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Non-cryopreserved Peripheral Stem Cell Autograft for Multiple Myeloma and Lymphoma in Countries with Low Resources

  • Living reference work entry
  • First Online:
Handbook of Stem Cell Therapy
  • 36 Accesses


Autologous peripheral blood progenitor cell (PBPC) transplant is a standard indication in the multiple myeloma (MM) and lymphoma. The use of non-cryopreserved PBPCs is not usual despite its safety, feasibility, and efficacy. Few data exists in the literature regarding the procedures for non-cryopreserved autologous PBSCs transplant in countries with limited resources. The bibliographical research of this work was limited on sites like PubMed, Google scholar; using the following articles on the non-cryopreserved autologous PBPCs in hematological malignancies in developing countries have been selected. These papers were analyzed in terms of mobilization, apheresis, preservation and viability, conditioning regimen, engraftment, response, and finally survival. This chapter sums up experience from 17 transplant centers which carried out autografts with non-cryopreserved PBPCs in 1541 patients suffering from hematologic malignancies. The results in terms of mobilization showed a median CD34+ = 3.94 × 106/kg (range, 0.32–24.6), a viability >90% and >75% respectively in MM and lymphomas after a conservation of 24–144 h at +4 °C. The engraftment (mean neutrophils = 12.38 (6–86) days, mean platelets = 15.57 (7–89) days, and TRM (4.39%) were very satisfactory. In conclusion, this method is easy, efficient, and safe, and it is expected to grow in developing countries due to its low production cost and procedure simplicity.

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African Blood and Marrow Transplantation


Autologous stem cell transplantation




Bone marrow


Bone marrow progenitor cells




Cyclophosphamide, Etoposide, Carboplatin


Disease-free survival


Diffuse large B cell lymphoma


Dimethyl sulfoxide


Eastern Mediterranean Bone Marrow Transplantation Group


Granulocyte-colony stimulating factor


Hematopoietic progenitor cells




Melphalan, Etoposide


Neutrophil engraftment


Overall survival


Peripheral blood stem cells


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Bekadja, M.A. (2022). Non-cryopreserved Peripheral Stem Cell Autograft for Multiple Myeloma and Lymphoma in Countries with Low Resources. In: Haider, K.H. (eds) Handbook of Stem Cell Therapy. Springer, Singapore.

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