
10.1 General Background for Environmental Protection and Energy Conversion

Global warming is becoming a serious problem, leading to an urgent need for efficient processes for the removal of harmful gases, as well as the development of renewable energy resources. The development of highly functional catalyst materials is therefore highly needed [1, 2]. Furthermore, from the viewpoint of resources and economy of platinum group metals (PGMs) such as Rh and Pd, it is also desired to develop catalyst materials that do not contain PGMs or reduce the use of PGMs minimized as much as possible [3,4,5,6]. Nowadays, base metal catalysts have drawn attention with researchers focusing on the development of metal oxides that exhibit excellent redox properties. This chapter introduces metal oxide catalysts that contribute to environmental protection and the effective utilization of methane. In particular, the chemical characteristics of CeO2-based oxides with a fluorite-type structure and perovskite-type oxides are outlined from the perspective of the packing structure of O2− ions. In addition, oxygen storage materials, which are applicable to various fields involving catalytic reactions, are introduced from the viewpoint of the structural changes associated with the insertion and extraction of O2− ions. Finally, oxidative coupling on metal oxides, which contributes to the effective utilization of methane, is introduced.

10.2 CO and VOC Oxidations

10.2.1 Overview

Catalytic combustion is effective for removing CO and volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This process uses a catalyst material that purifies harmful gases to CO2 and H2O at temperatures typically below 300 °C. Such a procedure does not induce flame combustion and is much safer than simple combustion processes that ignite with a flame. The process is also advantageous for environmental protection because of the suppressed evolution of incomplete combustion products and thermal NOx, which are formed by exposure to N2 and O2 in air at high temperatures. The use of PGMs is indispensable for improving catalytic activity in the low-temperature range [7], whereas many studies have been conducted on metal oxide catalysts without PGM species for catalytic combustion. Highly active metal oxide catalysts and their crystal structures have been the subject of many publications [8], including CeO2-based oxides, perovskite-type oxides, and spinel-type oxides. In general, all catalyst materials utilize metal oxides containing elements with excellent redox properties.

This section begins by presenting the relationship between the redox ability of metal oxides and the reaction mechanisms, followed by the structural characteristics of each metal oxide for typical catalyst materials.

10.2.2 Reaction Mechanism (Mars-Van Krevelen Mechanism)

In the catalytic combustion on a PGM catalyst, adsorption of reaction substrates and activation of O2 molecules are known to occur on the surface of PGM. That is, the catalytic reaction proceeds according to a reaction based on the Langmuir–Hinshelwood mechanism (or Eley–Rideal mechanism) (Fig. 10.1) [9]. Therefore, when designing supported PGM catalysts, the high dispersion of PGM particles and the control of the electronic state by forming PGM alloy nanoparticles should be studied [10, 11]. In contrast, regarding metal oxide catalysts, the combustion mechanism involving lattice oxygen based on the Mars-van Krevelen (MvK) mechanism has become common [12,13,14]. Here, CO oxidation (Eqs. 10.1 and 10.2) is presented as an example to explain this reaction mechanism. First, CO reacts with lattice oxygen (OL) at the oxide surface to generate CO2 followed by an O2 molecule filling the generated oxygen vacancies (VO).

$$ {\text{CO}} + {\text{O}}_{{\text{L}}} \to {\text{CO}}_{2} + {\text{V}}_{{\text{O}}} $$
$$ {\text{O}}_{{2}} + {\text{V}}_{{\text{O}}} \to {\text{2O}}_{{\text{L}}} $$
Fig. 10.1
Two illustrations of C O oxidation are based on two mechanisms. A represents the C O oxidation on P G M catalyst based on the mechanism of Langmuir Hinshelwood. B represents C O oxidation on metal oxide based on the mechanism of Mars-Van Krevelen.

CO oxidation based on a Langmuir–Hinshelwood and b Mars-van Krevelen mechanisms

The transfer of lattice oxygen in the metal oxide is a key step in this reaction mechanism. It is therefore preferable to optimize the redox properties of the constituent metal species when designing metal oxide catalysts.

10.2.3 CeO2-Based Materials

Ce4+ ions contained in CeO2 are easily reduced to Ce3+ and this redox plays a crucial role in the use of CeO2 as a catalyst [15]. CeO2 crystallizes in a fluorite-type structure in which Ce4+ ions form a face-centered cubic lattice, with O2− ions occupying the tetrahedral voids (Fig. 10.2). In other words, the O2− ions compose a primitive cubic structure, with Ce4+ ions located at the body-centered sites. In the case of transition-metal oxides such as NaCl-type MnO and spinel-type Co3O4, the ionic radius of transition metals such as Fe3+ (0.55 Å) and Co3+ (0.545 Å) is much smaller than that of the O2− ion (1.40 Å). This difference in radius results in a close-packed structure composed of the O2− ions (Fig. 10.3) where the transition metal ion occupies the tetrahedral or octahedral voids formed by the O2− ions. For CeO2, on the other hand, the size of the Ce4+ ions (0.97 Å) is larger than that of the transition metal ions, indicating that the O2− ions do not form a close-packed structure and prefer a primitive cubic structure instead. This characteristic packing structure of the O2− ions facilitates their fast diffusion in the CeO2 crystal lattice, even though their diffusion depends on the defect chemistry as well [16]. Thus, the redox property of cerium and the transfer ability of O2− ions in CeO2 are promising features for the above-mentioned MvK mechanism.

