1 Introduction

Lanthanide-based upconversion nanoparticles (UCNPs) are a typical class of luminescent materials with anti-Stokes emissions [13], which have been attracting tremendous attentions for their broad applications in bioimaging [4], therapy [5], display [6], laser [7], sensor [8], and information security [9]. The rich discrete energy levels of lanthanide ions make them an ideal candidate for upconversion emissions covering a wide spectral region from ultraviolet, visible to near infrared wavelength bands. So far, many approaches have been explored to synthesize high-quality core–shell nanocrystals, tune and enhance the upconversion luminescence through core–shell engineering, wide-band sensitization, tailoring electromagnetic field, and so on [3, 1017]. In particular, mechanism investigation plays a critical role in the field of upconversion. Early works showed that energy transfer upconversion is an efficient process for lanthanides (e.g., Er3+, Tm3+, and Ho3+) in both bulk and nanomaterials [1, 18]. Other ways such as excited-state absorption and photon avalanche are also explored to activate upconversion. During past decades, the rapid progress of nanotechnology opens up new possibilities for upconversion [2, 19]. For instance, the NaGdF4@NaGdF4 core–shell nanostructure is able to realize upconversion emissions of lanthanide ions without physically existed intermediate states (e.g., Eu3+, Tb3+, Dy3+, and Sm3+) through the assistance of energy migration over Gd sublattice [20]. However, it should be noted that such upconversion requires specific matrix lattice (e.g., NaGdF4) to facilitate the excitation energy from core to shell layer.

Alternatively, we recently found that interfacial energy transfer (IET) works well in manipulating lanthanide ionic interactions on the nanometer length scale and therefore contributes to photon luminescence from a set of lanthanide ions (e.g., Er3+, Tm3+, Ho3+, Eu3+, Tb3+, Dy3+, Sm3+, Ce3+, Pr3+, and Nd3+) [17, 21]. The design of IET model could enhance upconversion by depressing detrimental ionic interactions such as cross relaxation and back energy transfer [21]. More importantly, it helps to finely tune the emission colors by constructing suitable IET channels in UCNPs [22, 23]. Another important merit lies in the mechanistic research of photon upconversion. Rational design of IET-mediated nanostructures is able to probe the donor–acceptor energy transfer or energy migration at sublattice [2], which is a daunting challenge in the traditional lanthanide-doped bulk or nanosized materials. Recently, the NIR-II responsive upconversion was achieved in a series of lanthanide emitters by taking the advantage of IET processes in multilayer core–shell nanostructures, showing great potential in biophotonics and anti-counterfeiting [9]. Therefore, the design of IET model holds great promise in tuning and optimizing optical performance of upconversion of lanthanide emitters and thus benefitting their emerging frontier applications.

In this chapter, we present a review of the recent progress of IET-mediated upconversion with an emphasis on the design and energy transfer over core–shell interfacial area. We systematically discuss the strategies of manipulating energy transfer pathways to precisely tune upconversion intensity, colors, and lifetime. A deep mechanistic understanding of upconversion including energy transfer and energy migration behaviors on nanometer scale was demonstrated by rational design of IET-mediated structures. We also highlight its frontier applications in multilevel information security, upconversion lasers, optical sensing, biological imaging and therapy. Future challenges are commented in the final section. This review aims to provide a clear demonstration of IET model for upconversion and its possible frontier applications.

2 Energy Flux in Core–shell Nanoparticles

In general, there are three key steps for the energy flux in a upconversion system: injection of infrared excitation energy, energy transfer, and photon irradiation [24, 25]. To minimize the unwanted energy consumption due to the localized energy exchange and other detrimental processes, it is significant to figure out the energy flux in UCNPs before constructing an optimal upconversion system [15, 26, 27]. In this section, we discuss the principles of constructing interfacial region in nanomaterials, which provides an ideal platform for IET model. Typical IET-mediated upconversion processes are presented. The recent strategies for optimization of energy transfer pathway are also illustrated with the aim of amplifying upconversion light intensity and achieving finely tunable colors.

2.1 Construct Interface in Nanomaterials

High-quality interface is a key factor for the construction of IET model. Interestingly, interface widely exists in core–shell structured nanomaterials, and it can be readily achievable by epitaxial growth of shells outside the seed via heat up strategy, Ostwald ripening, and successive layer-by-layer synthetic route. Cation exchange or non-epitaxial growth was also demonstrated useful for constructing heterogeneous core–shell interface [14]. Recently, the inorganic–organic interfaces are also available when specific molecules are attached on the surface of UCNPs [13]. The establishment of core–shell nanoparticles with special interfaces offers an excellent platform to integrate multi-functional properties into a single nanoparticle.

The core–shell-based nanocrystals (e.g., NaGdF4@NaGdF4 and NaGdF4@NaYF4) are a good platform for the IET model [2, 14, 28]. The flexible designs in composition and dopant of each layer provide a facile way to manipulate the physical and optical performance (Fig. 1a). The core–shell nanostructure is easily obtained by wet chemical methods such as coprecipitation and thermal decomposition in an oleic-octadecenoic acid solution, which is evident by the high-resolution TEM image and the distribution of each lanthanide element [29]. It should be pointed out that the lattice mismatch should be small enough to reduce the lattice defect in a given core–shell nanostructure [30]. It is widely demonstrated that sodium rare-earth fluoride shells could be epitaxially grown outside the NaYF4 core by an accurate control of anisotropic strain engineering through tuning of growth affinity [31]. Recently, ultrasmall heterogeneous oxysulfide/fluoride core–shell nanocrystals were synthesized through epitaxial heterogeneous growth [32]. By rationally designing UCNPs with suitable lanthanide dopants and their spatial distribution, interaction across the core–shell interface can be precisely manipulated to engineer optical properties like as the tunable emission colors, lifetimes, and enhanced light intensity [2].

Fig. 1
4 illustrations of shaded circular shapes present the types of interfaces in nanomaterials. A has 2 shaded concentric circles. B has a circle inside a square shape. C presents dotted U C N Ps inside a circle. D, a circle with 2 oscillated-type lines marked one side.

