \,2} \hfill \\ \end{array} } \right. $$

Thus, the intruder hopes that the derived coefficients P2 = 0, P1 = 1, and P0 = 1 with the initial state “101” determine the structure of the LFSR as clearly depicted in Fig. 2. Consequently, applying the sequence Si of the LFSR depicted in Fig. 2 on the cipher text Yi, we have:

$$ \begin{aligned} S_{i} : \, 1 \, 0 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 0 \, 0 \, 1 \, 0 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 0 \, 0 \, 1 \, 0 & \to {\text{Generated}}\,{\text{ from}}\,{\text{ Figure}}\,{ 2} \\ Y_{i} : \, 0 \, 1 \, 0 \, 0 \, 0 \, 1 \, 0 \, 0 \, 0 \, 1 \, 0 \, 0 \, 0 \, 1 \, 0 \, 0 & \, \to {\text{Intruder}}\,{\text{ capture }}\,{\text{of}}\,{\text{ cipher}}\,{\text{ text}} \\ X_{i} : \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 1 \, 0 \, 1 \, 0 \, 0 \, 1 \, 1 \, 0 \, 1 \, 1 \, 0 & \to {\text{XOR - Logic}}\,{\text{ generates}}\,{\text{ the}}\,{\text{ message}}\,{\text{ text}} \\ \end{aligned} $$
Fig. 2
figure 2

Linear feedback shift register (LFSR) based on Example #1

The sequence Si that the intruder derived from the LFSR of Fig. 2 does not provide the message text Xi. Therefore, the linear set of equations given in Eq. (3) cannot be implied to derive the variant structure of LFSR due to its dynamic changes of feedback coefficients along with initial states during the generation of sequences.

As a result, the proposed PFSR structure shown in Fig. 1 generates a set of nonlinear sequences that cannot be retrieved by the linear recursion equation (Eq. 3) since the keywords, which hold the coefficients, change during the time of generating the sequences. In such a case, the proposed PFSR module has several polynomial equations of degree m, where each polynomial is associated with the given keyword coefficients. That is, each polynomial releases a distinct pattern of sequences with high statistical properties. Notice that the PFSR module in Fig. 1 uses only two keywords, and the generated set of sequences is still nonlinear. The number of keywords can be increased depending on the following:

  1. 1.

    Cost of the FIFO memory array,

  2. 2.

    Complexity requirements of nonlinear order and size of the overall period.

Furthermore, the size of the keyword in bits can be measured based on the degree of the PFSR module. Referring to Example #1, which is demonstrated in Fig. 1, the PFSR with degree m = 2 has a keyword of size:

$$ {\text{Keyword size }} = \, m \, + \, 2*m \, + \, m \, = \, 4*m\,{\text{ bits}}. $$

That is detailed as:

$$ \begin{aligned} {\text{Keyword size}} & = {\text{ Feedback}} - {\text{Coefficients }} \left( {P0, \, P1} \right) \, + {\text{ Set}} \\ &\quad- {\text{Reset}}\left( {{\text{SET0}},{\text{ RES0}},{\text{ SET1}},{\text{ RES1}}} \right) \\ & \quad + {\text{Count}} - {\text{Cycle }}\left( {{\text{CC0}},{\text{CC1}}} \right) = 4 + 8 + 4 = 16\,{\text{bits}}. \\ \end{aligned} $$

2.2 Proof of Randomness and Periodicity

LFSRs have good statistical properties for which the coefficients are chosen properly to give a maximum length [25, 30]. Moreover, an LFSR for a given degree m can produce sequences of different lengths (periods), depending on the feedback coefficients and initial state of the LFSR, such that LFSRs are often specified by irreducible polynomials using the following notation: An LFSR with a feedback coefficient vector (Pm−1, …, P1, P0) is represented by the polynomial [25, 30]:

$$ P\left( X \right) \, = \, X^{m} + \, P^{m - 1} X_{m - 1} + \, \cdots + \, P^{2} X_{2} + \, PX \, + \, P_{0} $$