Fig. 10.2
Four illustrations, A, B, C, and D, of face-centered cubic lattice, represent the coordination of C e and O 2 negative ions with the fluorite structure of C e O 2.

Crystal structure of CeO2 with a fluorite structure. a Positions of Ce ions and b O2− ions in the unit cell. c Structure constructed by Ce and O2− ions. d Crystal structure providing a clear view of the coordination environment of the Ce ions. Panels (a–c) are shown based on actual ionic radii: yellow balls, Ce4+ ions; red balls, O2− ions. The schematic crystal structures in this chapter are drawn by VESTA program (K. Momma and F. Izumi. J. Appl. crystallogr., 2011, 44, 1272)

Fig. 10.3
Four illustrations, A, B, C, and D, of face-centered cubic lattice, represent the coordination of C O and O 2 negative ions with the spinel structure of C O 3 O 4.

Crystal structure of Co3O4 with a spinel structure. a Positions of Co ions and b O2− ions in the unit cell. c Structure constructed by Co and O2− ions. d Crystal structure providing a clear view of the coordination environment of the Co ions. Panels (a–c) are shown based on actual ionic radii: blue balls, Co2+ ions; green balls, Co3+ ions; red balls, O2− ions

Many studies on combustion catalysts using CeO2 exist, analyzing the correlation between the oxygen release property and combustion activity and reporting that the reactivity of lattice oxygen in CeO2 was drastically improved by PGM loading [17,18,19]. CeO2 is often combined with CuO or Co3O4 as a PGM-free catalyst [20,21,22,23]; the formed composites exhibit high mobility of lattice oxygen, resulting in high catalytic activity for VOCs combustion. Most of these reaction behaviors are explained by the MvK mechanism. Meanwhile, the reactivity of lattice oxygen in CeO2 is closely related to the exposed crystal plane. Theoretical studies indicate that the (110) and (100) planes have high catalytic activity, emphasizing the importance of morphology control of the CeO2 nanoparticles [24, 25]. In fact, rod-shaped CeO2 particles, in which (110) planes are preferentially exposed, exhibit high VOC combustion activity. Furthermore, it has been demonstrated that the catalytic oxidation of CO with rod-shaped CeO2 proceeds at lower temperatures than with cubic or octahedrally shaped CeO2 grains.

10.2.4 Perovskite Oxides

Since 3d transition metals can adopt a wide range of valence states, transition metal-based oxide catalysts have been extensively studied for combustion reactions from the perspective of the redox ability of their metal species. Many reports exist on perovskite oxides, which are generally represented by the chemical formula ABO3 [6, 26,27,28]. The A site of the perovskite structure is often composed of alkali metals, alkaline-earth metals, or rare-earth metals, whereas the B site contains transition metals. Unlike the close-packed structure of the O2− ions in NaCl-type and spinel-type transition metal oxides described in the previous section, the A-site cation and O2− ion form a close-packed structure. This is due to the ionic radius of the A-site cation in the perovskite structure being similar to that of the O2− ion (Fig. 10.4). The B-site metal occupies the octahedral interstice consisting of O2− ions. The ideal perovskite structure belongs to the cubic system, whereas many perovskite oxides are known to exhibit tetragonal or orthorhombic distortion according to the ionic radii of the metals occupying the A and B sites.

Fig. 10.4
Four illustrations, A, B, C, and D, of face-centered cubic lattice, represent the coordination of B, A, and O 2 negative ions with the Perovskite structure of A B O 3.

Crystal structure of ABO3 with a perovskite structure. a Positions of B ions and b A ions, and O2− ions in the unit cell. c Crystal structure with a clear view of the coordination environment of the B ion. d Relationship between the A and B ions. Panels (a, b, and d) are shown based on actual ionic radii: Purple balls, A ions (alkali or alkali-earth elements); brown balls, B ions (transition metal elements); red balls, O2− ions

An important advantage of perovskite oxides from the viewpoint of catalyst material design is that the constituent elements of the A and B sites can be chemically substituted. For example, partial substitutions of the A site can adjust the valence state of the B-site element or promote the formation of oxygen vacancies according to the charge balance. The substitution of Sr2+ for La3+ in La3+Co3+O3 is expected to induce oxygen defects and control the Co valence state. In addition, partial substitutions of the B site can modulate the redox capacity of the B-site cation and the mobility of the O2− ions. The possibility of adjusting these properties through the choice of dopants is a critical factor for efficient catalytic reactions based on the MvK mechanism.

