
1 Introduction

China has entered the Internet era in the 21st century. It can be said that the Internet is “upgrading” traditional things at an unprecedented speed, and our lives have undergone earth shaking changes. As a new technology, it not only profoundly changes many aspects of human beings, but also changes the previous communication pattern as a new media, so that all communication content can be spread to specific audiences with a rapid trend and strong coverage. In today's daily life, we feel the convenience brought by the Internet everywhere. The Internet can break the restrictions of time and region, accept all kinds of information resources previously limited by time and region into the audience's own information base, and at the same time, it can also transmit the information of its own social circle to all parts of the world [1]. The global village of information is no longer a distant concept, but an accessible life circle. The Internet can obtain and reprint information by hundreds of millions of people through a large number of websites, so that it can spread to a larger field, so as to truly realize the dissemination role of mass media and become an extremely influential media [2]. Dance itself, as a kind of information, with the help of Internet media, makes it have a wider audience and return to the public.

As a historical breakthrough, Internet media has changed the master-slave relationship between the original communicator and the audience. In the face of the resources transmitted by the communicator, the discourse power has shifted from the original communicator to the audience. The audience can not passively accept the information resources as before, but enjoy full independent choice to find and obtain the content they want, Communicators who want their information to be more widely received and recognized must be consistent with the audience's search motivation to be more likely to achieve. Similarly, under the flood of Internet communication resources, whether resources can attract the attention of the audience has become the focus of attention of communicators [3]. Only the resources required by the audience can be widely disseminated. Therefore, in the Internet communication of dance, if the disseminator wants to get the attention of the audience, it must focus on the needs of the audience, so that the content of dance closely fits the needs of the audience, which is easy to make the content win the favor of the audience, So as to inject new impetus into the spread of dance [4]. Based on the “Internet +” folk dance resource database construction, this paper aims to study the supply and consumption status of online dance resources under the existing internet background.

2 Related Work

2.1 Database Concept

Going back to the source, the concept of database came into being in 1950, which is common in our daily life and learning. At first, its connotation was a shareable warehouse that organizes, stores and manages data according to the data structure. After the 1990s, data management changed from storing and managing data in the past to forming different forms of management according to the different needs of users. Compared with the traditional way that the database manages the paper version such as archives manually in the past, the document system, database system and advanced database stage evolved since then have realized the requirements of high efficiency and strict standards in people's production and life. These databases have visual interfaces, and the operations of adding, acquiring, segmenting and deleting data are more simple and convenient [5]. Through the Internet, data duplication can be effectively reduced and data sharing and real-time writing can be realized. Their systems are constantly updated in core technologies such as classification optimization and data model, making the databases independent, diverse, convenient and up-to-date. In terms of data analysis, it can know the whole leopard by random sampling of data, which reduces the management and operation cost of users. In addition, as long as the data is operated and saved properly, the database can run the diagnosis regularly through a series of algorithms and subroutines set by the program, find and correct the faults, and restore the damaged data according to the backup, so as to facilitate the centralized control of users and effectively ensure the safety of the database.

The “connecting everything” of modern advanced information technology in the “Internet +” era, as well as the “new normal” and “new kinetic energy” that can change the new sky derived from the connection and integration, have made people engaged in folk dance describe such a vision in their hearts: if they are in line with “Internet +” in the process of accelerating the construction of a modern folk dance service system, In terms of public services, we should carry out big data projects for the public, deeply explore folk dance service data, carry out application demonstrations of big data in the field of culture and education, and actively build a comprehensive cultural communication service platform supported by “Internet +” technologies such as big data and cloud computing, which should be able to seek more convenient and exquisite folk dance benefits for the majority of grass-roots people, and inject fresh blood into the construction of modern folk dance service system Add vitality and realize the great development and prosperity of our culture [6].

2.2 Construction Method and Significance of Folk Dance Art Resource Database

The construction of folk dance resources database mainly includes commercial database and self built collection resources. The construction methods of the database include the following aspects:

  1. (1)

    Data collection

    Although database construction itself is a kind of creative research work, the content of database is an integration of existing resources and services according to their own technological development ability and network technological ability. To build a thematic database, we must have a literature foundation for collecting professional data, which includes existing collection resources, authorized network resources, and other literature resources collection channels that comply with intellectual property rules. The construction of database is not only to classify documents or data collection, but also to provide readers with a relatively complete knowledge system or a series of research results. In selecting topics, the focus should be on "folk dance". We should rely on folk dance as the object of database construction to provide readers with literature reference [7].

  2. (2)

    Give full play to professional advantages

    Practice has proved that close cooperation with relevant disciplines and collections is an important guarantee for the smooth construction of the database. In order to make the database really meet the professional needs, we should fully estimate our own professional strength, give full play to the advantages of art professionals, and vigorously develop subject librarians. With the assistance of the University graphics Working Committee, we will make overall arrangements for the construction of self built databases in Colleges and universities to avoid duplication and waste. Regularly invite artists to communicate with the University Library Alliance and participate in the construction of art materials and documents in the library. The information contained in the thematic database should be consistent with the thematic direction of the database, and complete information should be collected for the theme of art and design [8]. Eliminate the inclusion of data with little relevance. For the same type of thematic database, try to ensure the specificity of the database structure standard, which can be convenient for producers and users at the same time.

