
1 Introduction

Classification algorithms have many usages of prediction and data analysis in real-life applications. Most classifiers provide unusual accuracy when trained over class imbalance datasets. Samples with unequal distributed class in a dataset are called class imbalance dataset. When one class’s sample size is considerably less/more than the other class for a given dataset, this is an imbalanced class problem [1,2,3,4]. Given a data D, samples S = s1, s2, …, sn, and attributes A = a1, a2, …, an, one of the ai among a1, a2, …, an is the class attribute, which is to be predicted. The minor class represents a lesser percentage of the samples in a dataset, whereas the majority class represents more [5]. A model trained using an unbalanced dataset often performs poorly because instances of major class overwhelm and the minority class samples are ignored [6]. The dataset with undistributed class is associated with various applications, including fraud detection, text categorization, protein function prediction, medical diagnosis, signal processing, remote sensing, and image annotation. In such applications, samples of the minor class are more important and sensitive, and focus on the minor class is required [7, 8]. In these applications, incorrect classification of minority class data may result in a very high cost financially or in other ways [9]. For instance, incorrectly classifying a cancer patient may be a loss of human life as a cancer patient is misclassified as healthy and may not provide the medical care needed for the patient. In the mentioned cases, it is critical to appropriately classify the minority group, where the classifier tends to misclassify the minor class samples due to the small number of samples [10]. Sometimes minor class data are treated as an outlier [11].

However, classification algorithms do not perform well over class imbalance data due to the mentioned factor. Sampling-based approaches can be used with imbalanced datasets to get better classification results [12, 13]. The paper designs and presents a hybrid sampling model named KSMOTEEN to improve the poor classification accuracy of classification algorithms over the class imbalance. The proposed model integrates the K-means algorithm and the SMOTEEN sampling method. The K-means algorithm groups the objects based on similar features [14, 15]. It initially selects the random seeds as centroids, compares all the objects with the centroid based on their similarity, and the objects placed in the respective clusters [16].

2 Objective

To develop a model for improving classification results for class undistributed data. Our contributions to achieve the main goal are as follows:

  1. 1.

    Evaluate and compare classification techniques for class imbalance data before applying any sampling method and after using some existing sampling methods.

  2. 2.

    Design and develop a hybrid framework named KSMOTEEN for balancing the distribution of imbalanced class data.

  3. 3.

    Evaluate and compare KSMOTEEN against contemporary sampling methods.

The remaining portion is structured as following: in Sect. 3 related research are discussed, Sect. 4 describes the proposed model, and Sects. 5 and 6 describe experimental result and analysis.

3 Related Work

Many researchers have addressed the class imbalance issue and designed and proposed various solutions. This section discusses some research.

Wang et al. [17] suggested a new approach for merging the locally linear embedding algorithm (LLE) and the traditional SMOTE algorithm. Using an LLE mapping technique, they mapped the synthetic data points back to the original input space. Their approach outperforms classic SMOTE in terms of performance.

Das et al. [18] presented a new algorithm that combines reverse-neighbour-nearest neighbour (R-NN) and synthetic minority oversampling (SMOTE). R-SMOTE is used to extract significant data points from the minority class and synthesize new data points from the reverse nearest neighbours. Comparative analysis is done for the proposed algorithm and four standard oversampling methods. The empirical analysis shows that R-SMOTE produced better results than existing oversampling methods used for the experiment.

Lee et al. [19] used a different SMOTE method that merged the SMOTE algorithm with fuzzy logic. A fuzzy C-means algorithm can be used to identify membership degrees quickly. The suggested technique is evaluated using several benchmark datasets and exhibits promising results paired with support vector machine classifiers.

Tallo and Musdholifah [20] presented the SMOTE-simple genetic algorithm (SMOTE-SGA) for creating unequal amounts of synthetic instances. They applied a genetic algorithm at SMOTE, and classification results improved. Md Islam et al. [21], presented the SMOTE for the prediction of the success of bank telemarketing. SMOTE technique used to balance the dataset and then analyzed it using the Naive Bayes algorithm. It will help to find the best strategies for the improvement of the next marketing campaign.

