
1 Introduction

People continually change their design schemes and concepts in modern art design as a result of the use of digital media art. In addition, the application of digital media technology integrates people’s thinking into the process of art design, this contributes to the concept of art design with fresh ideas, and makes it get high-quality innovation [1, 2]. Due to the influence of network technology, a series of new art forms in art design expand the development space of art design, thus realizing the organic combination of art design and digital media [3, 4]. The effective application of digital media technology provides dynamic and static transformation for art design and realizes the mutual transformation of entity and virtual [5, 6]. As the digital media technology develops, art design is moving towards the development direction of virtual display [7, 8]. Using advanced and scientific network technology, it breaks through the regional restrictions, to build a new, scientific, and reasonable design space for diversified and personalized display [9, 10]. The practical the use of digital media art enriches creative thinking and correspondingly stimulates creative inspiration [11,12,13].

2 Integrated Development of Digital Media Technology and Modern Art Design

At present, the employment of digital media technologies in the creation of contemporary art has shown to be successful, which is well reflected in the fields of house construction design, art design and exhibition.

2.1 Digital Media Technology Enriches Modern Art Design Forms

Modern art design is a prominent trend, because to the ongoing updating and growth of digital media technologies. The process of art design is for art designers a means of expressing their own feelings and ideas. The designed works can convey their real thoughts, which also reflects the core of art design. With the use of digital media technologies, art design may also be more diversified. It should be noted that based on bringing convenience to us, digital media technology will also make artistic works monotonous.

Although digital media technology can bring some convenience to the process of art design, designers should use it as little as possible. Actually, with 5G and some new internet technologies make huge headway, digital media develop rapidly [14,15,16]. Relying too much on it will only make designers lazy in innovation and gradually lose their design inspiration, eventually making all the design works alike. As a result, relevant designers must consider how to employ digital media technology in the process of contemporary art design in a reasonable manner. Designers should not only retain the original essence of works, but also use advanced technology to improve work efficiency, so that modern art forms can be more colorful.

2.2 Digital Media Technology Promotes the Innovative Development of Modern Art Design

At present, digital multimedia technology needs the effective support of computer system. Therefore, digital media technology is also a cutting-edge technology in the society. If we can successfully connect digital media technology with current art technology, we will be able to achieve our goals, the art design process will follow the trend of the times and adapt to the development of society. In the process of traditional art design, relevant designers need to conceive the works in their mind, complete the content of their imagination driven by inspiration, and conduct reasonable and effective analysis of the whole works, to finally create a complete art works. Designers may better finish the intermediate design conceptualization link with the use of digital media technologies. They can draw rough graphics on computer drawing software, and then modify them on this basis. Traditionally, people tend to show the results of art creation, but the use of modern digital media can help show the entire process of art creation. For the appreciation of works of art, the overall appreciation value of works of art will be improved. Of course, in the process of designing works, designers need to adhere to the essence of artistic creation and give full play to the beauty of artistic works.

3 Influence of Digital Media Technology on Modern Art Design

With the effective integration of digital media technology and modern art design process, modern art works show new characteristics and effects. At present, the use of digital media is a relatively new technology, which shows high application value in all walks of life. The expressiveness of digital media technology is primarily represented in various distinct parts of the design process for contemporary art works, such as language expression, communication mode and spatial structure.

3.1 Promoting the Infinite Expansion of Artistic Design Thinking

Under digital technology, Designers under the digital technology can not only complete the related work of creative ideas, but also bring new changes to working methods, design ideas, expression methods and organizational forms, to break the limitation that traditional art design can only be realized by professional designers, and make everyone possible to become designers. Nowadays, a variety of sophisticated works are constantly appearing in the network world, and it can be found that many of them are completed by non-professionals, and the designed works are more humanized, intelligent, and popular. Not only may digital technology boost creative efficiency, but it can also demonstrate the fundamental role of thinking expansion. It enables designers to broaden their thinking and design in a more complex style. At the same time, it expands the edge of designers’ solidified inspiration to a certain extent, opens the previously inaccessible space, and thus makes their thinking move to a higher stage.

3.2 Making the Content of Art Design Richer

Digital technology promotes the innovative development of media and forms of communication, and expands and enriches the visual and imagination space of art design. Digital technology-based product design, such as digital television, interactive media, interactive games, and virtual space, has brought a strong impact on the traditional visual expression carriers, methods, and theories. At present, the theoretical framework, aesthetic content, and design basis of new media art design have evolved from traditional visual design. Therefore, aesthetics and aesthetic foundation are completely interconnected. At the same time, the basic theory and visual design rules are similar, so the final design content is similar. Therefore, no matter how the design means have changed, what they reflect are real life and psychological activities, and there is no art design completely divorced from reality. Digital technology is highly advanced, and is the inevitable a result of scientific and technological progress. Its information content is great with diversified forms and rich content. With this technology, the art design can reach the height that could not reach before, to realize the innovative development of the art form.

3.3 Promoting the Diversification of Art Design Means

The original design process basically relied on professional designers. They designed and created by hand. The whole creation process includes basic sketch, plan, basic sample drawing, elevation, and final effect renderings. This design method requires a lot of work and takes a long time, and a design drawing will basically be completed by different people, and then submitted to the user for discussion and change. Once the error is large, it must be overthrown and recreated. However, the whole creative process of new media art design based on digital technology can be repeated and reversed, and the relationship between people and works is dynamic and interactive.

4 Significance of the Progress of Digital Media Technology to Modern Art Design

4.1 Promoting the Development of Modern Art Design Forms

With the convenience of technology for digital media, modern art design forms are no longer limited to traditional forms. It can transform a traditional art form into a more three-dimensional one, and even combine several different art forms to form new art forms. For example, in film production, many scenes often need to use CG technology, virtual technology, special effects and other more complex digital media technology. In the use of these technologies, but also need to use more advanced hardware equipment. While using these technologies, more advanced hardware equipment also needs to be used. At the same time, designers need to use these technologies reasonably with rich imagination in order to finally achieve the expected artistic effect. This not only broadens the audience's horizons, but also gives them a fresh way to shift their aesthetic viewpoint.

4.2 Expanding Modern Art Design Ideas

If digital media technology is used correctly in the area of contemporary art design, it can promote designers’ design ideas to be more open. Specifically, digital media technology includes multimedia technology, which can enrich the artistic forms contained in artistic works. In addition, such works of art can further enhance their artistic value if they are processed by reasonable information technology, the designer’s design concept can also be more prominent, and the viewer of artistic works can also get a more intuitive understanding of the designer’s thinking. Digital media technology can also provide a solution for the innovation of design of contemporary art. It is worth noting that such innovation does not mean the rigid splicing of art and technology, but the application of digital media technologies in the information age to convey the designer’s concept of artistic innovation.

5 Conclusions

Today’s world is a world of information. As information technology develops rapidly, new communication means and production technology have gradually emerged in public. This kind of design method broadens the design space and makes human beings gradually contact with new technology and new society. What should be paid attention to is the quality of designers, focusing on improving their comprehensive practical ability and innovation level, to create a steady stream of wealth for contemporary society by constantly adapting to the actual needs of the evolution of the information epoch. Currently, the country is gradually moving towards the digital information age. However, while paying attention to the information age, people should not ignore the actual situation. People should pay more attention to the reality and firm faith in future development. Applying digital media art to art design can not only improve the overall effect of modern art design, but also better serve the public.