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Radical Pelvic Surgery

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Handbook of Neurourology


Radical pelvic surgery is commonly utilized for the treatment of pelvic malignancy. Radical hysterectomy, radical prostatectomy, and abdominoperineal resection are among the most commonly utilized pelvic operations for the management of malignancy. Despite the development of nerve-sparing techniques and the use of robotic surgery, urinary symptoms often develop after these operations in the immediate postoperative period, but urinary dysfunction may also persist in the long term. In this chapter, we review the anatomy and pathophysiology that accounts for bladder dysfunction after pelvic surgery, in addition to both the early and late symptoms and urodynamic findings after radical pelvic surgery.

Contributors: Paul D. Slocum, Jr.

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Sebesta, E.M., Gleicher, S., Kowalik, C.G., Cohn, J.A., Stuart Reynolds, W., Dmochowski, R.R. (2022). Radical Pelvic Surgery. In: Liao, L., Madersbacher, H. (eds) Handbook of Neurourology. Springer, Singapore.

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