Among the La-based transition metal oxides, LaM3+O3, LaMnO3, and LaCoO3 are known to be active in CO oxidation [27]. Furthermore, the Sr-for-La-substituted material, La1-xSrxMnO3, exhibits excellent catalytic performance. There are many other reports on the development of combustion catalysts based on perovskite structures, and the reader is referred to various review articles for further detail [6, 28, 29].

10.2.5 Other Metal Oxides

One of the most representative materials as a metal oxide catalyst for CO oxidation is Co3O4 with a spinel-type structure [30]. The Co3O4 catalyst having a rod-like morphology shows excellent catalytic ability even at room temperature. In general, the spinel structure presents a composition of AB2O4, where the A cation occupies the tetrahedral interstice formed in the close-packed structure of the O2− ions, and the B cation occupies the octahedral interstice. The A and B cations are typically divalent and trivalent, respectively. For example, when clarifying the valence of Co species of Co3O4, it can be expressed as Co2+[Co3+]2O4. Since the 3d transition metal can be distributed at the A and B sites in the spinel structure, binary and ternary mixed oxides can be easily obtained by substituting various elements. Furthermore, it is possible to adjust the redox ability by selecting the metal species and multicomponent spinel oxides exhibit excellent catalytic ability. For example, spinel-type CoMn2O4 shows a higher ability to release lattice oxygen than a mixture of Co3O4 and MnOx, a feature that is useful for toluene oxidation [31,32,33].

Other types of metal oxide catalysts are hexagonal rare-earth-iron mixed oxides (REFeO3). REFeO3 crystallizes in an orthorhombic perovskite structure with Pbnm being a stable form for all the rare-earth elements, while hexagonal REFeO3 (h-REFeO3) with P63cm exists as a metastable phase [34]. In the unit cell of h-REFeO3, layers of iron ions and RE ions are stacked alternately, with the iron ions having a unique structure with trigonal bipyramidal 5-coordination (Fig. 10.5). When h-YbFeO3 is synthesized by a solvothermal reaction, h-YbFeO3 nanocrystals with thin hexagonal plate morphology are obtained, in which the crystal growth in the c-axis direction is suppressed. h-YbFeO3 can act as a high-performance catalyst for combustion reactions of hydrocarbons [35, 36], and when modified with Mn species, it exhibits higher CO oxidation activity than PGM catalysts [37, 38].

Fig. 10.5
Two illustrations represent the crystal structures of a. the orthorhombic perovskite structure of R E F e O 3 with p b n m and b. the orthorhombic perovskite structure of R E F e O 3 with p b 3 centimeter.

Crystal structure of a orthorhombic perovskite REFeO3 with Pbnm and b hexagonal REFeO3 with P63cm. Crystal structure is shown as a clear view of the coordination environment of the Fe ion. Purple balls, RE3+ ions; green balls, Fe3+ ions; red balls; O2− ions

10.3 NO Oxidation and Reduction

10.3.1 Overview

NOx abatement is becoming increasingly important due to the growing awareness of environmental issues, such as acid rain caused by NOx emission from thermal power plants or automobiles [39,40,41]. Although the direct decomposition of NO is thermodynamically favorable, it is kinetically very difficult and often requires temperatures above 600 °C. Therefore, NO reduction to N2 using hydrocarbons and NH3 as reductants is widely applied. In contrast, since NO reduction is difficult in an oxygen-rich atmosphere, NOx-trap materials are sometimes used. In such materials, as NO2 is more easily adsorbed on the materials’ surface than NO, a material with NO oxidation ability in addition to NOx adsorption ability would be ideal. A typical NOx-trap catalyst, Pt/Ba/Al2O3, oxidizes NO to NO2 at the Pt site and traps NO2 at the BaO site [39, 42,43,44]. The NOx species adsorbed on the catalyst are instantaneously reduced to N2 by injecting a reductant such as hydrocarbons. Recently, PGM-free metal oxide catalysts that have both NO oxidation and NOx storage capacity have been reported [45, 46].

In this section, NOx storage materials involving NO oxidation mechanisms are firstly described, followed by catalyst materials for effective NO reduction based on the MvK-type reaction mechanism. Since most metal oxide catalysts following these reaction mechanisms are related to combustion catalysts [47], the characteristics of their crystal structures are included in Sect. 10.2.

