

Moths, the lepidopteran insects, are generally regarded as the poor representative of their diurnal relatives, i.e., the butterflies. Commonly they are considered as the furry, velvety, mysterious insects of the night. For the differentiation of moths and butterflies, there is no single character, which can reliably separate the moths from the butterflies. However, both groups can broadly be distinguished on the two important attributes, i.e., the clubs at the antennal tips in butterflies, a character absent in moths, and probably a better distinguishing character is the lack of frenulum in butterflies, as a wing coupling apparatus, which is present in most of the moths. Moths can be best defined as the non-papilinoid lepidopterans and are extremely diverse. About 90% of the total lepidopterans are moths, with 41 superfamilies and 129 families distributed worldwide. Globally, moths are known to have about 160,000 species, with about 13,500 species from India. As far as the fauna of Great Nicobar is concerned, the moths are known by 139 species (Chandra et al. 2018; Singh et al. 2021a, b, c, d)

The present manuscript deals with 152 species under 137 genera, 39 subfamilies, 16 families, and 09 superfamilies from the Great Nicobar Biosphere Reserve. 106 species are new records for the moth fauna of Nicobar. For all the included species, first reference, material examined, distribution in India and elsewhere (outside of India), and remarks, wherever required, are given. A checklist of 240 species reported from Nicobar is provided.


Out of the known 139 species, 46 species could be collected and studied in the present work (marked with **), whereas 93 species could not be studied (in the checklist marked with *). In the present paper, 106 species were reported as new records for the moth fauna of Nicobar. Out of the 106 newly reported species, 24 species known to be distributed in North eastern states of India and hence, their distribution is extended from North eastern states to the Nicobar Island. Eight species are known to be widely distributed in mainland India, and their distributional range is extended up to the Nicobar Island. Of the other five species for which the distributional range extension is reported, two were reported to be distributed only from North India, the other two were reported from the Gangetic plains of West Bengal, and one species was reported to be known from South India only. Interestingly, four species are reported to be widely distributed in South East Asia, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are their westernmost distributional limit, i.e., they are not reported from mainland India. All of the other species are reported to be widely distributed, ranging from India to the Oriental, Pantropical, Indo-Australia, and Indo-Pacific regions.


Of the 152 species studied, 14 species/subspecies are reported to be restrictedly distributed in Andaman and Nicobar Islands, of which nine are distributed only in Nicobar.

Summary of the Diversity




No. of genera

No. of species






















































































































































Systematic Account

Order: Lepidoptera

Superfamily: Zygaenoidea

Family: Limacodidae

Subfamily: Limacodinae

Genus: Aphendala Walker, 1865

1865. Aphendala Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Ins. Colln Brit. Mus. 32: 494.

  1. 1.

    Aphendala buka Solovyev 2010

2010. Aphendala buka Solovyev, Atalanta, 41(3/4): 349–360

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, check post, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: North West [East] India (Darjeeling) (Solovyev 2010), Nicobar (present study).

Remarks: The species is so far known from Darjeeling only. The present study will fill up its distributional gap from the Central Himalaya to the southernmost island of India.

Genus: Cania Walker, 1855

1855. Cania Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Ins. Colln. Br. Mus. 5: 1159 (key), 1177.

  1. 2.

    Cania sericea Walker, 1855

1855. Cania sericea Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus.: 1178.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Dharamsala, Sikkim, Manipur, Ganjam, South India (Hampson 1894), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: China, Sri Lanka, Java, Malaysia (Hampson 1894).

Remarks: C. sericea was reported from the Indian mainland and was reported for the first time from any island in India.

Genus: Thosea Walker, 1855

1855. Thosea Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 5: 979

  1. 3.

    Thosea andamanica Holloway 1987

1987. Thosea andamanica Holloway, Syst. Acct. of South-east Asn. Pest. Limacodidae, 15: 52

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Campbell Bay, 04.iv.1966 (02 exs.), leg. Daniel & Bhowmik.

Distribution: India: Andaman Islands (Holloway et al. 1987), Nicobar (present study).

Remarks: So far, reported from the Andaman and Nicobar Islands only.

  1. 4.

    Thosea lutea Heylaerts, 1890**

1890. Thosea lutea Heylaerts, C. R. Soc. Ent. Belg. 34: xxix

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Great Nicobar Island (Singh et al. 2021a).

Elsewhere: Central and southern Vietnam, West Malaysia, Borneo, Indonesia, Sumatra, Bangka, Java (Singh et al. 2021a).

  1. 5.

    Thosea sevastopuloi Holloway 1987

1987. Thosea sevastopuloi Holloway, Syst. Acct. of South-east Asn. Pest Limacodidae, 15: 52

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Campbell Bay, 04.iii.1966 (05 exs.), leg. Daniel & Bhowmik.

Distribution: India: Calcutta, North India [Kolkata, West Bengal, East India] (Holloway et al. 1987), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Myanmar (Holloway et al. 1987).

Genus: Mambarona Hering, 1931

Mambarona (Limacodinae) Hering, 1931; Gross-Schmett. Erde 10: 685

  1. 6.

    Mambarona congrua (Walker, 1862)**

1862. Susica congrua Walker, 1862; J. Proc. Linn. Soc. (Zool.) 6: 172

Material examined: India, A & N Islands, Nicobar: Chingam basti, 9.xi.2018 (6 exs), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (3 exs.), Shastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (6 exs.); South West Road, 4 km South of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (1 exs.); Galathea, 3.xi.2018 (3 exs.); East West Road, 8.xi.2018 (2 exs.); Gobind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (2 exs.); East West Road, Steel bridge, 13.xi.2018 (1 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party (NZCZSI)

Distribution: India: Great Nicobar Island, South India and North West India (Singh et al. 2021a)

Elsewhere: Thailand, Cambodia, central Vietnam, Malaysia, Sundaland, Sulawesi, with doubtful records from Lombok, Flores, Timor (Singh et al. 2021a).

Superfamily: Cossoidea

Family: Cossidae

Subfamily: Zeuzerinae

Genus: Aholcocerus Yakovlev, 2006

2006. Aholcocerus Yakovlev, Tinea, 19(3): 200

  1. 7.

    Aholcocerus arorai Yakovlev and Singh 2019

2019. Aholcocerus arorai Yakovlev & Singh, SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología, 47: 187, 201

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Nicobar (Yakovlev and Singh 2019).

Remarks: So far only reported from Nicobar.

Genus: Polyphagozerra Yakovlev, 2011

2011. Polyphagozerra Yakovlev, Neue Entomologische Nachrichten, 66: 1–129

  1. 8.

    Polyphagozerra coffeae (Nietner, 1861)

1861. Zeuzera coffeae Nietner, 1861, Enemies of Coffee Tree: 21.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (02 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Check post, East West Road, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Bihar and Jharkhand (Singh 2019), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Oriental Region, Moluccas, New Guinea (Holloway 1986).

Subfamily: Cossinae

Genus: Rapdalus Schoorl, 1990

1990. Rapdalus Schoorl, Zool. Verh. Leiden (No. 263): 138.

  1. 9.

    Rapdalus kapuri Arora 1976

1976. Rapdalus kapuri Arora 1976, Rec. Zool. Surv. India 69(1–4): 107

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Andaman (Arora 1976), Nicobar (present study).

Remarks: So far, R. kapuri is reported from Andaman only, and Nicobar is its extended distributional record.

Superfamily: Thyridoidea

Family: Thyrididae

Subfamily: Siculodinae

Genus: Mellea Gaede, 1922

1922. Mellea Gaede, Dt. Ent. Z. 1922: 34.

  1. 10.

    Mellea taeniata (Warren, 1908)

1908. Banisia taeniata Warren, Novit. Zool., 15: 325–351

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Galathea, 29.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Gobind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Assam, Sikkim (Sutton et al. 2015), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Vietnam, Thailand (Sutton et al. 2015).

Remarks: The distributional limit of M. taeniata is extended from North East India to the Nicobar.

Subfamily: Striglininae

Genus: Aglaopus Turner, 1911

1911. Aglaopus Turner, Ann. Qd Mus. 10: 97 [key], 98

  1. 11.

    Aglaopus decussata (Moore, 1883)

1883. Sonagara decussata Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon. 27: 6

Material examined: A & N Island, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Sikkim, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland (Sutton et al. 2015), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Thailand, W. Malaysia, Sabah, Sarawak, Kalimantan Barat, Siberut, Sumatra, Java, Sulawesi, Moluccas, Seram, Buru, Ambon, Sulawesi, West Papua, PNG, Philippines, Taiwan (Sutton et al. 2015).

Remarks: The distributional limit of A. decussata is extended from North East India to the Nicobar.

Genus Striglina Guenée, 1877

1877. Striglina Guenée, Annls Soc. Ent. Fr. (5) 7: 283.

  1. 12.

    Striglina scitaria (Walker, 1862)**

1862. Drepanodes scitaria Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 15: 1178

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Goa, Assam, Andaman and Nicobar Island (Sutton et al. 2015).

Elsewhere: China, Taiwan, Korea, Japan, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Nepal, Myanmar, Vietnam, Thailand, Laos, W. Malaysia, Brunei, Sabah, Sarawak, Java, Bali, Sulawesi, Philippines, Australia, Fiji (Sutton et al. 2015).

Superfamily: Pyraloidea

Family: Pyralidae

Subfamily: Pyralinae

Genus: Vitessa Moore, [1860]

[1860]. Vitessa Moore, in Horsfield & Moore, Cat. Lep. Ins. Mus. Nat. East India House 2: 299

  1. 13.

    Vitessa nicobarica Hampson 1896**

Vitessa nicobarica Hampson 1896; Fauna Br. India (Moths) 4: 146

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (03 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Nicobar (Chandra et al. 2018).

Remarks: Endemic to Nicobar.

Family: Crambidae

Subfamily: Pyraustinae

Genus: Hyalobathra Meyrick, 1885

1885. Hyalobathra Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1885(4): 445

  1. 14.

    Hyalobathra filalis (Guenée, 1854)**

1854. Asopia filalis (Guenée), Delt. & Pyr. 204

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (08 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (07 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (06 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (07 exs.), Steel bridge, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Nicobar Island (Kendrick 2003).

Elsewhere: West Africa (Congo, Cameroon, Togo), Sri Lanka, Nepal, Burma, Vietnam, China, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia, Hong Kong (Kendrick 2003).

Remarks: In India, only reported from Nicobar.

Genus: Prooedema Hampson 1896

1896. Prooedema Hampson, Fauna Br. India (Moths) 4: 406

  1. 15.

    Prooedema inscisalis (Walker, [1866])**

[1866]. Botys inscisalis Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 34: 1410

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Gobind nagar, 05.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), East West Road, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Steel bridge, 13.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Bird watching point (01 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Sikkim (Hampson 1896), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Borneo, New Guinea, Australia (Hampson 1896).

Remarks: Reporting of P. inscisalis from Nicobar is its range extension from NE India to the far south territory of India.

Genus: Tetridia Warren, 1890

1890. Tetridia Warren, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) 6(36): 477

  1. 16.

    Tetridia vinacealis (Moore, 1877)

1877. Botys vinacealis Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1877(4): 619

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Gobind nagar, 05.xi.2018 (01 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Sikkim, Khasi, Sibsagar, Andaman Islands (Hampson 1896), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Borneo, Celebes (Hampson 1896).

Subfamily: Schoenobiinae

Genus: Donacaula Meyrick, 1890

1890. Donacaula Meyrick, Trans. R. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1890: 437 [key], 466

  1. 17.