Construction of different types of interface in nanomaterials. a Core with a homogeneous shell. b Core with a heterogeneous shell. c UCNPs with embedded quantum dots. d UCNPs with surface decorated molecules

Besides, there are flourishing other pathways to create interfaces in core–shell nanostructure. More recent research suggested that selective cation exchange could enable growth of β-NaGdF4@CaF2 core–shell nanoparticles with dissimilar structure [33]. The hetero-structured CaF2 shell resulted in remarkable upconversion enhancement together with increased quantum yield from 0.2% to 3.7% (Fig. 1b). Upconversion-perovskite core–shell nanoparticles were also reported with tunable emission colors/excitation wavelength and improved stability [34, 35]. CsPbBr3 perovskite and NaYF4:Yb/Tm nanoparticles with different crystal phases and structures were synthesized in the same solution simultaneously with the resultant heterostructure (CsPbBr3 embedded in NaYF4:Yb/Tm), and the violet-blue upconverted emission of Tm3+ could be used to activate perovskite upon near infrared excitation (Fig. 1c). A hybrid approach of combining UCNPs and quantum dots/perovskite/dyes is also proved successful to construct special configuration. MoS2-UCNPs nanocomposite can be synthesized through a controllable two-step thermolysis, which can act as both near infrared sensitizer and excitons generation/separation centers [36]. A mixture of different types of nanoparticles tends to be another convenient and versatile strategy to construct interface with resultant interparticle energy transfer or reabsorption process across two sets of nanoparticles [20, 37, 38]. Dye-sensitized UCNPs are emerging to address the weak upconversion intensity by enlarging absorption of lanthanide ions, and their upconversion quantum yields are heavily dependent on the IET in the hybrid system (Fig. 1d) [13].

2.2 IET-Mediated Upconversion

In principle, efficient energy transfer upconversion occurs in the sensitizer-activator (S-A) coupled system. According to Dexter’s theory, the S-A distance is one of the key parameters governing the energy transfer rate which is inversely to the sixth power of S-A separation [1, 18]. It should be noted that IET between specific lanthanide ions could also take place when accommodated in different location with a proper spatial separation. As illustrated in Fig. 2, suitable lanthanide ions are selected as energy donor and luminescent acceptor in a core–shell nanostructure respectively. The donor in the core can be activated directly by the external excitation (or via a sensitizer) followed by an IET-mediated energy management toward upconverted emission of the shell (Scheme I). When the donor is non-responsive to the excitation, an additional sensitizer can be added in the core to activate the donor in advance (Scheme II) [39]. It should be noted that an exchange of donors and acceptors locations in such a core–shell structure also enables IET-mediated upconversion.

Fig. 2
An illustration. The upconversion model of core-shell nanostructure has 2 schemes 1 and 2. The I E T in scheme 1 depicts from donor to acceptor, while in scheme 2, it is from sensitizer to donor to acceptor.

Mechanistic illustration of IET-mediated upconversion model in core–shell nanostructure with two schemes (I and II). ref. 39, copyright 2018, Wiley–VCH

The IET-mediated upconversion model is able to realize the photon upconversion of a collection of lanthanide ions by selecting a suitable energy donor and acceptor in rationally engineered core–shell nanostructure. For common UCNPs, Yb3+ is usually used as a sensitizer owing to its capability in absorbing the 980 nm near infrared photons through 2F5/2 ← 2F7/2 transition together with subsequent energy transfers to Er3+, Tm3+ or Ho3+ emitters. To check the possibility of Yb3+-mediated IET upconversion, we constructed the NaYF4:Yb@NaYF4:A(A = Er3+, Tm3+, Ho3+) core–shell nanostructure with a spatial separation of Yb3+ and emitters into different layers (Fig. 3a). Typical upconversion emissions of Er3+, Tm3+, and Ho3+ were clearly observed with 980 nm irradiation. As a control, almost no upconversion was recorded for the sample without doping Yb3+ in the core, further demonstrating the possibility of Yb3+-mediated IET39. The use of 808 nm excitation can depress the overheating effect by minimizing the absorption of water molecule, showing great advantages in biological applications. In fact, in an 808 nm-responsive system, Yb3+ is also codoped to facilitate the energy transfers from Nd3+ to the emitters. Recently, our result showed that Nd3+-to-Yb3+ IET process occurring at the core–shell interface also plays a key role in facilitating upconversion (Fig. 3b) [40]. Such an IET process can also be used to tune energy migration over ytterbium lattice, resulting in tunable rise and decay times in a large range [41, 42]. More importantly, a good spectral overlap between Er3+ emission (4I11/2 → 4I15/2 transition) and Yb3+ absorption (2F5/2 ← 2F7/2 transition) enables an efficient IET process from Er3+ to Yb3+ (Fig. 3c), and further contribute to the photon upconversion from a set of lanthanide ions upon 1530 nm excitation [9, 43, 44].

Fig. 3
6 illustrations of the I E T process in the 2 concentric circles between the energy donor and acceptor. The donors are in the center. The acceptors are to the right.

a-f Typical IET processes between energy donor (D) and acceptor (A) in a core–shell nanostructure. a D = Yb3+, A = Er3+, Tm3+, Ho3+; b D = Nd3+, A = Yb3+; c D = Er3+, A = Yb3+; d D = Tb3+, A = Eu3+, Nd3+; e D = Gd3+, A = Eu3+, Tb3+, Dy3+, Sm3+, Ce3+, Mn2+; f D = Ce3+, A = Gd3+

Tb3+-to-Eu3+ energy transfer is also a good example which can easily occur in many classes of luminescent materials. Here it is found that Tb3+-mediated IET process is an efficient way to obtain the upconversion of Eu3+ by designing NaYbF4:Tb@NaYF4:Eu core–shell nanostructure (Fig. 3d) [45]. At first, the Tb3+ can be activated through cooperative sensitization with its upconversion from 5D4 → 7FJ (J = 0–6) transitions, and then contribute to the Eu3+ emissions at 590 nm (5D0 → 7F1 transition), 615 nm (5D0 → 7F2 transition) and 696 nm (5D0 → 7F4 transition) as a result of Tb3+-to-Eu3+ IET process under 980 nm excitation. By monitoring at 544 nm, the markedly reduced lifetime of Tb3+ at its 5D4 energy level after doping Eu3+ in the shell layer further indicated the dominant energy pathway of IET. Such a Tb3+-mediated IET process was also effective for the activation of Nd3+ as evident by the observation of its upconversion emissions at 864 nm (4F3/2 → 4I9/2 transition). On the other hand, the Tb3+-to-Eu3+ IET process is helpful to generate a stable yellow-color emission especially at low pump power, which outperforms traditional energy migration-mediated upconversion of Eu3+.

