
11.1 Introduction

Humans consume beverages for various purposes, including quenching thirst, providing hydration, and supplying nutrients to the body. Beverages are classified based on their composition, such as water, milk-based, fruit juices, carbonated soft drinks, energy drinks, and alcoholic beverages. Beverages can be consumed hot or cold and may contain various ingredients such as water, sugar, flavorings, vitamins, minerals, and preservatives. Some beverages may also have specific health benefits, such as tea, known for its antioxidant properties, and milk, a source of calcium and other nutrients. Overall, beverages play a vital role in keeping a healthy and balanced diet and are an integral aspect of human life and culture (Sui et al., 2016).

Liquids that are intended for consumption collectively are known as beverages (fermented and non-fermented). Alcoholic drinks are often divided into five categories, beers, wines, hard liquors, liqueurs, etc. Similarly, there are three categories of nonalcoholic beverages: hot, nonalcoholic, and carbonated. Some examples of nonalcoholic beverages include juice, carbonated beverages, tea, coffee, and bottled water. Recently, the use of numerous modern technologies has led to a significant development of several beverage companies. Despite the fact that customers still prefer age-old traditional beverages and drinks, new value-added juices, multifunctional fermented beverages, alcoholic and nonalcoholic beverages with microencapsulation, and nutraceutical and value-added herbal drinks manufactured using current biotechnological technologies have all formed business development in the beverage industry for industrial expansion (Malakar et al., 2020a, b).

Broad ranges of ingredients are utilized to produce a variety of beverages. Beverage manufacturing is divided into numerous classes depending on the composition of raw materials utilized and the technique employed to process the ingredients. The fermentation and distillation processes are used to produce alcoholic drinks. Microorganisms use sugar-containing raw materials to produce alcohol (ethanol) and carbon dioxide. Microbes also play an essential role in producing distinctive flavoring properties (Maryam et al., 2017; Paul et al., 2014). The fermentation process improved the nutritional content of foods along with value addition. The nutritious value of food is increased by the traditional food-preserving method of fermentation. Fermented drinks have gained popularity for their health-improving properties in different regions around the globe. In recent years, the creation of non-dairy probiotic fermented drinks from various substrates, including soymilk, whey, cereals, and the juices of vegetables and fruits, has been the primary focus of both creative problem-solving strategies and the commercialization of traditional beverages. In light of recent developments, fermented drinks are anticipated to play an essential role in functional foods (Simatende et al., 2015).

The primary motivation for producing fermented foods and beverages was to lengthen the shelf life of perishable raw agricultural commodities. However, modern bioprocessing technology aims to generate products with the intended quality characteristics regarding shelf life, texture, taste, mouthfeel, flavor, and color by using microorganisms and their enzymes to acidify, alcoholize, proteolyze, and/or convert amino acids. This is done to manufacture goods with the desired quality characteristics. Furthermore, producing foods with valuable properties in an ecologically sound way, following nature, and being reasonably priced is also an absolute need (De Roos & De Vuyst, 2018).

11.2 Microorganisms Involved in Beverage Industries

11.2.1 Yeast

Yeasts are unicellular fungal organisms that thrive in a variety of environments. They are typically discovered in the soil, water, and plant flowers and leaves. These can also be found as parasitic or symbiotic microorganisms on the animal’s body skin and occasionally in the digestive tract. These organisms either divide by sexual or asexual reproduction. Asexual division occurs by budding, as in Saccharomyces, by fission, or filament growth in Schizosaccharomyces (mycelium) (De Chiara et al., 2022). The Egyptians first employed yeast about 6000 bc to manufacture beer, wine, and bread. The Romans eventually copied this practice. Yeast is now employed in the beverage production for alcoholic fermentation. Their unrestricted ability to convert basic sugars into ethanol, lipids, enzymes, and foreign proteins makes industrial applications possible. In the process of making wine, yeast causes ferment of the sugars in grape juice, which results in products like carbon dioxide. Most of the time, the yeast is present on the grape skin and is adequate for fermentation. Soy sauce preparation is another fermentation method in which yeast could be employed (Zhao et al., 2015).