  3. (3)

    Standardization of production procedure

    Quality control and database standardization. Data processing, data collection and data maintenance must be carried out in accordance with the relevant database standards at home and abroad, such as the international standard bibliographic description, the rules for standardizing the description of data items, the Chinese machine readable catalogue format, the Chinese Library Classification (Fourth Edition), etc., and the indexing and description must be carried out in strict accordance with the CNMARC standard description format to improve the construction of the database. It is convenient for producers to master database building skills by implementing specificity in the production process. Implementing programmed operation and simplifying complex work can improve the efficiency of database building [9]. The specificity of the production procedure can also monitor the quality of data records, divide the work in the input, indexing, classification and other work links, avoid mistakes, and ensure the accuracy of data, which is the basis for realizing the sharing of information resources in the future.

3 Construction of Folk Dance Resource Database Based on “INTernet +”

3.1 Functions of Folk Dance Resource Database

The fundamental purpose of folk dance resource database construction is to preserve and carry forward folk dance, so we should have its “preservation” and “promotion” functions.

First of all, the folk dance resource database should be able to collect folk traditional dance resources, including oral narration, recorded videos, and existing text, pictures, and videos; Using digital technology to sort it out and classify, and lay the foundation for the construction of dance resource database.

Secondly, the dance resources to be collected in the folk dance resource database are reprocessed. Through a variety of modern digital technologies, the dance resources are re recorded or modified to make them more vivid, lifelike and complete. At the same time, we should better preserve the dance resources that have been collected or processed, and digitize the dance resources as much as possible.

Finally, the best way to preserve culture, especially intangible culture, is to “carry forward”, so that more people can master this culture and let more people preserve it. Therefore, the folk dance resource database should have the function of spreading folk dance, publicize traditional folk dance as much as possible, popularize basic dance knowledge, and let more people understand folk dance.

3.2 Design of Folk Dance Resource Database

Folk dance mainly includes four kinds of dances: Lantern Dance, shield dance, lion dance and tea picking song dance. One common feature of these four dances is that they all use props. Shield dance and lantern dance are more dependent on props. Therefore, the folk dance resource library can be realized through exhibition halls and databases. The exhibition hall is similar to a museum, including dance props and some text, pictures and audio, while the database is built on the network platform. Folk dance mainly includes four kinds: Lantern Dance, lion dance, tea picking dance and shield dance. Among them, lantern dance and lion dance are joyful dances for festivals and celebrations, tea picking dance is a life dance used to celebrate agricultural harvest, and shield dance is related to revolutionary politics [10].

Database Construction: 1. Database Planning and design stage (technical support and structural design); 2. Database production stage (using cloud computing and cloud storage to build the cloud); 3. Folk dance resources collection and processing stage (collect resources and process them through collecting styles, visiting old artists, querying materials, recording audio and video, etc.); 4. Database use and maintenance stage (emergency handling, IP protection and database updating).

The database operation structure includes two terminals and three platforms, as shown in Fig. 1: 1. The cloud is the database, which is used to store data; 2. The client is a software application, which is used to read data; 3. Platform 1 is responsible for editing refined resources and inputting data; 4. Platform 2 is responsible for extracting resources from the database and outputting data according to needs; 5. Platform 3 is responsible for searching market information and feeding it back to platform 1 to keep up with new data in time.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Folk dance resource library

The design mainly includes three modules: resource collection and processing module, dance resource classification module, network platform management module and so on.

  1. (1)

    Resource collection and processing module. This module is the “heart” of the whole folk dance resource database. The key point is the digital processing of dance resources, and the difficulty is the collection of a large number of dance original resources. It is difficult to collect a large number of dance resources. Many kinds of folk dances are listed as provincial or even national intangible cultural heritage. Folk dance originates from the folk. Therefore, it is necessary to collect the original resources through a large number of data surveys and folk wind collection. While collecting dance resources, it is necessary to digitally process them to make them more convenient for preservation, use, and even secondary creation.

  2. (2)

    Dance resource classification module. This module is the “skeleton” of the whole folk dance resource database. The module will use digital technology to classify, classify and screen folk dance according to the form of resources and dance resources. According to the form of resources, it is divided into: literature, pictures, audio, video, element animation; According to the type of dance, it can be divided into: shield dance, lantern dance, lion dance, tea picking song and dance, etc.

  3. (3)

    Network platform management module. This module is the “mouth” and “hands and feet” of the whole folk dance resource database. This module includes three small modules: user management and information exchange, platform operation, and search engine. The module of user management and information exchange allows users to communicate with users. The operation of the platform is mainly aimed at the use and reading of dance resources, and the search engine is used to help users screen resources.

4 Conclusion

Folk dance originated from human labor and life. It is a mass dance activity created and performed by the people to express the cultural traditions, living customs and people's spiritual outlook of a nation or region. Folk dance has a strong regional character and carries a rich folk culture. The global economy and informatization have led to the rapid development of China's economy and society, and the people's living standards have also been significantly improved. With it, the people's growing demand for spiritual culture and a better life. From the perspective of “Internet + “, folk dance resource database, as an important part of the construction of modern folk dance service system, will use more scientific digital storage tools to protect and inherit traditional folk dance. It is expected that the construction of folk dance resource database can help the preservation and development of traditional dance.