10.3.2 Catalyst Materials

The reaction mechanism for NO oxidation on metal oxides is similar to the previously described MvK mechanism [47]. Many perovskite materials have been reported as catalyst materials for NO oxidation or NOx storage, such as La1-xSrxCoO3 which are known to exhibit a NO oxidation activity comparable to Pt/Al2O3 [48, 49]. Ruddlesden-Popper type perovskite Sr3Fe2O7-\( {_{\delta}} \), which has a layered structure consisting of a perovskite layer (SrFeO3-\( {_{\delta}} \) layer) and a rock salt layer (SrO layer), shows excellent NOx storage properties [45]. For these materials, the NO oxidation process involves MvK-type NO oxidation with lattice oxygen, as shown in Eq. (10.3) [50].

$$ {\text{NO}} + {\text{O}}_{{\text{L}}} \to {\text{NO}}_{2} $$

The chemical formula of Sr3Fe2O7−δ can be rewritten as SrO · 2SrFeO3−δ, where the SrO layer is incorporated in the structure. In fact, monodentate nitrate (NO3) and ionic nitrate species were observed on the surface of Sr3Fe2O7−δ after NOx adsorption, suggesting that the SrO layer contributes to the adsorption of NOx as shown in Eq. (10.4).

$$ {\text{SrO}} + 2{\text{NO}}_{2} + O^{*} \to {\text{Sr}}({\text{NO}}_{3} )_{2} $$

The oxygen source (O*) in Eq. (10.4) is either lattice oxygen species or oxygen species produced by the disproportionation of NO2. Apart from the NO oxidation properties derived from the SrFeO3−δ layer, Sr3Fe2O7−δ also presents NOx adsorption properties derived from the SrO layer, resulting in a high NOx storage capacity (Fig. 10.6).

Fig. 10.6
An Illustration represents the orthorhombic perovskite structure of S r 3 F e 2 O 7 to d composed of a layered arrangement of octahedra rotated along the c-axis with the properties of N O subscript x storage derived from S r O, rock-salt layers, and N O oxidation derived from S r F e O 3 to gamma, perovskite layer.

Crystal structure of Sr3Fe2O7−\( {_{\delta}} \). Crystal structure is shown as a clear view of the coordination environment of the Fe ions. Purple balls, Sr2+ ions; green balls, Fe3+ or Fe4+ ions; red balls, O2− ions

These materials require reaction temperatures above 250 °C since NO oxidation triggers NOx adsorption. In contrast, passive NOx adsorber (PNA) materials, in which Pd species are highly dispersed in zeolite materials such as ZSM-5 and SSZ, are known to effectively trap NOx at lower temperatures [51,52,53]. The NO molecule is adsorbed as it is on the Pd species without any NO oxidation process. However, since the NO-to-Pd ratio is 1, a large amount of Pd loading is essential for high NOx storage capacity. It has been reported recently that perovskite-type SrTi1−xMnxO3 catalysts can efficiently adsorb NO at temperatures below 200 °C even without PGM loading [46].

Regarding NO reduction on metal oxides, the reduction mechanism has been recently proposed according to Eq. (10.5) (Fig. 10.7) [54, 55]:

$$ {\text{NO}} + {\text{V}}_{{\text{O}}} \to 1/2{\text{N}}_{2} + {\text{O}}_{{\text{L}}} $$
Fig. 10.7
Two illustrations, A and B, represent the reaction of C O oxidation and N O reduction on metal oxide with P G M catalyst based on the mechanism of Mars-Van Krevelen.

Reaction mechanism of NO–CO reaction based on the MvK mechanism. a CO oxidation using lattice oxygen (OL) and b NO reduction using oxygen vacancy (Vo)

In this reaction, oxygen vacancies are regarded as active sites instead of lattice oxygen that was the case for the MvK mechanism described in Eq. (10.1). During this reduction mechanism, the continuous generation of oxygen vacancy sites is difficult. Therefore, a high temperature or a reducing agent is required for reducing the NO to N2. For NO reduction processes using CO as a reducing agent, the overall reaction can be written as follows:

$$ {\text{CO}} + {\text{O}}_{{\text{L}}} \to {\text{CO}}_{2} + {\text{V}}_{{\text{O}}} $$
$$ {\text{NO}} + {\text{V}}_{{\text{O}}} \to {\text{N}} + {\text{O}}_{{\text{L}}} $$
$$ {\text{N}} + {\text{N}} \to {\text{N}}_{2} $$

