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Binary Neutron Stars

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Handbook of Gravitational Wave Astronomy
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In this Chapter, I describe the inspiral, merger, and post-merger phases of binary-neutron-star systems, focusing on the gravitational radiation they emit. After a general introduction to the formation of these systems and to the dynamics of mergers and after some comments on the state of the art of numerical simulations thereof, I descend into some details about how to link gravitational-wave measurements with the equation of state of neutron stars, whose cores have the highest density in the visible universe. This is done in two parts, based on inspiral gravitational waves and post-merger gravitational waves, respectively. The tidal deformability plays a prominent role in the former, while spectral properties of the gravitational-wave signal are important for the latter. I also present current observational capabilities and estimates for future detections and comment on the detectability of equations of state that include deconfined quark matter and possibly phase transitions.

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Baiotti, L. (2021). Binary Neutron Stars. In: Bambi, C., Katsanevas, S., Kokkotas, K.D. (eds) Handbook of Gravitational Wave Astronomy. Springer, Singapore.

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