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Introduction to Forensic DNA Typing and Current Trends

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Handbook of DNA Profiling


DNA profiling in forensic context has seen tremendous growth over the last almost four decades. Forensic DNA fingerprinting started with Alec Jefferey’s single and multilocus probes via autoradiography followed by fluorescence-based PCR-STRs. Lately, there has been a significant change in technology for human identification. Chip-based massively parallel sequencing is the most recent advancement. Drawing investigative leads, disaster victim identification, and unsolved cold cases created a requirement for more efficient ways of extraction, rapid DNA testing, and genetic genealogy. Pooling forensic genetic genealogy, mitochondrial DNA for challenging sample analysis and STR-SNP sequencing has opened more avenues to generate the data leading to identification. This chapter highlights some of the advanced methods adopted in forensic DNA profiling and a few appropriate cases incorporating such methods.

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Chakravarty, M., Pandya, P. (2021). Introduction to Forensic DNA Typing and Current Trends. In: Dash, H.R., Shrivastava, P., Lorente, J.A. (eds) Handbook of DNA Profiling. Springer, Singapore.

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