For instance, the LFSR represented in Fig. 2 with a coefficient (P2 = 0, P1 = 1, P0 = 1) can alternatively be specified by the polynomial P(3) = X3 + X + 1. Consequently, Table 2 records different polynomials of the same degree (m), where each polynomial has a different length (period) [25, 30]. The varieties of primitive polynomials depend on the feedback coefficients and initial states. That is, if the coefficients and initial states are chosen properly, the maximum length of sequences can be generated. In general, there are many primitive polynomials for every given degree m. For instance, literature records that there exist 69,273,666 different primitive polynomials of degree m = 31-bit [25]. The linear complexity test of LFSRs that is represented by a primitive polynomial with degree m is (L/2) since there is an (L) number of generated sequences within the period of an LFSR primitive polynomial [30]. Example #2 illustrates the linear complexity test for the LFSR with degree m = 4 and polynomial P(X) = X4 + X + 1. Figure 3 shows the dynamic behavior of the linear complexity test for the first n of generated sequences.

Table 2 Different lengths by various polynomials of 3-bit LFSR
Fig. 3
figure 3

Linear complexity profiles generated by P(X) = X4 + X + 1 and initial state [0,1,0,0]

On the other hand, the proposed PFSR introduces several keywords along with LFSR of degree m, wherein every keyword seeds different coefficients to the LFSR to generate a primitive polynomial with maximum length (L) as given in Eq. (1). Thus, every keyword has a good randomness property that almost enjoys L/2 linear complexity value. Furthermore, aggregating all polynomials’ sequences results in overall good randomness properties. Table 3 illustrates the PFSR with degree m = 4-bit and two keywords, each representing a polynomial with a maximum length (L = 15) of generating sequences. Therefore, each polynomial has a linear complexity of L/2, such that the overall linear complexity is close to L/2 for a total of L = 30 generating sequences. Figure 4 shows the dynamic behavior of the linear complexity test for the PFSR demonstrated in Table 3. The results show the linear complexity test is slightly less than L/2 since the overall generating sequences are less by one sequence from the LFSR with degree m-5-bit. Employing the analysis of the linear complexity test, which is summarized in [27], the profile graph in Fig. 4 is close to L/2 in its overall period, in which L = (24–1)*2 = 30. Besides, the graph is observed as irregular staircases with an average height of 2 and an average length of 4 in its overall period. Additionally, the linear complexity is close to the graph’s minimal overall period, which is T = 30. As a result, the linear complexity profile for the proposed PFSR is considered appropriate and fair for statistical pseudo-randomness representation.

Table 3 Characteristic behavior of PFSR with m = 4 and two keywords
Fig. 4
figure 4

Linear complexity profiles generated by PFSR of m = 4-bit and two keywords. The detailed characteristics of the PFSR are shown in Table 3

3 Circuit Design

The circuit objective of the PFSR is to provide new coefficients during the low phase of the clock while activating a new polynomial during the high phase of the clock. Thus, the two-phase clocking system (CLKP, CLKN) negates each other. The source clock (CLK) of a simple back-to-back NAND logic circuit or a more advanced circuit that is insensitive to PVT variations can generate the two-phase clocking system [10, 24]. Consequently, the FIFO, which provides the keywords, is triggered by CLKP, while the LFSR, which processes the keywords, is triggered by CLKN.

Figure 5 shows the proposed overall architectural circuit design of the PFSR with degree m = 3 as a choice for ease of explanation, where larger degrees also have the same structure but are wider in size. The size of the keyword is 12-bit based on Eq. (4), wherein the number of keywords is hypothetically chosen for four keywords. The keyword format recorded in Fig. 5 suggests that the first three bits hold the feedback coefficients (P0, P1, P2), the second six bits hold the Set-Reset for each DFF which are (SET0, RES0, SET1, RES1, SET2, RES2), and the last three bits (CC0, CC1, CC2) determine the number of count cycles. Additionally, the FIFO input and output data buses have the same size of keywords, which is 12-bit in Fig. 5, since the FIFO’s purpose is to store and fetch all keywords in the same format.

Fig. 5
figure 5

Architectural circuit design for the proposed PFSR with degree m = 3-bit and 4-keyword

The proposed PFSR in Fig. 5 constitutes three main blocks that are:

  1. 1.

