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Cavitation Flow of Cryogenic Fluids

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Handbook of Multiphase Flow Science and Technology
  • 429 Accesses


Cryogenic cavitation is important for the operation of rocket propulsion system and is complex because of its strong thermal effects. In this chapter, a brief introduction of this phenomenon is given out. Theoretical models historically developed to estimate thermal effects are classified by their physical hypothesis and deduced according to their proposers. The summary of the past experimental studies helps to provide the appearance, thermodynamic state and features of cryogenic cavitation over different geometries. Besides, a robust numerical framework for cryogenic cavitation modeling is built in details. Vorticity transport analysis further reveals the mechanism for unique partially shedding mode appeared in cryogenic cavitation.

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Zhang, X., Jiakai, Z. (2016). Cavitation Flow of Cryogenic Fluids. In: Yeoh, G. (eds) Handbook of Multiphase Flow Science and Technology. Springer, Singapore.

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