
1 Background

A complex network of cells and molecules construct the immune system, which function to protect our bodies from invading microorganisms, facilitate wound healing, and prevent disease. The immune system contains innate (nonspecific, nature) and adaptive (specific, repetitive) immunity, and both immune systems work synergistically in the overall immune response. In the immune response, adaptive immune cells function to release messenger molecules and cytokines that regulate immune system especially innate immune cell function, while cells from innate immune system help facilitate specific immune responses through antigen presentation [1, 2]. The immune system not only protects our bodies against infection but also influences other physiological systems and their processes, including metabolism, sleep/fatigue, tissue repair, mental health, and thermoregulation [3,4,5]. Based on the recognition that stress responses mediated through the endocrine and nervous systems play a key role in determining exercise-induced immune changes and that the immune system mediates many exercise effects, the exercise immunology has developed into its own discipline during the past four decades [6].

Compared with many branches of the exercise sciences, exercise immunology has quite a short history. The modern era of careful epidemiological investigations and precise laboratory studies began in the mid-1980s. The early work of David Nieman piqued the interest in the effect of exercise on the immune system, by reporting that people with a more serious commitment to regular exercise may experience less infectious episodes such as upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) than their sedentary peers because of both direct and indirect effects on immunosurveillance; conversely, those engaged in stressful race experience appeared to be at a greater risk of infection than those who remained sedentary [7,8,9]. Thus, the link between exercise and the immune system in people who exercise has become a prominent focus area in the sports science and medicine communities since the formation of the International Society of Exercise and Immunology (ISEI) in 1989 [10, 11]. It is generally recognized that regular moderate-intensity exercise is beneficial for our bodies, while prolonged periods of intensive exercise training can depress immunity [12]. The immune responses to exercise are organized, and specific immune cells are redistributed for defined functional purposes. Most studies about the effects of exercise on the immune system are focused on the impact of the chronic effects of exercise training as well as the acute bouts of exercise. Both acute and chronic exercise have shown significant response in the area of leukocyte redistribution, activity, trafficking, and function [11, 13]. The intensity, duration, and volume of exercise have been reported to influence the redistribution of immune cells into the circulation associated with exercise [14,15,16,17]. In most of the exercise immunology studies, which type of exercise training can improve immune function in athletes, the elderly, and diseased patients is of great concern. In this chapter, we will describe the effects of chronic and acute exercise on immune responses and some strategies for restoring immune function after exercise.

2 The Effects of Exercise on Innate Immune Cells

As one of the two main immunity strategies found in vertebrates, the innate immune system is also known as the nonspecific immune system or in-born immune system, which is a semi-specific and widely distributed form of immunity [18]. The innate immunity includes both cells and soluble factors, which represents the first line of defense against pathogens. Major cells of this immune system include neutrophils, macrophages, dendritic cells (DCs), and natural killer (NK) cells. Soluble factors of the innate immune system include complement proteins and antimicrobial peptides [19]. Beside these innate immune cells and factors, many host cells can also initiate responses to a pathogenic infection. Here we will focus on exercise and the innate immune cells and the inflammatory cytokines which constitute the products of these immune cells.

2.1 Exercise and Neutrophils

Neutrophils, as the first-line defenders against bacterial infection in innate immunity, has been a popular cell type to study in the field of exercise immunology. A single bout of exercise has a profound effect on the total number and composition of circulating neutrophils [11]. Following a bout of high-dose resistance exercise, the neutrophils may remain elevated and peak up threefold post exercise [20,21,22,23], whereas prolonged endurance exercise (0.5–3 h) may cause neutrophil count to increase up to fivefold [24]. Although the increased number of not only neutrophils but also other immune cells is often indicative of infection and inflammation, exercise-induced immune cell counts typically return to pre-exercise levels within 6–24 h after exercise cessation [25].