Bajer et al. [22] compared various oversampling techniques over various real-life data. Also, it explores different interpretations of the algorithm in an attempt to show their behaviour.

Li [23] proposed the random-SMOTE (R-S) method for increasing the number of samples in the little class sample space randomly. As a result, the chances of improving minor class samples in data mining tasks to almost equal to those of the major class. Using a data mining integration process, they could balance five UCI imbalanced datasets. These datasets are classified using the logistic algorithm. It is observed that integrating R-S and logistic algorithm improves classifier performance significantly.

Rustogi and Prasad [24] proposed a hybrid method of classifying imbalanced binary data using synthetic minorities oversampling and extreme learning machines. They used five standard imbalance datasets for the performance evaluation of the model.

Han et al. [25] presented a new minority oversampling method. The borderline-SMOTE1 and Borderline SMOTE2 oversamples a small number of items towards the borderline.

Liu et al. [26] proposed a model called PUDL using only positive and unlabelled learning with dictionary learning. The model worked in two phases. First, they extracted negative samples from the unlabelled data to generate a negative class. The second phase designed a model Ranking support vector machine (RankSVM)-based to incorporate positive class samples. Patel and Mehta [27] reviewed modified K-means to increase the efficiency of the k-means clustering algorithm for preprocessing, cluster analysis, and normalization approaches. Three normalization techniques with outlier removal show the best and most effective results for Mk-means, performance analysis of computed MSE for Mk-means and Mk-means with three normalization techniques with outlier removal shows the best and most effective result for Mk-means, which generates minimum MSE and improves the efficiency and quality of result generated by this algorithm.

Chawla [28] proposed an approach based on a mix of the SMOTE algorithm and the boosting technique for learning from imbalanced datasets. SMOTE Boost generates synthetic samples from the rare or minority class, altering the updating weights and adjusting for skewed distributions in the process.

Gök et al. [29] proposed a model that works in two stages: in the first, no preprocessing was used, while in the second, preprocessing was stressed for improved prediction outcomes. The adjusted random forest algorithm and multiple preprocessing approaches reached 0.98 accuracies at the end of the investigation.

Nishant et al. [30] designed a model name HOUSEN to improve classification accuracy. The author used AdaBoost algorithms, random forest, and gradient, support vector machine for the experiment. The model shows a promising result.

4 Proposed Method

The KSMOTHEENN integrates the k-means clustering algorithm and the SMOTEENN sampling method. We selected the particular clustering algorithm, as from the literature survey, we analyzed that the K-means algorithm needs a number of clusters, and correct cluster number improves result accuracy. In our dataset, a number of clusters are known, i.e. two. In the second step, SMOTEENN is applied over minor class samples. The result of the classification algorithms; SVM, KNN, LR, AND NB are analyzed before the execution of any sampling method and after the execution of KSMOTEEN and some state-of-the-art undersampling, oversampling, sampling, and hybrid sampling models.

Figure 1 presents the work process diagram of our proposed model.

Fig. 1
A flow diagram of the proposed model. The dataset undergoes preprocessing followed by original data, sampling method with 4 algorithms, and K means with SMOTEEN algorithm in parallel, which send class imbalanced and balanced data to 4 classification algorithms followed by performance evaluation.

Work flow process diagram

The proposed model KSMOTEEN first executes the K-means algorithm to group the samples as per the class and then the SMOTEEN sampling method is applied. In the first step, execute the K-means model; in the second step, execute the SMOTEEN. Algorithm1 presents the pseudocode of our proposed model; KSMOTEEN.

A pseudocode for K SMOTEEN. Input is class imbalanced data and output is class balanced data. Data cleaning and preprocess are followed by initialization of key feature list, application of K means clustering, and a nested while loop to compute a line between minority or majority data points.

5 Experiments

First, we preprocess the data and classification algorithms, SVM, KNN, LR, and NB, are executed over the data without applying any sampling method to see the impact of undistributed class data over classification results. We executed the mentioned classification algorithms over each class balance data obtained from mentioned sampling methods and the KSMOTEEN. Finally, we present comparative results.