While making fermented milks like kefir and koumiss and cheese, yeast is primarily employed to improve flavor and texture in dairy products. In addition, they are used as supplementary starting cultures to enhance lactic acid bacteria development and increase food item fragrance. S. cerevisiae, D. hansenii, and K. marxianus are some of the most often utilized species. Yeasts for producing certain fermented goods, such as cheese, bread, and vinegar, are included in starter cultures. Yeasts are an optional anaerobe that may thrive with or without oxygen. Distillery yeast produces alcohol and spirits used in industry, including brandy, rum, and tequila. The ability of intestinal pathogens such as E. coli, Salmonella, and Shigella to survive has been demonstrated and supported by research on the probiotic qualities of yeasts. More specifically, S. boulardii is a thermophile non-pathogenic yeast that has been used for more than 50 years as a probiotic supplement for various gastrointestinal diseases, including diarrhea (Nain et al., 2020).

11.2.2 Bacteria

Prokaryotic microbes called bacteria are extensively distributed in the local habitat. Bacteria multiply rapidly. Certain bacteria can survive in extreme environments. The ideal temperature for bacterial development is 37 °C, while the lowest water activity needed for microbial multiplication is 0. Certain bacterial species are harmful or can cause sickness, while others can cause food to deteriorate (Bangar et al., 2022). Food intoxications have been linked to Bacillus cereus, Clostridium perfringens, and Clostridium botulinum.

Bacteria are essential to produce food and drink in domestic and industrial scenarios. Several fermented beverages and commodities primarily rely on lactic acid bacteria. These bacteria participate in the production of lactic acid, the breakdown of proteins and lipids, the production of alcoholic drinks, and the preparation of curd, yogurt, and fermented milk. Also, they aid in improving the taste, texture, and nutritional benefits of fermented products (sauerkraut, kimchi). The main LAB genera used to manufacture food and beverages are Lactobacillus, Leuconostoc, Pediococcus, and Streptococcus (Arqués et al., 2015). Many bacteria possess traits that can facilitate the production and processing of foodstuff. Different food microbes create various fermented substances prepared from raw animals and plants. The acidic nature and sensory characteristics of fermentation products cause the microbes to undergo fermentation.

Along with providing a significantly longer shelf life than the essential ingredients, fermentation microorganisms improve the flavor and aroma of the foods like matured cheeses, fermented sausages, sauerkraut, and pickles. The primary actors in dairy-based fermentation are lactic acid bacteria. Before starters were available, milk fermentations relied on the LAB in raw milk (Ali, 2010).

11.3 Fermented Functional Foods and Beverages

The human diet is enriched by fermented foods because they provide and retain various nutrients in a complex combination of flavor, aroma, and consistency. The overall availability of nutritive substances is improved by traditional fermentation. Microbes for fermented products of amino acids, vitamins, and minerals with high therapeutic benefits greatly influence consumer health. Most fermented foods are produced by natural microbes that are present as natural microbiota in raw plants, containers, utensils, and the environment. These bacteria change the biochemical components of raw materials, enhancing some fermented foods’ flavor, digestibility, fragrance, nutritional value, and medicinal properties (Tamang et al., 2015). Most of the traditional preparation techniques are kept secret and passed down from generation to generation. They frequently pertain to specific tribes and castes in various provinces and are produced on a small scale at home employing back-slopping. Each ethnic group region has its own culinary diversity and cultural beliefs, including fermented foods representing the society’s agroeconomic, socio-cultural, and historical characteristics. Certain fermented foods are marketed widely as delicious staple food for their medicinal, functional, and nutraceutical benefits (Kavitake et al., 2018) (Tables 11.1 and 11.2).

Table 11.1 Major fermented beverage from different parts of the world
Table 11.2 Milk, cereal, and other fermented beverages famous around the globe

11.3.1 Fermented Milk Products

With a market value of more than €46 billion globally, the fermented milk products sector is large and accounts for all milk-based drinks and yogurts. Traditional fermented milk products are produced in many nations around the globe using various plant or animal sources, including goats, camels, bovine, sheep, coconut, and soymilk. The resulting milk can either be pasteurized or skimmed, followed by applying certain probiotic strains as the starter or the dairy substrate that can ferment naturally (Wolfe et al., 2014). However, the microbial makeup of these conventionally fermented milk products has not yet been established with the proper characterization and metabolic profiling (Marsh et al., 2014). Milk source, processing conditions, cleanliness, starter culture variety, fermentation time and temperature affect milk-based products’ fermentation and microbiological composition.

Back-slopping involves using a tiny part of milk that previously undergone fermentation to start a renewed fermentation, a standard method for creating artisanal fermented milk beverages (Ashaolu, 2019).