    Donacaula dodatellus (Walker, 1864)

1864. Chilo dodatellus Walker, List. Lep. Ins. B. M. 30: 966

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Gobind nagar, 05.xi.2018 (02 exs.), 18.xi.2018 (23 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Khasi (Hampson 1896), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Japan, Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Hampson 1896).

Remarks: Reporting of D. dodatellus from Nicobar is its range extension from North East India to the A & N Islands.

Subfamily: Spilomelinae

Genus: Aetholix Lederer, 1863

1863. Aetholix Lederer, Wien. Ent. Monats. 7(8): 271 (key), (12): 437

  1. 18.

    Aetholix flavibasalis (Guenée, 1854)**

1854. Aediodes flavibalis Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 8: 193

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (07 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), East West Road (01 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Bombay (Hampson 1896), Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Kendrick 2003).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Malaya, Singapore, China, Bali, Borneo, Philippines, New Guinea, Australia, Hong Kong (Kendrick 2003).

Genus: Agrioglypta Meyrick, 1932

1932. Agrioglypta Meyrick, Exotic Microlepidoptera: 244

  1. 19.

    Agrioglypta deliciosa (Butler, 1887)

1887. Glyphodes deliciosa Butler, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (5) 20 (116): 118

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Gobind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (13 exs.), 08.xi.2018 (03 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (08 exs.), 04.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Sastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Afrabay, 15.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: West Bengal (Sutton et al. 2015), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, West Malaysia, Sabah, Brunei, Sarawak, Kalimantan Timur, Sumatra, Java, PNG, Australia, Sulawesi, Seram, Philippines (Sutton et al. 2015).

Remarks: Reporting of A. deliciosa from Nicobar filled up its distributional gap between the South East Asian and Indian main land population.

  1. 20.

    Agrioglypta itysalis (Walker, 1859)

1859. Glyphodes itysalis Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 17: 501

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Gobind nagar, 05.xi.2018 (16 exs.), 18.xi.2018 (16 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (36 exs.), 29.x.2018 (06 exs.), East West road, 04.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 08.xi.2018 (13 exs.), Check post, E.W. road, 06.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Steel bridge, E.W. road, 13.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Watch tower, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 06.xi.2018 (08 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (05 exs.), Sastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (09 exs.), S. W. road, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Assam, West and South India, Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Hampson 1896).

Elsewhere: Formosa, Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Burma (Myanmar), Sumatra, Borneo, Java (Hampson 1896).

  1. 21.

    Agrioglypta zelimalis (Walker, 1859)

1859. Glyphodes zelimalis Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 17: 503

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (08 exs.), Laxmi nagar. 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Khasis, Nilgiris (Hampson 1896), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Ceylon (Sri Lanka), Sumatra, Borneo (Hampson 1896).

Remarks: A. zelimalis is so far reported from the Indian mainland and hence its collection from Nicobar is its first report from the A & N Islands.

Genus: Antigastra Lederer, 1863

1863. Antigastra Lederer, Wien. Ent. Monatschr. 7: 274 [key], 419.

  1. 22.

    Antigastra catalaunalis (Duponchel, 1833)

1833. Botys catalaunalis Duponchel, Hist. Nat. Lep. Fr. 8(2): 330, 232

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout India (Hampson 1896).

Elsewhere: Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Syria, Aden, Europe, East and West Africa (Hampson 1896).

Genus: Chabula Moore [1886]

[1886]. Chabula Moore, Lepid. Ceylon 3(3): 317

  1. 23.

    Chabula acamasalis (Walker, 1859)

1859. ? acamasalis Walker, Cat. Lep., 19: 970

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout India (Hampson 1896).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Java & Celebs (Hampson 1896).

Genus: Conogethes Meyrick, 1884

1884. Conogethes Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1884(3): 314

  1. 24.

    Conogethes sayadhariensis  Shashank, Kammar, Mally & Chakravarthy, 2018

2018. Conogethes sayadhariensis Shashank, Kammar, Mally & Chakravarthy, Zootaxa, 4374(2): 215–234

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: South India (Shashank et al., 2018), Nicobar (present study).

Remarks: So far, C. sayadhariensis is reported from South India only. Reporting from Nicobar is its first record from the A & N Islands.

Genus: Cotachena Moore, [1885]

[1885]. Cotachena Moore, Lepid. Ceylon 3(2): 275

  1. 25.

    Cotachena pubescens Warren, 1892

1892. Cotachena pubescens Warren, A. M. N. H. (6) 9: 300

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (04 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (02 exs.), South West Road, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Dharmsala, Sikkim, Niligiri, Nagas [Nagaland] (Hampson 1896), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka (Hampson 1896).

Remarks: Reporting of C. pubescens from Nicobar is its range extension from the Indian Himalayas to the A & N Islands.

Genus: Diaphania Hübner, 1818

1818. Diaphania Hübner, Zutr. Samml. Exot. Schmett. 1: 20.

  1. 26.

    Diaphania indica (Saunders, 1851)**

1851. Eudioptes indica Saunders, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1: 163

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout the Oriental, Ethiopian, and Australian regions (Hampson 1896).

Genus: Glyphodes Guenée, 1854

1854. Glyphodes Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 8: 292

  1. 27.

    Glyphodes bivitralis Guenée, 1854**

1854. Glyphodes bivitralis Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 8: 293

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 29.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Sastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (03 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Sikkim, Andaman and Nicobar Islands, (Kendrick 2003).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Nepal, Vietnam, Burma, Thailand, China, Malaya, Singapore, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Philippines, Sulawesi, Australia, America, Hong Kong (Kendrick 2003).

  1. 28.

    Glyphodes caesalis Walker, 1859

1859. Glyphosalis caesalis Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 17: 499

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West road, 08.xi.2018 (10 exs.), 04.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Galathea, 29.x.2018 (02 exs.), 07.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (11 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Sikkim (Kendrick 2003), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Nepal, Burma, Vietnam, China, Singapore, Indonesia, Philippines (Wang et al. 1981; Robinson et al. 1995), Hong Kong (Kendrick 2003)

Remarks: Reporting of G. caesalis from Nicobar is its range extension from the Indian Himalayas to the far south territory of India.

  1. 29.

    Glyphodes cf conclusalis Walker, 1865

1865. Glyphodes conclusalis Walker, Cat. Lep. 34: 1354

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (01 exs.), East West Road, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Sikkim, Khasis [Meghalaya], West and South India, Andamans (Hampson 1896), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Malayan subregion (Hampson 1896).

  1. 30.

    Glyphodes stolalis Guenée, 1854**

1854. Glyphodes stolalis Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 8: 293

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (06 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Sikkim (Kendrick 2003), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Nepal, Burma, Thailand, Vietnam, Malaya, China, Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Philippines, Sulawesi, New Guinea, Australia, Solomon Is., Hong Kong (Kendrick 2003).

Remarks: Reporting of G. stolalis from Nicobar is its range extension from the Indian Himalaya to the far south territory of India.

Genus: Heterocnephes Lederer, 1863

1863. Heterocnephes Lederer, Wien. Ent. Monats. 7(11): 402

  1. 31.

    Heterocnephes lymphatalis Swinhoe, 1889**

1889. Heterocnephes lymphatalis Swinhoe, Proc. Zool. Soc. 420: 44(7)

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Sastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 4 km South of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Khasi, Sibsagar, Nagas (Hampson 1896), Nicobar

(Present study).

Elsewhere: Myanmar, Java, Perak, Pulo Laut (Hampson 1896).

Remarks: Reporting of H. lymphatalis from Nicobar is its range extension from North East India, West Bengal to the A & N Islands.

Genus: Maruca Walker, 1859

1859. Maruca Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 17: 490

  1. 32.

    Maruca amboinalis Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875**

1875. Maruca amboinalis Felder & Rogenhofer, Reis. Nov 135: 24

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Govind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Sikkim, Khasi, Nilgiri (Hampson 1896), A & N Islands (Chandra et al. 2018).

Elsewhere: Burma, Borneo, Amboina (Hampson 1896).

  1. 33.

    Maruca vitrata (Fabricius, 1787)**

1787. Phalaena vitrata Fabricius, Mant. Insectorium 2: 215

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (02 exs. 0, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Throughout India (Hampson 1896).

Elsewhere: Pantropical (Hampson 1896).

Genus: Nausinoe Hübner, [1825]

[1825]. Nausinoe Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. (23–27): 363

  1. 34.

    Nausinoe euroalis Swinhoe, 1889

1889. Nausinoe euroalis Swinhoe, Proc. Zool. Soc. London: 420

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Sikhim [Sikkim], Assam (Hampson 1896), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Burma [Mayanmar], Sumatra, Java (Hampson 1896).

Remarks: N. euroalis is, so far, reported from the Indian Himalaya, North East India, and hence the present record is its first report from the A & N Islands.

Genus: Nevrina Guenée, 1854

1854. Nevrina Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 8: 313

  1. 35.

    Nevrina procopia (Stoll, [1781])

[1781]. Phalaena procopia Stoll, in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen 4(29–31): 152,

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout India (Hampson 1896).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Java, Myanmar (Hampson 1896).

Genus: Nosophora Lederer, 1863

1863. Nosophora Lederer, Wien. Ent. Monats. 7(11): 407

  1. 36.

    Nosophora semitritalis Lederer, 1863

1863. Nosophora semitritalis Lederer, Wein. Ent. Mon. 407: 14

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Sikkim (Hampson 1896), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Pulo Laut, Myanmar (Hampson 1896).

Remarks: N. semitritalis is first time recorded from the A & N Islands. It is its range extension from the Central Himalaya.

Genus: Omiodes Guenée, 1854

1854. Omiodes Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 8: 355

  1. 37.

    Omiodes origoalis (Walker 1859)**

1859. Botys origoalis Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 18: 681

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Steel bridge, E.W. Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: North India (Sevala and Marakku, 2018), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Borneo, Indonesia (Sevala and Marakku, 2018).

Remarks: The present study filled up the distributional gap of O. origoalis from North India to Nicobar Island, the southernmost territory of India.

Genus: Omphisa Moore, [1886]

[1886]. Omphisa Moore, Lepid. Ceylon 3(3): 317

  1. 38.

    Omphisa anastomosalis Guenée, [1854]

[1854]. Omphisa anastomosalis Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 8: 373

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Sikhim, Khasis, Nilgiris, Andamans (Hampson 1896), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: China, Ceylon [Sri Lanka], Burma [Mayanmar], Java, Duke of York Island (Hampson 1896).

Genus: Palpita Hübner, [1808]

[1808]. Palpita, Sammlung europäischer Schmetterlinge: [209]

  1. 39.

    Palpita ardealis (Felder & Rogenhofer, [1875])

[1875]. Botys ardealis Felder, Reis. Nov. 134: 31

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (13 exs.), Govind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (06 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.ix.2018 (02 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Steel bridge, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Check post East West Road, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), East West road, 08.xi.2018 (03 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Andaman (Inoue 1996), Nicobar (present study).

Remarks: So far, P. ardealis is reported from Andamans & Nicobar only.

  1. 40.

    Palpita palpifulvata Kirti and Rose 1992

1992. Palpita palpifulvata Kirti & Rose, Journal of Entomological Research 16(1): 62–77.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Arunachal & Assam (Kirti and Rose 1992), Nicobar (present study).

Remarks: So far, P. palpifulvata is reported from North East India. Present research work fills up its distributional gap from NE India to Nicobar.

Genus: Patania Moore, 1888

1888. Patania Moore, Descr. Indian Lep. Atkinson (3): 209

  1. 41.

    Patania deficiens (Moore, [1886])

[1886]. Coptobasis deficiens Moore, Lepid. Ceylon 3(4): 556

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Sikkim, Dharmsala (Hampson 1896), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka (Hampson 1896).

Remarks: The present study filled up the distributional gap of P. deficiens from the Indian Himalayas to Nicobar Island, the southernmost territory of India.