A supported PGM catalyst is often used for NO reduction. The reasons are that oxygen vacancy sites can be induced by the PGM loading, and that PGM sites can be used for NO/CO adsorption [38, 55]. For example, in procedures involving automotive exhaust purification, when a very small amount of Pd is supported on the Mn-modified hexagonal YbFeO3, the NO reduction and CO oxidation are drastically enhanced at low temperatures. In this material, the arrangement of Mn cations on the MnO (111) plane is very close to that of Yb cations on the hexagonal YbFeO3 (001); that is, the MnO (111) and YbFeO3 (001) planes are bonded epitaxially. The role of Pd species was theoretically studied by the density functional theory (DFT) using a model in which Pd is supported by the MnO (111). It has been proven that the Pd loading promotes adsorption and dissociation of NO molecules. PGM-free materials have also been developed with Cu and Cr-modified CeO2 catalysts exhibiting high catalytic activity following the MvK-type NO reduction mechanism [56]. It has also been found that spinel-type NiFe2O4 [57, 58] or multicomponent spinel-type catalysts containing four metallic elements (Cu, Ni, Al, Cr) are also effective for NO reduction [59].

10.4 Metal Oxides with Oxygen Storage Performance

10.4.1 Overview

Oxygen storage materials (OSMs) are oxides that can reversibly store and release lattice oxygens in response to variations in temperature and/or oxygen partial pressure. Therefore, this class of materials can be used in various oxygen-related technologies such as exhaust purification in automobiles, chemical looping reactions, and oxygen separation membranes/oxygen sensors [60,61,62,63,64]. OSMs show an interesting crystallographic feature which could be advantageous to rapid and reversible reactions; upon oxygen storage and release, slight structural changes take place. For many transition metal oxides such as spinel-type structures, the crystal structure is composed of close packing O2− ions such that oxygen desorption may significantly deform the lattice framework. However, as described in Sect. 10.2, the packed structures of O2− ions of fluorite-type CeO2 and perovskite-type oxides are different from those of typical metal oxides. Materials with such characteristic O2− ion-filled structures often store and release oxygen reversibly while maintaining the cationic arrangement. Chemical reactions in which the lattice framework is retained is called “topotactic” [65, 66]. The term “topotactic” is often used for Li intercalation/deintercalation of positive electrode materials in Li-ion secondary batteries. This section introduces the insertion/extraction processes of lattice oxygens based on topotactic reactions.

10.4.2 CeO2–ZrO2 Solid Solution

CeO2ZrO2 solid solution (CZ) with fluorite structure is the most well-known oxygen storage material for automotive catalysts [67]. This material reversibly stores and releases lattice oxygens depending on the oxygen concentration in the exhaust gas, contributing to oxygen-pressure control around PGM species that act as active sites. It is known that CZ crystallizes in a fluorite-type structure when the material absorbs oxygen, and the oxygen storage capacity can be adjusted by the mixing ratio of Ce and Zr. For this material, oxygen storage/release proceeds via redox between Ce4+ and Ce3+. It can therefore be expected that the oxygen storage capacity depends on the Ce content. However, the oxygen storage capacity of CZ with about 30 mol% Zr is reported to be much higher than that of Zr-free CeO2. During redox processes, the ionic radii of Ce and Zr are responsible for this phenomenon; when oxygen is released from the crystal lattice involving a reduction of Ce4+ (0.97 Å) to Ce3+ (1.14 Å), the lattice volume expands, resulting in local lattice distortions. The presence of smaller Zr4+ ions (0.84 Å) at the cation site adjacent to Ce3+ mitigates the lattice distortions to form a stable crystal structure containing Ce3+ and oxygen deficiencies [68].

During the preparation of CZ exhibiting improved oxygen storage performance, the formation of pyrochlore-type Ce2Zr2O7 consisting of an ordered arrangement of Ce and Zr should be formed under a reducing atmosphere at temperatures above 1000 °C [67]. Upon oxygen storage, a phase transition from pyrochlore to fluorite-type structure occurs. Although these two crystal structures are distinct from each other, structural analyses proved that the cationic arrangement is maintained during the phase transition [69]. In other words, topotactic reactions proceed upon oxygen storage and release.

10.4.3 Perovskite and Layered Perovskite Oxides

The topotactic oxygen storage/release also occurs in mixed oxides with perovskite-related structures [70,71,72,73]. For this class of materials, since a close-packed structure is formed by A-site cations and O2− ions, the release of oxygen proceeds with minor structural changes. For example, when perovskite-type SrFeO3−δ is deoxygenated under a hydrogen-containing atmosphere, Sr2Fe2O5 with an oxygen-deficient perovskite structure named “brownmillerite-type” is formed without rearrangements at the cation sites. Details of the brownmillerite-type structure are discussed below. However, severe reductive treatments of SrFeO3−δ at high temperatures lead to structural collapse and the formation of metallic iron. To suppress this structural collapse, a partial substitution of Fe with Ti was reported to be effective by enhancing the structural stability [72].

