
39.1 Introduction

Since its conception, mobile learning has been directly tied to online education as the platform for both types of education is rooted in the ability to learn beyond the confines of a classroom. As the world continues to change and evolve rapidly, Malaysia should not be left behind. English is the international language, both in reality and cyber world, the language of the cinema, TV, pop music and even the computer, as such it should be embraced by all. The English subject is one of the compulsory subjects in the Malaysian education syllabus, however many still face difficulty in learning and using the language for various reasons, ranging from low usage to being shy when asked to speak the language in public. Thus we aim to design a mobile app known as Smart Mobile English Learning Tool (SMELT) for adult learners. This application when fully developed will help non native or English as a second language speakers improve their English communication ability. It will also be useful for adults looking for job placements or moving up the corporate ladder in their workplaces by improving their communication. The who will be able to access the English learning modules. There are three levels of learner modules i.e. the beginner, the intermediate and the advanced learner module. Each of these modules is further broken down into bundles for easy understanding.

SMELT is a mobile English learning application that will be developed using the Android operating system as well as Java programming software.

In order to develop SMELT, we have conducted a preliminary study and the results are illustrated in Sect. 39.4. The preliminary study enable us to determine the need of such a learning tool that will assist the learners to improve their English, even while on the move. Consequently, we will describe how the proposed SMELT will enhance E-Education in order to improve user’s English ability.

This paper is organized in the following way: first section is on introduction about the proposed SMELT tool; the need of mobile device in e-learning as well as the necessity of m-learning are described in section two and three respectively. Section four will discuss on the preliminary study that have been conducted in order to determine the need of such learning tool that will aid learners improve their English. Section five and six described the details of the proposed SMELT tool as well as the application development methodology. The description of the application is laid out in section seven followed by the conclusion of the paper in section eight.

39.2 Mobile Device and E-Learning

According to Wickremaratne et al. (2008), online learning encourages users to have more of a control over themselves with the lessons to be learnt. However, in designing materials for online learning one has to find one’s own way to suit the goals of both the teacher and the program, the needs of the students and the technology available (Wickremaratne et al. 2008).

With the recent advancement in the technological world and the adult learners’ growing desire to have flexibility with their learning tool, such that the tool allows them to learn even while on the move and while they play games, hence there is a need for mobile devices that enhances teaching and learning in a virtual classroom environment. Mobile devices can be used in both online setting and in the brick-and-mortar (traditional setting). For mobile devices to be effective in basic delivery and technical support, the following is required:

  • WiFi that enables instructors and learners access contents through the use of the internet.

  • 3GP for compression and the delivery of mobile based audiovisuals.

  • Cloud computing that enhances file sharing and storage.

  • GPRS mobile data service, supports high speed connection and data transfer rate.

  • Mobile web and mobile apps for dominant content formats for smart phones.

A mobile learning tool to enhance the e-learning should be smart, easy to use, and user-centered. Considering the current challenges faced by adult learners, in their daily life, as they seek better job opportunities, engage in international business collaboration, pass driving test and seek English qualification to study abroad, we intend to develop a mobile application called SMELT. This tool will be a flexible and user friendly tool to address some of the challenges facing adult learners. In order to develop SMELT, a preliminary survey on the need for the product was conducted beforehand. The results of this survey together with reviews on similar work, help us in designing a conceptual framework for the development of this application. We hope this tool will take care of the users’ learning needs, even while on a train, bus, work place and just at anywhere and anytime.

39.3 The Need of M-Learning

Many study points to the need for a learner-centered systems to improve teaching and learning and the findings of these studies indicate that when learners take control of their learning instructions, the learning exercise becomes easier and enjoyable for such learners. The need for learners to discover learning themselves and develop language skills independently through the use of hand held devices cannot be over emphasized. Neo (2003) identified this fact and argued that because learning a second language could be frightful, there is the need for a learner-centered learning activity whereby learning shifts from the conventional teacher-centered system in which knowledge of the language skills are transmitted by the teacher in class alone, to one that allows for learner to discover learning themselves and develop language skills independently through the use of hand held devices. The variety of platforms allow learners to learn using the best multimedia that suits their own learning styles and taste. Motivating learning in an online learning environment has been identified as an impediment to the successes of the system, as learners feel bored and isolated while learning online. The use of mobile application for learning a new language, makes learning more exciting, as the boredom and isolation of learners in an online environment, tends to be eliminated, or reduced, as the mobile system will make the learning exercise, a fun-filled experience for the learners (Neo 2003).

