
1 Introduction

The industry must consider learning and development as its most important business aspect. Meanwhile, a study found that online training can help reduce turnover in a company [1]. Although human resources research has shown that online learning can increase job satisfaction, it still needs a lot of fine-tuning to be implemented effectively in the real world.

We conducted this study intending to determine whether the characteristics influencing online learning are still relevant in today’s environment, which, due to the pandemic situation, makes online learning the only method of learning and development. This study aims to answer the following research questions: 1) How do the factors that influence the effectiveness of online learning contribute to company performance?

2 Literature Review

PTO is “employees’ perception of their participation in existing training opportunities” [2]. The values provided by training and development will improve task performance and behavior possessed by employees [3].

  • H1: Perceived training opportunities in online training (PTO) will affect corporate performance significantly

PIED is defined as “Employees’ perceptions of their employer’s dedication to assisting them in identifying and developing new skills” [4]. Workers should also interpret investment as signalling that they have a long-term, trust- based connection with their company and, as a result, should put out greater effort to improve the company’s success because of this understanding [5].

  • H2: Perceived Investment in Employee Development (PIED) will affect corporate performance significantly

By providing a variety of learning approaches and applications for knowledge exchange and skills growth, e-learning enhances and promotes education and learning [6, 7].

  • H3: Technology Readiness in Online Training (TR) will affect Corporate Performance significantly.

In a more traditional training environment, trainers, equipment, facilities, training methods, and so on can all be considered as the aggregate constraints in a training environment, just as in a virtual training environment. An employee-friendly social environment can be achieved if employees think the company will provide them with opportunities and reinforcement to practice the skills learned and apply the knowledge acquired through training [8] (Fig. 1).

  • H4: Training environment in Online training (TE) will affect corporate performance significantly.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Research Model

3 Method

This study used a random sampling approach to collect data. In this study, we assigned 102 respondents. This research collects data through the distribution of web-based questionnaires, where one sample question per variable is as follows: 1) PTO - I feel certain that I will get the necessary training and development to solve any new tasks I may be given in the future, 2) PIED - By investing time and money in employee development, my organization demonstrates that it invests in its employees, 3) TR - I like the idea of doing business via computers because I am not limited to regular business hours, 4) TE – Within the training environment, I feel that Others in the group help me learn. In order to analyze the model, we used the PLS-SEM approach, and Smart-PLS was used as a tool. Data analysis techniques obtained from the results of distributing questionnaires refer to two things, namely measurement model measurement and structural model assessment.

4 Results and Discussions

The results of the survey collection can be illustrated by the profiles of our respondents, who are mostly staff and took online training mostly one month ago (during the time this research was conducted). The validity test results showed that all indicators are valid because the AVE of each indicator is above 0.5. Then discriminant validity also passed all the criteria. Then this model can explain the phenomenon as much as 58.1%, which is reflected through this research model. Then when bootstrapping is done, the results show that only one hypothesis is supported. Namely, Perceived Investment in Employee Development has a significant effect on Company Performance (t-statistics: 3,534 > 1.96; P-Values: 0,000), but other results are not supported because all P-Values > 0.000 and t-statistics < 1.96.

This study found that PTO in online training has no significant effect on company performance. This finding is inconsistent with previous research who said perceived training opportunities had a significant positive relationship with firm performance and proved that providing high-level training opportunities would not always improve task performance. We also found that PIED in online training significantly influences company performance positively. Our findings align with previous research that found company investment in employee development should encourage employees to try harder to increase company success. Furthermore, we found that TR does not significantly affect firm performance. This finding is different from the findings from previous research that technology readiness is needed to effectively use new technologies, which will ultimately improve company performance. Finally, TE only significantly affects company performance. Our results differ from previous research who say that environmental preferences should impact motivation before training and skills transfer during training.

5 Conclusions

Our study contributes to findings. Where we found that a greater scale of online training that is pushed forward has a positive effect on corporate performance. This finding is in line with previous study with a much smaller case of online training in its infancy. We believe that, regarding the rapid advancement of information and technology all these years, online learning may have become viable to be implemented on a larger scale.