This is how bacterial cultures from the lactic acid bacteria that occur naturally in raw milk are passed down from one family member to the next. Fermented milk drinks are dominated by lactic acid bacteria (LAB), especially Leuconostoc, lactobacilli, and lactococci. When beverages are fermented at cooler temperatures, mesophilic bacteria like Lactococcus and Leuconostoc flourish, while thermophilic bacteria like Lactobacillus and Streptococcus proliferate (Fayemi et al., 2023). Over time, kefir has grown popular. In North America the market of barely V78.7 million, although shepherds in the Caucasus Mountains originally ate it. Kefir “grains” are polysaccharide matrices with symbiotic bacteria and yeast that ferment. Unlike kefir, this beverage ferments milk by back-slopping or letting it ferment spontaneously (Rahman et al., 2009). Shubat, a fermented camel milk widely consumed throughout Asia, has some therapeutic benefits. In Africa, where the craft of producing fermented goods is handed down to generations, fermented milk beverages are prevalent there. The fermented kinds of milk with different names are relatively similar and collectively referred to as naturally fermented milk, given that most kinds of milk are produced by the inherent bacteria in milk that spontaneously ferments milk. Moreover, yogurts are sometimes diluted with water to create palatable fermented milks such doogh, ayran, chaas, and lassi, which typically have a microbiological makeup comparable to that of yogurt (Shiby & Mishra, 2013).

11.3.2 Fermented Beverages from Non-dairy Alternatives

Cereal-based fermented drinks, prevalent in tropical areas and particularly on the African continent, are another significant category of alcoholic beverages. Like milk-based beverages, natural microbes ferment grains like maize, barley, oats, wheat, rice, or sorghum. The kernels are frequently blended, heated, and occasionally screened. Although back-slopping often occurs once more, less is known about the microbial communities that ferment these beverages. For example, Boza is a popular beverage in Bulgaria and Turkey that is made by fermenting a range of grains, such as barley, oats, rye, millet, maize, wheat, or rice. The final beverage’s consistency and fermenting ability vary depending on the grain’s composition (Akpinar-Bayizit et al., 2010). The grain is cooked, filtered, and then combined with a source of carbohydrates. The combination can then ferment naturally or with the help of a backslop.

Although studies have demonstrated that Boza’s microbial population is varied, the product has not yet been mass-produced. Out of all the possible fermentation combinations, it has been proposed that Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Leuconostoc mesenteroides, and Lactobacillus confusus make the most delicious beverage. Togwa, a nonalcoholic, sweet-and-sour cereal drink, has been studied more than most other African drinks. Select substrates, such as maize, sorghum, finger millet, and even cassava root flour, are boiled, chilled, and fermented for about 12 h to generate a porridge that is then diluted to make a beverage (Jargin, 2009). Besides milk and grain, fermented drinks come in various flavors and textures.

A good example of this is kombucha, a sweetened fermented tea originally popular in China. A synergetic community of bacteria (frequently acetic acid bacteria with trace levels of lactic acid bacteria) and yeast is encased in a cellulose matrix and float on top of the fermentate, much like vinegar mother cultures. Kombucha’s beneficial effects may largely be attributed to its acidic and alkaline physiochemical properties. The tea component also means it is loaded with antioxidants and vitamins (Marsh et al., 2014). Kefir made from water is theoretically comparable to kefir made from milk in that both are fermented by a symbiotic connection between bacteria and yeast that is contained inside grains. Yet it is believed that these grains, composed of dextran and have the physical appearance of transparent crystals, originated in Mexico, where they first took the form of brittle granules and fermented from the fluid present on the buds of the opuntia cactus (Amoutzopoulos et al., 2013). Before fermentation begins, it is customary to add figs and lemon to the sweetened water to offer flavor and nutrients. Kefir made from water may have many components; nevertheless, it is often known to contain lactic acid bacteria, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium (Laureys & De Vuyst, 2014). Kefir and koumiss are only examples of fermented beverages that developed appeal beyond their original purpose of preserving food. Despite unsubstantiated assertions, surprisingly, little study has been done on traditional fermented beverages. Any health claims made for such a drink should preferably be backed up by rigorous scientific evidence from several well-controlled human intervention trials. Such data collecting is expensive and unpleasant to businesses, yet it is necessary for proof-of-concept and further research. Sadly, this proof is not often seen in drinks of this type (particularly non-dairy varieties) (Amoutzopoulos et al., 2013).