39.4 Preliminary Study on the Need of Smelt

The preliminary study was conducted through online method and the target population is the respondents who are willing to participate in the study. The total number of respondents that have participated in this study is 51 whose age ranging between 21 and 55 years old.

The findings from the preliminary study have fulfilled the objectives that have been set for this study:

  • The result of the findings indicates that there is a need for this learning tool.

  • Respondents need tools (English Language Learning Tool) to improve their English based on the levels of learning progress.

  • The services that need to be included in SMELT are determined from this study

  • The findings serve as a basis for proposed conceptual framework of SMELT

39.5 Proposed Smart Mobile English Learning (SMELT) Tool

Many researchers argue that the growth of pervasive, ubiquitous, computing will have a large impact on learning (Patten et al. 2006). Suitable devices for mobile learning include digital media players, smart phones, and personal digital assistants or PDAs. Ktoridou and Eteokleous (2005) defined m-learning as e-learning using mobile devices and handheld IT devices, such as PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants), mobile phones, laptops and tablet PCs (Ktoridou and Eteokleous 2005). One of the key benefits of these devices is that they allow learners vary their study location and to study “on the move”. Sandberg et al. (2011) indicate that using a mobile device in a learning context allows a learner to learn at anywhere and at anytime. M-learning with handheld devices eradicated geographical borders, enabling co-operative learning environments which have individual and group interaction (Sandberg et al. 2011).

In view of the foregoing scenario, SMELT is introduced based on the problem statement highlighted earlier (in Sect. 39.3) in order to help learners achieve their aims of seeking alternative ways of improving their English ability, for the purpose of getting job placements, helping their children on homework, and at the same time not being bored or isolated while they learn. Though learning a new language could be difficult and strange to a second language learner, it can become more difficult if the platform for learning, is equally as difficult as the content itself. SMELT is an easy to use mobile tool, whereby learning the language will be more eventful and enjoyable for the learner. The mobile application will give the learner much more flexibility to how he learns, and with regards to the place and time he chooses to learn. The learner does not need to worry, if there is an internet facility or not as he can learn using already downloaded packs on his mobile phone. With all the portability that a smart phone offers, he/she will always have fun learning, and watching games while playing music on his/her mobile phone. The e-community feature allows users to interact with support staff, and also interact with other users on the platform. The other important benefit of the new system is in its free practice packs for all the three levels of learning as this is aimed at introducing to the learners what to expect in the complete module for each level. It also comes with evaluation test questions and answers for each of the modules where the learners will be expected to try out the evaluation test questions. Once the learners score a grade of 70 % from the evaluation they can be automatically promoted to the next level of learning thus this is a major feature of the system. Once installed on a learner’s mobile application like Android supported Smart phones, Ipad, Ipod, etc., the learner can learn with it irrespective of having an access to internet facility or not. Learning can actually take place at anywhere, at anytime of the day.

39.5.1 Technology and Product Development

English as a second language (ESL) has continued to play a vital role in our lives in so many ways for example in businesses, workplaces, international friendship, collaboration and as a medium of instruction around the world, hence its importance cannot be over emphasized. Though many still find the language difficult to comprehend, as such, it is imperative that a mobile system could help accelerate the level of understanding of this important language. A more robust environment, coupled with an easy to use tool, will be needed to improve the learning outcome of learners. In designing such a tool, the need of individual learners should be adequately considered first.

Generally, SMELT is a mobile English Learning using the Android operating system as well as Java programming software for the development of the product. Our mobile app will be developed and written in the Java programming language using the Android Software Development Kit (SDK), because of its wider reach and coverage.

The Android Software Development Kit (SDK) includes a comprehensive set of development tools (“Tools Overview”. Android Developers. 21 July 2009). These include a debugger, libraries, a handset emulator based on QEMU, documentation, sample code, and tutorials. Currently supported development platforms include computers running Linux (any modern desktop Linux distribution), Mac OS X 10.5.8 or later, Windows XP or later; for the moment we will develop our application on Android itself by using [AIDE – Android IDE – Java, C++] app and [Android Java editor] app.