Regular exercise training studies in leukocytes reported that leukocyte count in blood circulation does not change, including that of neutrophils [26]. In endurance aerobic exercise training studies, neutrophil counts significantly decreased after exercise therapy in those with chronic inflammatory conditions. This count was correlated with percent changes in insulin sensitivity index, body mass index, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max), and fasting triglyceride analysis [27]. Whether this effect is deleterious or beneficial is dependent upon the context. Of note, in a resistance exercise study, it was found that the change in the number of circulation neutrophils can occur more rapidly following a bout of higher-volume/lower-intensity (5 × 10 reps, 80%-1 RM) vs. lower-volume/higher intensity (15 × 1 reps, 100%-1 RM) resistance exercise [28]. However, in another high-dose resistance study, there were no detected changes in neutrophil count [29]. It is not clear till now to determine clearly why different exercise temporal profiles vary for neutrophils in the literature.

The change in the number of neutrophils in blood was rapid and profoundly raised the first time after acute exercise, followed by a second, delayed increase a few hours later, which was associated with both the duration and intensity of the exercise [16, 30]. These immediate and delayed neutrophilic leukocytoses induced by exercise are mediated respectively by catecholamine and cortisol [31]. The ability to adhere to the endothelium is the initial step of neutrophil migration to sites of infection or injury. However, acute intensity exercise was reported to enhance neutrophil chemotaxis and phagocytosis but not their ability to adhere to the endothelium [32, 33]. The acute bout of exercise could reduce the oxidative burst and degranulation of neutrophils in response to bacterial stimulation that can last for long times. Also, this exercise could increase the unstimulated neutrophil phagocytosis, degranulation, and oxidative burst activity [16, 30, 34]. All these results indicated that acute exercise might reduce neutrophils’ ability to respond to exogenous stimulation but mobilize highly functional neutrophils into the circulation blood and increase spontaneous neutrophil degranulation [35]. Although there are more studies of neutrophils in acute and chronic exercise training, little is known about the influence of exercise training on neutrophil function, which needs further study.

2.2 Exercise and Monocytes/Macrophage

Monocytes are the largest type of leukocytes that circulate in the blood and then migrate into tissues, where they mature into macrophages and myeloid lineage dendritic cells. These maturations are essential in tissue regeneration, recovery, and repair through processes including promotion of minisatellite cell stimulation and phagocytosis [36]. Classical (CD14hiCD16) and nonclassical (CD14lowCD16+ or CD14hiCD16+) are two main populations of monocytes. The inflammatory nonclassical (CD14lowCD16+) monocytes express 2.5 times as much cell surface TLR4 as the other classical monocytes, which is driven by TNF-α [37]. Regular exercise appears to reduce the number of inflammatory monocytes (CD14lowCD16+) in blood at the resting state. In the studies of cross-sectional and longitudinal exercise training, people with physically training exhibit a lower percentage of inflammatory monocytes, lower surface TLR4 expression, and reduced circulation monocyte inflammatory responses to lipopolysaccharide (LPS) [38,39,40,41,42,43]. The anti-inflammatory effect of exercise on these monocytes in tissue is still unclear. But in the mouse model studies, induced inflammatory responses of peritoneal macrophages were induced by exercise training, indicating a possible different effect of exercise on circular blood monocytes and tissue macrophages [44,45,46]. In obese mice studies, regular exercise training reduced systemic inflammation in high fat diet-fed mice [47, 48]. The macrophage infiltration into other sites of chronic inflammation has also been reported to be reduced by regular exercise training [49]. All these animal studies showed more evidence to demonstrate the anti-inflammatory effect of regular exercise.

After a single, acute bout of intense exercise, there was a transient increase in the number of inflammatory monocytes, which then returned to the baseline number during recovery [50]. This transient (~2 h) increase in monocytes most likely represents a migration of monocytes from the margins to the circulating pool [51]. In response to acute exercise, the preferential mobilization of CD14+CD16+ monocytes exhibited an inflammatory phenotype relative to CD14+CD16 monocytes [52, 53]. Then the percentage of these CD14+CD16+ monocytes reduced in recovery, practically due to tissue recruitment or remarginalization [50]. These cells had a more inflammatory function to entry into tissues and were knocked off the endothelium in response to exercise. The cytokine production of monocytes was also influenced after acute exercise. Although spontaneous cytokine levels of CD14+ monocytes did not change so much, the interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL1-α, and tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) were significantly reduced post acute exercise, perhaps due to the reduced expression of LTR on the surface of monocytes [54,55,56,57]. In resistance exercise studies, an acute bout of resistance exercise also induced an acute increase in the number of circulation monocytes. The monocyte values returned to baseline between 15 and 30 min after high-dose resistance exercise or peaked at 120 min after the exercise cessation, due to different exercise doses [21, 22, 28].

