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Application of SNP-Based DNA Phenotyping to Archaeological and Forensic Cases

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The Handbook of Mummy Studies


DNA phenotyping refers to the prediction of appearance traits of a sample donor via DNA analysis. In the forensic field, pigmentation traits, such as eye, hair, and skin color, have been most studied, and several validated DNA test systems are available for categorical color classification. Current DNA test systems provide considerable prediction accuracy, but using different classification schemes, different sets of markers, and different training and validation sets in model development it can generate different prediction results. Technological advances in DNA analysis have allowed many researchers to pursue SNP-based prediction of pigmentation traits in archaeological and forensic cases. This chapter introduces the scientific basis and analytical techniques of SNP-based pigmentation trait phenotyping, and presents several examples of their application.

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Lee, H.Y. (2021). Application of SNP-Based DNA Phenotyping to Archaeological and Forensic Cases. In: Shin, D.H., Bianucci, R. (eds) The Handbook of Mummy Studies. Springer, Singapore.

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