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Development of Calibrated and Validated SODAR with Reference of Air Quality Management

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Handbook of Metrology and Applications


Air pollution control necessitates knowledge of Atmospheric Boundary Layer (ABL) parameters that influence pollutant concentration, diffusion, and transit. The ABL is one of the most important constituent zones of the atmosphere, as it plays a critical role in major areas of human endeavor such as air pollution, aviation, and communication. It can also be thought of as the biosphere’s circulatory system. SOnic Detection And Ranging (SODAR) is an important ground-based remote sensor competent to detect ABL height in real time. It is utilized in air quality management as a diagnostic tool for monitoring air quality in a variety of hazardous circumstances that are directly related to human health issues. The present work focuses on the methods derived for probing the ABL using SODAR for effective air shed management. The data generated through SODAR echograms is processed, interpreted and compared with MERRA-2 Model sensor so as to determine its effectiveness and precision of data. After critical analysis it was observed that SODAR is an effectual environmentally friendly instrument that can be used for air pollution abatement and air quality measures.

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Soni, K., Nair, A.S., Kumar, N., Chourey, P., Singh, N.J., Agarwal, R. (2022). Development of Calibrated and Validated SODAR with Reference of Air Quality Management. In: Aswal, D.K., Yadav, S., Takatsuji, T., Rachakonda, P., Kumar, H. (eds) Handbook of Metrology and Applications. Springer, Singapore.

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