
1 Introduction

In May 2013, the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in the Administrative Procedure was established. In this law, unique numbers are assigned to individuals and corporations. In September 2015, the revised proposal of Act on the Protection of Personal Information and the Act on the Use of Numbers to Identify a Specific Individual in the Administrative Procedure (from now on My Number Law) was passed. The revised proposal includes contents that make it possible to link personal numbers to account numbers owned by financial institutions and use them for tax investigation [1]. When building a system for managing personal information in Europe and the United States, a preliminary assessment of leakage risks using Privacy Impact Assessment (from now on PIA) is performed to prevent the leakage of personal information. In Japan, implementation of Specific Personal Information Protection Assessment is stipulated for concerned parties such as governmental organizations, in the My Number Law. As specified in the My Number Law, the finance industry will have many personal numbers. Since the finance industry is a private sector, which is public nature, it is necessary to assess the Specific Personal Information Protection Assessment that conforms to the PIA [2,3,4,5,6].

In this paper, we propose a framework for a privacy risk assessment on this law in the financial industry, using the PIA prescribed as an international standard.

2 Development of My Number to Financial Institutions

The revised My Number Law expands the range of utilization of personal numbers by the country. The following list is the expanded range of the utilization of personal numbers.

  1. (1)

    Linking to the personal number to deposit savings account

  2. (2)

    Expansion of the scope of use in medical and other fields

  3. (3)

    Enlargement of the scope of application based on the requests of local public entities

In the amendments, the financial institution is affected by the linking of the My Number to the deposit savings account mentioned in (1) above. The financial institution needs to manage the searchable state after linking the customer’s deposit number and personal number to respond to the above (1)–(3). Regarding compliance with the current My Number Law, it is mandatory to take safety control measures according to the Guidelines on Proper Handling of Specified Personal Information (Business’s Guide) presented by the Specific Personal Information Protection Commission [7].

3 Method of Risk Assessment

Specific personal information protection assessment is said to be equivalent to PIA adopted in other countries such as the United States, Australia, and the United Kingdom. However, there are some significant differences compared to PIA, which we will discuss in the following subsections.

3.1 Current Risk Assessment at Financial Institutions

In the past, countermeasures for customer information protection and management have been implemented at financial institutions based on various guidelines [8, 9]. This section outlines these guidelines.

  1. (1)

    Inspection manual for deposit-taking institutions

This manual describes the wide range of inspection items for financial institutions to serve as a guide. The following items concerning risk management are designed to protect customer information and inspect related systems. Table 1 shows the relationship between the inspection items of the Inspection Manual for Deposit-Taking Institutions and the My Number correspondence [10, 11].

Table 1. Relationship between Inspection Manual for Deposit-Taking Institutions and My Number Law
  1. (2)

    FISC safety measures standard

The Center for Financial Industry Information Systems (FISC), a public interest incorporated foundation, mandated this standard, which functions as a practical safety measure standard. This standard is divided into three categories and described [12, 13].

In addition, guidelines concerning the protection of personal information from different agencies such as the Financial Services Agency (FSA), are prepared. Based on the Personal Information Protection Law, these guidelines describe concrete actions to be taken by financial institutions [14].

3.2 Comparison Between PIA and the Current Risk Assessment

In the PIA, risk assessment is carried out based on the classification according to the OECD’s Eight Principles. We compared risk items in current financial institutions with risk items to be evaluated by PIA. We confirmed the adequacy of items subject to risk assessment by this compare.

4 Issues and Countermeasures for the My Number Law in Financial Institutions

As indicated in the previous chapter, the existing guidelines have already been tested to the level that satisfies the risk items based on the OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development).

  1. (1)

    Implementation timing

PIA is a risk management method, which evaluates the influence on privacy in advance in system construction. In another word, a PIA must be carried out before the operation of the system.

  1. (2)

    Expertise and neutrality of PIA implementing agencies

ISO 22307 calls for expertise and neutrality for PIA implementing agencies. However, since financial institutions are private enterprises, they are different from public fields thus perfect neutrality is not required. For this reason, the assessment must be conducted by the development team within the financial institution.

  1. (3)

    Inspection by a third-party organization

Third-party institutions are required to confirm the results of PIA implementation. However, for the same reason as in (2), we implement PIA using an audit department that has no conflicts within the company as an inspection organization.

  1. (4)

    Assessment procedure

In carrying out the evaluation, it is necessary to determine the procedure and flow of assessment. It is appropriate to implement the evaluation using guidelines developed based on ISO 22307.

  1. (5)

    Evaluation criteria

When implementing PIA, the evaluation criteria for correctly conducting evaluation are necessary. For this reason, assessment sheets are prepared as evaluation criteria.

5 Proposal for Implementation of PIA at Financial Institutions

As stated in the previous chapter, it is important that in the PIA implementation, the security assessment currently implemented and the requirements of ISO 22307 are consistent. Figure 1 shows the correspondence between the evaluation criteria and the current security evaluation based on PIA implementation examples in the private sector.

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Correspondence between evaluation criteria and current security evaluation

  1. (1)

    Purpose Specification Principle

This confirms that the personal information handled by the system is as follows.

  • Whether procedure to identify is taken

  • Confirmation concerning handling of sensitive information

  • Is clarification of acquisition purpose made?

  1. (2)

    Use Limitation Principle

This confirms that personal information is used only for the clarified purpose of use.

  1. (3)

    Collection Limitation Principle

This confirms whether we have obtained agreement after notifying or publishing purpose of use when acquiring personal information.

  1. (4)

    Data Quality Principle

This confirms the measures to make the acquired personal data accurate and up to date.

  1. (5)

    Security Safeguards Principle

This is to confirm the measures to keep the security of personal data safe.

  1. (6)

    Openness Principle

This principle states the need to confirm that the formulation of personal information protection policy and declaration from the inside to the outside.

  1. (7)

    Individual Participation Principle

It is necessary to guarantee the right to disclose, correct, and delete collected personal information to the person who provided the personal data.

  1. (8)

    Accountability Principle

Since collected personal information is only a deposit, responsibility occurs based on the principle on the side that got it. The financial industry regulates information disclosure, correction, suspension of use, suspension and provision to third parties under Article 15–17 of the Guidelines for the Protection of Personal Information in the Financial Sector [15].

6 Conclusion

By the revised numbering law, the My Number was determined to be linked to the financial institution’s deposit savings account. Specific personal information protection assessment that is obliged to implement the current numbering law is applicable only to institutions such as local governments. Also, Safety management measures are obligatory for the private sector, but there is no system to conduct the risk assessment on the My Number Law. The finance industry is a private field with high public nature and holds many personal numbers. Therefore, it is desirable to conduct a privacy risk assessment that conforms to the evaluation of specific personal information protection implemented by administrative agencies.