11.4 Microbial Interventions in Beverage Production

11.4.1 Fermentation

Fermentation is decomposing of carbohydrates into alcohols and organic acids by microorganisms and enzymes (Swain et al., 2014). Through biochemical and biotechnological methods, it is also possible to genetically modify microbes used as cultures in food processing, which improves the quality attributes of both conventional and modern fermented products and their enzyme activities and flavor improvement. To start and complete the appropriate fermentation in raw resources under regulated conditions, the growth of appropriate microorganisms deliberately introduced to the base material is essential to producing fermented beverages. Food and beverage industries frequently use lactic acid (LA) fermentation to maintain and enhance foods’ nutritional and sensory qualities, including milk, vegetables, and fruits (Sathe & Mandal, 2016; Di Cagno et al., 2013). Lactic acid bacteria isolated from traditionally fermented foods were the main microflora of fermented food products. In the production of beverages, microbes like bacteria, yeast, etc., change carbohydrates to alcohol, organic acids, and carbon dioxide. Lactic Acid Fermentation

Most of the lactic acid bacteria (LAB) employed is thought to belong to the genus Lactobacillus, and variants used in the industrial manufacture of lactic acid have subsequently become patent. Vitamin levels in food, notably vitamin B, can be enhanced by LAB (Di Cagno et al., 2013). By converting 3-carbon pyruvate to 3-carbon lactic acid (C3H6O3) through anaerobic metabolism carried out by bacteria (Lactobacillus and others), LA fermentation (such as fermented milks and cereals) allows glycolysis to continue producing ATP under low oxygen circumstances. Lactic acid fermentation and biochemical modifications are often involved in lactic acid biotechnological manufacturing techniques. Leuconostoc, Streptococcus, and Lactobacillus bacteria ferment LA, transforming sugar molecules into lactic acid (Ghaffar et al., 2014). Alcoholic Fermentation

Alcoholic fermentation is a microbiological process that converts glucose into ethyl alcohol and carbon dioxide using yeast, bacteria, and other microbes. Aqueous mono-saccharide solutions (raw materials) serve as the culture medium that mainly uses yeast as a culture for beverage preparation (Stanbury et al., 2013). Yeast typically performs aerobic fermentation in alcohol production but can also ferment the essential ingredients anaerobically. Alcoholic fermentation occurs in the yeast cytoplasm in an oxygen-deprived environment (Huang et al., 2015). For instance, the first step in ethanol production is the conversion of pyruvate to the intermediate molecule acetaldehyde, which results in carbon dioxide emission. This step is followed by converting acetaldehyde into ethanol under anaerobic circumstances. Solid-State Fermentation

A fermentation method known as “solid-state fermentation” (SSF) is one in which bacteria develop on solid substrates without the presence of liquid. It uses microorganisms like fungi primarily for food processing and forming enzymes. Microbes are cultured in the humid solid substrate in the SSF method (Singhania et al., 2009). While this process occurs in a solid matrix and is almost entirely devoid of water, the substrates must be moist enough to support the growth and metabolism of the bacteria involved. Several biotechnologically induced solid-state fermentations are being investigated in beverage production. Submerged Fermentation

In contrast to a solid medium, submerged fermentation involves the growth of microbes in a liquid media that is aggressively agitated and aerated. The fermentation process is relatively quick because of free-flowing substrates like molasses and broths (Saqib et al., 2010). Microbes that need a substantial moisture content to develop throughout the fermentation are ideal for this type of fermentation. Selecting the suitable substrate is crucial because organisms respond differently to various substrates, impacting production. Typical substrates for submerged fermentation include molasses, fruit and vegetable juices, wastewater/effluent, and soluble sugar (Paul & Sahu, 2014). Various factors, including temperature, pH, oxygenation, incubation duration, and inoculation rate, among other parameters present in submerged cultures and other components of the medium, influence fermented drink production.

In this fermentation method, organisms can establish batch- or continuous-style fermentation in a strongly aerated and agitated liquid (Paul et al., 2014; Tang et al., 2009). The microorganism is cultured in a fixed volume of culture media throughout the batch fermentation process, and metabolic biosynthesis is permitted for a certain time. The second batch of fermentation, known as fed-batch fermentation, is initiated after cleaning and re-sterilizing a changed and improved form of a standard closed fermenter (Hashemi et al., 2011). The contents of the culture media and the cell solute concentrations will often fluctuate due to the cell’s metabolic activities (Paul & Sahu, 2014; Speight & Harmon, 2010).