    The FIFO with size 4-keyword X 12-bit and the pulse-hold circuit,

  2. 2.

    the LFSR with degree m = 3-bit along with initial states and switches,

  3. 3.

    and a simple counter-detector circuit of size 3-bit.

The FIFO circuit is based on the synchronous design given in [24] with the addition of the pulse-hold circuit. The pulse-hold enables the FIFO to fetch one keyword by having a pulse of signal (PRE). Then, the pulse-hold holds the FIFO from doing any fetch operation until the counter-detector re-enables the pulse-hold, in which, the pulse-hold regenerates the pulse of PRE to fetch the next keyword. Holding the keyword by the FIFO is essential since the LFSR circuit needs to run several cycles (i.e., maximum period) before it requires another keyword from the FIFO.

The LFSR has three DFFs with a feedback path that combines pass-gate switches of three controlling coefficients (P0, P1, P2) which are directing the outputs of DFFs to XOR-sum logics. Moreover, each DFF has SET and RESET (SET-RESET) that control the initial state of the LFSR; thus, there are six SET-RESET (SET0, RES0, SET1, RES1, SET2, RES2). The six SET-RESET signals change the initial value of the LFSR for the first cycle of each keyword. Therefore, the six SET-RESET signals must be disabled for the consecutive cycles of the keyword. Subsequently, a small latch circuit with feedback reset is attached to the six SET-RESET signals as shown in Fig. 6.

Fig. 6
figure 6

Architectural circuit design of six latches with feedback reset

The last component is the counter-detector circuit that orchestrates the FIFO fetches keywords operation by controlling the pulse-hold circuit, which triggers the pulse PRE signal. In other words, the counter-detector circuit controls the time of releasing the keywords from the FIFO to LFSR. Subsequently, each keyword's coefficients (CC0, CC1, CC2) determine the number of cycles that the LFSR requires to run before fetching a new keyword. Therefore, the counter-detector circuit is a simple counter with a 2-input XORs logic detector circuit that keeps counting until the value reaches the coefficients (CC0, CC1, CC2). Upon the counter-detector circuit detects the value of the count (CC0, CC1, CC2), it enables the pulse-hold circuit to activate a new pulse PRE signal to the FIFO, which releases a new keyword.

Figure 7 illustrates the timing diagram of the PFSR using the two-phase clocking system with four keywords. The pulse-hold signal (PRE) is initially activated due to the read enable (RE) signal request. First, the FIFO releases keyword#0 during the rising edge of the CLKP signal and holds keyword#0 for two cycles (i.e., two rising edges of CLKN) based on the coefficients data (CC2 = 0, CC1 = 1, CC0 = 0) of keyword#0. Second, once the counter-detector circuit detects the two cycles, it enables again the pulse-hold to release the PRE signal, which enables the FIFO to fetch keyword#1 at CLKP rising edge. The LFSR component processes Keyword#1 for one cycle due to coefficients (CC2 = 0, CC1 = 0, CC0 = 1) of keyword#1. Third, after one cycle, the counter-detector circuit requests the pulse-hold again to release the PRE signal, which enables the FIFO to fetch keyword#2 at CLKP rising edge. Finally, the LFSR runs sequences for three cycles before a new keyword is released since its count cycle is (CC2 = 0, CC1 = 1, CC0 = 1). Then, the next keyword is fetched from the FIFO, and the operation continues until the RE signal is de-asserted indicating the end of the text.

Fig. 7
figure 7

PFSR timing diagram design of fetching the keyword from FIFO

Since the two phases of the clock hold different operations, the critical path timing measures the worst timing of the two phases that determine the maximum clock running frequency. During the high phase of the clock, FIFO receives the PRE signal, which was enabled by the pulse-hold circuit, and thus the FIFO releases the keyword. Therefore, the critical path during high phase is:

$$ {\text{High}} - {\text{phase delay}} = T_{{\text{Pulse - Hold}}} + T_{{{\text{FIFO}}}} $$

such that the TPulse-hold is equal to the DFF access time, and the TFIFO is the FIFO memory read access time, which was measured in [24] to be less than 1 ns (ns) for 90 nm CMOS technology of size 64-word × 64-bit. Therefore, Eq. (6) gives the high-phase delay time of about 1 ns since the DFF delay time is less than 0.05 ns.

