
1 Introduction

Public-key encryption is a strong tool that keeps the transmitted and stored data confidential. A single known user chooses encrypted data for decryption in identity-based encryption (IBE) or traditional public-key encryption systems. In a more advanced sharing of data, this functionality limits the expressiveness required. So in order to tackle these emerging needs, came up an emerging notion of attribute-based encryption (ABE). In recent years, there has been remarkable progress in ABE in terms of effectiveness, security, and diversed assumptions for security. In comparison with IBE, ABE has meaningful benefit as instead of one to one, it gains adaptability for one-to-many encryption, and it is visualized as a favorable paradigm in address to the problems of decentralized access control and fine-grained data sharing. ABE is comprised of two categories mainly CP-ABE and KP-ABE. In KP-ABE, every ciphertext is labeled with set of detailed attributes by encryptor, and access policy is determined within user’s secret keys over these attributes. CP-ABE is alike to KP-ABE, besides that the ciphertext determines the access policy and a private key is related with user’s attributes. Though ABE is considered as a flexible, efficient, and effective tool, user revocation is still a difficult issue in context to ABE. A revoked user must be restricted from accessing the data, even though his attributes are satisfying the access policy. Since various users can have the similar usable private key related with indistinguishable set of attributes, user revocation is hard to attain in settings of ABE. Revocation is broadly divided as direct revocation and indirect revocation. Our paper mainly focuses on the direct revocation.

In further paper, we discuss as Sect. 2 gives related work, Sect. 3 gives proposed work, Sect. 4 preliminaries, Sect. 5 gives mathematical construction along with correctness, Sect. 6 security proof, and Sect. 7 gives conclusion with future work.

2 Related Work

The first effective IBE system was given by Boneh and Franklin [1]. Further, Sahai and Waters [2] presented the idea of ABE through substituting the identity in IBE with set of attributes. Due to lack of expressiveness of ABE in larger system, Goyal et al. [3] develop a much versatile ABE cryptosystem called KP-ABE. Bethencourt et al. [4] initiated first construction of Ciphertext-Policy ABE proven secured under generic model. Cheung and Newport [5] proposed another construction of CP-ABE which is proved to be secured within the standard model. Various other constructions are given for CP-ABE [6, 7]. Boldyreva et al. [8] proposed a revocable ABE scheme known as indirect revocation. Attrapadung and Imai [9] proposed Broadcast ABE for both KP-ABE and CP-ABE with direct revocation mechanism. Another work is given by Attrapadung and Imai [10] illustrated hybrid direct–indirect revocation scheme and were proved secured under DBDH assumption. Another work given by Shi et al. [11] proposed a novel ABE variant, drvuKPABE, that supports direct revocation as well as verifiable ciphertext delegation. Another work given by Zhang et al. [12] proposed first access control scheme that supports attribute update and user revocability, proven secured under the DBDH assumption.

3 Proposed Work

In our paper, we have given a CP-ABE scheme considering revocation and a detailed security proof of the scheme against Chosen-Plaintext Attack (CPA) proven to be secured under Decisional Bilinear Diffie–Hellman (DBDH) assumption. Also, we give the concept of update ciphertext additionally with the scheme and its security proof. With update ciphertext, we determine that the diffusion of ciphertexts produced by Encryption algorithm is indistinguishable to that of the ciphertexts produced by Update algorithm where both corresponds to same number of terms and revocation lists \(R_{list} \subset R'_{list}\), respectively.

4 Preliminaries

  1. 1.

    Linear Secret Sharing Scheme- A LSSS represents the access control policy P defined as \((T,\rho )\) where T determines \(l \times k\) matrix where entries belongs to \(Z_q\) and \(\rho : (1, ..., l) \rightarrow \) \(U_{att}\) is an one-to-one function which outlines mapping of a row to the attribute. The given attribute set \(S \subset U_{att}\), denoted by \(F(S, P)=1\) if policy P is satisfied by S. A LSSS determines two algorithms: share and reconstruction. Along with the reconstruction algorithm, we give following Lemma:

    Lemma 1 [6]: Suppose \((T, \rho )\) be the LSSS that represents policy P. So in every attribute in S that is not being satisfied by P, there is a algorithm in polynomial time which returns a vector \(N = (n_1, ..., n_k) \in Z_q\) such that \(n_1 = -1\) and \(T_i . N = 0\) for every \(i \in [1, ..., l]\) where \(\rho (i) \in S\).

  2. 2.