11.4.2 Starter Cultures Technology

Starter culture is the preparation of microbes that can impact the processing using biotechnological methods. They may be used to help manage the first stage of a fermentation process and include huge numbers of specialized or changeable organisms (Marsh et al., 2014). The creation of culture dairy and food items drinks like yogurt, dahi, lassi, and buttermilk, primarily used starter cultures are composed of different lactic acid bacteria, including lactobacilli, lactococci, propionic, and pediococci bacteria. Most conventionally fermented foods are made using solid substrate fermentation techniques, where the substrate is left to ferment spontaneously or with the addition of starter microorganisms (Sathe & Mandal, 2016). Microbes often decompose the raw materials’ carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids by delivering enzymes into the media. The microbial concentration used as starter culture improves the effectiveness of fermentation by serving as inoculants in spontaneous fermentation (Tyagi et al., 2017).

Back-slopping is a method for making fermented foods that use samples from the previous batch as inoculum. This method is usually used to make the right starter cultures. Defined starter cultures consisting of single or mixed strains of pure microflora are used to produce dairy and other food products, such as kefir, yogurt, dahi, cheeses, and alcoholic beverages (Hugenholtz, 2013). The multifunctional starter cultures satisfy the necessary conditions for spontaneous fermentation to increase the bacteriocin, flavor, and acid production during fermentation to prevent spoilage and the growth of harmful bacteria and provide additional health-promoting functions (Corbo et al., 2014). So, starter cultures that can do more than one thing could help keep food fresh and improve its nutritional value. In addition, the newest developments in metabolic modification methods, genetics, and bioinformatics should help improve starting cultures in the future so that the food and beverage processing industries can make more money.

11.4.3 Bio-preservation of Food and Beverages

The “bio-preservation” method improves beverages’ shelf life by employing microbial metabolites and microflora (Giraffa et al., 2010). Alternative food preservation technologies, including bio-preservation, are replacing traditional methods of managing microbial deterioration and safety threats in foods to prolong their shelf life and ensure safe and wholesome food to balance consumer needs with the essential safety requirements (Bigliardi & Galati, 2013). Lactic Acid Bacteria as Bio-preservatives

Fermentation using LAB such as lactobacilli, lactococci, streptococci, leuconostoc, and pediococcus was traditionally used to preserve food products (Papagianni, 2016). These bacteria are used extensively in the production of starter cultures, which are then used to manufacture milk, fruit, vegetable, and beverage products. Because LAB is capable of producing active metabolites, such as organic acids (lactic, acetic, formic, propionic, and butyric acids), which are more effective when the pH of the medium is lower, LAB is able to preserve food. Ethanol, fatty acids, acetone, hydrogen peroxide, diacetyl, and chemicals that inhibit fungal growth are also examples of other active metabolites (Cousin et al., 2017). Additionally, it has been shown (Awojobi et al., 2016) that the lactic and acetic acids produced by lactic acid bacteria have an effect on a number of the fungal infections that are caused by Aspergillus flavus, hence reducing the likelihood that these diseases will spread.

Food items are historically preserved by fermentation using LAB, such as lactobacilli, lactococci, streptococci, leuconostoc, and pediococci. Widespread starter cultures of these bacteria are employed to make milk, fruits, and vegetable products and beverage. LAB’s active metabolites, such as organic acids (lactic, acetic, formic, propionic, and butyric acids), ethanol, fatty acids, acetone, hydrogen peroxide, diacetyl, and antifungal substances, enhance its preservative activity by lowering the medium’s pH (Awojobi et al., 2016; Crowley et al., 2013; Fatima & Fernanda, 2016). Moreover, it has been shown that the lactic and acetic acids from LAB have inhibitory activity on several fungal pathogens of Aspergillus flavus during the preparation and preservation of juice. Since LAB competes for resources and produces active metabolites, like organic acids, hydrogen peroxide, and antimicrobial peptides, these substances have antagonist and inhibitory characteristics (Rani et al., 2016). Bacteriocins as Bio-preservatives