Macrophages can be divided into two separate states: M1 and M2 macrophages. M1 macrophages always produce IL-6, nitric oxide, and TNF, which is an inflammatory state, whereas M2 macrophages produce anti-inflammatory cytokines and arginase [58]. Because there are little macrophages in circulation blood and most of them are matured in tissue, the study of acute exercise and macrophages in human are limited. In animal studies, prolonged exercise could reduce the antigen presentation ability of macrophages and the surface MHC II expression [59,60,61]. Acute exercise was reported to have potent stimulatory effects on M1 and M2 macrophages phagocytosis, nitrogen metabolism, chemotaxis, antitumor activity, and reactive oxygen [51, 62, 63].

2.3 Exercise and Dendric Cells

In human exercise studies, a single bout of dynamic exercise by healthy adults enhanced the generation of monocyte-derived DCs, but the functional consequences of this observation remained poorly understood [64]. The circulating number of DCs was detected to be increased after exercise, and this mobilization of DCs may be less prone to drive inflammatory processes [65, 66]. In animal models, the mixed leukocyte reaction, surface MHC II expression, and IL-12 production were significantly increased in DCs from regular exercise training; however, the costimulatory molecule of these DCs such as CD80 and CD86 showed no difference after training [67, 68]. During aerobic exercise, there is a preferential mobilization of plasmacytoid DCs. Due to the functional repertoire of plasmacytoid DCs, which includes production of interferons against viral and bacterial pathogens, exercise may improve immune-surveillance through preferentially mobilizing these DC effector cells [69]. However, there is very little information on the effects of exercise on DCs, which needs more investigation.

2.4 Exercise and Natural Killer Cells

Since NK cells are easy to study and exhibit a large magnitude change in response to exercise, they have received significant attention in the exercise immunology literature [11]. There existed much controversy on the effects of exercise training on NK cells, despite the fact that many results demonstrated the effects of exercise on NK cell function and number. Like other circulation leukocytes, through increased catecholamine-induced downregulation of adhesion molecule expression and shear stress, NK cells were immediately mobilized into the circulation in response to acute exercise [70, 71]. But after prolonged exercise, the number of NK cells in peripheral blood circulation was decreased, partially due to the tissue migration or remarginalization [71]. In a high-dose resistance exercise (60–100%-1 RM at different volumes), the number of NK cells can be increased and sustained 15-min post exercise [21, 22]. Additionally, CD16+/CD56+ NK cell number was reported to reestablish to baseline values by 3-h post the prolonged aerobic exercise [20]. The varied count of CD16+/CD56+ NK cells was associated with the intensities and volumes of exercise. However, in contrast to other lymphocytes, there was no change in CD16+/CD56+ NK cell count under a low-dose bout of resistance exercise [72].

The key function of NK cells is innate cytotoxicity; NK cells are primarily known to characteristically secrete interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and induce cell death of infected cells. NK cell cytotoxicity was an well-known major functional measure of NK activity [73]. Early intervention or cross-sectional studies detected modest increases in NK cell cytotoxicity after moderate exercise training [74,75,76]. Beside this, A single bout of exercise could cause an increase in NK cell cytotoxicity, then quickly followed by a delayed suppression during exercise recovery [77]. The changes in the cytotoxic activity of NK cells was mostly driven by the changes in the proportion of NK cells among the peripheral blood mononuclear cell (PBMC) fraction. Indeed, both high- and moderate-intensity exercise were associated with significant shifts in circulating proportions of NK cells which significantly influence the interpretation of NK cell cytotoxicity [77]. However, the studies by other groups challenged this concept by using a wide range of tumor target cells (e.g., K562) in the detection of the effects of exercise on NK cell cytotoxicity [78]. They proposed that exercise evokes a preferential redeployment of NK cell subsets with a high differentiation phenotype and augments cytotoxicity against HLA-expressing target cells [78, 79]. Thus, till now it remains unclear if changes in NK cell function simply reflect exercise-induced alterations in the count of NK cells and NK cell subset distribution, or whether exercise affects the functional capability of NK cells at the individual cell level.

