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Water Sorption and Solvent Sorption Techniques of Epoxy/Synthetic/Natural Fiber Composites

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Handbook of Epoxy/Fiber Composites


This chapter presents the main characteristics of water and solvent sorption and its effects on the behavior of epoxy/natural/synthetic fiber-reinforced polymer composites. Various models which were proposed in the literature to describe the kinetics of moisture sorption into polymers and their composites are briefly discussed. Basic Fickian diffusion models and more elaborate models that account for anomalous (i.e., non-Fickian) moisture absorption often exhibited by the thermoset resins are covered. It was shown that several factors affect the way in which hybrid epoxy/synthetic/natural composites absorb water (i.e., temperature, fiber volume fraction, type of fiber (permeable or impermeable), area of exposed surfaces, degree of cross-linking, degree of crystallinity of the epoxy matrix, etc.). Consequently, the accurate determination of diffusivity and moisture uptake in a composite is a fundamental step in the accurate prediction of moisture-induced degradation. In general, the presence of natural fibers in the composite increases the moisture absorption. Thus, it is recommended that the amount of natural fiber in a composite is restricted to its optimum fiber/matrix ratio in order to attain maximum strength and limit its moisture predisposition. One effective way to reduce the water absorption is the hybridization of natural fiber composites with synthetic fibers (glass, Kevlar, or carbon), enabling a proper balance in performance and cost.

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Banea, M.D., Budhe, S. (2022). Water Sorption and Solvent Sorption Techniques of Epoxy/Synthetic/Natural Fiber Composites. In: Mavinkere Rangappa, S., Parameswaranpillai, J., Siengchin, S., Thomas, S. (eds) Handbook of Epoxy/Fiber Composites . Springer, Singapore.

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