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The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder

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Handbook of Air Quality and Climate Change


Launched in May 2002, the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) measures the upwelling radiance of the atmosphere in 2378 spectral channels ranging from 3.75 to 15.4 μm with spectral resolution sufficient to provide detailed profiles of atmospheric temperature, water vapor, and trace gas species including O3, CO, SO2, CH4, CO2, N2O, and NH3. AIRS provided the first hyperspectral radiances to be assimilated into the operational weather forecast, and they continue to be assimilated into forecast models at NWP centers worldwide. AIRS provides a nearly circular 13.5 km footprint at nadir with a wide ±48.95° scan leading to global daily coverage for most places on Earth. This rapid revisit enables AIRS to provide critical data regarding atmospheric constituents in near real time, including location and concentration of mid-tropospheric CO from fires and SO2 from volcanic plumes. AIRS O3 products have been used to quantify the role of stratospheric intrusions and long-range pollution transport in high surface ozone events. The AIRS radiance spectra also contain information on long-lived climate forcers such as methane (CH4), carbon dioxide (CO2), nitrous oxide (N2O), and CFC-11. AIRS has been shown to have good sensitivity to near surface concentrations of atmospheric ammonia, NH3. With a multi-decadal continuous record of hyperspectral infrared radiances, and the products generated from the radiances, the AIRS has gone beyond just a near-real-time weather instrument and has been demonstrated to be a valuable tool for studying climate trends in atmospheric temperature, water vapor, and trace gas species.

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The research was carried out at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of Technology, under a contract with the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (80NM0018D0004).

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Pagano, T.S., Payne, V.H. (2022). The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder. In: Akimoto, H., Tanimoto, H. (eds) Handbook of Air Quality and Climate Change. Springer, Singapore.

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