2.5 Exercise and Other Innate Immune Cells

The studies on effects of exercise on other innate immune cells such as basophils and eosinophils was collected and presented in Table 27.1.

Table 27.1 Effects of exercise on immune cells

3 The Effects of Exercise on Adaptive Immune Cells

Adaptive immunity is also known as acquired immunity or specific immunity, which is designed to protect our bodies by destroying invading microorganisms and preventing colonization [90]. The immunological memory that is created by adaptive immunity after an initial response to a specific pathogen leads to an future intensive response to subsequent encounters with that pathogen [19]. The main cells that are involved in the adaptive immunity are T and B lymphocytes, which are a subset of leukocyte. T cells play a large role in cell-mediated immune responses, whereas B cells are intimately involved in the humoral immune response [19]. It is widely accepted that proportional to exercise duration and intensity, there exists a lymphocytosis during and immediately after exercise. In this part, we will focus on exercise and the main adaptive immune cell function.

3.1 Exercise and B Cells

After immune activation, B cells undergo proliferation and differentiation and mature into memory and plasma cell. As the major cells involved in the creation of blood plasma and lymph antibodies, plasma cells produce IgA, IgD, IgE, IgM, and IgG immunoglobulin (Ig), each of which recognizes a unique antigen in the humoral immunity [91]. The effect of exercise on humoral Ig function has been evaluated through measurements of mucosal and serum Ig concentration. Brief or prolonged exercise studies reported that serum Ig concentration appears to remain either slightly increased, or unchanged [92,93,94]. The mucosal immune system protects the mucosal surfaces of the nasal passages, intestines, and the respiratory tract. The secretory IgA (SIgA) that is produced by plasma cells is the major effector function of the mucosal immune system providing the pathogens [95, 96]. The effect of exercise on the changes of the secretion of SIgA in saliva has been widely studied [97]. Training status, intensity of the exercise bout, and duration of the exercise could influence the response of SIgA [11]. High levels of saliva SIgA was important to enhance basic immune capacity and was associated with low incidence of URTI in athletes. Substantial transient falls in saliva SIgA could increase the risk of URTI [98, 99]. Although some early studies indicated falls in saliva SIgA concentration in endurance athletes or during intensive periods of training [99,100,101,102], the majority of studies reported that the saliva SIgA concentration in athletes was the same as non-athletes except when athletes are engaged in heavy training [103, 104]. This decreased saliva SIgA in athletes after high-intensity exercise is partly due to a withdrawal of the inhibitory effects of the parasympathetic nervous system [11]. Thus, acute bouts of moderate exercise showed little impact on plasma cell Ig expression, but prolonged heavy exercise and intensified training could evoke decreases in saliva SIgA secretion.

Except their Ig antibody secretion role in humoral and mucosal immunity, B cells were also engaged in initiating T cell-mediated immune responses and played a key role [105]. B cell number was mildly increased during and immediately after exercise and was proportional to exercise duration and intensity. But this enhanced number of B cells falling below pre-exercise levels during the early stages of recovery and returning to basal level within 24 h [25, 106]. Besides that, a consistent elevated circulation B cell number was detected either during or after high-dose resistance exercise (evident after 3 h rest, 60–100%-1 RM at different volumes) [20, 81, 82]. The elevated circulation B cell count was also detected even in low-dose resistance exercise [107]. Well, except the high- and low-dose exercise, bouts of different dose exercise could be admitted that induced an acute lymphocytosis with occurs either during or immediately after exercise. Furthermore, higher exercise doses should be augmented to measure the effect of different types of exercise on the circulation B cell count, and further research is needed to clarify the effects of exercise training on immunological function of B cells.