  1. 42.

    Patania iopasalis (Walker, 1859)

1859. Botys iopasalis Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 18: 652

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Sikhim [Sikkim], Assam, Andaman Islands, Nilgiris (Hampson 1896), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Formosa, Karachi, Ceylon [Sri Lanka], Burma [Myanmar], Borneo, Amboina, Sambawa, Timor Laut, Australia (Hampson 1896).

  1. 43.

    Patania nigriflava (Swinhoe, 1894)

1894. Sylepta nigriflava Swinhoe, Amn. Mus. Nat. Hist. 6(14): 199

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxminagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Sikkim, Khasi [Meghalaya] (Hampson 1896), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka & Myanmar (Hampson 1896).

Remarks: The present study filled up the distributional gap of P. nigriflava from the Indian Himalaya and North East India to Nicobar Island, the southernmost territory of India.

Genus: Prophantis Warren, 1896

1896. Prophantis Warren, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) 18(103): 113

  1. 44.

    Prophantis octoguttalis (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875)**

1875. Botys octoguttalis Felder & Rogenhofer, Reise Fregatte Novara, Bd 2 (Abth. 2) (5).

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Gobind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (03 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Tamil Nadu, Nilgiris, Sikkim, Assam, Sibsagar (Mandal and Bhattacharya 1980), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Borneo, Amboina, Australia, Southern Africa (Mandal and Bhattacharya 1980).

Remarks: So far P. octoguttalis is reported from mainland India only. Reporting from Nicobar is its first record from the A & N Islands.

Genus: Pygospila Guenée, 1854

1854. Pygospila Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 8: 312

  1. 45.

    Pygospila tyres (Cramer, [1780])

[1780]. Phalaena tyres Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen 3(22): 263

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout India (Hampson 1896).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Java (Hampson 1896).

Genus Sisyrophora Lederer, 1863

1863. Sisyrophora Lederer, Wien. Ent. Monats., 7: 270 [key], 399

  1. 46.

    Sisyrophora pfeifferae Lederer, 1863**

1863. Sisyrophora pfeifferae Lederer, Wein. Ent. Mon. 399: 13(13)

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Sastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (05 exs.), 08.xi.2018 (08 exs.), East West road, 08.xi.2018 (10 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (11 exs.), 29.x.2018 (01 exs.), 4 km South of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Steel bridge, E.W. road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Afrabay, 15.xi.2018 (03 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Arunachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Assam, Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Sutton et al. 2015).

Elsewhere: Myanmar, West Malaysia, Singapore, Sabah, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia & Taiwan (Sutton et al. 2015).

Genus: Synclera Lederer, 1863

1863. Synclera Lederer, Wien. Ent. Monats. 7(12): 444

  1. 47.

    Synclera traducalis (Zeller, 1852)**

1852. Eudioptis traducalis Zeller, K. Vetensk Akad. Handl. 1852: 54

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (02 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Check post, East West Road, 06.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Steel bridge, E.W. road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Gobind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 901 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout India (Hampson 1896).

Elsewhere: S. America, S. Africa, Aden, Syria, Pelestine, Sri Lanka & Myanmar (Hampson 1896).

Genus: Talanga Moore, [1885]

[1885]. Talanga Moore, Lepid. Ceylon 3(2): 300

  1. 48.

    Talanga sexpunctalis (Moore, 1877)**

1877. Oligostigma sexpunctalis Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1877(3): 616

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Dharmsala, Sikhim, Bombay, Nilgiris, Ceylon, Andamans (Hampson 1896), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Borneo, Celebes, New Britain, New Hebrides (Hampson 1896).

Genus: Xanthomelaena Hampson 1896

1896. Xanthomelaena Hampson, Fauna Br. India (Moths) 4: 255

  1. 49.

    Xanthomelaena schematias (Meyrick, 1994)**

1894. Tylostega schematias Meyrick, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1894(3): 458

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Check post, East West Road, 06.xi.2018 (07 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (19 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (07 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Steel bridge, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Gobind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Nicobar (Mandal and Bhattacharya 1980).

Elsewhere: Tenasserim, Pulo Laut, Borneo, Sumbawa, Celebes (Hampson 1896).

Superfamily: Drepanoidea

Family: Drepanidae

Subfamily: Drepaninae

Genus Teldenia Moore, [1883]

[1883]. Teldenia Moore, Lepid. Ceylon 2(2): 119

  1. 50.

    Teldenia vestigiata Butler, 1880

1880. Teldenia vestigiata Butler, Ann. Mg. Nat. Hist., (5)6: 222

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 06.xi.2018 (06 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (003 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (07 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (10 exs.), Sastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (11 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (04 exs.), South West Road, 12.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Gobind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Galathea, 29.x.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Shillong, Cherrapunji, Darjeeling, Sikkim, Travancore, Karnataka, Uttarakhand (Joshi et al. 2020), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Nepal (Joshi et al. 2020).

Remarks: T. vestigiata is first time recorded from the A & N Islands. It is its first-time reporting from any of the India Island.

Genus: Tridrepana Swinhoe, 1895

1895. Tridrepana Swinhoe, Trans. Ent. Soc. Lond. 1895(1): 3

  1. 51.

    Tridrepana fulvata (Snellen, 1877)

1877. Drepana fulvata Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent. 20: 19

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Gobind nagar, 05.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Galathea NP, 03.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Shastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Assam, Khasis (Watson 1957), Andaman (Chandra et al. 2018), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: China, Mynamar (Song et al. 2011).

Superfamily: Geometroidea

Family: Uraniidae

Subfamily: Microniinae

Genus: Acropteris Geyer, 1832

1832. Acropteris Geyer, Zuträge Samml. Exot. Schmett. 4: 36

  1. 52.

    Acropteris leptaliata (Guenée, 1857)

1857. Micronia leptaliata Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 10: 28

Material examined: A & N Island, Nicobar, Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: NE Himalaya, Andaman Islands (Holloway 1998), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Taiwan, Borneo, Sumatra (Holloway 1998).

Genus: Micronia Guenée, 1854

1857. Micronia Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 10: 22

  1. 53.

    Micronia astheniata Guenée, 1857

1857. Micronia astheniata Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid., 10: 24

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Galathea, 03.xi.2018 (05 exs.), 07.xi.2018 (11 exs.), 29.x.2018 (07 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (07 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (08 exs.), East West road, 08.xi.2018 (06 exs.), 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Steel bridge, E.W road, 13.xi.2018 (06 exs.), Govind nagar, 05.xi.2018 (06 exs.), 18.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Shastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Campbell bay, Check post E.W. road, 06.xi.2018 (13 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: North East Himalayas to New Guinea and Queensland (Holloway 1998).

Family: Geometridae

Subfamily: Geometrinae

Genus: Comostola Meyrick, 1888

1888. Comostola Meyrick, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2)2: 836

  1. 54.

    Comostola chlorargyra (Walker, 1886)

1886. Comibaena chlorargyra Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 22: 577

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion, Andamans (Holloway 1996), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Borneo, Java, Philippines, Sulawesi (Holloway 1996).

  1. 55.

    Comostola turgescens (Prout, 1917)

1917. Pyrrhorachis pyrrhogona turgescens Prout, Novit. Zool. 24: 305.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: North East Himalaya (Holloway 1997), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sundaland, Sulawesi (Holloway 1997).

Genus: Dysphania Hübner [1819]

1819. Dysphania Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett.: 175

  1. 56.

    Dysphania subrepleta (Walker, 1854)

1854. Euschemia subrepleta Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 2: 406

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Campbell Road, check post, 06.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (03 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: North East Himalayas to Hainan and Sundaland (Holloway 1996).

Genus: Pingasa Moore, [1887]

[1887]. Pingasa Moore, Lepid. Ceylon 3: 419.

  1. 57.

    Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1857)

1857. Hypochroma ruginaria Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 9: 278

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Govind nagar, 05.xi.2018 (03 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (03 exs.), 4 km South of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Shastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (04 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout India (Kirti and Saxena 2012).

Elsewhere: West Africa, Kilimanjaro, Natal, Formosa, Borneo (Kirti and Saxena 2012).

  1. 58.

    Pingasa subviridis Warren, 1896

1896. Pingasa subviridis Warren, Novit. Zool. 3: 308

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (05 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Govind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 11.xi.2018 (03 exs.), East West road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Bird watching point, 10.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (08 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout India (Holloway 1996).

Elsewhere: Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Java & Borneo (Holloway 1996).

Subfamily: Ennominae

Genus: Achrosis Guenée, 1857

1857. Achrosis Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 10: 539

  1. 59.

    Achrosis incitata (Walker, 1862)

1862. Omiza incitata Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 24: 1085

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: West Bengal (Darjeeling) (Walker, 1862), Assam, Mizoram (Kirti et al. 2019), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Nepal, Hongkong (Kendrick 2003).

Remarks: The present study represents the range extension of A. incitata.

Genus: Gonodontis Hübner, [1823]

[1823]. Gonodontis Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. (18): 287

  1. 60.

    Gonodontis clelia (Cramer, 1780)

1780. Phalaena clelia Cramer, Uitl. Kapell. 3: 172.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: South India, Andaman Islands (Kendrick 2003), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Nepal, Singapore, Borneo, Hong Kong (Kendrick 2003).

Genus: Hyposidra Guenée, 1852

1852. Hyposidra Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 10: 150

  1. 61.

    Hyposidra talaca (Walker, 1860)**

1860. Lagyra talaca Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 20: 59

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Afrabay, 15.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout: India (Kirti et al. 2012).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Java, Borneo, Celebes, Philippines (Kirti et al. 2012).

Genus: Lomographa Hübner, [1825]

[1825]. Lomographa Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. (20): 311

  1. 62.

    Lomographa inamata (Walker, 1860)**

1860. Acidalia inamata Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 22: 755

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Nilgiri (Hampson 1895), Andaman and Nicobar Islands (Kendrick 2003).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Malaysia, China, Japan, Ryukyu Island, Hong Kong (Kendrick 2003).

Genus: Petelia Herrich-Schäffer, [1855]

[1855]. Petelia Herrich-Schäffer, Syst. Bearb. Schmett. Europ. 6(68): 109

  1. 63.

    Petelia medardaria Herrich-Schäffer, [1856]

[1856]. Petelia medardaria Herrich-Schäffer, Samml. aussereurop. Schmett. (I) 1(23–25)

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout India (Kirti et al. 2012).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Myanmar (Kirti et al. 2012).

Genus: Probithia Warren, 1894

1894. Probithia Warren, Novit. Zool. 1: 440.

  1. 64.

    Probithia exclusa (Walker, 1860)**

1860. Hemerophila exclusa Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus.: 320.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Gobind nagar, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Sikkim, Khasis (Hampson 1895), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Java, Borneo (Hampson 1895).

Remarks: The present study represents the range extension of P. exclusa from North East India to Nicobar.

Genus: Zeheba Moore, [1887]

[1887]. Zeheba Moore, Lepid. Ceylon 3(4): 468

  1. 65.

    Zeheba aureata Moore, [1887]

[1887]. Zeheba aureata Moore, Lepid. Ceylon 3(4): 469

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Watch tower, 26.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (02 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Himalayas (Holloway 1993 [1994]), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Hong Kong (Kendrick 2003).

Remarks: The present study represents the range extension of Z. aureata.

Subfamily: Sterrhinae

Genus: Antitrygodes Warren, 1895

1895. Antitrygodes Warren, Novit. Zool. 2(2): 90

  1. 66.

    Antitrygodes divisaria (Walker, 1861)**

1861. Macaria divisaria Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 23: 927

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (09 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (02 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (05 exs.), Shastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Steel bridge, E.W. road, 13.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (03 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout India, Andaman (Kirti and Saxena 2012).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka to Taiwan and Sulawesi (Holloway 1997).

