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Citrus Flavanones

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Handbook of Dietary Phytochemicals


Plant foods represent a very rich source of phytochemicals, including flavonoids that play a prominent role as healthy compounds. Flavonoids are object of numerous studies for their antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, neuroprotective, anticancer, anti-obesity, and antidiabetic activities.

Whereas some classes of flavonoids are distributed in a wide range of plants, others, such as flavanones, are found only in specific species. Indeed, flavanones are present almost exclusively in Citrus species (Rutaceae). The aim of this chapter is to report the most recent developments related to the bioactivities of Citrus flavanones, their bioavailability and metabolism, potential toxicity and side effects, application in foods, and critical analyses of their potential future application in food industries and for the formulation of pharmaceutical and nutraceutical products.

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Tundis, R., Acquaviva, R., Bonesi, M., Malfa, G.A., Tomasello, B., Loizzo, M.R. (2020). Citrus Flavanones. In: Xiao, J., Sarker, S., Asakawa, Y. (eds) Handbook of Dietary Phytochemicals. Springer, Singapore.

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