Furthermore, the critical path due to the low phase of the clock comprises two paths running in parallel, which are the LFSR circuit and the counter-detector circuit. Subsequently, the delay time for the LFSR circuit is:

$$ {\text{LFSR }}\,{\text{delay}} = T_{{{\text{DFF}}}} + T_{{{\text{Mux}}}} + T_{{{\text{XOR}}}} $$

In parallel, the delay time of the counter–detector circuit is:

$$ {\text{Counter}} - {\text{detector}} \,{\text{delay}} = T_{{{\text{Counter}}}} + T_{{{\text{Detector}}}} $$

Equation (8) has a delay of about 0.5 ns since the counter delay (Tcounter) has a similar delay to a DFF in regards to the counter size as derived in [2]. Consequently, the low-phase delay is about 0.5 ns, as a conservative measure by taking into account the parasitic loading delay. On the other hand, the high-phase delay by Eq. (6) is depicted as 1 ns due to the FIFO read access time. Therefore, the maximum delay of the clock cycle is 2 ns (Fclock = 500 MHz), considering the worst-case duty cycle between the high and low phases of the clock. In conclusion, the critical path of m-bit PFSR is dictated by Eq. (6) during the high phase of the clock due to the FIFO operation.

Table 4 summarizes some of the characteristics of the PFSR for different degree (m) values. For example, the PFSR with degree m = 16-bit represents the LFSR component with sixteen DFFs, where the size of the keyword using Eq. (4) is 64-bit. Subsequently, The FIFO memory is chosen to store 64 keywords since it is recommended to have a regular layout structure for FIFO memory [1]. Thus, the size of the FIFO is 64-word X 64-bit. Furthermore, the maximum number of sequences (i.e., assuming maximum length) is given by Eq. (2), which is (264–1) *64 = 4,194,240. Finally, the clock frequency and the total number of DFFs are recorded as 500 MHz and 64 DFFs, respectively.

Table 4 Characteristics of the PFSR for different degrees and keywords

Table 5 summarizes the key features between PFSR and the conventional LFSR for a degree of m = 16. The PFSR enjoys much higher security features and wider generating sequences than the LFSR for the trade of extra hardware such as memory and DFFs. Nowadays, technology scaling that reaches up to 3 nm produces this extra hardware at a very low cost. Additionally, most cryptography and scan-for-test components with the feature of wide nonlinear sequences are not simple and require complex designs with large hardware structures.

Table 5 Key features of the PFSR versus LFSR for a degree m = 16

4 Simulations and Results

The PFSR proposed in Fig. 5 with the degree m = 3-bit and 4-keyword is designed and tested using HDL Verilog. The HDL implementation provides functional verification and faster reconfiguration for varieties of PFSRs. The synthesis is achieved through Xilinx ISE 14.7 and Virtex-5 XC5VLX50T FPGA development board for a 90-nm standard cell library at 1 V as per Virtex-5. Furthermore, the pulse-hold and the counter-detector circuits are simulated using HSPICE with 90 nm CMOS technology [22] to verify circuit characteristics, wherein the FIFO and LFSR have been approved widely in the literature.

Starting with Verilog simulations, Fig. 8 shows the functional verification of the proposed PFSR design based on the HDL implementation hardware structure shown in Fig. 5. For a clear graphical representation, Fig. 8 shows only CLKP since CLKN is the opposite signal. The second row shows the external-reset signal of the complete design (RESEXT) for initialization purposes, while the third row shows the read-request-enable (REN) signal for processing the text message, such that the REN signal is requesting the PFSR to start functioning and delivering sequences. Subsequently, the PFSR turns off when the REN signal is de-asserted. The moment the REN signal is asserted and CLKP rising edge occurs, the pulse-hold signal (PRE) activates the FIFO to release the first keyword (keyword#0).