Google Play, formerly the Android Market, is a digital distribution platform for applications for the Android operating system and an online electronics and digital media store, operated by Google. This service allows intending users to browse and download our applications developed with the Android SDK (Software Development Kit) and published through Google (“Features”. Retrieved 1 May 2012). SMELT application will be made available through the Google Play store. All users need is to create gmail account on their Android applications and download the SMELT application on the Android Google play store. Afterwards users can choose the learning package they are interested in, and follow up with the practice questions and then the test questions. After the introductory part of the package, learners will have option of extension of access to each learning pack, starting with the beginner to the intermediate and advanced level as it suits each individual learner.

After successfully passing the test questions in the chosen pack by scoring a predefined score, the system is capable of promoting the learner automatically to the next level of learning based on the users’ performances on the test exercise.

39.5.2 Overview of System Module

Figure 39.1 illustrates the overview of the mobile application module for SMELT. Basically, the main service rendered by SMELT is the learning of the English language via the use of mobile learning tool. The tool makes it easier for adult learners who wish to improve their English ability. Our target is any adult that wished to improve their English ability for reasons ranging from seeking job placements to passing professional exams. All the learner need to do is just download our free learning app from the Google Play store and choose the level of learning they wish to enroll in and the practice class, as well as the evaluation session begins.

Fig. 39.1
figure 1

Mobile application overview

39.5.3 Proposed System Architecture

Figure 39.2 shows the proposed system architecture for SMELT. The components are made up of communication network, in this case Android, which need to be logged in via the internet facility by the users of this application. Once a user is logged and downloads this app into their mobile system, data about them are generated from the server and stored in our database. Information about the user is tracked using the GPRS system, which allows the user to carry out transactions using our app, wherever they might be, all day.

Fig. 39.2
figure 2

SMELT’s system architecture

The system’s ease to use feature allows users unhindered access to the learning materials at anytime and anywhere. Information about downloads are generated via the Android Network and stored in the database as well.

39.6 Product Development Methodology

After the initial survey that has been conducted on the need for having SMELT, a prototype of the application that we wish to develop is accomplished and is shown to its potential users by demonstrating to them how the new system will work and the benefits of using such a system. Inputs received from potential users, and their requirements, will help in the final prototype design of the application. The continuous system upgrade will be done to meet the needs and requirements of intended users of the application. But before this prototype was developed, a lot of steps were embarked upon so as to give the users the best product available.

Prototyping is an iterative (repeatedly) approach where the process of building an experimental system quickly and inexpensively for easy demonstration and evaluation is conducted iteratively. Prototyping is normally used as a template for the eventual system that will be produced. We have adopted prototyping as the application development methodology because it is less expensive and it is easy to use and it allows developers the opportunity to continue its system upgrade till the “finish line”, which is when the finished product is achieved, this approved prototype will serve as a template for the final system. The process of developing a prototype can be broken down into four steps as listed below:

  • Step 1. Identify basic requirements

  • Step 2. Develop a working prototype

  • Step 3. Use the prototype, but if user not satisfied then

  • Step 4. Revise and enhance prototype

Figure 39.3 below illustrates the four main steps for system development approach using the prototyping methodology. In explaining these steps, we first, define what a prototype is. A prototype is a preliminary working version of an information system for demonstration and evaluation purposes. The process of building the system will be repeated over and over again until the operational prototype is built.

Fig. 39.3
figure 3

Prototyping methodology

Step 1

Identifying basic requirement; Establishing a basic requirement before embarking on developing such a system is a sure way of avoiding a system failure in the future and high cost of developing the system. Identifying what is needed, by who, when, where and how, and also been able to define the aim of the new system, which is to develop a learner-centered, Mobile based learning tool for English language learning.

By identifying users’ own basic needs, this will help the researcher and IT designer in gathering useful requirements, and in turn makes the end user feel more involved in the application development. As such the users are more committed and satisfied with the application after the final adoption.

Step 2

Develop a working prototype; This will enable cost saving in the application development and developing such a template within a reasonable time frame. Having a working prototype gives all stakeholders a virtual picture of what is being expected from the finished product.

