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Study of Interface Properties of Epoxy Filled Nanocellulose of Natural Fiber-Based Composites

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Handbook of Epoxy/Fiber Composites


This chapter reviews recent progress on the development and application of cellulose of different types. Several cellulose sources such as plant, lignocellulosic materials, bacterial, and green growth cellulose were discussed. Standard techniques used for extracting cellulose and their characterization were also evaluated. The utilization of cellulose arranged in different sorts, including but not limited to cellulose microcrystalline (MCC), cellulose nanocrystal (CNC), cellulose nanofibers (CNF), and all forms of nano-cellulosic structures such as fibers, whiskers, and miniaturized scale fibrillated cellulose (MFC) were examined. The polymer’s development and characterization, such as epoxy reinforced with the cellulose of different sizes extracted from various sources, were evaluated. The mechanical, thermal, and physical properties of cellulose reinforced composite were examined, and matrix-filler interface characteristics were highlighted. These properties were evaluated based on cellulose percentage loading, and composite properties with cellulose extracted from different sources were also compared. The present application of cellulose reinforced biocomposite with their future scope of this material was also considered.

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Mohan, T.P., Gbadeyan, O.J., Kanny, K. (2022). Study of Interface Properties of Epoxy Filled Nanocellulose of Natural Fiber-Based Composites. In: Mavinkere Rangappa, S., Parameswaranpillai, J., Siengchin, S., Thomas, S. (eds) Handbook of Epoxy/Fiber Composites . Springer, Singapore.

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