Genus: Problepsis Lederer, 1853

1853. Problepsis Lederer, Verh. Zool. - Bot. Ver. Wien 2 (Abh.): 74

  1. 67.

    Problepsis apollinaria Guenée, 1858

1858. Problepsis apollinaria Guenée, Spec. Gen. Lep. 10.555

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Indian subregion to New Guinea and Quinsland (Holloway 1997).

Elsewhere: Indian subregion to New Guinea and Quinsland (Holloway 1997).

Genus Zythos Fletcher, 1979

1979. Zythos Fletcher, in Nye. Generic Names Moths World 3: 218.

  1. 68.

    Zythos turbata (Walker, 1862)**

1862. Nobilia turbata Walker, List. Lep. Ins. 24: 1098

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Sikkim, Assam, Andaman Islands (Hampson 1895), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Borneo (Hampson 1895).

Superfamily: Lasiocampoidea

Family: Lasiocampidae

Subfamily: Lasiocampinae

Genus: Suana Walker, 1855

1855. Suana Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. (6): 1388 [key], 1502.

  1. 69.

    Suana concolor (Walker, 1855)**

1855. Lebeda concolor Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 6: 1463.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Campbell Bay, 30.x.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout India (Holloway 1987).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka to S. China, Java, Borneo and Philippines (Holloway 1987).

Superfamily: Bombycoidea

Family: Bombycidae

Genus: Trilocha Moore, [1860]

[1860]. Trilocha Moore, in Horsfield, T. & Moore, F. (1858–9), 382.

  1. 70.

    Trilocha nicobari N. Singh & Ahmad, 2021**

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, 4 km South of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (3 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (1 exs.), Govind nagar, 05.xi.2018 (1 exs.), Govind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (1 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (6 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (1 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party (NZCZSI).

Distribution: India: Great Nicobar Island (Singh et al. 2021b)

Family: Sphingidae

Subfamily: Sphinginae

Genus: Apocalypsis Butler, 1876

1876. Apocalypsis Butler, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. 9: 641

  1. 71.

    Apocalypsis velox Butler, 1876

1876. Apocalypsis velox Butler, Trans. Zool. Soc. Lond. 9: 641

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: North western India (Pittaway and Kitching, 2022), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Bhutan, China, Northeren Vietnam (Pittaway and Kitching, 2022).

Remarks: Reporting of A. velox from Nicobar is its southernmost distributional limit.

Genus: Psilogramma Rothschild & Jordan, 1903

1903. Psilogramma Rothschild & Jordan, Novit. Zool. 9 (Suppl.): 29, 42

  1. 72.

    Psilogramma menephron (Cramer, 1780)**

1780. Sphinx menephron Cramer, Uitl. Kapell. 3: 164.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Widespread in the Indo-Australian tropics to Vanuatu and New Caledonia (Holloway 1987).

Subfamily: Macroglossinae

Genus: Cechenena Rothschild & Jordan, 1903

1903. Cechenena Rothschild & Jordan, Novit. Zool. 9(Suppl. Part 1): 674 [key], 799.

  1. 73.

    Cechenena helops (Walker, 1856)

1856. Philampelus helops Walker, List Spec. lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 8: 180.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: North India to Bismarck Island (Holloway 1987).

Genus: Daphnis Hübner, [1819]

1819. Daphnis Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett.: 134

  1. 74.

    Daphnis hypothous (Cramer, [1780])

[1780]. Sphinx hypothous Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen 3(23–24): 165

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (06 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indo-Australian tropics (Holloway 1987).

Genus: Pergesa Walker, 1856

1856. Pergesa Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 8: 149

  1. 75.

    Pergesa acteus (Cramer, [1779])**

[1779]. Sphinx acteus Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen 3 (17–21): 93

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (02 exs.), East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Oriental tropics (Holloway 1987).

Elsewhere: Japan, Moluccas (Holloway 1987).

Genus: Theretra Hübner, [1819]

[1819]. Theretra Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. (9): 135

  1. 76.

    Theretra clotho (Drury, 1773)

1773. Sphinx clotho Drury, Illust. Nat. Hist. Exot. Insects 2: 48

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (12 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (03 exs.), 03.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indo-Australian tropics to New South Wales and Loyalty Island, Japan, South Korea (Holloway 1987).

  1. 77.

    Theretra latreillii (MacLeay, [1826])**

[1826]. Sphinx latreillii MacLeay, in King, Narr. Surv. Austr. 2: 464

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Shastri nagar, 02.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Govind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (08 exs.), 10.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indo-Australian tropics to Solomons (Holloway 1987).

Subfamily: Smerinthinae

Genus: Ambulyx Westwood, 1847

1847. Ambulyx Westwood, Cabinet Orient. Ent.: [61]

78. Ambulyx tattina (Jordan, 1919)**

1919. Oxyambulyx tattina Jordan, Novit. Zool., 26: 192.

Material examined: A & N Island, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (1 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party (NZCZSI).

Distribution: India: Great Nicobar Island (Singh et al. 2021c)

Elsewhere: Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo and Philippines (Singh et al. 2021c)

Superfamily: Noctuoidea

Family: Notodontidae

Subfamily: Stauropinae

Genus Epistauropus Gaede, 1930

1930. Epistauropus Gaede, in Seitz, Gross-Schmett. Erde 10: 625

  1. 79.

    Epistauropus vinaceus (Moore, 1879)

1879. Stauropus vinaceus Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 404: 33, 1

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (06 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (07 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India (Chandra et al. 2018).

Elsewhere: Indonesia (Sumatra), Malaysia, Myanmar (Chandra et al. 2018).

Genus: Teleclita Turner, 1903

1903. Teleclita Turner, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. 28(1): 45

  1. 80.

    Teleclita sundana Holloway, 1983

1983. Teleclita sundana Holloway, Moths of Borneo 4: 81

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Oriental tropics, in Sundaland including Java, Bali the Lesser Sunda Islands, the Philippines, Sulawesi and Halmahera, S Myanmar, S Thailand (Schintlmeister and Pinratana 2007).

Subfamily: Periergosinae

Genus: Chadisra Walker, 1862

1862. Chadisra Walker (3) 1: 81

81. Chadisra curvipenis N. Singh, Ahmad & Raha, 2021**

2021. Chadisra curvipenis N. Singh, Ahmad & Raha, Zootaxa, 5068(2): 277–286

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, S.W. Road, 12.xi.2018 (2 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (1 exs.), Shastri Nagar, 11.ix.2018 (3 exs.).

Distribution: India: Great Nicobar Island (Singh et al. 2021d)

Family: Erebidae

Subfamily: Aganainae

Genus: Asota Hübner, 1819

[1819]. Asota Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. (11): 164

  1. 82.

    Asota caricae (Fabricius, 1775)**

1775. Noctua caricae Fabricius, Syst. Ent.: 596

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & Party.

Distribution: Indo-Australian tropics to Queensland and Vanuatu (Holloway 1988).

  1. 83.

    Asota heliconica nicobarica Swinhoe, 1892**

1892. Asota heliconica nicobarica Swinhoe, Cat. Lep. Het. Oxf. Mus. 1: 87

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (11 exs.), Shastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (26 exs.), Gobind nagar, 05.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Afrabay, 15.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Galathea, 03.xi.2018 (04 exs.), 07.xi.2018 (08 exs.), 29.xi.2018 (01 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (05 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Nicobar (Chandra et al. 2018).

Remarks: Endemic to Nicobar.

Genus: Mecodina Guenée 1852

1852. Mecodina Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 7 (Noct. 3): 372

  1. 84.

    Mecodina albodentata (Swinhoe, 1895)

1895. Oglasa albodentata Swinhoe, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) 15(85): 13

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: North East Himalaya (Holloway 2005), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Nepal, Taiwan, Ryukyu Island, Vietnam, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi (Holloway 2005).

Remarks: The present study filled up the distributional gap of M. albodentata in between the Himalayan and the South East Asian population.

  1. 85.

    Mecodina bisignata Walker, 1865

1865. Boethantha bisignata Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 33: 1983

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion (Holloway 2005).

Elsewhere: Indian subregion to S. China, Bismarck Island and Queensland (Holloway 2005).

  1. 86.

    Mecodina praecipua Walker, 1865

1865. Thermesia praecipua Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 33: 1056

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion (Holloway 2005).

Elsewhere: Indian subregion to S. China, Bismarck Is. and Queensland (Holloway 2005).

Genus: Psimada Walker, 1858

1858. Psimada Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 15: 1827

  1. 87.

    Psimada quadripennis Walker, 1858**

1858. Psimada quadripennis Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 15: 1828

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & Party.

Distribution: Indian subregion (Holloway 2005).

Elsewhere: South China, Taiwan, Burma, Thailand, Sundaland, Sulawesi, Seram (Holloway 2005).

Subfamily: Beletobiinae

Genus: Metaemene Hampson, 1910

1910. Metaemene Hampson, Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 10: 801

  1. 88.

    Metaemene atrigutta (Walker, 1862)

1862. Lyclene atrigutta Walker, J. Proc. Linn. Soc. (Zool.) 6: 116

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Check post. 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), East West Road, 04.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Govind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India (Kendrick 2003).

Elsewhere: China, Japan, Ryukyu Island, Malaya, Singapore, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, New Guinea, Hongkong (Kendrick 2003).

Genus: Tropidtamba Hampson, 1926

1926. Tropidtamba Hampson, Descr. Gen. and Spec. Lepid. Br. Mus.: 544

  1. 89.

    Tropidtamba lepraota (Hampson, 1898)

1898. Lethes lepraota Hampson, J. Bombay Nat. Hist. Soc. 11(3): 458

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (02 exs.), East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Assam (Holloway 2005), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Sulawesi, Seram, Australia and east to the Solomons (Holloway 2005), Nicobar (present study).

Remarks: The present study filled up the distribution gap of T. lepraota between the South East Asian and North East Indian populations.

Subfamily: Arctiinae

Genus: Amerila Walker, 1855

1855. Amerila Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 3: 725

  1. 90.

    Amerila astreus (Drury, 1773)**

1773. Sphinx astreus Drury, Illust. Nat. Hist. Exot. Insects 2: index, 49

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East west road, 08.xi.2018 (15 exs.), Watch tower, 08.xi.2018 (03 exs.), 06.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion (Holloway 1988).

Elsewhere: Indian subregion to S. China, Sundaland and the Philippines, Moluccas and New Guinea (Holloway 1988).

Genus: Areas Walker, 1855

1855. Areas Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 3: 658

  1. 91.

    Areas galactina (Van der Hoeven, 1840)

1840. Chelonia galactina van der Hoeven, Tijdschr. Nat. Gesch. 7: 280

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & Party.

Distribution: India (Holloway 1988).

Elsewhere: South China to Sundaland, Philippines (Holloway 1988).

Genus: Barsine Walker, 1854

1854. Barsine Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 2: 546

  1. 92.

    Barsine cuneonotatus (Walker, 1855)

1855. Ammatho cuneonotatus Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 3: 759

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (05 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Galathea, 03.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (06 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Govind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout India (Kirti and Singh 2015).

Genus: Brunia Moore, 1878

1878. Brunia Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1878: 15

  1. 93.

    Brunia antica (Walker, 1854)

1854. Lithosia antica Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 2: 505

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Joginder, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Sastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (05 exs.), East West Road, 11.xi.2018 (06 exs.), Govind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (06 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (06 exs.), Galathea, 03.xi.2018 (07 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (06 exs.), Steel bridge, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion (Holloway 2001).