By taking advantage of Gd3+-mediated IET (Fig. 3e), we realized efficient upconversion from a set of lanthanide ions without intermediate energy levels by constructing NaYbF4:Tm/Gd@NaYF4:A (A = Eu3+, Tb3+, Dy3+, Sm3+) core–shell nanostructure [46]. In this design, Gd3+ ions are selected as energy donor together with Yb3+/Tm3+ as sensitizers under infrared excitation. At 980 nm excitation, typical upconversion emission bands of Eu3+, Tb3+, Dy3+, and Sm3+ are clearly recorded. During this process, the lifetime of Gd3+ shows a marked decrease. Further investigation suggested that the Gd3+-mediated IET is primarily limited to a 1.5-nm thick layer away from core–shell interface. Gd3+-mediated IET process is more efficient for photon upconversion in LiGdF4-mediated nanoparticles, showing enhanced Eu3+ upconversion in LiYbF4:Y@LiGdF4:Yb/Tm@LiYF4:Eu compared to that of LiYbF4:Y@LiGdF4:Yb/Tm@LiGdF4:Eu. This might be due to the reason that additional energy migration steps lead to more non-radiative energy dissipation [47]. Notably, such a Gd3+-mediated IET process is also applicable to upconversion of Mn2+, which is hardly observable in nanomaterials [48]. The intense ultraviolet-to-visible downshifting emission was also achieved in Gd3+-lattice by Ce3+-to-Gd3+ IET process under excitation at 254 nm (Fig. 3f) [23]. More interestingly, the efficient upconversion of Ce3+ observed in NaYbF4:Gd/Tm@NaGdF4@CaF2:Ce core–shell-shell nanostructure further demonstrated the validity of Gd3+-to-Ce3+ IET process by tailoring the 4f-5d excitation in CaF2 host [49]. In contrast to NaGdF4@NaGdF4 core–shell nanostructure, IET-mediated upconversion holds an independent characteristic on the composition of shell matrix, revealing a much more efficient and flexible strategy for controlling of ionic interactions in nanostructure [20, 39].

Despite the above progresses, the narrow and low absorption cross-section (~10–20 cm2) of lanthanide ions limit their capability in injection of energy flux for nanosystem. To overcome this limit, proper molecular dyes (e.g., ICG or IR806) with much larger absorption cross-section of approximately 10–17 ~ 10–16 cm2 can be decorated on the surface of UCNPs through ligand exchange strategy to enlarge absorption directly together with a high quantum efficiency of IET from dyes to lanthanide sensitizers [13, 16, 50]. Theoretical analysis indicated that the non-radiative energy transfer from ICG to the surface bound Nd3+ ions is pretty efficient with a efficiency reaching to ~57% [51].

More interestingly, recent work showed that upconverted emissions from UCNPs could also give rise to subsequent optical or electronic response of other functional region in a core–shell nanostructure. By taking the advantage of intense ultraviolet upconversion of Tm3+, photon upconversion in perovskite quantum dots with full-color tuning and improved stability was realized through tailoring the perovskite bandgap [35, 37]. The upconverted green luminescence from Yb3+/Er3+ couple has a spectral overlap with the absorption band of MoS2 nanosheets and created excitons generation/separation under 980 nm irradiation, sparking novel interest in near infrared photonic memory with promise in advancing multifunctional robotics [36]. Recent work suggested that the triplet levels of a set of porphyrin and phthalocyanine sensitizers can be effectively activated via direct triplet energy transfer from lanthanide ions to organic molecules with the engagement of IET process to generate cytotoxic singlet oxygen under ultralow near infrared power [52]. It is also possible to control triplet dynamic by coupling organic molecule to UCNPs to turn molecular triplet excitons bright, being essentially important for optoelectronic research [53]. These progresses provide an outstanding approach to the multifunctional lanthanide-doped nanomaterials with versatile properties, further broadening their frontier application in various research fields.

2.3 Optimization of Energy Transfer Pathways

According to Laporte selection rule, the f-f transitions of lanthanide ions are forbidden, which dramatically impedes their capability for bright upconversion. In order to resolve such intrinsic limit, a collection of strategies was explored to enlarge energy harvest for UCNPs [24, 54, 55]. In the NaYF4:Yb@NaYF4:Er sample with Yb3+-to-Er3+ IET process, the emissions of Er3+ were obviously improved with a slightly higher quantum yield by comparison to that of NaYF4:Yb/Er owing to the increase of Yb3+ concentration (40 mol%) [39]. Intense multiphoton UV upconversion was achieved by adding an additional LiYbF4 interlayer to maximize the 980 nm light absorption in LiYbF4:Tm@NaYbF4@LiYF4. The UV upconversion emissions of Tm3+ at 289 and 347 nm indeed increase with elevating Yb3+ content in the interlayer (Fig. 4a) [56]. Further, it is possible to switch the excitation wavelength from 980 to 808 nm by using the Nd3+-to-Yb3+ IET process, being great importance for the biomedical application. Through decorating suitable amount of ICG molecules, the upconversion intensity was enhanced by two orders of magnitude via efficient ICG-to-Nd3+-to-Yb3+ IET process [40]. Recently, a triplet exciton energy relay-mediated photon upconversion was proposed to enhance the emission intensity of Tb3+ by 158 folds, which was attributable to near-unity triplet energy transfer efficiency from lanthanide ions to surface molecules [57].

