
1 Introduction

Blockchain is a peer-to-peer decentralized ledger that collects a growing number of transaction records from a hierarchically growing blockchain and uses cryptographic technology to secure each block to ensure transaction data integrity [1]. New blocks are added to the global blockchain only after the decentralized consensus system is completed. More specifically, a block stores a hash (the value of an entire block that can be considered a cryptographic image) and a hash value (the previous block that acts as a cryptographic relationship to the previous block in the blockchain). The network uses a secure blockchain and (III) a decentralized consensus method that monitors the acquisition of new blocks in a blockchain learning protocol to ensure the consistency of data records in each copy of the blockchain stored on each node. As a result, the blockchain ensures that transaction records cannot be modified or altered once a transaction record is added to a block and the block is successfully created and canceled on the blockchain. Blockchain also ensures the integrity of the data in each block of the chain, and the blocks created on the blockchain cannot be altered in any way. Blockchain acts as a secure, distributed ledger that records all transactions between two participants in an efficient, reliable, and verifiable manner in an open network system [2].

A block is added to the issuing node's blockchain containing the transaction. A block consists of a block header and data. The block header contains metadata about the block. Block data consists of a list of verified and legitimate transactions sent to the blockchain network. By cryptographically signing a transaction, the issuer of the digital asset verifies the correctness, legality, and validity of the transaction form. Ensure that the party presenting the digital asset for a transaction has access to the private key used to sign the existing digital asset. Each transaction in a published block is verified by additional full nodes to ensure correctness and validity. If the transaction is not valid, the lock is rejected. The following data fields are used by many blockchain implementations [3] (Table 1).

Table 1 Component of block in blockchain

1.1 Chain of Blocks

Blocks are the building blocks of the blockchain. The header from the preceding block's hash digest is included in each block. A new hash would be generated if a block that had already been published had been modified. As a consequence, since they incorporate the hash of the previous block, each successive block will have a unique hash. This makes it easier to spot corrupted data and reject it [4] (Fig. 1).

Fig. 1
figure 1

Generic chain of blocks

1.2 Hash Chained Storage

The two main building blocks for building a blockchain using hash chain storage are the Hash index and the Merkel tree.

A hash pointer is a cryptographic hash of data that directs the user to where the data are stored. You can use a hash pointer to check if the data have changed. Hash tokens are used to combine blocks of data into a blockchain structure. Each block specifies a hash pointer to that block, specifying the address where the information from the previous block is stored. Users can publicly verify data hashes to prove that stored data have not been altered. If an attacker tries to change the data in each block of the entire chain to hide the damage, the attacker would have to change the hash of each previous block, which is almost impossible [5].

1.3 Digital Signature

A digital signature verifies data using cryptographic techniques. Also, it is a way to ensure that the data have not been changed. The digital signature system consists of three main parts. The first element of the key generation algorithm is the generation of two keys: one to sign messages and preserve their confidentiality. This key is called the private key. The other is available to the public. This key is called the public key, used to verify that the message was signed with the private key. The signature algorithm is the second important factor. Sender sign incoming messages using the provided private key. The validation algorithm is the third important element. It accepts three inputs: signature, message, and public key then uses a public key that verifies the signature of a message and returns a Boolean result [6].

1.4 Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)

One of the most advanced public key encryption systems is Elliptic Curve Digital. Signature Algorithm (ECDSA). Elliptic curve encryption keys are smaller than intermediate keys obtained using digital signature technology. Elliptic curve cryptography is a type of public key encryption based on the algebraic arrangement of an elliptic curve in a bounded field. Elliptic curve cryptography is often used to create fake numbers, digital signatures, and other similar data. An electronic digital signature is an authentication mechanism that uses a pair of public keys and a digital certificate as a signature to verify the identity of a recipient or sender of information [7].

1.5 Nonce

A random number that is used only once is called a cryptographic nonce. The data can be parsed into different values ​​of the encrypted nonce generating multiple hash digests each time.

$$ {\text{Digest}}\, = \,{\text{hash }}({\text{data}}\, + \,{\text{nonce}}) $$

There are ways to get different summary results by changing the unknown values ​​while keeping the same data. The consensus model POW uses this method [5].

1.6 Consensus Protocol

The techniques through which all users within a distributed ledger concur on the accuracy of the underlying data are known as consensus protocols. The fact that all parties acknowledge a single “real” version of the data makes a distributed ledger one of its major features. An event known as a fork happens when current Blockchain participants choose to incorporate data in a way that is incompatible with established protocols.

The ledger splits as a result of forks, resulting in the formation of two groups, each of which validates its version of the ledger. Participants must stick to the same fork of the ledger to continue interacting with one another. As Block Farm is based on Ethereum PoS (Proof of Stake) consensus protocol has been used in the proposed system [8] (Table 2).