Bacteriocins are a diverse group of potent antimicrobial peptides predominantly active against gram-positive bacteria and other species. They are produced by ribosome synthesis during the first stage of growth (Zacharof & Lovitt, 2012). The production of a particular immunity protein that is transcribed in the bacteriocin operon is how LAB strains make bacteriocins defend against their toxins. Bacteriocins have become increasingly popular in the beverage sector for improving safety and increasing shelf life since they serve an essential function as innovative food preservative agents (Rocha et al., 2017). Food and beverage preservation includes different substances like bacteriocins to preserve them and improve their shelf stability. Several bacteriocins are generated by LAB, but their potential use as bio-preservatives has not yet been extensively investigated. Several food scientists have carried out significant studies on the bactericidal characteristics of several bacteriocins. The bacteriocin produced by Lactococcus lactis subsp. lactis BZ, which has a broad inhibitory spectrum, has the potential to be used as a bio-preservative in food items. A number of bacteriocins have been created recently, and some of them have even received patents for use in food (Bali et al., 2016).

11.4.4 Probiotic and Prebiotic Functional Beverages

Probiotics are formulations that include isolated or mixed cultures of microbes when given to humans or other animals in the proper proportion have positive health effects. The production of traditional non-dairy fermented beverages is widespread, and many of them are nonalcoholic drinks made by encapsulating probiotic and prebiotic microbes (Saad et al., 2013). Yogurt and fermented milks have long been employed as probiotic carrier foods in dairy industry. Yogurt has a long history of being linked to human health and lifespan (Granato et al., 2010). Conventional yogurt has undergone several attempts to increase its positive benefits by value addition of different components such as probiotics, prebiotics, and other plant based components. Probiotic yogurt is one of these fermented foods with value addition that has had significant market success over the past 20 years (Champagne et al., 2018). Although probiotic cells are better protected from unfavorable environmental factors by the solid texture, high fat content, and pH values, the probiotic cheese industry is far from reaching its commercial potential. Dairy products with probiotics have been available on the market for a long time (Özer & Kırmacı, 2011).

Synbiotics refers to probiotics and prebiotics taken together. Probiotic foods and beverages commonly include the bacteria Lactobacillus casei, Lb. delbrueckii var. bulgaricus, Lb. acidophilus, Lb. brevis, Lb. lactis, Lb. plantarum, and Lb. fermentum Bifidobacterium breve, Bifidobacterium lactis, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium adolescentis, and more species (Yerlikaya, 2014). Many possible probiotic sources are currently being used via biotechnological applications, probiotic species including Lactobacillus, Enterococcus, and Bifidobacterium are widely employed in functional foods and encapsulating supplements. Recombinant DNA-based genetic modification and sequencing of common probiotics are all contributing to the fast production of probiotic microbe strains due to breakthroughs in the uses of biotechnological methods in food processing. The most recent studies in this field support the advancement of unique, modified probiotics with improved nutritional and functional efficiency for protecting human health and creating new products. Moreover, probiotic bacteria that can survive the severe process conditions are being developed using current techniques in addition to these (Sekhon & Jairath, 2010).

It is widely acknowledged that fermented milk products are excellent probiotic carriers. Probiotic LAB can withstand bile salts and acidic environments, and it also generates bacteriocins that are effective toward food spoilage and pathogenic microbes and might have possible applications for enhancing the quality and safety of food production (Panesar et al., 2013). Several foods and beverages can spontaneously ferment and contain probiotic LAB, which has GRAS designation and is usually considered harmless. The therapeutic benefit of LAB was one of the main drivers of probiotic adoption in the dairy and beverage sectors. Probiotics have been studied as a potential bio-therapeutic against intestinal problems and lactose intolerance, changed nutrient composition of milk, antagonistic action against different microbial pathogens, and anti-mutagenic and anticarcinogenic properties. Despite these studies, the therapeutic benefit of LAB was one of the main drivers of probiotic adoption (Bali et al., 2016; Fleet & Rahman, 2017).

11.5 Genetically Modified Microbial Strains Utilized in Beverage Production

The procedure of changing a living organism’s genome orientation or composition to serve a primary purpose is known as genetic modification. Genetic modification aims to transmit copies of certain genes with known features from one organism to a different host organism to introduce the desired traits. The term “genetically modified food” describes foods prepared by various biotechnology procedures and applications, in which the organisms are created by having particular alterations made to their DNA using genetic engineering methods. Many genetically modified foods, microorganisms, and natural resources for preparing food and beverages have already begun to appear due to this field’s development (Agrawal et al., 2013).