Fig. 8
figure 8

PFSR Verilog simulations, input signals versus output signals

The first keyword is shown on the output bus (DOUT [11:0]), that is “111011001001,” indicating P0 = 1, P1 = 0, P2 = 0, RES0 = 1, SET0 = 0, RES1 = 0, SET1 = 1, RES2 = 1, SET2 = 0, CC0 = 1, CC1 = 1, CC2 = 1. Subsequently, the first nine bits of the output bus (DOUT [8:0]) dictate the operation of the LFSR delivering the output sequence S0 during the cycles CLKN (i.e., the falling edge of CLKP). The S0 has a different pattern for each keyword; therefore, the S0 has unpredictable and nonlinear sequences. The last three bits on the output bus (DOUT [11:9]) give the number of cycles for each keyword that the LFSR should be running, that is seven cycles for the first keyword, in which, by the end of the seven cycles, the pulse of the PRE signal occurs (i.e., at the time of 85 ns) indicating the release of the second keyword (keyword#1), where the DOUT [11:0], at time 85 ns, appears as “101100110001.” The operation continues until the REN signal is de-asserted, and thus, the PRE signal is stemming from releasing pulses and is turned off.

Table 6 shows the synthesis and simulation of three PFSRs with different degrees and keyword geometry. However, because of resource impediments of the XC5VLX50T platform, we couldn’t test beyond the degree of 16 bits. Table 6 lists the memory usage and simulation time of different PFSRs, which appears much worse than what we expect in the estimated frequency time recorded in Table 4. This is because the timing of the Xilinx XC5VLX50T platform includes input–output bus delay; besides, the memory cell circuit has 18 transistors instead of using only 8 transistors (8 T-Cell) as in custom design [23]. Additionally, the interconnecting, due to place-and-route between several lookup table logics, degrades the frequency and increases power consumption. Therefore, we recommend the use of FPGA for verification purposes and the realization of maximum polynomials. Subsequently, Table 6 records as well the total number of sequences for each PFSR, which surpasses most of the counterpart LFSR designs.

Table 6 Simulation and synthesis results for the PFSR with degree m = 3, 10, 16 bits

Another usage of FPGA is to help in collecting data for statistical measurement; the PFSR of m = 16-bit with 8-keyword results in the overall period; that is, L = (216−1) × 8 = 524,288 of generating sequences is subjected to the linear complexity test and the NIST test for randomness measure [32]. The only constraint is that each keyword should represent a polynomial with a maximum length (L = 216–1) of generating sequences. Table 7 gives the detail of the keywords associated with polynomials that each generates a maximum length of L = 216–1 sequences.

Table 7 Characteristic behavior of PFSR with m = 16-bit and eight keywords

Figure 9 shows the linear complexity profile of the sequence obtained by the PFSR with degree m = 16-bit and eight keywords. Thus, the overall period is L = (216−1) × 8 = 524,288 of generating sequences. The resulting simulation shows that L/2 has an average height of 2 and an average length of 4 for a total L/2 ≈ of 262,144, which results in acceptable pseudo-random generating sequences.

Fig. 9
figure 9

Linear complexity profiles generated by PFSR of m = 16-bit and eight keywords. The detailed characteristics of the PFSR are shown in Table 7

Further random characteristic tests such as the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) are conducted, as shown in Table 8, to verify randomness criteria [27, 32], such that the fifteen statistical benchmark tests are performed on 50 different collected sequences of length 524,288-bit generated by the PFSR presented in Table 7 by changing the initial conditions for every overall period until the 50 collected sequences are completed. Table 8 depends on the alpha (α) value for a selected accuracy of 0.05 and collected P values (UT) 0.0001 for passing the test with respect to chi-square distribution [32]. Thus, if the probability value of a pseudorandom bit sequence is greater than the threshold value α in all fifteen tests, then the sequence is assumed to be random [27]. The tests in Table 8 are: (1) frequency test, (2) frequency test within a block, (3) run test, (4) longest run of ones in a block, (5) binary matrix rank test, (6) discrete Fourier transform test, (7) non-overlapping template matching test, (8) overlapping template matching test, (9) Maurer's “Universal Statistical” test, (10) linear complexity test, (11) serial test, (12) approximate entropy test, (13) cumulative sums test, (14) random excursions test, and (15) random excursions variant test. Results show that the collected 50 sequences of size 524,288-bit have passed these tests. In conclusion, the proposed PFSR has overall good statistical properties that are close to LFSR with the advantages of a nonlinear set of equations (i.e., unpredicted period) and a wide range of generating overall period.

