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Innovation and the Role of Emerging Technologies

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Technology-Enhanced Learning and the Virtual University

Part of the book series: University Development and Administration ((UDAA))

  • 68 Accesses


This chapter discusses the role of digital technologies from the perspectives of how students learn and how to support their deep engagement with learning. We do this at two levels: course or unit level and learning activity level. We first overview some recently emerged course models of virtual technology-enabled learning in Australian universities. Then, we suggest that innovations at the course level should be complemented with innovations at the learning activity level. These innovations should be informed by theories and research on how people learn, and educational design should focus on learning processes that result in deep learning. Deep learning reflects on students thinking about or working through the materials at a deep level of cognitive engagement. We discuss four critical roles of digital technologies in students’ learning and give examples from current research in STEM education. These four roles are to (1) provide students with an opportunity to visualize invisible phenomena, (2) support students to generate ideas and construct knowledge, (3) enable students to gain new embodied experiences, and (4) empower students and teachers to co-construct authentic understanding. We conclude the chapter with an invitation to move toward more participatory forms of virtual universities.

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Lai, P.K., Markauskaite, L. (2023). Innovation and the Role of Emerging Technologies. In: Sankey, M.D., Huijser, H., Fitzgerald, R. (eds) Technology-Enhanced Learning and the Virtual University. University Development and Administration. Springer, Singapore.

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