    Subset Cover Technique- As revocation is a major issue in our scheme, subset cover technique is an efficient way to encode revoked users in the revocation list [11].

  3. 3.

    Ciphertext-Policy ABE- It consists of algorithms as follows:-

    • \({Setup(1^l) \rightarrow (MK, PK)}\): It inputs a security parameter \(1^{l}\) and outputs a MK and PK as master key and public key, respectively. The PK corresponds to encryption, whereas the MK produces user private keys which is confined by centralized authority.

    • \(KeyGen(MK, S, \mathtt {uid}) \rightarrow sk\): It takes master key MK and a attributes set, \(S \subseteq U_{att}\) as inputs. It returns secret key sk for users satisfied by \(\mathtt {uid}\) associated with S.

    • \(Enc(m,(T, \rho )) \rightarrow cph \): It takes a m and \((T, \rho )\) as message and access structure respectively as inputs. It further encrypts m using \((T, \rho )\) returns a ciphertext cph.

    • \(Dec(cph, sk) \rightarrow (m, \perp )\): The decryption is successfully done only when the attribute set S associated to decryption key is been satisfied by access control policy P which is specified by ciphertext and identity of user described by decryption key is not likely revoked with respect to revocation list which is given by cph. Otherwise, it would give an error message \(\perp \).

  4. 4.

    Correctness- The correctness of given scheme is illustrated as:

    \(Setup(1^{l}) \rightarrow (PK, MK)\), given any message m, set of attribute S, and revocation list \(R_{list}\), let \(cph \rightarrow Enc(m, P, R_{list})\), the scheme would be correct only when following always holds: Given \(sk\leftarrow KeyGen(MK,S,\mathtt {uid})\) where \(F(S, P) = 1\) and \(\mathtt {uid} \ne R, Dec(cph, sk) = m\).

  5. 5.

    Security Model- In this model, we give the definition of Chosen-Plaintext Attack (CPA) security with user revocation where a PPT Adv at outset of security game shall commit to a challenge access structure \((T^{*}, \rho ^{*})\).

    • Initialization: A PPT Adv returns \((T^{*}, \rho ^{*})\) to \(\mathcal {C}\).

    • Setup: It chooses a revocation list \(R_{list}\) and sends that to \(\mathcal {C}\) who when executes the setup algorithm produces PKMK, gives the PK to Adv, and keeps MK secret.

    • Phase 1: Adv may flexibly submit any attributes set S to \(\mathcal {C}\), and queries to \(\mathcal {C}\) for the secret key with respect to any attributes set S with constraint that S should not be satisfied by access structure \((T^*, \rho ^{*})\). For the set of attributes S, \(\mathcal {C}\) runs the KeyGen algorithm as \(sk \leftarrow \) \(KeyGen (MK, PK, S, \mathtt {uid})\) and sends the corresponding private key sk to Adv. In case \(F(S, P) = 1\) and \(\mathtt {uid} \notin R_{list}\) simultaneously, then abort.

    • Challenge: The challenger \(\mathcal {C}\) receives two equal length messages \(M_0, M_1\) submitted by the Adv after which \(\mathcal {C}\) arbitrarily selects one bit \(\sigma \in \{0, 1\}\) and runs \(cph^* \leftarrow Enc (M_{\sigma },(T^{*}, \rho ^{*}), R_{list})\). Finally, Adv gets the challenge ciphertext \(cph^{*}\) from \(\mathcal {C}\).

    • Phase 2: Adv queries more about secret key sk in the similar manner like in Phase 1 with same limitations.

    • Guess: Adv outputs a \(\sigma '\) as a guess. It will win the game if \(\sigma = \sigma '\).

5 Proposed Construction

This section gives the detailed construction of our scheme that comprises of four algorithms as follows:

  1. 1.

    \({Setup(1^{l}, U_{att})}\)- This algorithm selects a security parameter l and an universal attribute system \(U_{att} = (1, 2, ..., m)\) of size m as input. Consider a bilinear map [3] \(e: G_0 \times G_0 \rightarrow G_T\) having \(G_{0}\) as bilinear group with prime order q along with g as a generator. Further, it picks \(\alpha ,\beta \in Z_{q}\) randomly as two exponents. For every \( i\in {U_{att}} \), algorithm chooses randomly \(t_{i}\in Z_{q}\). The public key is published and master key is generated as:

    \(PK = [G_{0}, g, g^{\alpha } e(g, g)^{\beta }, \{pk_{i}=g^{t_{i}} |i\in U_{att}\}]\), \(MK = [\alpha ,\beta , t_{1}, t_{2}, ..., t_{m}]\)

  2. 2.