Table 8 Statistical results for PFSR versus LFSR

On the other hand, the HSPICE simulation for the PFSR, which is proposed in Fig. 5, is demonstrated in Fig. 10 by a two-phase clocking system of Fclock = 500 MHz at a slew rate of 1v/0.5 ns. The timing diagram shows the PRE signal releases pulses based on the number of cycles for each fetching keyword as was theoretically predicted in Fig. 7. The pulse of the PRE signal is crucial since it indicates the starting time of fetching the keyword from the FIFO at CLKP. Subsequently, the PFSR starts releasing the sequences at the next cycle (i.e., the rising edge of CLKN). The detailed simulation in Fig. 10 shows the first row is the two-phase clock signals (CLKP, CLKN) with a slew rate of 1v/0.5 ns and Fclock = 500 MHz, and the second row shows the REN signal that enables the start of releasing pulses of the PRE signal. The third row shows the pulses of the PRE signal based on the count cycle (CC0, CC1, CC2) recorded in the fourth row. The PRE signal is nonlinear during all keywords since it is variant with different keywords. Therefore, the generated sequence is nonlinear and unpredictable. The counter-detector and pulse-hold circuits give exactly the theoretical timing diagram explained in Fig. 7. Besides, verifying the functionality and timing speed. As a result, the ASIC implementation of the PFSR utilizes most of the design characteristics' key factors. The design speed and power consumption can further be improved using recent FinFET CMOS technology. However, we aim to use basic standard CMOS library cells with cost-effective digital CMOS technology and improve the architectural circuit and design methodology.

Fig. 10
figure 10

HSPICE timing simulation for the proposed PFSR with m = 3, detail of PRE signal

The design setup/hold time between the internal feedback signals and the clock at the gated components gives a margin of half a clock cycle due to the use of the two-phase clocking system. Additionally, the design has a few input signals CLK, RESEXT, REN, WRE, DIN[11:0], and one output signal S0 that produces the nonlinear pseudorandom outcome. All keywords can be stored in the FIFO during the writing phase by asserting the write enable (WRE) signal along with the clock source. Subsequently, the private key, which comprises keywords, can be dynamically changed for the next message resulting in a more secure and unpredicted nonlinear sequence.

Moreover, the power consumption records are slightly higher than standard LFSR designs due to memory components. However, we use the 8T-Cell, which is known for its low-power and high-speed advantages. The power consumption is about linear with log2 of memory size added to the number of DFFs, in which, every DFF takes about 0.047 μW. Consequently, Fig. 11a, b shows the total power consumption and transistor count for the PFSRs, which are characterized in Table 4.

Fig. 11
figure 11

Circuit characteristics of the PFSR with variable degree m. a Power consumption; b transistor count

5 Comparison Analysis

The proposed PFSR is compared against several configurations of nonlinear feedback shift registers [8, 11, 19, 33] that have the same aim of generating nonlinear pseudorandom sequences with a large period. Although our comparable designs are chosen to the best of our knowledge, the comparisons are not limited to the above references and can be generalized for a large class of nonlinear pseudorandom feedback shift register generators. Table 9 summarizes the differences concerning the maximum periods, type of polynomial seeds, nonlinear and random characteristics, hardware design complexity, and hardware attack with the type of decryption function. Furthermore, all values are recorded as they appeared in the references without any modification from our side. The degree is considered a common parameter for all recorded references.

Table 9 Comparison between prior works and our proposed PFSR

The first column in Table 9 illustrates the maximum period of the comparable works, which shows that our proposed work considers the largest period due to multiple keywords. The second column shows the structure of the feedback polynomial function causing nonlinearity for each listed work. The cause of nonlinearity is due to the changing of seeds’ taps by mathematical algorithms, tending to reduce randomness and lower the periods for the cost of having a nonlinear set of equations. On the contrary, our work obviates the shortcoming of polynomial functions by changing the seeds’ taps and initial states by injecting a new keyword by taking advantage that there are many primitive polynomials for every length m. Column three lists the NIST tests measures of randomness, and we classify these recorded measures into “Poor” or “High” concerning their closeness to 100%.