On the other hand, Sr3Fe2O7−δ with a layered perovskite structure cannot decompose into metallic iron even by severe reductive treatments [66]. The improved phase stability of Sr3Fe2O7−δ is suggested to originate from SrO double layers within the crystal lattice, which would stabilize the oxygen-deficient structure. During oxygen storage/release, the crystal structure remains essentially unchanged with the I4mmm tetragonal space group (Fig. 10.8). The Fe species in Sr3Fe2O7−δ are Fe3+/Fe4+ mixed valent, and the redox between Fe3+ and Fe4+ is responsible for the oxygen storage and release. The oxygen storage performances are higher than those of Pt/CZ (Fig. 10.9) and the partial replacement of Fe with Ni can improve the oxygen storage capacity of Sr3Fe2O7−δ. Structural analysis of deoxygenated Sr3(Fe0.8Ni0.2)2O7−δ showed that the reduction of Ni3+ to Ni2+ proceeds in addition to the reduction of Fe4+ to Fe3+ [74]. This phenomenon indicates that the Ni3+ substitution in Sr3Fe2O7−δ induces the redox activity of the Fe3+ site. Indeed, the Pd/Sr3(Fe0.8Ni0.2)2O7−δ catalyst shows superior catalytic activity to Pd/Sr3Fe2O7−δ and Pd/CZ for the purification of automotive exhaust gases under fluctuating oxygen concentration, most likely owing to the enhanced oxygen storage capacity of Sr3(Fe0.8Ni0.2)2O7−δ.

Fig. 10.8
Two illustrations represent the orthorhombic perovskite structure of S r 3 F e 2 O 7 to gamma and S r 3 F e 2 O 6 with the release of O 2. The structure of S r 3 F e 2 O 7 is composed of a layered arrangement of octahedra along the y-axis.

Topotactic oxygen release and storage between Sr3Fe2O7−δ and Sr3Fe2O6. Crystal structure is shown as a clear view of the coordination environment of the Fe ions. Purple balls, Sr2+ ions; green balls, Fe3+ or Fe4+ ions; red balls, O2− ions

Fig. 10.9
A bar graph represents the oxygen storage capacity, and release rate of P t over C e o 2 Z r o 2 and S r 3 F e 2 O 7. Data from the graph, presented in the format, structure.

Oxygen storage performances of Pt/CeO2-ZrO2 and Sr3Fe2O7−δ. These values were obtained using thermogravimetric analysis under H2–O2 cycles at 500 °C

10.4.4 Brownmillerite Oxides

As described in Sect. 10.4.3, perovskite oxides are potential OSMs owing to their topotactic oxygen storage/release capability. In the perovskite-type lattice, oxygen deficiencies often form long-range orders, leading to specific crystal phases that enhance structural stability. The brownmillerite (BM)-type structure is a member of the perovskite family with an oxygen deficiency-ordered structure [75]. The BM structure consists of a layered arrangement of tetrahedral BO4 and octahedral BO6 units, as illustrated in Fig. 10.10a, in contrast to the perovskite structure that only contains BO6 units. The general formula for BM oxides is A2B2O5 or ABO2.5. This structural type is noteworthy owing to the high density of oxygen deficiencies among stable perovskite-derived lattices, that is, 1/6 with respect to the stoichiometric perovskite composition ABO3. The high density of oxygen deficiencies in BM oxides is beneficial for enhancing their oxygen storage capacity.

Fig. 10.10
Two illustrations of the crystal structure of a. the brownmillerite structure of C a 2 A l M n O 5 and b. the brownmillerite structure of y B a C o 4 O 7.

Crystal structure of a Ca2AlMnO5 with a brownmillerite structure and b YBaCo4O7. Crystal structure is shown as a clear view of the coordination environments of the Mn, Al, and Co ions. Purple balls, Ca2+ or Ba2+ ions; blue balls, Y3+ ions; green balls, Mn3+ or Co2+ ions; orange balls, Al3+ ions; red balls, O2− ions

Several BM-type OSMs have been reported including (Sr,Ca)FeO2.5 and Sr(Fe,Co)O2.5 [76,77,78,79,80]. These oxides have attracted attention as potential materials for oxygen absorption that can selectively separate oxygen gas from the atmosphere. This technology is promising as a novel method of oxygen gas production, being more efficient than cryogenic O2/N2 distillation and conventional pressure-swing-adsorption using zeolites as N2 sorbents. Ca2AlMnO5 is another BM-type OSM presenting alternating stacking of tetrahedral AlO4 and octahedral MnO6 [81]. This oxide stores excess oxygen topotactically and is then transformed into an oxygen-rich form, Ca2AlMnO5.5. The excess oxygen can then be released in a highly reversible manner [82]. The resultant oxygen storage capacity exceeds 3.0 wt%, which is even larger than that of CZ. Ca2AlMnO5+δ, with excess oxygen amounts δ ranging from 0 to 0.5, is promising in terms of elemental abundance, but its high operating temperatures (~550 °C) are an obstacle to future practical applications. Efforts have been made to lower the operating temperatures, such as Ga-for-Al or Sr-for-Ca substitutions and atomic-defect engineering [83,84,85,86].