Fig. 4
A and C, the line graphs of intensity versus wavelength plot 2 lines in a fluctuating trend. B presents the conceptual model for energy versus responsive upconversion of sensitizer, migratory region, and emitter. D, a graph of C I E-Y versus C I E-X presents the upconversion emission profiles with reducing pulse width.

a Left: A comparison of upconversion emission spectra of LiYbF4:Tm@LiYbF4@LiYF4 and LiYbF4:Tm@LiYF4 samples. Right: Upconversion emission spectra of LiYbF4:Tm@LiYbF4:Y(0 ~ 100 mol%)@LiYF4 samples with different Yb3+ content in interlayer. b Conceptual model for NIR II responsive upconversion. c Upconversion emission spectra of NaErF4:Yb/Y@NaYbF4@NaYF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4 and NaErF4:Yb/Y@NaYF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4 samples. d CIE chromatic coordinates for the upconversion emission profiles from NaErF4:Yb/Tm@NaYbF4 core–shell nanoparticles. a, ref. 56, copyright 2021, Royal Society of Chemistry. b, c, ref. 9, copyright 2020, Nature Publishing Group. d, ref. 22, copyright 2021, Wiley–VCH

Another advantage of IET model lies in that spatial separation of donors and acceptors is able to minimize unwanted interfacial interactions to mitigate energy cross-talk, thus contributing to upconversion enhancement. By introducing Yb3+ in NaHoF4@NaYF4:Yb@NaYF4 core–shell-shell sample, the Ho3+ upconversion was greatly enhanced than that of NaYbF4:Ho@NaYF4 core–shell nanoparticles. As an added benefit, the emission color changed from red to yellow during this process. It should be noted that the strong back energy transfer at the core–shell interfacial region may lead to heavy energy loss as evident in the NaHoF4@NaYbF4@NaYF4 control sample [58]. The Yb3+-Er3+ cross-relaxation and Er3+-Yb3+ back energy transfer can be substantially suppressed in NaYF4:Er@NaYbF4@NaYF4 structure but still with efficient Yb3+-to-Er3+ IET process nearby the core–shell interfacial area. The multiphoton blue upconversion of Er3+ was enhanced by 100 folds compared to the traditional core–shell nanoparticles, resulting in a quantum yield up to 6.34% (under excitation power density of 4.5 W cm−2) [59].

Energy migration is another interesting process occurring in identical lanthanide ions with inherent spectral overlap for the absorption/emission transitions, which can assist excitation energy transport over a long distance in sublattice [23]. The IET-mediated process holds a great promise in realizing fine manipulation of energy migration in multilayer core–shell nanostructure toward enhanced upconversion. However, some quenchable interactions may also occur between the neighboring core–shell interfacial area and have to be minimized. We recently found that the upconversion was enhanced by inserting an energy-migratory NaGdF4 interlayer in EMU model via the design of NaYbF4:Tm/Gd@NaGdF4@NaGdF4:A(A = Eu3+, Tb3+, Dy3+, Sm3+) core–shell-shell nanostructure. This design can effectively remove the quenching processes between Tm3+ in the core and emitters in the shell [60]. Similar results were observed for the upconversion of Ce3+ and Mn2+ ions [48, 49]. In addition, the lifetime of lanthanide emitters can be tuned over a large range by the efficient Nd3+-to-Yb3+ IET process together with energy migration over Yb sublattice [41, 61].

To date, the excitation wavelengths for most of the present upconversion systems are usually 980 and 808 nm. In order to further shift it to longer infrared spectral region, Er3+ was recently checked as a sensitizer to utilize the 1530 nm excitation [62, 63]. However, there exist deleterious quenchable interactions between Er3+ and other possible emitters (e.g., Ho3+, Tm3+, Eu3+, and Tb3+) when they are randomly codoped into Er matrix [43, 64]. Rational design of IET channels in a nanostructure may dramatically mitigate uncontrollable energy interactions in Er3+-sensitized upconversion system. Recently, we demonstrated a general strategy for the NIR-II responsive upconversion by constructing an energy-migration mediated core–shell nanostructure. For instance, the Yb sublattice can isolate the deleterious ionic quenching processes between sensitizers and emitters but still allow for efficient energy transport channel. As shown in NaErF4:Yb/Y@NaYbF4@NaYF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4 nanostructure (Fig. 4b,c), it could enable efficient Tm3+ emission in particular at short-wavelength range under much lower power density (~W cm−2) [9]. More importantly, this design provides a conceptual model to realize the upconversion from a series of lanthanide emitters including Ho3+, Gd3+, Tb3+, and Eu3+. The NaErF4:Ce@NaYF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4 core–shell-shell nanostructure also helps to observe the upconversion of Tm3+ at 1550 nm excitation but needs ultrahigh pumping power density (~kW cm−2) [44]. More recently, we found that the temporal control of interactions between Yb3+ and Er3+ in a simple NaErF4:Yb/Tm@NaYbF4 core–shell nanostructure provides an approach to the color switchable emission under both steady state and non-steady state excitation [22]. Emission color change was simply obtained by switching excitation wavelength or tuning pulse width of 980 nm laser (Fig. 4d).

3 Mechanistic Understanding of Upconversion by IET

Mechanistic understanding of upconversion processes with complicated energy interactions such as energy transfer, energy migration, and cross-relaxations on the nanoscale is important. However, it remains a challenge for bulk materials or traditional nanoparticles because it is technically impossible to distinguish a given process precisely [21]. Fortunately, the IET-mediated model is ready to figure out specific energy interactions by spatially separating different lanthanide ions in suitable locations in a multilayer core–shell nanostructure, therefore holding great promise in mechanistic understanding and smart control of photon upconversion properties [2, 17].