The hardware configurations listed in column 4 use standard library LFSR units without modifications for low-power or high-speed circuitry. Our work has a higher cost design due to FIFO memory for the penalty of a large unpredicted overall period and a nonlinearity set of equations that represent the sequences. Although the FIFO memory might consider a high-cost design with comparable works, the use of the 8T-Cell memory array reduces the cost substantially. Furthermore, we consider that the listed works have the same comparable speed and can run at a clock speed of 500 MHz for m ≤ 16 since they use the same LFSR structure with some feedback modulator mathematical functions. In our design, we split the critical path by using a two-phase clocking system to improve the performance of speed and power consumption.

The last column demonstrates the hardware attack difficulties among the listed works in a method called DE-cap silicon chip [27]. Since the comparable designs have a fixed structure of polynomial algorithms with pre-determined wiring connectivity between the polynomial algorithms and the LFSR states, they might be considered vulnerable to DE-cap hardware attacks. On the other hand, our work holds the polynomial algorithms in private keywords that dynamically changed; thus, the PFSR is difficult to intrude by a DE-cap attack. Furthermore, the last column elaborates on the cost of decryption functions, wherein our work shows the same encryption and decryption function along with the private key. On the contrary, other works require their encryptions to be of inverse residue mathematical functions with several mathematical constraints to be able to decrypt the same message.

As a result, our proposed design is considered comparable to analogous works and surpasses some of their essential key features. Such as wide period, unpredictability, and nonlinear pseudorandom number with high statistical properties. Besides, it is, to the best of our knowledge, a new method of generating a nonlinear set of equations by introducing a private key (i.e., collection of keywords) that are dynamically feeding the taps of LFSR with degree m. Finally, the proposed PFSR is recommended as an alternative replacement to the LFSR whenever the need for efficient generation of nonlinear and wide sequences, rather than as a comparable to cipher algorithms.

6 Conclusions and Future Work

In this work, we proposed the programmable feedback shift register (PFSR) with a degree m-bit and a private key (i.e., collection of keywords) as an alternative replacement for an LFSR for efficient scan-for-test generator and cryptography applications. The PFSR integrates first-in-first-out (FIFO) memory with linear feedback shift register (LFSR) through a two-phase clocking system. The FIFO releases the keyword to feed the LFSR; thus, generating a new polynomial with distinct sequence numbers per each new keyword. The private key can be a multiple of keywords, where each keyword contains coefficients, initial states, and a number of the counting sequence. The 16-bit PSFR with 64-keyword records an overall period of nonlinear binary pseudorandom numbers up to 4,194,240, surpassing most of the counterpart designs that have a degree of m = 16-bit. Therefore, each keyword presents a primitive polynomial that is modulated by the coefficients, initial states, and degree of the LFSR. This is due to the fact that there are many primitive polynomials for the given degree m with maximum length (2m−1). Each polynomial generates binary sequences based on the number of count cycles for each keyword. The collection of all binary sequences is considered pseudorandom with unpredictable patterns and good statistical measures. Subsequently, the binary sequences cannot be modulated with the linear set of equations to reconstruct the structure of the PFSR.

The hardware of PFSR has similar components to LFSR with the addition of the FIFO memory array. The FIFO operates at one phase of the clock, while the LFSR operates at the other phase of the clock. Thus, the two-phase clocking system obviates the cumbersome design margin of setup/hold timing criteria, while reduces the critical path delay. The PFSR of degree m = 16-bit and 64 keywords operates at 500 MHz with a power consumption of 73 µW and total transistor counts of 37,593. The design is based on a 90 nm standard CMOS library with a 1 V power supply that is achieved in both ASIC and FPGA configurations.

Furthermore, the decryption PFSR is the same as the encryption PFSR with the same characteristics despite generating a nonlinear set of unpredictable patterns of binary sequences. Moreover, the PFSR design considers robust against physical DE-cap attacks (i.e., reverse hardware) since the private key is variant with messages and can be dynamically changed within the message itself. Future works are suggested to investigate the number and the structure of primitive polynomials having the same degree (m) that produces the maximum number of sequences (2m−1) since every polynomial is represented by a keyword. In addition, it is recommended to examine various security attacks along with substantial Brute-force bench tests are suggested to target the design in order to validate its security.