10.4.5 Other Nonstoichiometric Oxides

Besides the aforementioned CeO2-based materials and perovskite-related oxides, novel OSMs of other structural types have been extensively studied. Such materials are noteworthy because their unique atomic arrangements could induce characteristic redox behaviors and hence open up the possibility of new areas of applications. In this section, two OSMs, YBaCo4O7+δ and YMnO3+δ, are briefly introduced. Noticeably, these oxides have the following common features, which could be crucial factors for high-performance OSMs. (1) Both the oxides contain cationic sites with smaller coordination numbers (CN) than six. Such “coordinatively unsaturated (CN < 6)” sites act as reaction centers for oxygen storage and release. (2) These oxides incorporate excess oxygen topotactically to transform into distinct oxygen-rich forms. Remarkable oxygen storage/release triggered by structural transformations arises even with slight variations in temperature and/or oxygen partial pressure.

YBaCo4O7+δ (denoted as “YBCO”) has a characteristic structure consisting of a 3D network of corner-sharing CoO4 tetrahedra, as illustrated in Fig. 10.10b [87]. The corner-sharing framework favors excess-oxygen incorporation. Upon oxygen intake, a part of the CoO4 tetrahedra transforms into CoO6 octahedra, leading to large oxygen nonstoichiometry ranging 0 ≤ δ ≤ 1.5 [88, 89]. The oxygen storage/release processes are highly reversible, being controlled by both temperature and oxygen partial pressure. The maximum oxygen storage capacity reaches 4.2 wt%, corresponding to Δδ = 1.5 [90]. This value is much larger than that for CZ, making this oxide a promising candidate for high-performance OSM. YBCO works at relatively low temperatures of 300–400 °C in air, and such low operating temperatures are crucial for this oxide to be applied to oxygen-gas production [91]. It should also be pointed out that YBCO shows compositional flexibility, and its oxygen storage characteristics can be widely controlled by chemical substitutions [92].

Oxygen-stoichiometric YMnO3 crystallizes in a hexagonal structure consisting of an alternate stacking of corner-shared MnO5 trigonal-bipyramids and layers of edge-shared YO7 polyhedra. This structure is essentially identical to that of h-YbFeO3 shown in Fig. 10.5b. This oxide can incorporate excess oxygen into interstitial positions in the MnO5 layer, resulting in the oxygen-rich form [93]. Upon oxygen intake, various oxygen-rich phases appear in the YMnO3+δ system (denoted as “YMO”) depending on the amount of excess oxygen (δ). These phases are labeled as Hex1 (space group: R3c) with δ ≈ 0.28, Hex2 (Pca21) with δ ≈ 0.41, and Hex3 (P63mc) with δ ≈ 0.45 [94, 95]. YMO exhibits remarkable oxygen storage/release even at 250 °C or lower, with the maximum oxygen storage capacity reaching 2.5 wt%. The large oxygen storage capacity and low operating temperature ensure that YMO can be a promising OSM. Although YMO is effective as a material for oxygen-gas production, its sluggish oxygen storage/release kinetics are an obstacle to practical applications. To address this issue, various material tailoring protocols were implemented, and partial substitutions of lanthanoids at the Y site have proven effective. Materials with larger lanthanoids, such as Sm0.25Y0.75MnO3+δ and Ce0.15Tb0.15Y0.70MnO3+δ, were found to show enhanced oxygen storage kinetics at low temperatures [96, 97].

10.5 CH4 Conversion: Oxidative Coupling of Methane

10.5.1 Overview

Concerns regarding the depletion of natural carbon resources have increased interest in developing ways to effectively utilize methane. Methane is the primary component of natural gas and is the most promising alternative to petroleum. However, methane is a chemically stable molecule with no functional groups, limiting its use to simple combustion for mobility and energy generation. The oxidative coupling of methane (OCM) to C2 hydrocarbons, such as C2H6 and C2H4, is a possible route for facile conversion into commodity chemicals [98, 99]:

$$ {\text{CH}}_{4} + 1/4{\text{O}}_{2} \to 1/2{\text{C}}_{2} {\text{H}}_{6} + 1/2{\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}\quad \Delta {\text{H}} = - 89\;{\text{kJ}}\;{\text{mol}}^{ - 1} $$
$$ {\text{CH}}_{4} + 1/2{\text{O}}_{2} \to 1/2{\text{C}}_{2} {\text{H}}_{4} + {\text{H}}_{2} {\text{O}}\quad \Delta {\text{H}} = - 141\;{\text{kJ}}\;{\text{mol}}^{ - 1} $$

OCM is a fascinating reaction that is direct, exothermic, and unaffected by thermodynamic constraints. However, to date, no economically feasible process has been established. The reason for this is the absence of suitable catalysts with high C2 yields (>30%) and long-term durability to meet the practical requirements. The deep oxidation of methane to CO and CO2 hinders OCM, causing the deterioration of the C2 selectivity.