Table 2 Consensus protocol

2 Literature Review

The various have been reviewed and considered to get an idea about the main stakeholders and their role in the traditional model. The various process where trust is the main deficit area. Try to find out the module where transparency and tracking are required. The literature review enabled us to understand Blockchain applications in agriculture, blockchain-based agricultural modeling, and the benefits and obstacles of blockchain deployment in the agricultural supply chain (Table 3).

Table 3 Literature review

3 Platforms for the Agriculture Supply Chain: Block Farm

Block Farm will help supply chain and market players by reducing inefficiencies. A dynamic and smooth software solution from Block Farm serves conventional, well-established agricultural supply networks. Block Farm will promote farmers and the companies that assist them to connect with customers to expand and strengthen their supply chains by enabling one-to-one global trade. Block Farm seeks to have a good influence on both societies at large and the world's agricultural industry. Block Farm will offer a cutting-edge digital strategy and the necessary industry expertise to give farmers and the vital companies that support them more value. Block Farm can meet the demands of the sector as more farmers switch from bulk handling to residential storage. Farmers may sell their goods directly to local or foreign customers from their home storage systems by utilizing blockchain technology in a secure, low-risk setting [13] (Table 4).

Table 4 Stakeholders of block farm

3.1 Operational Efficiency

3.1.1 Tracking and Automation (Supply Chain)

Combining user-friendly mobile applications for agricultural operations and transportation with powerful online business management, Block Farm provides an end-to-end view of the agricultural supply chain. Block Farm provides data to farmers, brokers, and logistics companies to automate the farm-to-consumer transportation process. Data are collected at each stage of the SCM and each shipment is time-stamped upon receipt and delivery. Real-time updates are sent to all parties after each transaction is completed. Block Farm will improve productivity and visibility, simplifies inventory, automates inventory orders, and removes tedious paperwork from the system (Fig. 2; Table 5).

Fig. 2
figure 2

Blockchain-based (Block Farm) process of the agriculture supply chain

Table 5 Advantages of block farm

3.1.2 Information and Data Transparency

Users will have more options with Block Farm to make a fact-based decision based on Market information and data. By viewing inventory, consumers can see exactly how many items they have, where they are going, when they will arrive and how much they cost. Users can be sure that improving profits is important at every level of the supply chain.

Buyers and end users will benefit from increased data quality and completeness as they can monitor and track the entire supply chain using a single system across all industries [8].

3.1.3 Smart Contract

Block Farm will offer simple contract options for farmers, brokers, buyers, and logistics companies. Block Farm will provide the largest automated software for creating products and shipping contracts. The blockchain system allows buyers, sellers, and goods to communicate in a blockchain system, ensuring the security of both sides of the transaction. Using blockchain technology, Block Farm will create the first global marketplace for authentic agricultural products [9, 10].

3.1.4 Record Keeping/Proof of Origin

By creating an immutable blockchain record of the journey from paddock to plate, proof of origin can be provided as goods move through the supply chain. At each level, the major supply chain actors are listed along with the supply chain nodes that each of these organizations owns and controls (e.g., fields, silos, vehicles, and delivery locations). Additionally, Block Farm tracks key product information including weights, species, grades, specifications, and inputs. Blockchain enables a fully transparent and traceable supply chain, giving all consumers a clear view of the goods, they buy [11].

3.2 Financial Benefits

3.2.1 Reducing the Cost of Capital

Block Farm users will pay FARMCOIN to create a contract to buy and sell agricultural products. Any subsequent changes to the business contract to add new data to the public blockchain will be charged as a FARMCOIN transaction fee. FARMCOIN payment is required to complete the transaction of goods between seller and buyer if the contract is suspended, closed, or suspended. On settlement day, both seller and buyer can trade using FARMCOIN tokens to reduce complexity and risk. This is especially important for international commodity contracts because it eliminates many burdensome transaction fees, including many foreign exchange contracts, bank guarantees, and letters of credit. Blockchain allows sellers and buyers around the world to use a single currency, eliminating the hassle and dependence on financial intermediaries.

Block Farm aims to make credit more affordable and accessible to farmers by providing greater visibility into farm inventory and reducing lender risk. With Block Farm, banks may view the farmer's current “position” and history of custody, both of which are recorded and certified by the blockchain. In addition, investors consider any guarantee of payments made by the farmer (future sales supported by an acceptable contract). Financial institutions can use Block Farm's data to reduce the risk of their financing by gaining access to previously unobtainable information about the farmers’ real circumstances [14, 15].

3.2.2 Improving Cash Flow

Most small and medium-sized businesses fail due to poor cash flow, and agricultural supply companies are no different. Participants in the agricultural SCM suffer from low liquidity in their daily operations. Companies try to reconcile accounts receivable and accounts payable to maintain a stable and predictable cash flow. Unfortunately, as agricultural products move through the supply chain, the number of delinquent loans increases. Blockchain allows companies to raise capital and improve liquidity for supply chain participants using future contracts with existing customers [10, 12].