3.1 Control of Energy Transfer on the Nanoscale

For a dipole energy transfer, its rate is proportional to the inverse of the sixth power of donor–acceptor separation according to Dexter theory [18]. To investigate the energy transfer on the nanometer length scale, we proposed an IET-mediated core–shell-shell nanoarchitecture to spatially separate the donor and acceptor by inserting an inert NaYF4 interlayer (Fig. 5a). Taking the NaYF4:Yb@NaYF4@NaYF4:A (A = Er3+, Tm3+, Ho3+) core–shell-shell nanostructure as an example, the upconverted emission from the outmost layer declines dramatically with increasing NaYF4 interlayer thickness from 0 to 4.5 nm. The emission light intensity decreases to more than one order of magnitude when the interlay thickness reaches about 1.6 nm, thus suggesting that the effective energy transfer is limited to a narrow spatial range around 1.6 nm for Yb3+-A(A = Er3+, Tm3+, Ho3+) system [39]. Increasing the separation can greatly reduce the energy transfer rate which may be compensated by a much high power density irradiation [44]. As shown in Fig. 5b, similar result can be observed by constructing NaYbF4:Tm/Gd@NaYF4@NaYF4:A (A = Eu3+, Tb3+) and NaYF4:Yb/Er@NaYF4@NaYF4:Nd core–shell-shell nanostructures, revealing that the effective energy transfer is limited in a range of less than 2.0 nm for Gd3+-Eu3+ (or Tb3+) and Nd3+-Yb3+ systems. Note that the Gd3+-IET mediated energy transfer distance is appreciably large than Gd3+-Tb3+ critical ionic distance (~1.1 nm) [65]. As an added benefit, the emission color of Gd3+-mediated system can be tuned by a precise tuning of NaYF4 interlayer thickness together with a combination of dopant concentration or pump power density. The above results demonstrated the realization of probing lanthanide interactions involved in a set of donor–acceptor pairs, providing an in-depth insight into the fundamental understanding of energy transfer on the nanoscale, which may help to manipulate and control upconversion at a single nanoparticle level.

Fig. 5
An illustration and 6 line graphs. A presents a core-shell nanostructure that contains an A-layer, inert interlayer, and D-layer. B, the graphs of upconversion emission intensity versus N a Y F 4 interlayer thickness d subscript i. They present a decreasing trend in the line, and 3-D excitation is in the center.

a Proposed core–shell-shell nanostructure to probe donor–acceptor energy transfer by precisely controlling the D-A separation via tuning the thickness of inert interlayer. b Upconversion emission intensity as a function of interlayer thickness for (i-iii) NaYF4:Yb@NaYF4@NaYF4:A (A = Er, Ho, Tm) and (iv, v) NaYbF4:Tm/Gd@NaYF4@NaYF4:A (A = Eu, Tb) core–shell-shell nanoparticles under 980 nm excitation, and (vi) NaYF4:Yb/Er@NaYF4@NaYF4:Nd core–shell-shell nanoparticles under 808 nm excitation. ref. 39, copyright 2018, Wiley–VCH

3.2 Probe Energy Migration at Sublattice

Energy migration process occurring in the identical migratory lanthanide ions plays an important role in precisely engineering the materials structure and moreover manipulating optical properties on the nanometer scale [42]. For example, the excitation energy migration over ytterbium sublattice significantly affects the upconversion dynamics with a resultant tunable rise times in addition to a variable decaying profiles [41, 42, 66]. However, energy migration among sensitizers is technically indistinguishable from energy transfer and other ionic interactions in bulk glasses or conventional nanomaterials. In this regard, our IET-mediated model is able to address the unsatisfactory situation by constructing reasonable core–shell-shell nanostructures and probing energy migration at the sublattice (Fig. 6a) [23].

Fig. 6
8 parts. A, illustrates the I E T. B, E, and G, 3 schematics of energy migration of samples over the T b sublattice, G d sublattice, and Y b sublattice are depicted. C, presents 7 element mapping for samples. D, F, and H, 3 dual axis lines graphs of lifetime and intensity versus sample dopant plot 2 downward lines and an upward line in each.

a Proposed IET-mediated core–shell-shell nanostructure to probe energy migration. b Schematic of NaYbF4:Gd/Tm@NaYF4:Tb@NaYF4:Eu core–shell-shell nanostructure for probing energy migration over Tb sublattice. (c) TEM, STEM, and element mappings for the b sample. d Emission intensity of Eu3+ (615 nm) and Tb3+ (545 nm) and lifetime values of Tb3+ (545 nm) as a function of Tb3+ concentration in the migratory interlayer. e Schematic of NaYF4:Ce@NaYF4:Gd@NaYF4:Eu core–shell-shell nanostructure for probing energy migration over Gd sublattice. f Emission intensity of Eu3+ (615 nm) and Gd3+ (311 nm) and lifetime values of Gd3+ (311 nm) as a function of Gd3+ concentration in the migratory interlayer. g Schematic of NaYF4:Nd@NaYF4:Yb@NaYF4:Er core–shell-shell nanostructure for probing energy migration over Yb sublattice. (h) Emission intensity of Er3+ (539 nm) and Yb3+ (977 nm) and lifetime values of Yb3+ (977 nm) as a function of Yb3+ concentration in the migratory interlayer. ref. 23, copyright 2019, Wiley–VCH

To investigate the energy migration over Tb sublattice, the NaYbF4:Gd/Tm@NaYF4:Tb@NaYF4:Eu core–shell-shell nanostructures were proposed and confirmed by high-resolution transmission electron microscopy images and elemental mapping profiles (Fig. 6b, c). In this model, the NaYbF4:Gd/Tm, NaYF4:Tb, and NaYF4:Eu functions well as sensitizing core, energy-migration interlayer, and luminescent detecting layer, respectively. It should be noted that Tb3+ ions were activated by Gd3+-Tb3+ IET process across the interlayer under 980 nm excitation. The upconverted emissions of Eu3+ in the detecting layer can be recorded due to the energy migration among Tb sublattice and afterward effective Tb3+-to-Eu3+ IET. Thus, the fundamental characteristics of energy migration occurring in the interlayer can be probed by monitoring the typical upconversion emission bands of Eu3+. As shown in Fig. 6d, almost no emission from Eu3+ was detected without doping Tb3+ in the interlayer, suggesting that the only energy transport channel to activate Eu3+ in the outmost shell layer is the IET from Tb3+ in interlayer, which can essentially exclude any interference from excitation laser or sensitizing core. The luminescent intensity of Eu3+ is closely dependent on the content of Tb3+ in the interlayer, and the optimized Tb3+ concentration is 70 mol% as evident in the upconversion emission of Eu3+. Therefore, we demonstrate that the energy migration is highly sensitive to the Tb–Tb separation and it becomes a dominant process for high Tb3+ doping concentration.