Elsewhere: Indian subregion to China, Ryukyu Is., Chagos Is., Nicobar Is., Sundaland (Holloway 2001).

Genus: Cyana Walker, 1854

  1. 94.

    Cyana amabilis (Moore, 1877)

1877. Bizone amabilis Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1877(3): 597

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Gobind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (05 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (05 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Andman & Nicobar Island (Singh et al. 2020).

Remarks: Endemic to Andman & Nicobar Island.

  1. 95.

    Cyana conclusa nicobara N. Singh, Volynkin, Kirti and Datta, 2020**

2020. Cyana conclusa nicobara Singh, Volynkin, Kirti and Datta; Zootaxa, 4738(1): 001–093

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West road, 08.xi.2018 (9 exs.), Check post East West road, 06.ix.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Galathea, 03.xi.2018 (02 exs.), 07.xi.2018 (15 exs.), Campbell bay, 06.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Shastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (06 exs.), Joginder, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (17 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (07 exs.), Steel bridge, 13.xi.2018 (04 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Govind nagar, 05.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 18.xi.2018 (05 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Nicobar Island (Singh et al. 2020)

Remarks: Endemic to Nicobar Island.

Genus: Diduga Moore, [1887]

[1887]. Diduga Moore, Lepid. Ceylon 3(4): 535

  1. 96.

    Diduga albicostata Hampson, 1891

1891. Diduga albicosta Hampson, Ill. typical Spec. Lep. Het. Colln Br. Mus. 8: 53

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Tamil Nadu (Nilgiris), Andaman (Kirti and Singh 2015), Nicobar (present study).

Genus: Miltochrista Hübner, 1819

[1819]. Miltochrista Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. (11): 166

  1. 97.

    Miltochrista humilis (Walker, 1854)

1854. Cyllene humilis Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 2: 544

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian mainland (Kirti and Singh 2016), Nicobar (present study).

Remarks: M. humilis is reported for the first time from any of the India Islands.

Genus: Nephelomilta Hampson, 1900

1900. Nephelomilta Hampson, Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 2: xviii [index], 87, 468.

  1. 98.

    Nephelomilta effracta (Walker, 1854)

1854. Barsine effracta Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. in the collection of the British Museum, 2: 546

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (03 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: North East India (Volynkin and Černý 2018), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Nepal (Volynkin and Černý 2018).

Remarks: N. effracta is first time recorded outside from the Himalayan territory.

Genus Nishada Moore, 1878

1878. Nishada Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1878: 23

  1. 99.

    Nishada flabrifera Moore, 1878

1878. Nishada flabrifera Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1878: 23

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (03 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Galathea, 29.x.2018 (02 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (02 exs.), East West road, 04.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Govind nagar, 05.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Steel bridge road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (03 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indo-Australian tropics (Holloway 2001).

Genus: Utetheisa Hübner, [1819]

[1819]. Utetheisa Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. (11): 168

  1. 100.

    Utetheisa variolosa (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874)

1874. Nyctemera variolosa Felder & Rogenhofer, Reise Fregatte Novara, Bd 2 (Abth. 2) (5)

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Galathea, 03.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Gobind nagar, 05.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Campbell bay, 30.x.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Andman & Nicobar Island (Vos 2007).

Remarks: Endemic to Andman & Nicobar Islands.

Subfamily Herminiinae

Genus Adrapsa Walker, [1859]

[1859]. Adrapsa Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 16: 169

  1. 101.

    Adrapsa ablualis Walker, [1859]

[1859]. Adrapsa ablualis Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 16: 170

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxminagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indo-Australian tropics North to Japan and East to Queensland, Vanuatu and New Caledonia (Holloway 2008).

Genus: Hipoepa Walker, [1859]

[1859]. Hipoepa Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 16: 188

  1. 102.

    Hipoepa biasalis (Walker, [1859])

[1859]. Bocana biasalis Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 16: 181

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Oriental tropics to Taiwan, Sumatra, Borneo, Philippines, Sulawesi, Seram (Holloway 2008).

Genus: Simplicia Guenée, 1854

1854. Simplicia Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 8: 51

  1. 103.

    Simplicia butesalis Walker, [1859] 1858

[1859] 1858. Libisosa butesalis Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 16: 187.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (03 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (03 exs.), South West Road, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Afrabay, 15.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Borneo, Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia (Holloway 2008).

  1. 104.

    Simplicia griseolimbalis Snellen, 1886**

1886. Simplicia griseolimbalis Snellen, Tijdschr. Ent., 29: 47.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (03 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Govind nagar, 12.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Sastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (02 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Nicobar (Chandra et al. 2018).

Elsewhere: Borneo, Sumatra, Singapore, New Guinea, Moluccas, Australia (Nielsen et al. 1996); Solomons (Holloway 2008).

Remarks: S. griseolimbalis is widely distributed in South East Asia. Nicobar is its westernmost distribution limit.

Subfamily: Anobinae

Genus: Tephriopis Hampson, 1926

1926. Tephriopis Hampson, Descr. Gen. and Spec. Lepid. Br. Mus.: 171

  1. 105.

    Tephriopis divulsa (Walker, 1865)

1865. Athyrma divulsa Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 33: 966.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, S. W. Road, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion (Holloway 2005).

Elsewhere: Burma, Thailand, Andamans, Borneo, Sulawesi (Holloway 2005).

Subfamily: Calpinae

Genus: Calyptra Ochsenheimer, 1816

1816. Calyptra Ochsenheimer, Schmett. Eur. 4: 78

  1. 106.

    Calyptra minuticornis (Guenée, 1852)**

1852. Calpe minuticornis Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 6 (Noct. 2): 374

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 13.xi.2018, (02 exs.), Govind nagar, 05.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Uttarakhand, Sikkim, West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Maharashtra, Tamil Nadu & Andaman (Chandra et al. 2019), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Java, Borneo, New

Guinea, Bismarks, Queensland, Sulawesi, Timor (Holloway 2005).

Genus: Eudocima Bilberg, 1820

1820. Eudocima Billberg, Enum. Ins. Mus. Billb.: 85

  1. 107.

    Eudocima homaena (Hübner [1827])

[1827]. Othreis homaena Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. (17): 264

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Shastri nagar, 02.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion (Holloway 2005).

Elsewhere: Taiwan, Nicobars, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo, Philippines, Christmas Island (Holloway 2005).

Genus Oraesia Guenée, 1852

1852. Oraesia Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 6 (Noct. 2): 362

  1. 108.

    Oraesia provocans Walker, [1858]

[1858]. Oraesia provocans Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 12: 943

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.).

Distribution: India: West Bengal, Tamil Nadu, Kerela (Chandra et al. 2019), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, South Africa Medagaskar (Chandra et al. 2019).

Remarks: In India, O. provocans is distributed in West Bengal, Tamil Nadu and Kerala, therefore, it is first time reported from any of the Islands of India.

Subfamily: Scoliopteryginae

Genus: Rusicada Walker, 1858

1858. Rusicada Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 13: 984 [key], 1006

  1. 109.

    Rusicada nigritarsis Walker, [1858] 1857

[1858] 1857. Rusicada nigritarsis Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 15: 1006.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Shastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout India (Hampson 1894).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Hainan, Taiwan, Borneo, Java, Sulawesi, Moluccas, Queensland, New Caledonia, Solomons, Vanuatu, Fiji, Samoa, Tonga, (Holloway 2005).

Genus Xanthanomis Hampson, 1926

1926. Xanthanomis Hampson, Descr. Gen. and Spec. Lepid. Br. Mus.: 355

  1. 110.

    Xanthanomis fuscifrons (Walker, [1863])

[1863]. Cosmophila fuscifrons Walker, J. Proc. Linn. Soc. (Zool.) 7: 77

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Andaman Island (Chandra et al. 2018), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Sumatra, Borneo (Holloway 2005).

Remarks: X. fuscifrons is widely distributed in South East Asia. Andaman and Nicobar is its westernmost distribution limit.

Subfamily Pangraptinae

Genus Claterna Walker, 1858

1858. Claterna Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 15: 1543

  1. 111.

    Claterna cydonia (Cramer, [1775])**

[1775]. Phalaena (Geometra) cydonia Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen 1(1–7): 34

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (08 exs.), South West road, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (05 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (04 exs.), East West road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Govind road, 18.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Shastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Joginder, 11.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Steel bridge E.W. road, 13.xi.2018 (06 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (09 exs.), Afrabay, 15.xi.2018 (10 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (03 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion to New Guinea (Holloway 2005).

Subfamily: Erebinae

Genus: Achaea Hübner, [1823]

[1823]. Achaea Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. (17): 269

  1. 112.

    Achaea serva (Fabricius, 1775)

1775. Noctua serva Fabricius, Syst. Ent.: 593

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indo-Australian tropics to Okinawa, many Western Micronesia Islands and New Guinea; Australia (Holloway 2005).

Genus: Artena Walker, 1858

1858. Artena Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 14: 1388

  1. 113.

    Artena dotata (Fabricius, 1794)

1794. Noctua dotata Fabricius, Ent. Syst. 3(2): 55

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Galathea, 29.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Shastri nagar, 02.xi.2018 (03 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion to Taiwan, Japan, Sumatra and Borneo (Holloway 2005).

Genus: Avitta Walker, 1858

1858. Avitta Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 15: 1674

  1. 114.

    Avitta quadrilinea (Walker, [1863] 1864)

[1863] 1864. Asta quadrilinea Walker, J. Linn. Soc. (Zool.), 7: 171.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion (Holloway 2005).

Elsewhere: Borneo, Peninsular Malaysia, Thailand, Philippines, Sulawesi (Holloway 2005).

Genus Bastilla Swinhoe, 1918

1918. Bastilla Swinhoe, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (9) 2(7): 78

  1. 115.

    Bastilla absentimacula (Guenée, 1852)

1852. Naxia absentimacula Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 7 (Noct. 3): 255

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, 4 km of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion to Taiwan and New Guinea (Holloway 2005).

  1. 116.

    Bastilla fulvotaenia (Guenée, 1852)**

1852. Ophiusa fulvotaenia Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 7 (Noct. 3): 272

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, South West Road, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Steel bridge road, 13.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion (Holloway 2005).

Elsewhere: Taiwan to Lombok, Seram and Buru (Holloway 2005).

  1. 117.

    Bastilla joviana (Stoll, [1782])

[1782]. Phalaena joviana Stoll, in Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen 4(32–32): 237

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Oriental Region to Moluccas; New Guinea and Australia (Holloway 2005).

Genus: Chalciope Hübner, [1823]

[1823]. Chalciope Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. (17): 268

  1. 118.

    Chalciope mygdon (Cramer, [1777])**

[1777]. Phalaena mygdon Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen 2(9–16): 94

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indo-Australian tropics east to Rapa Island (Holloway 2005).

Genus Ercheia Walker, 1858

[1858]. Ercheia Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 13: 1078, 1107

  1. 119.

    Ercheia cyllaria (Cramer, 1782)**

[1782]. Phalaena (Noctua) cyllaria Cramer: 100

Material examined: A & N Islands, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (03 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Govind nagar, 05.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Shastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), South West Road, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion (Holloway 2005).

Elsewhere: Taiwan, Japan, Indochina, Thailand, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Seram, Kei (Holloway 2005).

Genus: Erebus Latreille, 1810

1810. Erebus Latreille, Cons. gén. Anim. Crust. Arach. Ins.: 365

  1. 120.

    Erebus ephesperis (Hübner, 1827)**

1827. Nyctipao ephesperis Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. (17): 272

Material examined: A & N Islands, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Shastri nagar, 02.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Himachal Pradesh, Uttarakhand, Sikkim, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Tripura, Jharkhand, Punjab, South India, Andaman (Chandra et al. 2019), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Oriental Region to Taiwan, Japan, Sundaland and Lesser Sundas East to Timor (Holloway 2005).