3.2 Exercise and T Cells

After antigen challenge, T cells proliferate and differentiate into multiple effector T cell clones. These expanded T cells can be divided into several subsets of cells, each with a distinct function [108]. Some of them are able to recognize the antigen that causes the initial response and regulated the immunological events in both humoral and cell-mediated immunity. The cell surface cluster of differentiation (CD) markers and the cytokines profiles that T cell produced can be used to classify different T cell phenotypes. CD4+ helper/inducer T cells can be divided into type 1 (Th2), type 2 (Th2), Th17, and T follicular helper cells [109]. Th1 cells function to eliminate intracellular pathogens and are associated with organ-specific autoimmunity. Conversely, Th2 cells mount responses to extracellular parasites and indirectly regulate inflammatory activity through secretion of cytokine IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, and IL-13 [110]. Through the secretion of the regulator cytokine IL-10, Th2 cells could also negatively regulate inflammation. The cytokines that are released from Th2 cells could activate B cells, leading B cells to proliferate and differentiate into memory and plasma cells [111]. Like CD4+ T cells, CD8+ T cells are classified into type 1 (Tc1) and type 2 (Tc2) cells according to their cytokine profiles. These CD8+ T cells are also known as cytotoxic T cells, which are central to resistance against intracellular pathogens [112]. Different types of T cells in adaptive immunity play different roles; hence, differential analysis of T cell subtypes is necessary.

Several studies have uncovered a decreased T cells proliferation both during and after exercise [11]. The function of T cells appears to be sensitive to increases in training load in well-trained athletes undertaking a period of intensified training, together with a decreased circulating Th1 T cell counts, which suggested that a long period of intensified training exhibits decreases in T cell functionality. However, a lymphocytosis is observed during and immediately after exercise, with numbers of cells falling below pre-exercise levels during the early stages of recovery [113]. These variations of T cells number in different exercises might be proportional to exercise intensity and duration [55, 114]. In resistance exercise studies, the responses of CD4+ T cells to resistance exercise were different based on the different study groups. It was reported that CD4+ lymphocytosis existed immediately after high-dose resistance exercise [21, 22, 82], or increased during 0–60 min following very low-dose resistance exercise [89]. Then the counts of CD4+ T cells returned to baseline within 30 min following the high-dose exertion [21], or remained elevated at 60 min succeeding a low-dose exertion [89]. In contrast to exercise induced T cell number, following a body resistance exercise protocol (60–70%-1 RM at different volumes), there was no detected change in CD4+ T cell count (despite an increase in total lymphocytes) [20]. Actually, in the resting stage (more than 24 h resting after the last training session) of athletes, the circulating lymphocyte (include all type of T cells) and functions appeared to be broadly similar to those of non-athletes [115].

As in the case of CD4+ T cells, a CD8+ T cell lymphocytosis has been detected to exist immediately following high-dose resistance exercise (60–70%-1 RM), which reportedly returned to baseline levels by 15 min succeeding exercise or decreased below pre-exercise levels by 30 min of rest, and then returned to baseline values by 3 h post exercise [20, 21, 82]. During the very low-dose resistance exercise, the count of CD8+ T cells increased from 0 to 60 min post exercise training and returned to baseline between 20 and 60 min post exercise [89]. Slight variances in exercise volume or differences in the timing of blood collections after exercise might be related to the number of non-consistent CD8+ T cells that were reported in different papers.

Till now, it has been accepted that exercise is somehow correlated with T cell function. However, it is debated whether T cell proliferation is truly impaired during or after exercise. Thus, further research is necessary to clarify the relationship of T cell count and function in different exercise training programs.

4 Perspective

During exercise, no matter acute or chronic, there exists a marked difference in the circulating levels of immune cells and other factors that have immunomodulatory effects by influencing leukocyte trafficking and functions. The effects of exercise on the normal functioning of the immune system have been widely agreed to be profound [116,117,118]. It is already known that the single exercise bouts only induce a transient immune response. However, these effects cumulated over time and formed the immunological adaptations to chronic exercise training. Based on exercise dose, prolonged periods of intensive exercise training could depress immunity [119, 120], while there was no doubt that regular exercise training may reduce the risk of disease such as the URTI due to its anti-inflammatory, thymic-activity reinvigorated, and boost-immunity effects. However, more rigorous standardization of studies is required to reveal reliable data which could assist in improving the safety of exercise and health status.

Data accumulated from preclinical experiments have demonstrated that exercise can directly regulate the immune system and has the potential to indirectly affect cancer, asthma, chronic disease, and cardiovascular disease through the regulation of immune response [121,122,123,124,125,126]. Essentially, this points to a new direction for exercise immunology studies, which may aim to exploit exercise training as one of the new compound therapy strategies. To this end, the molecular mechanisms of immune cell infiltration and functional regulation and inflammatory cytokines occurring during exercise need much broader and deeper investigations.