5.1 Data Description

For the experiments, we used the UCI repository dataset. EEG data from students, and each student watched ten videos. As a result, it reduces the 12,000+ rows to just 100 data points. Each data point has more than 120 rows and is sampled every 0.5 s. For signals with a greater frequency, display the mean value every 0.5 s.

5.2 Evaluation Matrices

For the evaluation of the proposed model, we used the following measure [31, 32]:

Accuracy is a statistical measure that requires true positives and true negatives to estimate the model.

True positive (TP): No. of correctly classifying instances.

True negative (TN): No. of samples are identified as negative values correctly.

False positive (FP): No. of samples are wrongly predicted as positive.

False negative (FN): No. of samples are predicted incorrectly as negative.

Accuracy is defined mathematically as follows:

$$ {\text{Accuracy}} = \left( {{\text{TP}} + {\text{TN }}} \right)/\left( {{\text{TP}} + {\text{FN}} + {\text{FP}} + {\text{TN}}} \right) $$

The recall is the percentage of instances of the class correctly identified.

$$ {\text{recall}} = {\text{TP}}/\left( {{\text{TP}} + {\text{FN}}} \right) $$

F1-score is the harmonic mean of precision and recall.

$$ {\text{F1 - score}} = (({\text{Precision}} * {\text{Recall}})/\left( {{\text{Precision}} + {\text{Recall}}} \right)) * {2} $$


$$ {\text{Precision}} = {\text{True Positives}}/({\text{True Positives}} + {\text{False Positives)}} $$

6 Result Analysis

We experiment in two phases. Phase I tests classification algorithms before applying any sampling method over imbalanced data and after using some existing mentioned sampling methods. Phase II demonstrates the results of the proposed model KSMOTEEN to evaluate the designed model’s performance. The study used the following four classifier models: SVM, KNN, LR, and NB for the experiments.

From Table 1, it can be noticed that the accuracy of all the classification algorithms used for the experiment shows better results, except SVM. The SVM obtained better accuracy only in ADASYN, SMOTEN and K-means SMOTE. The KNN obtained better accuracy in the case of each sampling method. By analyzing Table 2, it can be observed the edited nearest neighbours.

Table 1 Accuracy of classification techniques before and after applying oversampling techniques
Table 2 Accuracy of classification techniques before and after applying undersampling techniques achieved the best accuracy for all the classification algorithms

Table 3 demonstrates that the accuracy of all the models improves after applying SMOTEEN and SMOTETomek, which are a combination of undersampling and oversampling methods.

Table 3 Accuracy of classification, accuracy before and after applying undersampling + oversampling techniques

Figure 2a–d demonstrates the experiments’ accuracy, recall, f1-score, and precision before and after applying sampling methods and the proposed model, KSMOTEEN

Fig. 2
4 grouped bar graphs, a to d, plot percentages versus 4 classification algorithms. S V M and K N N have 100% accuracy, recall, F 1 score, and precision for K SMOTEEN. N B has the highest recall for ADASYN. L R has higher precision before sampling than K SMOTEEN.

Performance evaluation results of the classification models before and after applying the KSMOTEEN. Analyzing Fig. 2a–d, it is observed that all four classification algorithms’ performance improved after the KSMOTEEN model’s execution. However, the decision tree classification algorithm shows minor performance improvement after executing the KSMOTEEN model

7 Conclusion

In recent years, classification techniques have become increasingly popular for data analysis and prediction. Class imbalance is one of the primary issues for classifiers, due to which the performance of the classifier gets degraded. This paper presents a hybrid sampling model by integrating the K-means algorithm and SMOTEEN. The K-means technique is employed as an initial step to construct clusters. Further, centroids are used by the KSMOTEEN. The KSMOTEEN model demonstrates promising results in improving the performance of classifiers. So, there is the scope that these techniques can be applied to any imbalanced dataset for accurate prediction purposes. Our future plan is to work for multi-class problems. Here, we have worked on data level approaches such as oversampling and undersampling. In the future, we plan to use algorithm level approaches.