Similarly, the energy migration over Gd and Yb sublattices can also be probed by constructing the NaYF4:Ce@NaYF4:Gd@NaYF4:Eu and NaYF4:Nd@NaYF4:Yb@NaYF4:Er core–shell-shell nanostructures, respectively (Fig. 6e-h). A systematic investigation demonstrated that the non-radiative energy migration behavior is much more efficient than the intrinsic spontaneous emission in Gd3+ sublattice, showing better energy migration property than Tb3+ and Yb3+, which is in agreement with the reported energy migratory-mediated upconversion in NaGdF4@NaGdF4 system (Fig. 6f). Also, we should note that Yb sublattice exhibits a good energy migration property which is helpful in tuning upconversion dynamics in the Yb-contained systems (Fig. 6h). These results definitely confirmed that the IET-mediated nanostructure is good for probing energy migration behavior on nanometer scale.

3.3 Deep Insight Into Gd3+-Mediated Interfacial Interactions

The IET-mediated upconversion process is widely applicable to realize photon upconversion in a collection of lanthanide ions by a precise control of the existing interactions near the core–shell interfacial area. Moreover, the Gd3+-mediated IET nanostructure has demonstrated its validity for investigation of energy migration over sublattice. In contrast, energy migration-mediated upconversion in conventional NaGdF4@NaGdF4 system only functions well to lanthanide ions without the physically existing intermediate states (e.g., Eu3+, Tb3+, Dy3+, and Sm3+). Note that there may exist a good interface in the NaGdF4@NaGdF4 structure and similar emission phenomenon was observed in the NaGdF4@NaYF4 system. Therefore, a comparative investigation of Gd3+-Gd3+ EM and Gd3+-A3+ IET would be greatly important for a deep insight into Gd3+-mediated interactions.

In order to figure out the energy migration and energy transfer both of which may occur in the NaGdF4@NaGdF4 core–shell nanostructure, we designed a core–shell-shell sample by coating an additional NaYF4:Tb outmost shell on the typical NaGdF4:Yb/Tm@NaGdF4:Eu nanoparticles (Fig. 7a) [46]. The upconversion of Tb3+ is heavily dependent on the Gd3+-Gd3+ energy migration in the NaGdF4:Eu interlayer due to the energy transfer block from Eu3+ to Tb3+ at the core/shell interface. Strikingly, the upconversion intensity of Tb3+ showed a rapid decline with increasing NaGdF4:Eu thickness and nearly vanished when the interlayer thickness reached 4.0 nm, implying that the energy migration only works within a narrow layer close to the core/interlayer interface (Fig. 7b, c). This suggests an existence of competition between the interfacial energy transfer and energy migration, and moreover the interfacial energy transfer contributes a lot to the photon upconversion of NaGdF4 shell compared to Gd3+-Gd3+ energy migration behavior (Fig. 7d) [39]. In order to understand the underlying mechanism that resulted in the difference between the above two energy interactions, the decaying lifetime of Gd3+ for its 6P7/2 → 8S7/2 transition was measured and monitored at 311 nm under a pulsed 980 nm laser excitation, exhibiting a gradual decline for NaGdF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4, NaGdF4:Yb/Tm@NaGdF4, and NaGdF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4:Eu core–shell samples. This observation further experimentally demonstrated that IET across the interfacial core–shell area is much more efficient than energy migration.

Fig. 7
2 schematics and 2 line graphs. A presents the core-shell-shell nanostructure with interlayer and detecting layer. B, an up-conversion of intensity versus wavelength displays the emission spectra T b 3 + with fluctuating trends. C, the line graph of intensity ratio versus thickness plots a decreasing line. D, the multiline graph of intensity versus wavelength plots fluctuating lines.

a Schematic of proposed NaGdF4:Yb/Tm@NaGdF4:Eu@NaYF4:Tb core–shell-shell nanostructure for investigation of Gd3+-Gd3+ energy migration and Gd3+-to-Eu3+ IET by detecting the Tb3+ emission from the outermost shell layer. b A comparison of upconversion emission spectra of NaGdF4:Yb/Tm@NaGdF4:Eu@NaYF4:Tb and NaGdF4:Yb/Tm@NaGdF4@NaYF4:Tb nanoparticles. c Luminescence intensity of Tb3+ emission at 545 nm as a function of NaGdF4:Eu interlayer thickness (d) for a samples under 980 nm excitation. d Upconversion emission spectra of NaYbF4:Tm/Gd@NaXF4:Tb(X = Lu, La, Y, Gd) core–shell nanoparticles under 980 nm excitation. (a-c), ref. 46, (d), ref. 39, copyright 2016, 2018, Wiley–VCH

4 Frontier Applications

Over the past few years, the rapid development of IET-mediated upconversion process has enabled nanomaterials with specific optical property and thus boosted broad frontier applications ranging from biological fields to nanophotonics. In this section, we attempt to highlight the broad utility of IET-mediated upconversion process in information security [9, 22, 23], upconversion lasers [44, 49], optical sensing [67], biological therapy [68, 69], and lifetime imaging [70].

4.1 Information Security and Anti-Counterfeiting

The emergence of counterfeit goods in contemporary markets causes huge economic loss and triggers anxiety about copyright and intellectual property. The research on the field of anti-counterfeiting technology has been witnessing a worldwide rapid development in materials science and the availability of decoding method [71, 72]. Specially, the IET-mediated upconversion from lanthanide-based optical nanomaterials has recently led to a large pavement to anti-counterfeiting applications alignment to the well-engineered property. A smart control of IET in NaErF4@NaYbF4 provided additional opportunity for information security by switching excitation wavelengths to decode specific hidden information (Fig. 8a) [9]. The unique temporal characteristics of Er3+-Yb3+ interactions nearby the core–shell interfacial area can enable the color-switchable output by tuning the pulse width of 980 nm irradiation laser (Fig. 8b) [22]. A distinguishable color was also obtainable through using the pulse excitation in NaYF4:Ho@NaYF4:Yb@NaYF4 inks, further providing an additional temporal feature for multi-level anti-counterfeiting [58]. The thermochromic upconversion also creates new candidate for information security and multi-level anticounterfeiting as evident in tetragonal LiErF4@LiYF4 core–shell nanoparticles [73, 74].