Genus: Ericeia Walker, [1858]

[1858]. Ericeia Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. (13): 1078 [key], 1089.

  1. 121.

    Ericeia inangulata (Guenée, 1852)

1852. Hulodes inangulata Guenée, Hist. Nat. Insectes, Spec. Gén. Lépid. 7: 210.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indo-Australian tropics including the Marianas and Carolines, Fiji, Vanuatu, New Caledonia and Samoa (Holloway 2005).

Genus Hypopyra Guenée, 1852

1852. Hypopyra Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 7 (Noct. 3): 198

  1. 122.

    Hypopyra pudens Walker, 1858

1858. Hypopyra pudens Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 14: 1329

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian main land, Andamans (Holloway 2005), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Japan, Sundaland, Sulawesi (Holloway 2005).

Genus: Ischyja Hübner, [1823]

[1823]. Ischyja Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. (17): 265

  1. 123.

    Ischyja manlia (Cramer, [1776])

[1776]. Phalaena manlia Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen 1(8): 144

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 10.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion, Burma, Thailand, China, Okinawa, Sundaland, Sulawesi, S. Moluccas (ssp. amboinensis). Nielsen et al. (1996) recorded manlia from Australia, and Fukushima (1947) recorded it from Palau (Holloway 2005).

Genus: Mocis Hübner, [1823]

[1823]. Mocis Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. (17): 267

  1. 124.

    Mocis frugalis (Fabricius, 1775)

1775. Noctua frugalis Fabricius, Syst. Ento.: 601

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indo-Australian tropics east to Rapa Island (Holloway 2005).

Genus: Parallelia Hübner, 1818

1818. Parallelia Hübner, Zuträge Samml. Exot. Schmett. 1: 15

  1. 125.

    Parallelia luteipalpis (Walker, 1865)

1865. Ophiusa? luteipalpis Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 33: 968

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion to Sundaland and the Philippines (Holloway 2005).

Genus: Platyja Hübner, [1823]

[1823]. Platyja Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. (17): 268

  1. 126.

    Platyja umminia (Cramer, [1780])

[1780]. Phalaena umminia Cramer, Uitl. Kapellen 3(23–24): 137

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 4 km South of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indo-Australian tropics to New Guinea and Queensland, also on Guam (Holloway 2005).

Genus: Speiredonia Hübner, [1823]

[1823]. Speiredonia Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. (17): 272

  1. 127.

    Speiredonia alix Guenée, 1852

1852. Spiredonia [sic] alix Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 7 (Noct. 3): 171

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Steel bridge road, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (03 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian main land, Andamans (Holloway 2005), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sundaland, Sumbawa, Seram, New Guinea (Holloway 2005).

Genus: Sympis Guenée, 1852

1852. Sympis Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 7 (Noct. 3): 343

  1. 128.

    Sympis rufibasis Guenée, 1852**

1852. Sympis rufibasis Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 7 (Noct. 3): 344

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indo-Australian tropics east to New Guinea, the Solomons and Queensland (Holloway 2005).

Genus: Thyas Hübner, [1824]

[1824]. Thyas Hübner, Samml. Exot. Schmett. 2: pl. [203]

  1. 129.

    Thyas coronata (Fabricius, 1775)**

1775. Noctua coronata Fabricius, Syst. Ent.: 596

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indo-Australian tropics to Micronesia and the Society Island (Holloway 2005).

Genus: Tochara Moore, 1882

1882. Tochara Moore, Descr. Indian Lep. Atkinson (2): 175

  1. 130.

    Tochara creberrima (Walker, 1858)

1858. Thermesia creberrima Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 15: 1574.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion to Taiwan, New Guinea, the Carolines and Australia (Holloway 2005).

Subfamily: Hypeninae

Genus: Hypena Schrank, 1802

1802. Hypena Schrank, Fauna Boica 2(2): 163

  1. 131.

    Hypena jugalis Walker, [1859]

[1859]. Hypena jugalis Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 16: 63

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (03 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (04 exs.), 4 km South of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.).

Distribution: India: North East Himalaya (Holloway 2008), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, Thailand (Holloway 2008).

Remarks: The present study filled up the distributional gap of H. jugalis between South East Asian and Eastern Himalayan populations.

Subfamily: Hypocalinae

Genus: Hypocala Guenée, 1852

1852. Hypocala Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 7 (Noct. 3): 73

  1. 132.

    Hypocala subsatura Guenée, 1852

1852. Hypocala subsatura Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 7 (Noct. 3): 75

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Bihar, Jharkhand, Karnataka, Maharashtra, North West and East Himalayas, Tamil Nadu, Uttarakhand (Singh 2019), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Oriental Region to Sundaland (Holloway 2005).

Subfamily: Eulepidotinae

Genus: Anticarsia Hübner, 1818

1818. Anticarsia Hübner, Zuträge Samml. Exot. Schmett. 1: 26

  1. 133.

    Anticarsia irrorata (Fabricius, 1781)

1781. Noctua irrorata Fabricius, Spec. Ins. 2: 506

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Uttarakhand, West Bengal, Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Meghalaya, Nagaland, Uttar Pradesh, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, South India, (Chandra et al. 2019), Jharkhand (Singh et al. 2018), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Old World tropics East to Queensland, the Marquesas and Rapa Island (Holloway 2005).

Family: Euteliidae

Subfamily: Euteliinae

Genus: Aplotelia Warren, 1914

1914. Aplotelia Warren, Novit. Zool. 21: 409

  1. 134.

    Aplotelia diplographa Hampson, 1905

1905. Eutelia diplographa Hampson, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), 16: 375.

Material examined: A & N Island, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: N.E. Himalaya (Holloway 1987), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo (Holloway 1987).

Remarks: A. diplograha is first time reported from any of the India Islands.

Family: Nolidae

Subfamily: Cholephorinae

Genus: Aiteta Walker, 1856

1856. Aiteta Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 9: 69, 131

  1. 135.

    Aiteta brooksi Holloway, 1976

1976. Aiteta brooksi Holloway, Moths of Borneo with special reference to Mt. Kinabalu: 22

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Shastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Govind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Andamans (Holloway 1985), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Burma, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, (Holloway 1985).

Remarks: Holloway (1985) doubtfully reported the distribution of A. brooksi from Andaman. Present study confirmed its distribution on the A & N Islands. So far, A. brooksi is not reported from the Indian mainland.

Genus: Bryophilopsis Hampson 1894

1894. Bryophilopsis Hampson, Fauna Br. India (Moths) 2: 361.

  1. 136.

    Bryophilopsis orientalis Hampson, 1912

1912. Bryophilopsis orientalis Hampson, Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus., 11: 311.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, watch tower, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 06.xi.2018 (06 exs.), East West Road, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), 08.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: ? Andamans (Holloway 1985), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Christmas I.,? Borneo,? Palawan and Balabac (ZMUC),? Sulawesi,? Seram,? Queensland (?leucopolia) (Holloway 1985).

Remarks: Holloway (1985) doubtfully reported the distribution of B. orientalis from Andaman. Present study confirmed its distribution on the A & N Islands. So far, B. orientalis is not reported from the Indian mainland.

Genus: Calymera Moore, 1882

1882. Calymera Moore, in Hewitson & Moore. Descr. New Ind. Lep. Coll. Atkinson: 104.

  1. 137.

    Calymera endophaea (Hampson, 1905)

1905. Carea endophaea Hampson, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7), 16: 596.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Watch tower, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Gobind nagar, 05.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion, Borneo, Sumatra, Java, Bali, Philippines (Holloway 1985).

Genus: Maceda Walker, 1858

1858. Maceda Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. (13): 1122 [key], 1140.

  1. 138.

    Maceda mansueta Walker, 1857

1857 [1858]. Maceda mansueta Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus., 13: 1141.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (16 exs.), Sastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (09 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (23 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (07 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (12 exs.), 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Gobind nagar, 05.ix.2018 (01 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indo-Australian tropics to as Far East as Fiji (Holloway 1985).

Genus: Xanthodes Guenée, 1852

1852. Xanthodes Guenée, in Boisduval & Guenée. Hist. Nat. Ins. 6: 209

  1. 139.

    Xanthodes intersepta Guenée, 1852**

1852. Xanthodes intersepta Guenée, Noct. 2: 212

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout India (Hampson 1894).

Elsewhere: Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Java (Hampson 1894).

Subfamily: Westermanninae

Genus: Westermannia Hübner, [1821]

1821. Westermannia Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett.: 250.

  1. 140.

    Westermannia argentea Hampson, 1891

1891. Westermannia argentea Hampson, Ill. typical Spec. Lep. Het. Colln Br. Mus. 8: 80

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Afrabay, 15.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indian subregion, Peninsular Malaysia, Sumatra, Borneo, S. Moluccas (Holloway 2005).

  1. 141.

    Westermannia superba Hübner, 1823

1823. Westermannia superba Hübner, Zuträge Samml. Exot. Schmett. 2: 23

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Bihar, Jharkhand, Maharashtra, West and South India, West Bengal (Singh 2019), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Indonesia, Java, Singapore, Sri Lanka (Singh 2019).

Remarks: W. superba is first time reported from any of the Indian Islands

Family: Noctuidae

Subfamily: Xyleninae

Genus: Pseudeustrotia Warren in Seitz, 1913

1913. Pseudeustrotia Warren, Gross-Schmett. Erde 11: 288

  1. 142.

    Pseudeustrotia semialba (Hampson 1894)

1894. Metachrostis semialba Hampson, Fauna Br. India (Moths) 2: 332

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road. 08.xi.2018 901 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Mizoram (Kirti et al. 2015), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Momeit and Myanmar (Kirti et al. 2015).

Remarks: The present reporting represents the range extension of P. semialba.

Subfamily: Hadeninae

Genus: Borbotana Walker, 1858

1858. Borbotana Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 15: 1651

  1. 143.

    Borbotana nivifascia Walker, 1858

1858. Borbotana nivifascia Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 15: 1651

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Steel bridge, East West Road, 13.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Govind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (05 exs.), East West road, 08.xi.2018 (08 exs.), Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (07 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (06 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (07 exs.), Govind nagar, 18.xi.2018 (04 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: N.E. Himalaya (Holloway 1989), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Burma, Sundaland, Sulawesi, Moluccas to Solomons (Holloway 1989).

Remarks: The present reporting represents the range extension of B. nivifascia.

Genus: Callopistria Hübner, 1821

1821. Callopistria Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett.: 216.

  1. 144.

    Callopistria maillardi (Guenée, 1862)

1862. Eriopus maillardi Guenée, in Maillard, Notes Ile Réunion 2 (Lép.): 39

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), East West Road, 04.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Galathea, 07.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Indo-Australian and Pacific tropics, African, Indian Ocean (Holloway 1997).

  1. 145.

    Callopistria placodoides (Guenée, 1852)

1852. Eriopus placodoides Guenée, Hist. Nat. Insectes, Spec. Gen. Lep., 6: 296.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (02 exs.), Galathea N.P., 03.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout India (Singh 2019).

Elsewhere: Australian Tropics, Borneo, Java, Indonesia, Mynamar, Pacific Tropics, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Tropical Africa (Singh 2019).

Genus: Mythimna Ochsenheimer, 1816

1816. Mythimna Ochsenheimer, Schmett. Eur. 4: 78

  1. 146.

    Mythimna decississima Walker 1865

1865. Leucania decississima Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln. Br. Mus., 32: 624.

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (02 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout the Oriental tropics to Sundaland and east to Sulawesi, and S. Moluccas (Holloway 1989).

Genus: Sasunaga Moore, 1881

1881. Sasunaga Moore, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond. 1881: 342

  1. 147.