Step 3

Use the prototype; After showing the proposed prototype to the potential users, they can try it out in order to see if it meets their learning needs or not. And with their approval, this will be used as a benchmark for its proposed application. The benchmark will be used in producing the final application. It is hoped that users will patronize this application and use them as well, if after usage the users are satisfied with the application then the prototype will be adopted as the final copy of the application. Hence the prototype will become the final copy in operation, but in case the product is rejected then we will embark on a system upgrade and/or revision. This will lead us to the next step.

Step 4

Revise and enhance the prototype: This is the outcome of the rejection of the initial prototype by end user. This can occur if the users are not comfortable about the usability of the application, or if they find anything that will hinder the smooth running of the application. We will be obliged to revise and enhance the product for greater efficiency, and whenever all stakeholders agree on the final product, it will be adopted by all as the final application.

39.7 Product Description

39.7.1 SMELT Mobile Interface

SMELT will be able to be accessed by all users of Android smartphones and any adult interested in improving their English learning, they have the opportunity to do so through the use of their mobile phones by downloading the application on Google play store. The learning app will be introduced on the home page and users can hit each of the buttons to avail themselves of any of the services The application has three levels of English learning module, i.e. elementary, intermediate and advanced levels where each learner is expected to choose their level of learning after having experienced with free download of the app on Google play store.

39.7.2 Relevant Features of the System

Ability to Learn Offline

The system could be accessed by learners, even while offline. The moment the application is downloaded and learning modules are accessible, the need for online is automatically eliminated as the learner will only need to learn from the modules downloaded on the mobile interface. Because we are aware most learners might have difficulty gaining unhindered access to the internet, hence our desire to make the app to be internet free after first download.

Online Placement Test

One of the very useful adaptive features of the system is in its ability to assess and determine the appropriate level of learning for each new learner. This is done by administering an ‘entrance’ exam for new users where if a user scores the predetermined score of 70 % and above on their first attempt on the beginners’ pack then the user will be moved automatically to the intermediate level of learning.

Adaptive Feature

A very useful feature of this tool is in its adaptive capability. The system is able to allow learners graduate automatically to the next level of learning after scoring a predetermined score of 70 % in its evaluation test question. Whereby a learner fails to attain this grade point after three attempts the systems allows them to be promoted anyway. According to Shute and Towle (2003), other important information that needs mentioning is that every adaptive system should have the following features (Shute and Towle 2003):

Firstly, all activities that are presented to the learner should involve the creation and manipulation of representations. If the learner requires mental models that correspond to the representation, then he should be involved actively in those creations and representations. Secondly, content should be designed with multiple representations as a rule to help learners drive down what they learn. When this is done, it helps the adaptive engine to provide the student with the single representation that best matches the students’ aptitude profile, while also giving the engine additional representations (text vs graphics, or graphical representation of some concepts), and also different styles of conceptual explanation. Thirdly, the learner should be provided with a final learning activity which encourages reflection and integration of the knowledge learned. Finally such a system should incorporate enough support, that will help the learner in concentrating on learning the content and not the system itself. This will enable the learner channels most of his cognitive efforts into learning the material and not the system.

Below are some of the screenshots of SMELT which is designed specifically to meet the needs of twenty-first century learners who are desirous to improve their written and spoken English, anywhere and at any time. The screenshots are not the final version of SMELT but they are an overview of the expected final product.

User Rating

Users could rate the services rendered by the developer as this feedback will form part of the ongoing upgrading activity of the application.

39.7.3 Explanation of Learning Levels in SMELT

The contents of SMELT are basically made up of three different learning levels, the first is the Beginner/Elementary Level. The major contents of this level are the introductory parts of the language, evaluation questions that make up this bundle are the grammar; simple present, present continuous, simple past, going to, can, can’t, could, nouns, I’d like etc. The second bundle is the Intermediate Level where this resembles like the mid-point between the beginner level and the advanced level, the practice and evaluation questions here are drawn from such areas like sentence building with possibility (must, can’t, maybe, will), past (should have, might have, could), uncountable nouns, adjectives, adverbs, articles with countable and uncountable nouns. The the next level is the Advanced Level stage, here the learner has matured in his ability to use the language effectively, as such future sentence building will be practiced with simple past, past continuous, past perfect continuous, used to, future continuous, future perfect continuous, present perfect continuous, conditionals, used to etc.

Home Page

A well structured home page of an online application helps to serve as a leeway to know the needs and behavior of customers. Keywords that appeal to both users and search engines are sure ways of increasing traffic accessing the application online. Figure 39.4 depicts the home page of SMELT.

