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Biofluid Markers Unveiling Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis: With Special Reference to Oxidative Stress

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Handbook of Oxidative Stress in Cancer: Therapeutic Aspects


Cancer cells have an inherent elevated reactive oxygen species level. Cancer biomarkers include macromolecules such as DNA, RNA, proteins, and certain metabolites; gene; microRNA; immunological, epigenetic biomarkers; and trace elements. This chapter briefly covers up certain biofluids used to analyze cancer biomarkers related to oxidative stress. Oxidative boots can be studied over wide range of biofluids like blood, urine, breath, cerebrospinal fluid, pleural effusions, saliva, tears, and sweat. Biofluids clarify the mechanisms of biological flow and their interrelationships with physiological processes, in health and disease. Biofluid analyses of clinical relevance offer more chances to conduct studies on a large scale as biofluid sample collections are easily accessible, noninvasive, and of easy storage.

Biofluid miRNA profiling, high-precision quantitation using direct mass spectrometry, microfluidic devices, organotypic culture models, cell culture effluent methods employed in biomarker analyses, and the advancements in proteomic/genomic/transcriptomic technologies are highly fruitful. It reflects normal biological functioning, extent of the pathogenic processes, or therapeutic outcomes. Biofluidic diagnostics are scientifically credible. Owing to the biomarker capability in cancer diagnosis and prognosis, necessity for further research is felt.

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Elango, S., Veerappan, K., Subbiah, U. (2022). Biofluid Markers Unveiling Cancer Diagnosis and Prognosis: With Special Reference to Oxidative Stress. In: Chakraborti, S. (eds) Handbook of Oxidative Stress in Cancer: Therapeutic Aspects. Springer, Singapore.

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