    Sasunaga leucorina (Hampson, 1908)

1908. Magusa leucorina Hampson, Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus. 7: 57

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Andaman (Chandra et al. 2018), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sundaland, Sulawesi, S. Moluccas, New Guinea (Holloway 1989).

  1. 148.

    Sasunaga longiplaga Warren, 1912

1912. Sasunaga longiplaga Warren, Novit. Zool. 19: 15

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Bird watching point, 14.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: North East Himalaya (Holloway 1989), Nicobar (present study).

Elsewhere: Sundaland, and possibly east to New Guinea (Holloway 1989).

Remarks: The present study represents the range extension of S. longiplaga from NE India to Nicobar.

Genus: Spodoptera Guenée, 1852

1852. Spodoptera Guenée, Hist. Nat. Ins., Spec. Gén. Lépid. 5 (Noct. 1): 153

  1. 149.

    Spodoptera litura (Fabricius, 1775)

1775. Noctua litura Fabricius, Syst. Ent.: 601

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, 4 km south of Vijay nagar, 12.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout India (Singh 2019).

Elsewhere: Borneo, China, Indo-Australian tropics, Indonesia, Java, Nepal, Southern Myanmar, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan and Australo-Papuan, Ethiopian, Palaearctic and Hawaiian Regions (Singh 2019).

  1. 150.

    Spodoptera mauritia (Boisduval, 1833)

1833. Hadena mauritia Boisduval, Nouv. Ann. Mus. Hist. Nat. Paris 2(2): 240

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Watch tower, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Chingam basti, 09.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Andaman and Nicobar Island, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Odisa, Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal (Singh 2019).

Elsewhere: Australo-Papuan, China, Ethiopio-Malagassic, Hawiian Regions, Indo-Australian tropics, Indonesia, Japan, Pakistan, Philippines of oriental, Southern Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Western Malaysia (Singh 2019).

Subfamily: Plusiinae

Genus: Chrysodeixis Hübner, [1821]

[1821]. Chrysodeixis Hübner, Verz. bek. Schmett. (16): 252

  1. 151.

    Chrysodeixis diehli Dufay, 1982

1982. Chrysodeixis diehli Dufay, Bull. Mens. Soc. Linn. Lyon 51(3): 71

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Sastri nagar, 11.xi.2018 (04 exs.), East West Road, 08.xi.2018 (01 exs.), Watch tower, 06.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K.C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: Throughout Sundaland (Holloway 1985).

Subfamily: Acontiinae

Genus: Maliattha Walker, 1863

1863. Maliattha Walker, List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 27: 86

  1. 152.

    Maliattha quadripartita (Walker, 1865)

Acontia quadripartita Walker, 1865; List Spec. Lepid. Insects Colln Br. Mus. 33: 786

Material examined: A & N Islands, Nicobar, Laxmi nagar, 11.xi.2018 (01 exs.), leg. K C. Gopi & party.

Distribution: India: Bihar, Maharashtra, North India (Singh 2019), Nicobar (present study).

Remarks: M. quadripartita is first time reported from any Island of India.


Superfamily: Zygaenoidea

Family: Zygaenidae

Subfamily: Chalcosiinae

  1. 1.

    Cyclosia papilionaris nicobarensis Hering, 1922*

Family: Limacodidae

Subfamily: Limacodinae

  1. 2.

    Aphendala buka Solovyev 2010

  2. 3.

    Cania sericea Walker, 1855

  3. 4.

    Thosea andamanica Holloway 1987

  4. 5.

    Thosea sevastopuloi Holloway 1987

  5. 6.

    Thosea lutea Heylaerts, 1890

  6. 7.

    Mambarona congrua (Walker, 1862)

Superfamily: Cossoidea

Family: Cossidae

Subfamily: Zeuzerinae

  1. 8.

    Aholcocerus arorai Yakovlev and Singh 2019

  2. 9.

    Chalcidica minea (Cramer, 1779)*

  3. 10.

    Polyphagozerra coffeae (Nietner, 1861)

Subfamily: Cossinae

  1. 11.

    Rapdalus kapuri Arora 1976

Superfamily: Thyridoidea

Family: Thyrididae

Subfamily: Siculodinae

  1. 12.

    Mellea taeniata (Warren, 1908)

Subfamily: Striglininae

  1. 13.

    Aglaopus decussata (Moore, 1883)

  2. 14.

    Striglina scitaria (Walker, 1862)

Superfamily: Pyraloidea

Family: Pyralidae

Subfamily: Pyralinae

  1. 15.

    Vitessa nicobarica Hampson 1896

Family: Crambidae

Subfamily: Pyraustinae

  1. 16.

    Hyalobathra filalis (Guenée, 1854)

  2. 17.

    Prooedema inscisalis (Walker, [1866])

  3. 18.

    Pyrausta tetraplagalis Hampson, 1899*

  4. 19.

    Tetridia vinacealis (Moore, 1877)

Subfamily: Schoenobiinae

  1. 20.

    Donacaula dodatellus (Walker, 1864)

  2. 21.

    Scirpophaga incertulus (Walker, 1863)*

Subfamily: Spilomelinae

  1. 22.

    Aetholix flavibasalis (Guenée, 1854)

  2. 23.

    Agrioglypta deliciosa (Butler, 1887)

  3. 24.

    Agrioglypta itysalis (Walker, 1859)

  4. 25.

    Agrioglypta zelimalis (Walker, 1859)

  5. 26.

    Agrotera nemoralis (Scopoli, 1763)*

  6. 27.

    Antigastra catalaunalis (Duponchel, 1833)

  7. 28.

    Bocchoris telphusalis (Walker, 1859)*

  8. 29.

    Chabula acamasalis (Walker, 1859)

  9. 30.

    Chalcidoptera emissalis (Walker, 1866)*

  10. 31.

    Cirrhochrista brizoalis (Walker, 1859)*

  11. 32.

    Cirrhochrista fumipalpis Felder, 1874*

  12. 33.

    Cnaphalocrocis bilinealis (Hampson, 1891)*

  13. 34.

    Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Guenée, 1854)*

  14. 35.

    Conogethes pandamalis (Walker, 1859)*

  15. 36.

    Conogethes sayadhariensis Malley & Pathour 2018

  16. 37.

    Cotachena pubescens Warren, 1892

  17. 38.

    Diaphania glauculalis (Guenée, 1854)*

  18. 39.

    Diaphania indica (Saunders, 1851)

  19. 40.

    Endocrossis flavibasalis (Moore, 1867)*

  20. 41.

    Filodes fulvidorsalis (Geyer in Hübner, 1832)*

  21. 42.

    Glyphodes actorionalis Walker, 1859*

  22. 43.

    Glyphodes bicolor (Swainson, 1821)*

  23. 44.

    Glyphodes bivitralis Guenée, 1854

  24. 45.

    Glyphodes caesalis Walker, 1859

  25. 46.

    Glyphodes cf conclusalis Walker, 1865

  26. 47.

    Glyphodes stolalis Guenée, 1854

  27. 48.

    Glyphodes vertumnalis (Guenée, 1854)*

  28. 49.

    Haritalodes derogata (Fabricius, 1775)*

  29. 50.

    Heterocnephes lymphatalis Swinhoe, 1889

  30. 51.

    Ischnurges gratiosalis (Walker, 1859)*

  31. 52.

    Lamprosema insolitalis (Walker, 1862)*

  32. 53.

    Maruca amboinalis Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875

  33. 54.

    Maruca vitrata (Fabricius, 1787)

  34. 55.

    Nausinoe euroalis Swinhoe, 1889

  35. 56.

    Nevrina procopia (Stoll, [1781])

  36. 57.

    Nosophora incomitata (Swinhoe, 1894)*

  37. 58.

    Nosophora semitritalis Lederer, 1863

  38. 59.

    Notarcha obrinusalis (Walker, 1859)*

  39. 60.

    Omiodes diemenalis (Guenée, 1854)*

  40. 61.

    Omiodes origoalis (Walker 1859)

  41. 62.

    Omphisa anastomosalis Guenée, [1854]

  42. 63.

    Orphanostigma abruptalis (Walker, 1859)*

  43. 64.

    Pagyda discolor Swinhoe, 1894*

  44. 65.

    Palpita annulata (Fabricius, 1794)*

  45. 66.

    Palpita ardealis (Felder & Rogenhofer, [1875])

  46. 67.

    Palpita palpifulvata Kirti and Rose 1992

  47. 68.

    Parotis suralis (Lederer, 1863)*

  48. 69.

    Patania deficiens (Moore, [1886])

  49. 70.

    Patania fraterna (Moore, 1885)*

  50. 71.

    Patania iopasalis (Walker, 1859)

  51. 72.

    Patania nigriflava (Swinhoe, 1894)

  52. 73.

    Phostria schediusalis (Walker, 1859)*

  53. 74.

    Physematia concordalis Lederer, 1863*

  54. 75.

    Prophantis octoguttalis (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1875

  55. 76.

    Pycnarmon meritalis (Walker, 1859)*

  56. 77.

    Pygospila tyres (Cramer, [1780])

  57. 78.

    Sisyrophora pfeifferae Lederer, 1863

  58. 79.

    Spoladea recurvalis (Fabricius, 1775)*

  59. 80.

    Syllepte tibialis Moore, 1857*

  60. 81.

    Synclera traducalis (Zeller, 1852

  61. 82.

    Talanga sexpunctalis (Moore, 1877)

  62. 83.

    Terastia meticulosalis Guenee, 1854*

  63. 84.

    Xanthomelaena schematias (Meyrick, 1994)

Superfamily: Drepanoidea

Family: Drepanidae

Subfamily: Drepaninae

  1. 85.

    Teldenia vestigiata Butler, 1880

  2. 86.

    Tridrepana fulvata (Snellen, 1877)

  3. 87.

    Tridrepana albonotata (Moore, 1879)*

Superfamily: Geometroidea

Family: Uraniidae

Subfamily: Microniinae

  1. 88.

    Acropteris leptaliata (Guenée, 1857)

  2. 89.

    Micronia astheniata Guenée, 1857

Subfamily: Epipleminae

  1. 90.

    Europlema instabilata (Walker, 1861)*

  2. 91.

    Europlema semibrunnea (Pagenstecher, 1888)*

Family: Geometridae

Subfamily: Geometrinae

  1. 92.

    Agathia lycaenaria (Kollar, 1848)*

  2. 93.

    Comostola chlorargyra (Walker, 1886)

  3. 94.

    Comostola turgescens (Prout, 1917)

  4. 95.

    Dysphania subrepleta (Walker, 1854)

  5. 96.

    Dysphania militaris militaris (Linnaeus, 1758) (as Euschema bellona Walker, 1854 in Chandra et al. 2018*

  6. 97.

    Pingasa ruginaria (Guenée, 1857)

  7. 98.

    Pingasa subviridis Warren, 1896

Subfamily: Ennominae

  1. 99.

    Achrosis incitata (Walker, 1862)

  2. 100.

    Cleora onycha (Fletcher, 1953)*

  3. 101.

    Dalima schistacearia Walker, 1859*

  4. 102.

    Gonodontis clelia (Cramer, 1780)

  5. 103.

    Hyposidra talaca (Walker, 1860)

  6. 104.

    Lomographa inamata (Walker, 1860)

  7. 105.

    Nadagara comprensata Walker, 1862*

  8. 106.

    Petelia delostigma Prout, 1932*

  9. 107.

    Petelia medardaria Herrich-Schäffer, [1856]

  10. 108.

    Probithia exclusa (Walker, 1860)

  11. 109.

    Ruttellerona pallicostaria (Moore, [1868])*

  12. 110.

