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Nucleic Acid Conjugates for Biosensing – Design, Preparation, and Application

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Handbook of Chemical Biology of Nucleic Acids


A nucleic acid conjugate is a hybrid molecule consisting of a nucleic acid and a linked molecule that confers a specific function. The first nucleic acid conjugates were DNA probes, which are short sequences complementary to target DNA or RNA that can be chemically modified with fluorescent dyes or antigens for signal amplification. Since the development of early nucleic acid conjugates, conjugate diversity has expanded along with the development of new synthesis methods, the discovery of new target biological phenomena, and the availability of novel functional nucleic acids including ribozymes, DNAzymes, and aptamers. At present, a wide range of research has been conducted using nucleic acid conjugates, including studies in molecular engineering, analytical science, pharmacology, and therapeutics. Of this range of scientific fields, this review focuses primarily on the analytical applications and the use of nucleic acid conjugates as research tools for the targeting of biomolecules and relevant biophenomena. Nevertheless, the functions of nucleic acid conjugates are not as simple as those of conventional DNA probes, but are instead quite diverse, and can reflect the unique ideas of researchers with backgrounds in synthetic chemistry, chemical biology, pharmacy, and/or medicine. Here, we show how nucleic acid conjugates are being designed for specific target molecules and biophenomena and how they provide the solutions for various specific challenges in biosciences.

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Ihara, T., Kitamura, Y., Katsuda, Y. (2023). Nucleic Acid Conjugates for Biosensing – Design, Preparation, and Application. In: Sugimoto, N. (eds) Handbook of Chemical Biology of Nucleic Acids. Springer, Singapore.

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