    \({KeyGen(MK, PK, S,\mathtt {uid})}\)- Here, we take a master key, public key, attributes set S as input parameters. Also, we define a universal set W be the users universe in system and \(2^{d}\) be number of users, so, \(|Y| = 2^{d}\), depth of all leaves in full binary tree is d, set user identity \(\mathtt {uid} \in W\). Select a random \(p, h\in Z_{q}\), \(D(1)=g^{\beta } . g^{ah}\), \(D_{At}(2)=g^{h.\frac{1}{At}} \; \forall At\in S \)

    Given the user identity \(\mathtt {uid}\in {Y}\), suppose path\(\mathtt {(uid)}\) in the full binary tree Tr such that \(v_{i_{0}}=root\) and \(v_{i_{\mathtt {depth}(\mathtt {uid})}}=\mathtt {uid}\) is path\((\mathtt {uid})=(v_{i_{0}}, v_{i_{1}}, ..., v_{i_{\mathtt {depth(\mathtt {uid})}}}\)). Let, \(D_{v}(3)=(v)^{p};\ \forall v\in \)path\(\mathtt {(uid)}\), \(D(4) = g^{\alpha .p}\) The decryption key is

    \(sk = [\mathtt {uid}, \{D_{At}(1)\}_{At\in S}, D(2), \{D_{v}(3)\}_{v \in \mathtt {path(uid)}}, D(4)]\)

  3. 3.

    \({Enc(m, (T, \rho ), R_{list})}\)- Select \(s \rightarrow Z_{q}\) and set \(C= m.e(g,g)^{\beta .s}\), \(C(1) = g^{\alpha .s}\). Let \(d = (s, y_{2}, ..., y_{k})\) where \(y_2, ..., y_k \leftarrow Z_q\), for \(i= (1, ..., l)\), T is a \(l \times k\) matrix having entries belonging to \(Z_{q}\) and \(\rho :(1, ..., l) \rightarrow U_{att}\) is an one-to-one function which does mapping of a row of T to an attribute. Compute \(\lambda _{\rho ({i})}= T_{i}. d\) where \(T_{i}\) is corresponding ith row of T and \({\rho ({i})}\) is the attribute from \(U_{att}\). On computing, we get a secret share value \(\lambda _{\rho ({i})}\), then set, \(C_{i}(2)= g^{a.\rho (i).{\lambda _{\rho (i)}}}\), \(C_{i}(3)= g^{\lambda _{\rho (i)}}\)

    As we are using direct revocation mechanism, we have revocation list \(R_{list}\) as input. Then we run \(cover(R_{list})\) which describes the cover set with respect to revocation list \(R_{list}\) to find a set of minimal nodes that cover \(Y \backslash R_{list}\). Let path\((u) = (u_{i_{0}}, ..., u_{i_\mathtt {depth(u)}})\) such that \(u_{i_{0}} = root\) and \(u_{i_\mathtt {depth(u)}} = u\) for every \(u\in cover(R_{list})\) and computes \(P_{{u}} = \prod (u_{i_{j}})\) where \(j = 1, ..., u\) where \(u_{i_j}\in \) Tr and set, \(C_{u}(4)= P_{u}^{s}\; \forall u\in cover(R_{list})\). The ciphertext is:

    \(cph = [(T,\rho ), C, C(1), \{C_{i}(2), C_{i}(3)\}_{i\in [1,l]}\), \(C_{u}(4)_{u \in cover(R_{list})}]\)

  4. 4.

    Dec(cphsk)- Given cph and sk, decryption is as follows:

    • When either identity of user \(\mathtt {uid}\in R_{list}\) or set of attributes is not been satisfied by access control policy identified by \((T, \rho )\), then output null.

    • Since \(\mathtt {uid} \ne R_{list}\), there would always be a node v such that \(v \in \) path\((\mathtt {(uid)}\cap cover(R_{list}))\). Suppose path\(\mathtt {(uid)} =(v_{i_{0}}, ..., v_{i_{\mathtt {depth(v)}}}, ..., v_{i_\mathtt {depth\mathtt {(uid)}}})\) where

      \(v_{i_{\mathtt {depth}(v)}} = v\). Let \(P'_\mathtt {uid} = C_{u}(4)\) where \(u \in cover(R_{list})\) and \(u = v\).