10.5.2 Existing Potential Catalysts and OCM Reaction Mechanism

Since the pioneering work [100] of Keller and Bhasin in the 1980s, approximately 2300 reports on OCM have been published. Statistical analysis of the literature data on OCM catalysts suggests several key factors that positively affect the OCM catalytic activity [101]. Catalysts containing alkali, alkali-earth, and rare-earth metals tend to show high catalytic activity. In fact, Li-doped MgO (Li/MgO) [102] and a composite consisting of manganese oxides and sodium tungstates on silica support (Mn-Na2WO4/SiO2) [103, 104] are known to be OCM-active. Unfortunately, both catalysts face technical drawbacks: in long-term operations, they suffer from deactivation due to the vaporization of alkali metals. Regarding the practical application of OCM technology, alternative concepts for catalyst development may help improve the catalytic performance, as reported recently.

The catalytic mechanism of OCM has been extensively investigated. Previous studies have indicated that the formation of C2 hydrocarbons predominantly involves the gas-phase association of methyl radicals (⋅CH3) generated at oxygen sites on the catalyst surface [105, 106]. This finding implies that methane activation, that is, the hydrogen abstraction reaction by the catalyst, is one of the dominating factors affecting OCM activity. Several research groups have reported the importance of the electronic state of oxygen species on the catalyst surface. However, there is no concrete view of the role of such oxygen species, and the activation factors of highly active OCM catalysts are not completely understood.

10.5.3 Recent Progress in the Development of Complex Metal Oxide Catalysts

The aforementioned Mn-Na2WO4/SiO2 catalyst is promising because of its relatively high catalytic activity; typically, C2 yields are larger than 25% [103, 104]. Nevertheless, the primary activation factor for OCM is still debated owing to the chemical/structural complexity, causing difficulties in further improving its catalytic performance. To overcome this obstacle, single-phase oxides that contain multiple elements seem noteworthy. Single-phase catalysts provide well-defined active sites that are advantageous for mechanistic studies. On the lookout for novel OCM catalysts, few studies have been conducted based on such a strategy, and most of the previous works have focused on perovskite-type oxides [99]. Wang et al. characterized three model La2B2O7 compounds with Ti4+, Zr4+, and Ce4+ at the B site to prove the phase structure-OCM activity relationship [107]. La2Ti2O7, La2Zr2O7, and La2Ce2O7 crystallize in perovskite-related, pyrochlore, and defective fluorite structures, respectively. The OCM activity followed the order: La2Ce2O7 > La2Zr2O7 > La2Ti2O7. The authors suggested that superoxide \( {{\rm{O}}_2^ - } \) is the active oxygen species, and that the structural type influences the concentration of \( {{\rm{O}}_2^ - } \) anions, emphasizing the importance of the crystallographic viewpoint.

Matsumoto et al. recently discovered the high OCM activity of crystalline Li2CaSiO4 (Fig. 10.11) [108]. The C2 selectivity and CH4 conversion reached 77.5% and 28.3%, respectively, at 750 °C with a feed gas ratio of CH4/O2 = 4/1. In addition, Li2CaSiO4 showed stable OCM performance in a durability test over 50 h without phase decomposition and compositional changes. The significant OCM activity of this catalyst is likely to originate from a combination of multiple cations in the crystal lattice; the local coordination around oxygen would give a dual effect of strong basicity and lattice stability, leading to simultaneous enhancements of the CH4 conversion and C2 selectivity. Notably, Li4SiO4 and Li4GeO4 were also found to be OCM-active, with performances comparable to Li2CaSiO4 [109]. The high OCM performance of these catalysts is believed to originate from the crystallographic similarities to Li2CaSiO4, where every oxygen site is surrounded by one Si/Ge atom and multiple Li atoms, which fulfill the OCM activation factors.

Fig. 10.11
An illustration represents the crystal structure of a molecule. The structure is formed by crystals and balls of different colors. Each ball depicts different ions, and each crystal depicts different ions.

Crystal structure of Li2CaSiO4. Crystal structure is shown as a clear view of the coordination environments of the Li and Si ions. Purple balls, Ca2+ ions; brown balls, Li+ ions; blue balls, Si4+ ions; red balls, O2− ions