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Formation Channels of Single and Binary Stellar-Mass Black Holes

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Handbook of Gravitational Wave Astronomy


These are exciting times for binary black holes (BBHs). LIGO and Virgo detections are progressively drawing a spectacular fresco of BBH masses, spins, and merger rates. In this review, we discuss the main formation channels of BBHs from stellar evolution and dynamics. Uncertainties on massive star evolution (e.g., stellar winds, rotation, overshooting, and nuclear reaction rates), core-collapse supernovae, and pair instability still hamper our comprehension of the mass spectrum and spin distribution of black holes (BHs), but substantial progress has been done in the field over the last few years. On top of this, the efficiency of mass transfer in a binary system and the physics of common envelope substantially affect the final BBH demography. Dynamical processes in dense stellar systems can trigger the formation of BHs in the mass gap and intermediate-mass BHs via hierarchical BH mergers and via multiple stellar collisions. Finally, we discuss the importance of reconstructing the cosmic evolution of BBHs.

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We thank the DEMOBLACK team for useful discussions and for providing us with some essential material for this review. MM acknowledges financial support from the European Research Council for the ERC Consolidator grant DEMOBLACK, under contract no. 770017.

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Mapelli, M. (2021). Formation Channels of Single and Binary Stellar-Mass Black Holes. In: Bambi, C., Katsanevas, S., Kokkotas, K.D. (eds) Handbook of Gravitational Wave Astronomy. Springer, Singapore.

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