    • Since the access control policy determined by \((T, \rho )\) and satisfied by attribute set S, there exists \(c_{i}'s\) such that \(\varSigma _{\rho (i)\in S}c_{i}.T_{i}=s\) and,

    $$K=\prod _{\rho (i)\in S} (\frac{e(C_{i}(3), D(1))}{e(C_{i}(2), D_{\rho (i)}(2))})^{^{c_{i}}}. \frac{e(C(1),\prod _{v' \in \mathtt {path}(v)}D_{v'}(3))}{e(P'_\mathtt {uid}, D(4))}$$

    The message is obtained as: \(m= \frac{C}{K}\)

5.1 \({Update(cph, R'_{list}})\)

Given a new revocation list \((R'_{list})\), ciphertext can be updated as: Let \(cover(R_{list})\) and \(cover(R'_{list})\) are the cover sets of \(R_{list}\) and \(R'_{list}\), respectively. Given \(v' \in cover(R'_{list})\),

  • Suppose there exists \(v \in cover(R_{list})\) such as \(v = v'\), then set \(C_{v}(4) = C'_{v'}(4)\).

  • Else, there exists \(v \in cover(R_{list})\) such as v is the predecessor of \(v'\). Let \(path(v') = path(v) \cup (v_{i_{depth(v)+1}} ... v_{i_{depth(v')}})\) where \(v_{i_{depth(v)}} = v\) and \(v_{i_{depth(v')}} = v'\), and set \(P'_{v_{i_{depth(v)}}} = C_{v}(4)\). For \(j = v, ..., v'\), compute \(P'_{v} = \prod (v_{i_{j}})\) where \(v_{i_{j}} \in \) Tr. Set, \(C'_{v'}(4) = P'_{v'}\)

  • Suppose \(C'(1)=C(1), C'_{i}(2)=C_{i}(2), C'_{i}(3)=C_{i}(3)\).

The updated ciphertext is: \(cph^{'} = [(T, \rho ), R'_{list}, C', C'(1), [C'_{i}(2), C'_{i}(3)]_{i \in [1,l]},\) \(C'_{v'}(4)_{v' \in cover(R'_{list})}]\)

5.2 Correctness

The verification of correctness of the decryption is as illustrated: As we know,

$$K=\prod _{\rho (i)\in S} (\frac{e(C_{i}(3), D(1))}{e(C_{i}(2), D_{\rho (i)}(2))})^{^{c_{i}}}. \frac{e(C(1),\prod _{v' \in \mathtt {path}(v)}D_{v'}(3))}{e(P'_\mathtt {uid}, D(4))}$$

Suppose \(K = K'. K''\), then

$$K'= \prod _{\rho (i)\in S} (\frac{e(C_{i}(3), D(1)), }{e(C_{i}(2), D_{\rho (i)}(2))})^{^{c_{i}}}$$
$$\begin{aligned} K'= \prod _{\rho (i)\in S} (\frac{e(g^{\lambda _{\rho (i)}},g^{\beta }. g^{a.h}}{e(g^{a.\rho (i).\lambda _{\rho (i)}}, g^{h.\frac{1}{\rho (i)}})})^{c_{i}} \end{aligned}$$
$$= \prod _{\rho (i)\in S} e(g^{\lambda _{\rho (i)}}, g^{\beta })^{c_{i}}$$
$$\begin{aligned} = e(g, g)^{ \varSigma _{\rho (i)\in S} {\beta . \lambda _{\rho (i)}.c_{i}}} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} = e(g, g)^{\beta . s} \end{aligned}$$

In the above-defined equations, (1) illustrates the construction, (2) illustrates property of bilinear map, (3) illustrates characterstics of linear secret sharing scheme, i.e., linear reconstruction. Similarly, we have

$$K''= \frac{e(C(1), \prod _{v' \in \mathtt {path}(v)}D_{v'}(3))}{e(P'_\mathtt {uid}, D(4))} = 1$$

Further, combining \(K'\) and \(K''\), we have \(K = K'K''\) \( = e(g, g)^{\beta s}\) Therefore, we compute the message as: \(\frac{C}{K}\),

$$ = \frac{m. e(g, g)^{\beta s}}{e(g, g)^{\beta s}} = m $$

6 Security Proof


If PPT Adv with non-negligible advantage wins CP-ABE security game, then considering a PPT algorithm \(\mathcal {B}\) such that a DBDH tuple can be differentiated from an arbitrary tuple with non-negligible advantage.