Fig. 39.4
figure 4

Home page of SMELT

The screenshots illustrated in Fig. 39.5 shows SMELT’s practice levels for elementary, intermediate and advance learner categories. Learners are expected to choose a level that suits their learning needs and will be able to access to these learning materials.

Fig. 39.5
figure 5

SMELT’s pack of three levels of learning

Screenshots of Evaluation Test Pack for Three Levels of Learning

Figure 39.6 presents the screenshot of SMELT’s score of evaluation test questions that have been attempted for every level of learning.

Fig. 39.6
figure 6

SMELT’s sample of evaluation test pack for three levels of learning

Screenshots of Elementary/Beginners’ Pack

Figure 39.7 illustrates a screenshot of SMELT beginners’ pack. All users need to do is click on this pack to answer practice questions on the elementary pack. This pack also contains audio/video questions that learners are expected to answer after listening to a conversation or an audio sound.

Fig. 39.7
figure 7

SMELT’s sample of elementary/beginners’ pack

Results from Evaluation Test

Figure 39.8 shows the screenshots that show the evaluation score for elementary learners. The learner has an opportunity to try out two more time before the learner can move to the next level of learning.

Fig. 39.8
figure 8

Screenshot of sample evaluation test results

Intermediate Learner Pack

Learners have the opportunity of learning with the visual aids, in this case a picture. They need to fill in the correct answer to complete the sentence in the past perfect as shown in Fig. 39.9.

Fig. 39.9
figure 9

Screenshot of sample intermediate pack

39.8 Implementation and Recommendation

Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) gives the platform for software analyst, designers, and engineers to develop the software in a well defined phase that starts from requirement gathering till its deployment phase. These phases are linked together to form a chain or cycle that never ends throughout the life cycle of the software evolution. Through these phases the software evolution goes through requirement gathering, software product design and documentation with design patterns, implementation and importantly testing before the prototype is ready to be deployed (Easton 1980).

Depending upon the complexity of SDLC methodology, SDLC have many models such as incremental, spiral, waterfall, agile and prototyping etc. We have selected incremental model for our research project that suits requirement and type of software. Incremental model starts from the requirement gathering phase, proceed with design of the software and then move towards the implementation and testing phase. On each phase of the model, it gets incremented following the incremental model as shown in Fig. 39.10.

Fig. 39.10
figure 10

Software increment model for SMELT

When one phase gets completed then the process is incremented to the next phase where the iteration is based on the phases like inception (project scope), elaboration (design and architecture), construction (fills in the building blocks) and transition (operation and deployment). Architects and analysts work on iteration ahead of developers and testers to keep their work-product backlog full.

In our initial stage project life cycle, we will use Java platform for the application middleware between the server database management architecture and the mobile client. The database management system will be mySQL which is free and open source and can handle well more than thousand users simultaneously.

Software testing following the quality of assurance criteria is one of the crucial phases of project development in which the software attributes and functionalities are compared with the software requirement specifications and then tested in a simulated real time environment. The application developers do white box testing where they debug the code and then verify the data values in variables and importantly test the application based on the API testing, code coverage, fault injection methods, mutation testing methods etc. On later stage, the software is retested by quality assurance engineer using black box testing method where on real time scenario they produce bugs of different severity with methods includes equivalence partitioning, boundary value analysis, all-pairs testing, traceability matrix and importantly specification-based testing.

39.9 Conclusion

Adult learners have different learning styles that differ from that of young learners. This group of learners requires flexibility, and always likes to be in control of their learning process. In view of this fact, a tool for English learning called SMELT on the mobile platform for adult learners who owned smartphones is proposed here. SMELT when launched eventually, it will help the working class, foreigners, housewives, and non-native speakers improve their English ability at the comfort of their homes. Based on the responses and findings from the preliminary study, it is clear that there is a need for this application for the potential users. A research on the conceptual framework on SMELT in order to assist the design and development of this application also has been conducted. The model is adapted based on framework by (Huanglingzi et al. 2008), due to its completeness in addressing the basic factors that need to be considered in developing a mobile application. SMELT is feasible to be used by potential users based on the preliminary study that had been conducted and research on the proposed conceptual framework which will assist in the design of the prototype for SMELT in the future.