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Classical 2D Face Recognition: A Survey on Methods, Face Databases, and Performance Evaluation

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Advances in Intelligent Computing and Communication

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ((LNNS,volume 109))


The visual system is the ultimate model for computer vision systems. Face recognition is one of the essential biometric-based methods of computer vision from the perspective of safety and security. The research in face recognition has improved significantly during the way back 1970 to present based on the various classification technique. This paper presents a survey of some most significant classical 2D classification techniques in face recognition, the well-known face databases for evaluation of methods, and performance evaluation techniques.

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Naik, M.K., Wunnava, A. (2020). Classical 2D Face Recognition: A Survey on Methods, Face Databases, and Performance Evaluation. In: Mohanty, M., Das, S. (eds) Advances in Intelligent Computing and Communication. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 109. Springer, Singapore.

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