The production of fermented beverages has benefited from the use of genetically modified yeast strains since these yeasts have been shown to improve fermentation processes, increase yeast ethanol tolerance, nitrogen absorption, and sugar utilization, and modify sensory qualities. Because the malate permease gene was integrated into some of the genetically modified yeast strains created to improve wine fermentation, those strains may also be able to carry out malolactic fermentation. This was made possible by the introduction of malolactic wild strains (Malakar et al., 2020a, b). This is important since it lessens the acidity of beverages while keeping their microbiological stability intact, and it cuts the amount of time needed for the fermentation process down by a significant amount. Malate is converted to lactic acid with the help of technology; however, the resulting acid does not have the same flavor profile as lactic acid bacteria (Varela et al., 2012). Using genetically modified yeast strains during wine fermentation reduces hydrogen sulfides (H2S), which hurt wine taste, aroma, and other elements of alcoholic drink production. The fermentation characteristics of microorganisms like yeast are not drastically changed by selective breeding, but their metabolic activities are somewhat modified (Chambers & Pretorius, 2010).

11.6 Health Benefits of Microbes in Beverage Production

When food and beverages are fermented, different strains of bacteria, yeast, and fungi are utilized, producing different kinds of cultured goods with improved flavor, taste, and aroma.

  • Fermented milk products are common in dairy products. Many forms of cheese, such as soft unripened and ripened as well as numerous hard types, are generated during the coagulation of milk. The majority of the microorganisms utilized ferment lactic acid.

  • Alcohol-containing drinks include wine, beer, cider, and vinegar. Several yeast strains are employed during the fermentation of grains and cereals to produce alcoholic beverages. Molds may grow on decaying grapes to produce wine. Several food sectors, i.e., fermentation industries, utilize these microbes in different ways. For instance, brewers and vinegar producers cultivate their own strains and inoculum.

  • In the food business, some microbes are employed to make processing aids, such as lactase made from Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus oryzae, and Kluyveromyces lactis strains. For those who are lactose intolerant, it is mostly employed in the manufacture of reduced or lactose-free products. The benefit of lactase-treated milk is that the sweetness of the milk is increased, eliminating the need to add sugar when making flavored milk. In order to improve sweetness, creaminess, and digestibility, lactase can also be employed in the ice cream, yogurt, and frozen dessert sectors.

  • The shelf life of food and beverage items may also be extended with the help of microorganisms, which ultimately results in the preservation of the food goods. Bacteriocins, organic acids, hydrogen peroxides, carbon dioxide, and diacetyls are only a few examples of the antimicrobial chemicals formed by microorganisms, namely lactic acid-producing bacteria, that increase the shelf life of food and drinks. Other antimicrobial compounds include lactic acid, which is produced by lactic acid bacteria.

  • Probiotics can endure the harsh conditions of the digestive system because they are acid-tolerant and bile-resistant. These microorganisms should be safe to use, productive, and able to lengthen the food’s shelf life. Probiotics are live microorganisms that come from a variety of diverse families. Most often used are lactic acid bacteria like Lactobacillus and Enterococcus, as well as Bifidobacterium strains. Cheese, yogurt, and ice cream are just few of the dairy products that often include probiotics into their production processes. Probiotics, such as the Lactobacillus bacteria found in fermented dairy products, have been around for quite some time (Bintsis, 2018; Nain et al., 2020).

11.7 Conclusion

Microbes may be controlled in the food and beverage sector to create modified products, such as fermented foods and drinks, or, if not, they can be a significant factor in food degradation following processing. To lower the danger of spoilage and contamination, raw food products should be thoroughly cleaned before processing. Prevent contamination from external sources while monitoring and providing ideal conditions for the food-producing bacteria throughout processing. Several ways to get rid of bacteria that cause spoiling include applying high temperatures, changing the pH, or creating aseptic conditions. There are multiple uses for beneficial microorganisms, and various strains of these bacteria should be managed independently. Nowadays, fermentation and other manufacturing methods used in the beverage industry are being upgraded by applying current biotechnological advancements. The numerous bacteria utilized in fermentation are improved by contemporary technology, which results in substances that kill other bacteria that cause food poisoning and product spoilage, enhancing the product’s nutritional and taste profiles. Improving safety standards and shelf life through bio-preservation also significantly lowers the likelihood of product spoiling. The main bio-preservatives utilized in the beverage industry are LAB and bacteriocins, which may be extracted or generated using biotechnological methods. There are several ways to develop improved strains of microbes, including genetic manipulation.