    Zeheba aureata Moore, [1887]

  13. 111.

    Zeheba lucidata (Walker, 1862)*

Subfamily: Sterrhinae

  1. 112.

    Antitrygodes divisaria (Walker, 1861)

  2. 113.

    Problepsis apollinaria Guenée, 1858

  3. 114.

    Zythos turbata (Walker, 1862)

Subfamily: Desmobathrinae

  1. 115.

    Eumelea ludovicata Guenée, 1857*

Superfamily: Lasiocampoidea

Family: Lasiocampidae

Subfamily: Lasiocampinae

  1. 116.

    Suana concolor (Walker, 1855)

Superfamily: Bombycoidea

Family: Bombycidae

  1. 117.

    Trilocha nicobari N. Singh & Ahmad, 2021

Family: Sphingidae

Subfamily: Sphinginae

  1. 118.

    Apocalypsis velox Butler, 1876

  2. 119.

    Psilogramma menephron (Cramer, 1780)

Subfamily: Smerinthinae

  1. 120.

    Amplypterus panopus panopus (Cramer, 1779)*

  2. 121.

    Ambulyx tattina (Jordan, 1919)

  3. 122.

    Clanis phalaris (Cramer, 1777)*

  4. 123.

    Marumba dyras dyras (Walker, 1856)*

Subfamily: Macroglossinae

  1. 124.

    Cechenena helops (Walker, 1856)

  2. 125.

    Daphnis hypothous (Cramer, [1780])

  3. 126.

    Hippotion celerio (Linnaeus, 1758)*

  4. 127.

    Hippotion rosetta (Swinhoe, 1892)*

  5. 128.

    Hippotion velox (Fabricius, 1793)*

  6. 129.

    Pergesa acteus (Cramer, [1779])

  7. 130.

    Theretra clotho (Drury, 1773)

  8. 131.

    Theretra latreillii (MacLeay, [1826])

  9. 132.

    Theretra oldenlandiae oldenlandiae (Fabricius, 1775)*

  10. 133.

    Theretra silhetensis (Walker, 1856)*

Superfamily: Noctuoidea

Family: Notodontidae

Subfamily: Stauropinae

  1. 134.

    Epistauropus vinaceus (Moore, 1879)

  2. 135.

    Teleclita sundana Holloway, 1983

Subfamily: Periergosinae

  1. 136.

    Chadisra curvipenis N. Singh, Ahmad & Raha, 2021

Family: Erebidae

Subfamily: Aganainae

  1. 137.

    Asota caricae (Fabricius, 1775)

  2. 138.

    Asota heliconica nicobarica Swinhoe, 1892

  3. 139.

    Asota venalba Moore, 1877*

  4. 140.

    Euplocia membliaria (Cramer, 1780)*

  5. 141.

    Mecodina albodentata (Swinhoe, 1895)

  6. 142.

    Mecodina bisignata Walker, 1865

  7. 143.

    Mecodina praecipua Walker, 1865

  8. 144.

    Neochera inops Walker 1854*

  9. 145.

    Psimada quadripennis Walker, 1858

Subfamily: Beletobiinae

  1. 146.

    Metaemene atrigutta (Walker, 1862)

  2. 147.

    Sarobides inconclusa (Walker, [1863] 1864)*

  3. 148.

    Tropidtamba lepraota (Hampson, 1898)

  4. 149.

    Zurobata vacillans (Walker, 1864)*

Subfamily: Arctiinae

  1. 150.

    Amerila astreus (Drury, 1773)

  2. 151.

    Areas galactina (Van der Hoeven, 1840)

  3. 152.

    Argina astrea (Drury, 1773)*

  4. 153.

    Barsine cuneonotatus (Walker, 1855)

  5. 154.

    Barsine lineatus (Walker, 1855)*

  6. 155.

    Brunia antica (Walker, 1854)

  7. 156.

    Cyana amabilis (Moore, 1877)

  8. 157.

    Cyana conclusa nicobara N. Singh, Volynkin, Kirti & Datta, 2020 (as Cyana javanica (Butler, 1877) in Chandra et al. 2018)

  9. 158.

    Cyana selangorica paeninsulana Černý, 2009 (as Cyana selangorica (Hampson, 1903) in Chandra et al. 2018)*

  10. 159.

    Diduga albicostata Hampson, 1891

  11. 160.

    Garudinia acornuta Holloway, 1982*

  12. 161.

    Miltochrista humilis (Walker, 1854)

  13. 162.

    Nephelomilta effracta (Walker, 1854)

  14. 163.

    Nishada flabrifera Moore, 1878

  15. 164.

    Nyctemera (Coleta) coleta (Stoll, [1781])*

  16. 165.

    Nyctemera (Nyctemera) baulus (Boisduval, 1832)*

  17. 166.

    Nyctemera (Nyctemera) latistriga Walker, 1854*

  18. 167.

    Nyctemera nicobarica Reich, 1932*

  19. 168.

    Olepa (Ricinia) ricini (Fabricius, 1775)*

  20. 169.

    Utetheisa antennata (Swinhoe, 1893)*

  21. 170.

    Utetheisa lotrix (Cramer, [1777])*

  22. 171.

    Utetheisa pulchelloides Hampson, 1907*

  23. 172.

    Utetheisa variolosa (Felder & Rogenhofer, 1874)

Subfamily: Herminiinae

  1. 173.

    Adrapsa ablualis Walker, [1859]

  2. 174.

    Hipoepa biasalis (Walker, [1859])

  3. 175.

    Simplicia butesalis Walker, [1859] 1858

  4. 176.

    Simplicia griseolimbalis Snellen, 1886

Subfamily: Anobinae

  1. 177.

    Anoba polyspila (Walker, 1865) (=Tephriopis divulsa (Walker, 1865))

Subfamily: Calpinae

  1. 178.

    Calyptra minuticornis (Guenée, 1852)

  2. 179.

    Eudocima discrepans (Walker, 1858)*

  3. 180.

    Eudocima homaena (Hübner [1827])

  4. 181.

    Eudocima phalonia (Linnaeus, 1763)*

  5. 182.

    Oraesia provocans Walker, [1858]

Subfamily: Scoliopteryginae

  1. 183.

    Rusicada nigritarsis Walker, [1858] 1857

  2. 184.

    Rusicada fulvida (Guenée, 1852)*

  3. 185.

    Anomis combinans (Walker, [1858])*

  4. 186.

    Xanthanomis fuscifrons (Walker, [1863])

Subfamily: Pangraptinae

  1. 187.

    Claterna cydonia (Cramer, [1775])

Subfamily: Erebinae

  1. 188.

    Achaea serva (Fabricius, 1775)

  2. 189.

    Artena dotata (Fabricius, 1794)

  3. 190.

    Artena rubida Walker, [1863] 1864*

  4. 191.

    Avitta quadrilinea (Walker, [1863] 1864)

  5. 192.

    Bastilla absentimacula (Guenée, 1852)

  6. 193.

    Bastilla fulvotaenia (Guenée, 1852)

  7. 194.

    Bastilla joviana (Stoll, [1782])

  8. 195.

    Chalciope mygdon (Cramer, [1777])

  9. 196.

    Ercheia cyllaria (Cramer, 1782)

  10. 197.

    Erebus ephesperis (Hübner, 1827)

  11. 198.

    Ericeia inangulata (Guenée, 1852)

  12. 199.

    Hypopyra pudens Walker, 1858

  13. 200.

    Ischyja manlia (Cramer, [1776])

  14. 201.

    Mocis frugalis (Fabricius, 1775)

  15. 202.

    Mocis undata (Fabricius, 1775)*

  16. 203.

    Ophiusa trapezium (Guenée, 1852)*

  17. 204.

    Parallelia luteipalpis (Walker, 1865)

  18. 205.

    Pericyma cruegeri (Butler, 1886)*

  19. 206.

    Platyja umminia (Cramer, [1780])

  20. 207.

    Speiredonia alix Guenée, 1852

  21. 208.

    Sympis rufibasis Guenée, 1852

  22. 209.

    Thyas coronata (Fabricius, 1775)

  23. 210.

    Tochara creberrima (Walker, 1858)

  24. 211.

    Trigonodes hyppasia (Cramer, 1779)*

Subfamily: Hypeninae

  1. 212.

    Hypena jugalis Walker, [1859]

Subfamily: Hypocalinae

  1. 213.

    Hypocala subsatura Guenée, 1852

Subfamily: Eulepidotinae

  1. 214.

    Anticarsia irrorata (Fabricius, 1781)

Subfamily: Hypenodinae

  1. 215.

    Luceria oculalis (Moore, 1877)*

Family: Euteliidae

Subfamily: Euteliinae

  1. 216.

    Aplotelia diplographa Hampson, 1905

  2. 217.

    Chlumetia transversa (Walker, 1863)*

Subfamily: Stictopterinae

  1. 218.

    Aegilia describens Walker, 1857*

  2. 219.

    Aegilia sundacribens Holloway, 1976*

Family: Nolidae

Subfamily: Cholephorinae

  1. 220.

    Aiteta brooksi Holloway, 1976

  2. 221.

    Bryophilopsis orientalis Hampson, 1912

  3. 222.

    Calymera endophaea (Hampson, 1905)

  4. 223.

    Maceda mansueta Walker, 1857

  5. 224.

    Xanthodes intersepta Guenée, 1852

  6. 225.

    Xanthodes transversa Guenée, 1852*

Subfamily: Westermanninae

  1. 226.

    Westermannia argentea Hampson, 1891

  2. 227.

    Westermannia superba Hübner, 1823

Family: Noctuidae

Subfamily: Xyleninae

  1. 228.

    Pseudeustrotia semialba (Hampson 1894)

  2. 229.

    Dypterygia nicea (Swinhoe, 1901)*

Subfamily: Hadeninae

  1. 230.

    Elusa subjecta (Walker, 1865)*

  2. 231.

    Borbotana nivifascia Walker, 1858

  3. 232.

    Callopistria emiliusalis (Walker, 1857)*

  4. 233.

    Callopistria maillardi (Guenée, 1862)

  5. 234.

    Callopistria placodoides (Guenée, 1852)

  6. 235.

    Mythimna decississima Walker 1865

  7. 236.

    Sasunaga leucorina (Hampson, 1908)

  8. 237.

    Sasunaga longiplaga Warren, 1912

  9. 238.

    Spodoptera litura (Fabricius, 1775)

  10. 239.

    Spodoptera mauritia (Boisduval, 1833)

Subfamily: Plusiinae

  1. 240.

    Chrysodeixis diehli Dufay, 1982

  2. 241.

    Chrysodeixis eriosoma (Doubleday, 1843)*

  3. 242.

    Scriptoplusia nigriluna (Walker, [1858])*

Subfamily: Acontiinae

  1. 243.

    Maliattha quadripartita (Walker, 1865)

Subfamily: Bagisarinae

  1. 244.

    Amyna selenampha Guenée, 1852*

  2. 245.

    Chasmina candida (Walker, 1865)*

A set of 9 photos of moths. They are, Dysphania subrepleta, Hyposidra talaca, Gonodontis clelia, Pingasa subviridis, Zeheba aureata, Suana concolor, Pergesa acteus, Cechenena helops, and Psilogramma menephron.
A set of 5 photos of moths of G N B R. They are, Apocalypsis velox, Daphnis hypothous, Theretra Clotho, Teleclita sundana, and Theretra latreillii.
A set of 12 photos of moths. They are, Asota heliconica, Platyja, Barsin, Utetheisa variolosa, Amerila astreus, Areas galactina, Cyana, Tropidtamba, Nishada flabrifera, Oraesia provocans, Calyptra, and Eudocima homaena.