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Localized Waves: Theory, Techniques and Applications

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Handbook of Antenna Technologies


In the first part of the chapter, an introduction to localized waves (LWs) is presented as polychromatic superposition of propagation-invariant beams (PIBs) with specific spatiotemporally coupled spectra. In the second part of the chapter, the focus is shifted towards some of the peculiar characteristics of electromagnetic LWs that distinguish them from other types of electromagnetic waves. In the last part, a presentation of the state-of-the-art techniques and experiments to generate electromagnetic PIBs is illustrated. Since PIBs are near-field phenomena, the electromagnetic structures that generate them differ significantly from conventional radiating antennas.

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Salem, M.A., Caloz, C. (2015). Localized Waves: Theory, Techniques and Applications. In: Chen, Z. (eds) Handbook of Antenna Technologies. Springer, Singapore.

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