Fig. 8
15 images A present 2 images of lotus. B, 6 images decode the irradiation information to present the butterfly image. 2 sets of reducing pulse width details are provided for the wings of the butterfly pattern. C, 2 images of steady and time-gate observation for a lotus pattern. D presents 3 image patterns of temporal domain decoding.

a Decoding the “dragonfly-on-lotus” pattern by switching excitation wavelength from 980 to 1530 nm (right), which presents as dazzle light under conventional 980 nm irradiation (left). b Decoding the concealed information through the 1530 nm irradiation from a dazzle light under 980 nm irradiation (left). Detailed information on the wings of the butterfly pattern was revealed by switching excitation wavelength (middle). Color-switchable output under 980 nm non-steady-state excitation (right). c The pattern of lotus observed at the steady-state and the time-gating state at 808 nm irradiation. d The pattern color recorded under 980 steady-state excitation (top) and that recorded after processing by the time-gating technology (middle and bottom). a, ref. 9, copyright 2020, Nature Publishing Group. b, ref. 22, (c), ref. 23, copyright 2021, 2019, Wiley–VCH. d, ref. 48, copyright 2021, the Royal Society of Chemistry

Besides, the lanthanide ions (or Mn2+) with different lifetimes and distinct emission colors could offer an alternative solution to multi-level information security of trademark patterns by taking the advantage of time-gating technology. For example, the pattern of lotus with a red flower and a green leaf was clearly distinguished from a dazzled light by filtering emissions with much short lifetime than Eu3+ and Tb3+ (Fig. 8c) [23]. A blue, red, and green color with specific pattern information can be observed by tuning the width of time-gating observing window when Mn2+ is further introduced (Fig. 8d) [48]. Recently, a nanocomposite of NaGdF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4:Tb nanoparticles and EuSe semiconductor was synthesized by cation exchange method, which demonstrated advanced optical anti-counterfeiting and information storage through the IET [75].

4.2 Upconversion Laser

Micro-nano lasers have wide applications in nanophotonics and bioelectronics. The ever-increasing demand for miniaturized lasers promotes the pursuit of micro- or nano-sized cavity for on-chip integration [76]. However, the reduction in cavity size generally increases optical losses and requires higher pump powers to reach lasing thresholds [77]. In search of more efficient gain materials in lasing application, lanthanide-based nanomaterials recently have captured increasing interests. Amplified spontaneous emission was first observed from a Fabry–Perot cavity containing NaYF4:Yb/Er@NaYF4 dispersed cyclohexane solution [78]. The realization of ultraviolet upconversion emission of Ce3+ via an IET-mediated process in α-NaYbF4:Gd/Tm@NaGdF4@CaF2:Ce nanoparticles provided a novel opportunity for the development of ultraviolet laser (Fig. 9a, b) [49]. Very recently, the NaErF4:Ce@NaYF4:Yb/Tm@NaYF4 core–shell-shell nanostructure was developed to achieve a deep-ultraviolet emission at 290 nm under excitation of telecommunication wavelength at 1550 nm with the engagement of efficient Er3+-to-Yb3+ IET process [44]. A toroidal microresonator cavity incorporated with as-synthesized nanoparticles supported whispering gallery model, resulting in single-model lasing at 289.2 nm with a high-quality factor of about 2 × 105, which was able to sensitive detection of small biological species (Fig. 9c,d). A structural optimization for IET-mediated model may trigger some new ideas and solutions that expand the scope of designing nano-sized lasers with low action threshold.

Fig. 9
2 illustrations and 2 multiline graphs. A, a setup for laser measurement illustrates the position of upconversion nanocrystal, spectrometer, cylindrical lens, angle theta, and 980-nanometer laser. B, the output intensity versus pump power plots 4 increasing lines. C, a schematic labels microresonator, detector, U C N P, and excitation. D, the intensity versus wavelength graph plots 4 fluctuating lines.

a Schematic of the experimental setup for laser measurement. b Output light intensity as a function of excitation power for the α-NaYbF4:Gd/Tm(40/1 mol%)@NaGdF4@CaF2:Ce(15 mol%) sample. c Schematic of the microtoroidal resonator platform for upconversion lasing. d Emission spectra of a microresonator with Dm = 17 μm at different excitation powers. a, b, ref. 49, copyright 2017, Wiley–VCH. (c, d), ref. 44, copyright 2022, Nature Publishing Group

4.3 Single-Particle Imaging and Sensing

The capability of lanthanide-based upconversion nanomaterials with non-blinking and high photostable properties shows great potential in single-particle imaging and sensing [79, 80]. An interparticle-surface energy transfer model was proposed by adopting the Tb3+-activator-rich core–shell nanostructure to drastically enhance the non-radiative interfacial energy transfer from lanthanide emitters to surface-decorated fluorescent molecules, resulting in a spectroscopically distinguishable emission at a single-particle level (Fig. 10). The rational selection of Tb3+ ions can impede energy transfer to surface quenching sites but still allow for efficient energy transfer to surface molecules as a result of their relatively high lowest emitting levels (5D4) and spectral overlapping between their visible emission and absorption of organic fluorophores [81]. The precise control of energy migration among different energy levels of a single lanthanide emitter produced excitation-emission orthogonal upconversion, which could be utilized to detect explosive residues in the fingerprint and rapid quantitative detections of grain toxin [8, 82].