3.2.3 Insurance

Authorized insurance companies will have unprecedented access to farm inventory, storage, and transportation through Block Farm. In addition, new Internet of Things (IoT) solutions for heavy agricultural equipment and storage offer more opportunities to optimize the data stored in the Block Farm. With access to up-to-date, accurate, and irreversible data, insurance companies can more effectively assess claims, provide customized solutions for customers, pay claims, manage risk, detect suspicious activity, and improve fraud assessment. On the other hand, farmers, consumers, and logistics companies will have access to a wider range of insurance solutions with more accurate and affordable risk premiums [13].

3.2.4 Peer-To-Peer Lending

A farm of any size can connect to Block Farm in a secure (P2P) lending environment that allows companies with excess cash to provide short-term loans to those who need access to short-term financing. With Block Farm's platform, like-minded farmers can get better credit offers than conventional overdraft loans and reduce the cost of agricultural financial products.


FARMCOIN coins will use by Block Farm on the Ethereum public blockchain. The FARMCOIN token becomes a trading instrument token to pay for access to the Block Farm system through a payment gateway. Block Farm generates FARMCOIN tokens that will be profitably sold on the open market as revenue. In addition, a portion of FARMCOIN token sales will be transferred to Block Farm to expand the commodity pool. The price of the Block Farm system (such as fees and rewards) will be determined using the value of fiat currency to reduce volatility in crypto markets. However, users are charged with FARMCOIN tokens.

4.1 Commodity Contract

Block Farm users will pay FARMCOIN to create a contract to buy and sell agricultural products. Any subsequent changes to the business contract to add new data to the public blockchain will be charged as a FARMCOIN transaction fee. FARMCOIN payment is required to complete the transaction of goods between seller and buyer if the contract is suspended, closed, or suspended. On settlement day, both seller and buyer can trade using FARMCOIN tokens to reduce complexity and risk. This is especially important for international commodity contracts because it eliminates many burdensome transaction fees, including many letters of credit, bank guarantees, and foreign exchange contracts. FARMCOIN will allow sellers and buyers around the world to use a single currency, which will eliminate the hassle and dependence on financial intermediaries (Fig. 3).

Fig. 3
figure 3

Commodity contract between seller and buyer

5 Technological Architecture of Block Farm

In the Block Farm Model of Blockchain, the application layer consists of various modules which can access directly through Public Block Farm Layer or indirectly through the Private Block Farm Layer [8] (Fig. 4).

Fig. 4
figure 4

Blockchain architecture [8]

5.1 Public Block Farm Layer

Block Farm uses the Ethereum blockchain (main contract, public blockchain data record, FARMCOIN token trading, and network rights) to create smart FARMCOIN tokens that can be traded on third-party token exchanges. Commodity smart contracts, inventory smart contracts, raw data sources, and FARMCOIN transactions are all available through the public blockchain layer. The public Ethereum blockchain and third-party exchanges operate independently of Block Farm, providing secure and decentralized smart contracts and FARMCOIN tokens.

5.2 Private Block Farm Layer

Because agriculture and supply chain transactions occur frequently and in large numbers, a private blockchain layer can be used to better manage data volumes and reduce transaction costs and delays associated with public blockchains. The private layer of the Ethereum blockchain (main network) communicates with the public blockchain. Block Farm's private blockchain will be used to store private data on commodity contracts, shipping contracts, supply chains, warehouse management, agriculture, and more. Block Farm uses this technique to achieve an optimal match to the underlying application, expected traffic, and load.

5.3 Payment Platform

Block Farm payment platform accepts direct payments for access to applications. Payment is accepted in the form of FARMCOIN tokens and fiat money (credit card) through payment gateways. As many consumers in Block Farm's target market are unfamiliar with blockchain technology and tokens, credit card payments will be allowed as a temporary solution, reducing barriers to adoption. Credit card payments can be used to purchase FARMCOIN tokens on public exchanges, which are then processed in the same way as live FARMCOIN payments. As Block Farm's private blockchain evolves, the credit card payment gateway will be removed and FARMCOIN tokens will become the exclusive payment method for accessing the system (Fig. 5; Tables 6 and 7).

Fig. 5
figure 5

Suggestive architecture of block farm (Application Layer)

Table 6 Proposed modules in application layers/users of block farm and platform
Table 7 Module of application layer and its functionality

6 Conclusion

All the players in the agricultural supply chain, including farmers, transport businesses, intermediaries, traders, buyers, and consumers will be able to do so fast and risk-free transactions with the Block Farm platform. Block Farm connects stakeholders of the agricultural supply chain as a global platform, promoting transparency and traceability from the paddock to the fork. Agricultural supply chain internal and external complementary platforms can be customized by the Block Farm ecosystem, which is secure, scalable, and open. Customers can use Block Farm as: stand-alone solution or add-on to current software. A FARMCOIN token works as digital money that facilitates communication between supply chain participants and the Block Farm platform. FARMCOIN will evolve as multifunctional utility coin that trades on exchanges and serves as the “fuel” of the Block Farm system. This paper tries to outline the conceptual model of the agriculture supply chain system for the local and international market and help all stakeholders in their business processes.