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Brain’s Networks and Their Functional Significance in Cognition

Handbook of Neuroengineering


Understanding the brain’s cognitive function depends on the knowledge of how neural units interconnect both locally, within distinct brain regions, and at the large scale of the whole brain. Balance between localized processing and global integration provides support for the complex processing patterns, underlying high-order cognitive function, while at the same time ensuring flexibility, robustness, and functional diversification in the brain. In this context, the network paradigm enables a theoretical framework for investigating interactions between brain regions as well as the use of powerful computational tools for interpreting the complex topology of functional networks. In this chapter we review current state of the art in studying brain functional networks and summarize methodological advances used to quantify the networks characteristics. We also overview the main neuroimaging techniques, whose data give rise to network interpretations. Further, we discuss the current knowledge on core large-scale networks involved in cognitive function and dysfunction. Overall, this chapter promotes a systematic exploration of how cognition emerges as a network phenomenon.

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Anterior cingulate cortex


Anterior insular cortex


Anterior inferior parietal lobe


Anterior prefrontal cortex


Central executive network


Dorsal anterior cingulate cortex


Dorsal attention network


Dorsal frontal cortex


Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex


Default mode network


Dorsal medial prefrontal cortex






Frontal eye fields


Functional magnetic resonance imaging


Functional near-infrared spectroscopy


Frontal operculum


Independent component analysis


Intraparietal sulcus


Intraparietal sulcus


Lateral parietal cortex


Lateral posterior parietal cortex


Medial cingulate cortex




Medial precuneus


Medial temporal lobe


Orbitofrontal cortex


Posterior cingulate cortex




Region of interest


Salience network


Superior parietal lobe


Substantia nigra


Temporoparietal junction


Ventral attention network


Ventral frontal cortex


Ventral lateral and rostral lateral prefrontal cortex


Ventral-medial prefrontal cortex;


Ventral tegmental area


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Dragomir, A., Omurtag, A. (2021). Brain’s Networks and Their Functional Significance in Cognition. In: Thakor, N.V. (eds) Handbook of Neuroengineering. Springer, Singapore.

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    Brain’s Networks and Their Functional Significance in Cognition
    24 December 2021


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    Brain’s Networks and Their Functional Significance in Cognition
    17 June 2021