Consider a bilinear map \(e: G_0 \times G_0 \rightarrow G_T\) having \(G_{0}\) as bilinear group with prime order q along with g as a generator. Firstly, DBDH challenger \(\mathcal {C}\) selects randomly: \(a, b, c \in Z_q, \sigma \in \{0, 1\}\) and \(R \in G_T\) as some random element. We let Z as \(e(g, g)^{abc}\) if \(\sigma =0\), otherwise R. Then \(\mathcal {C}\) sends \(<g, A, B, C, Z> = <g, g^a, g^b, g^c, Z>\) to \(\mathcal {B}\). Now \(\mathcal {B}\) would play part of \(\mathcal {C}\) in further game.

  1. 1.

    Initialization: \(\mathcal {B}\) receives a challenge access structure \((T^{*}, \rho ^{*})\) that is selected by Adv.

  2. 2.

    Setup: As per imparting public key PK to Adversary Adv, \(\mathcal {B}\) selects \( \alpha , \beta '\in Z_q\) randomly, set \(\beta =\beta ' + ab\), compute \(e(g,g)^\beta \) as \(e(g,g)^{\beta '}e(g,g)^{ab}\). For each \(i\in U_{att}\), challenger \(\mathcal {B}\) selects a random \(d_i \in Z_q\) and compute \(g^{d_{i}}\). Finally, challenger \(\mathcal {B}\) sends the \(PK = (G_0, e(g, g)^{\beta }, g, g^{\alpha }, g^{d_{i}} | i\in U_{att})\) parameters to adversary Adv. Moreover, given the revocation list \(R_{list}\),

    Let \(\chi _{R_{list}} = \{v \in \)path\(\mathtt {(uid)} | \mathtt {uid} \in R_{list}\}\)

  3. 3.

    Phase 1: Here \(\mathcal {B}\) answers private key queries from adversary Adv. Adv can submit adaptively any set of attribute \(S \subseteq U_{att}\) to challenger \(\mathcal {B}\) and performs private key query for S with the limitation that access structure \((T^{*}, \rho ^{*})\) should not be satisfied by S. On each request, simulator\(\mathcal {B}\) finds a vector \(N = (n_1, ..., n_k) \in Z_{q}^{k}\) such that \(n_1 = -1\) and \(\forall \rho (i) \in S\), \(T_{i}. N = 0\), by Lemma 1, likewise a vector definitely exist. Also, the simulator implicitly defines h value as \(1 + n_{j}.b\). Here we choose \(n_j\) as \(n_1\) to compute. Select \(p' \in Z_q\), we have

    \(D(1) = g^{\beta }g^{a.h} = g^{\beta '+ab}g^{a.(1-b)} = g^{\beta '}. A\), \(D_{At}(2) = g^{h.\frac{1}{\rho (i)}}\)

    Suppose path\(\mathtt {(uid)} = (v_0, ..., v_d = \mathtt {uid})\), and there exists some \(v_j \in \chi _{R_{list}}\), then it sets and computes,

    \(D(3) = g^{v^{p'}} \; \forall v\in \mathtt {path(uid)}\), \(D(4) = g^{\alpha .p'}\)

  4. 4.

    Challenge: Adv outputs \(M_0, M_1\) as two equal length messages and sends them to \(\mathcal {B}\). It selects \({y_i}' \leftarrow Z_q\) for \(i = (2, ..., k)\), and sets \(d' =(\beta _1, {y_2}', ... {y_k}')\). Compute \(\lambda _{\rho (i)} = T_i . d = T_i . d'\). Therefore,

    \(C = m_{\sigma }. e(g, g)^{\beta .c} = m_{\sigma }.e(g, g)^{(\beta ' + ab)c} = m_{\sigma } e(g, g)^{\beta ' . c}\)

    \(C(1) = g^{\alpha .s}\), \(C_{i}(2) = g^{a.\rho (i). {T_{i}}. d'}\), \(C_{i}(3) = g^{T_i. d'}\)

    Given every \(v \in cover(R_{list})\), suppose path\((v)= (v_0, ..., v_{depth(v)} (= v))\), then \(v_i \in \chi _{R_{list}}\), \(i = 0, ..., v\) and \(v \notin \chi _{R_{list}}\), it sets, \(C_v(4) = g^{v^{c}}\).

    Finally, \(\mathcal {B}\) gives Adv challenge ciphertext as,

    \(cph^{*} = (C(1), (C_i(2), C_i(3))_{(i \in [1,l])}, C_{v}(4)_{v \in cover(R_{list})} \).

  5. 5.

    Phase 2: It is similar to Phase 1 with the same limitation.