Fig. 10
An illustration and 2 graphs. A, the upconversion nanoparticle illustrates molecular sensing through interphase. N I R excitation and F R E T are detailed. B, the integrated versus time multiline graph plots 5 decreasing lines with fluctuations. An inset bar graph with scatterplots of integrated versus B D P per nanoparticle presents an increasing trend in the bars and declining in plots.

a Schematic of molecular sensing based on a single UCNP. b Time-dependent integrated emission intensity changes of BDP recorded from several individual single-particle measurements. ref. 81, copyright 2020, Nature Publishing Group

4.4 Biotherapy

The deep penetration depth of NIR excitation wavelength also has access to a powerful multifunctional platform for biotherapy. The generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) holds great promise in photodynamic therapy and synthetic chemistry [83, 84]. The intense emission from high-energy levels of lanthanide emitters offers opportunities for deep-tissue biophotonics [59]. However, under ultraviolet irradiation, the spin-forbidden characteristic of electronic transition from single ground state to triplet excited state causes energy loss with resultant inadequate production of ROS. Recent work demonstrated that the lanthanide emitter could sensitize the triplet state of photosensitizers directly to suppress unwanted energy dissipation, providing opportunity for deep-tissue ablation and cancer therapy (Fig. 11) [52, 85].

Fig. 11
A chart and a multiline graph with error bars. The chart contains details of the response to different treatments of N I R excitation wavelength penetration. The graph of relative tumor volume versus time plots 6 increasing lines. An inset illustrates the laser 80 megawatts centimeter squared.

Changes in relative tumor volume of SKOV3 tumor-bearing mice in response to different treatments. ref. 52, copyright 2021, Elsevier Publishing Group

4.5 Lifetime Imaging

Luminescence lifetime imaging has shown critical advantages over traditional optical imaging owing to their intrinsic stability. The long lifetime of lanthanide-based nanomaterials can be precisely tuned over large tunable range facilitated by IET-mediated upconversion and be easily distinguishable from background during imaging procedure. For instance, high-capacity upconversion wavelength and lifetime binary encoding demonstrated exponentially scalable encoding capacity and opened new opportunity for optical multiplexing with the engagement of Nd3+-to-Yb3+ IET process and the following energy migration over Yb sublattice, which provided a controllable lifetime values [86]. This strategy is also applicable to creating a tunable lifetime in downshifting nanoparticles and thus leads to lifetime-engineered NIR-II multiplexed in vivo imaging (Fig. 12) [41].

Fig. 12
An illustration and 6 micrographs. A, an imaging experimental system for a tunable lifetime in downshifting nanoparticles depicts the following. The excitation from I n G a A, C C D with a chopper, and laser diode set on a live mouse. B presents E R, P R, and H E R 2 images of 2 different tumors.

a Home-build lifetime imaging experimental systems. b Lifetime-resolved images for the MCF-7 and BT-474 tumors are decomposed into the three lifetime channels, represented by the red, green, and blue monochromatic image sets. ref. 41 copyright 2018, Nature Publishing Group

5 Conclusions

In conclusion, we have briefly summarized the recent progress of IET-mediated upconversion from the aspects of nanostructure design together with the advancing strategy of optical manipulation. The rational construction of IET in a suitable multilayer nanostructure holds great promise in manipulation of energy flux in upconversion system with improved light intensity and quantum efficiency. The IET-mediated upconversion process is also applicable for investigation of energy transfer on the nanometer scale and probing energy migration over sublattice, which provides an in-depth fundamental understanding of photon upconversion. The design of IET has been demonstrated to be a novel and efficient pathway to achieve and manipulate photon upconversion, further opening up a door for the development of information security, upconversion laser, optical sensing, and biological imaging.

Despite remarkable progresses during the past years, there remain challenges regarding research on IET model in the future:

  1. i.

    Constructing controllable core–shell interface. The construction of controllable interface in nanomaterials plays a critical role in the optical modulation and its application [30, 87]. Different designs of interface hold specific functions such as optical, catalytic, and magnetic characteristics. This means that a suitable mismatch in lattice may expand the design of interface, and synthesis of hetero-core–shell nanostructure (e.g., β-NaGdF4@CaF2) becomes a possible way [88, 89]. The research in this field would further expand the scope of tunable optical properties to amplify the sensibility in temperature and stress [74, 90].

  2. ii.

    Further enhancement of upconversion intensity. One key problem regarding upconversion nanomaterials lies in the weak light intensity compared to the bulk. IET-mediated upconversion process can suppress unwanted energy interactions by spatially separating dopants into different layers. While we have to note that such separation may also lead a decline in energy transfer efficiency. The research for new strategies to minimize the deleterious interactions and develop facile methods for designs of new IET model helps in addressing such problem.

  3. iii.

    Research on the ion diffusion at interface. High-quality interface closely depends on the shell growth conditions (e.g., temperature, the size of core seeds, and shell thickness) [2, 91, 92]. Ion diffusion may occur in the core–shell interfacial area, which can produce a significant influence on the final luminescence performance. For example, the elemental migration of Er3+ in NaErF4@NaYF4 core–shell nanostructure led to a change in emission profiles by tuning the annealing temperature [91]. However, the underlying mechanism of critical ion diffusion remains to be unclear and needs further research.

  4. iv.

    Theoretical simulation of ionic interactions at the interfacial area. Theoretical simulation helps in stimulating new chances for the mechanistic understanding of energy migration, surface quenching, and cross relaxation through using Monto Carlo simulation or other specific models [42, 93]. Density functional theory (DFT) calculation demonstrated that the electron charge density of the crystal surface increased after replacement of Gd3+ by Y3+ in the crystal lattice, resulting in a size evolution of NaYF4:Yb/Er nanoparticles [19]. Theoretical modeling and simulation may trigger some ideas and solutions to investigation of ionic interactions at the interfacial area.

  5. v.

    Design of the organic–inorganic interface. Recently, the organic–inorganic composite nanomaterials have attracted increasing attentions owing to their advantages for amplifying upconversion and lighting triplet excitons [13, 53, 57]. The suitable organic molecules can be easily anchored on the surface of UCNPs through simple physicochemical strategy. However, there exists complicated energy interactions in such organic–inorganic nanocomposite systems, to which a close attention should be paid in order to figure out the underlying mechanisms.

Overall, this chapter provides an informative review on the IET model in upconversion materials together with its unique roles in mechanistic understanding of photoluminescence processes, both of which contribute to diversities of frontier applications. We believe that a smart design and control of IET model would continuously promote the research of this field with a multidisciplinary collaboration in the near future.