  6. 6.

    Guess: Adv outputs \(v'\) of v as a guess. \(\mathcal {B}\) returns 0 to specify \(Q = e(g, g)^{abc}\) if \(v' = v\) otherwise, returns 1 to guess \(Q = R\). Thus,

    \(X= Pr[\mathcal {B}(g, g^a, g^b, g^c, Q = e(g, g)^{abc}) = 0] = \frac{1}{2} + \epsilon \)

    If \(Q = R\), then \(cph^{*}\) is random from Adv view completely. Therefore,

    \(Y= Pr[\mathcal {B}(g, g^a, g^b, g^c, Q = R)= 0] = \frac{1}{2}\)

    Lastly, benefit of \(\mathcal {B}\) in the game is \(\mathcal {B} = \frac{1}{2}(X+Y) - \frac{1}{2}\) \( = \frac{1}{2}(\frac{1}{2} + \epsilon + \frac{1}{2}) - \frac{1}{2}\)

    \( = \frac{\epsilon }{2}\)

6.1 Security Proof for \(Update(cph, R'_{list})\)


Given the DBDH assumption, scheme proposed in updated ciphertext is secured in random oracle model.

Here, the strategy is to understand if distribution of ciphertexts which algorithm Encryption produces is identical to that of ciphertexts which Update algorithm produces, then scheme over updated ciphertext achieves security. Given message m, access policy \((T, \rho )\), suppose we have a revocation list \(R'_{list}\) changed from \(R_{list}\) such that \(R_{list} \subset R'_{list}\), then, \(Encryption(m, (T, \rho ), R_{list})\) is:

$$ cph = [(T, \rho ), R_{list}, C, C(1), \{C_{i}(2), C_{i}(3)\}_{i \in [1,l]}, C_{v}(4)_{v \in cover(R_{list})}] $$

where \(s'\in Z_q\) and \(C = m.e(g, g)^{\beta .s'},\)

\(C_{i}(2)=g^{a.\rho (i).\lambda _{\rho (i)}}, C_{i}(3)=g^{\lambda _{\rho (i)}}, C_{v}(4)=g^{s'}.P_{v}^{s'}\)

Similarly, \(Encryption(m, (T, \rho ), R'_{list})\) is:

$$ cph^{*} = [(T, \rho ), R'_{list}, C^*, C^*(1), \{C^*_{i}(2), C^*_{i}(3)\}_{i \in [1,l]}, (C^*_{v'}(4))_{v' \in cover(R_{list})}] $$

where \(C^* = m.e(g, g)^{\beta .s},\)

\(C^*_{i}(2)=g^{a.\rho (i).\lambda _{\rho (i)}}, C^*_{i}(3)=g^{\lambda _{\rho (i)}}, C^*_{v'}(4)=g^{s}.P_{v'}^{s}\)

Then the updated ciphertext is \(Update(cph, R'_{list})\):

$$ cph^{'} = [(T, \rho ), R'_{list}, C', C'(1), [C'_{i}(2), C'_{i}(3)]_{i \in [1,l]}, C'_{v}(4)_{v \in cover(R'_{list})}] $$

where \(C' = m.e(g, g)^{\beta .s'},\)

\(C'_{i}(2)=g^{a.\rho (i).\lambda _{\rho (i)}}, C'_{i}(3)=g^{\lambda _{\rho (i)}}\).

For all, \(v'\in cover(R_{list}) \cap cover(R'_{list}), C'_{v'}(4) = g^{s'}.{P_{v'}^{s'}}\)

and for all, \(x'\in cover(R'_{list}) - cover(R_{list}), C'_{v'}(4)=P'_{v'}=P_{v'}^{s'}\).

Here s and \(s'\) are random values respectively from \(Z_q\), also both updated ciphertext \((cph^{'})\) and original ciphertext \((cph^*)\) have similar number of terms. Adv cannot distinguish about the generation of ciphertext, i.e., from Encryption algorithm or update algorithm as the distribution of terms is identical in both. Here, if Adv can break the security of update ciphertext, then eventually it can break the original ciphertext’s security.

7 Conclusion

Our paper focuses on CP-ABE scheme considering revocation along with its security proof-proven secured under DBDH assumption. An algorithm \(\mathcal {B}\) is constructed, and it is assumed that if this algorithm would break the DBDH assumption, then Adv can break the security of our scheme. Also, we give ciphertext update parameter in addition with the scheme along with its security proof.

In future, we can give update verifiability to verify the correctness of updated ciphertext.