
1 Introduction

The bin-packing problem is a special type of cutting stock NP-hard combinatorial problem [1]. In the classical bin-packing problem (BPP) we are given a list \( {\text{L}} = \{ i_{1} ,i_{2} ,i_{3} , \ldots ,i_{n} \} \) of real numbers in the range (0,1] and the aim is to place them in minimum number of bins. Initially the primary aim of bin-packing problem focused only concern to minimize number of bins. However various other constraints and objectives such as weights, priority items, center of gravity can also be included depending on our requirements. The problem holds various applications as in cargo airplanes [12], loading of tractor trailer trucks, routing [4], scheduling [16] and resource allocation problems.

First non-trivial results on bin-packing problem were proposed by Ullman [15] in 1971. He studied the problem starting from memory allocation problems that involve table formatting, file allocation and prepaging. He also gave asymptotic analysis of two heuristics: FirstFit (FF) and BestFit (BF). In the later year 1972, Garay et al. [7] explained more detailed analysis of four heuristics: First Fit (FF), Best Fit (BF), First Fit Decreasing (FFD) and Best Fit Decreasing (BFD).

In bi-dimensional geometric bin-packing, we are given collection of bi-dimensional items list and the aim is to pack them in minimum number of bins. There are various criteria of packing items in a bin. First is concerned to item shape, it may be regular or irregular. Here we consider the rectangle (regular) shape. Second is concerned to orientation of items allowed or not because it affects the number of bins used, % of gaps etc.

Unlike existing classical bin-packing aiming to consider minimum bins, bi-objective bi-dimensional variant model for bin-packing problem is formulated in this paper with multiple constraints applied on it. As it is impossible to solve bi-dimensional bin-packing problems in polynomial time, therefore many heuristics and metaheuristics [3, 5, 8, 9, 11, 13, 14] are formulated to solve in efficient way. Depending on requirements bin-packing problem definition is formulated. Here we consider two objectives, minimize no. of bins and minimize percentage of wastage of bins applied on bi dimensional geometric variant.

The remainder of this paper is organized as follows: Sect. 2 describes problem definition. Section 3 involves the existing heuristics applied on rectangle packing problem. Section 4 discusses proposed algorithms based on evolutionary algorithm as metaheuristic. Section 5 shows computational results on algorithm. Finally, conclusions and future work possibilities are discussed in Sect. 6.

2 Problem Definition

As there is no specific model in literature to design multi-objective variant of bin-packing problem, depending on our requirements mathematical model bi-objective bi-dimensional bin-packing problem is formulated.

We are given unbounded number of bins having fixed height H, width W and J number of rectangle items with dimensions \( w_{j} \le W,h_{j} \le H \), the items are packed into bins such that following objectives are achieved, mathematically formulated as:

Minimize number of bins

$$ K = \sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{I} {ceil(\mathop \sum \limits_{j = 1}^{J} \frac{{x_{ij} h_{j} w_{j} }}{{H_{i} W_{i} }})} $$

Minimize average percentage of wastage/gaps

$$ G_{avg} = \frac{1}{K}\sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{K} {\frac{{a_{i} *100}}{{W_{i} H_{i} }}} $$

With applying constraints:

For each item \( {\text{j}} \in \left\{ {1,2, \ldots .,J} \right\}; \)

  • \( 0 < w_{j} \le W_{i} \); where \( w_{j} \) is width of item j, \( W_{i} \) is width of bin i;

  • \( 0 < h_{j} \le H_{i} \); where \( h_{j} \) is height of item j, \( H_{i} \) is height of bin i;

For all bins \( {\text{i}} \in \left\{ {1,2, \ldots ..,I} \right\}; \)

  • \( \sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^{J} {x_{ij} w_{j} h_{j} \le W_{i} H_{i} } \);

  • Rotation of any item is allowed through 90°, \( w_{j} \leftarrow h_{j} \);\( h_{j} \leftarrow w_{j} \) if \( w_{j} \le H_{i} \) and \( h_{j} \le W_{i} . \)

  • \( \sum\nolimits_{i = 1}^{I} {\sum\nolimits_{j = 1}^{J} { = J} } \) (for each item should be assigned to only one bin)


  • Ceil (x), the smallest integer larger or equal to x

  • \( x_{ij} \in \{ 0,1\} \) for i = {1, 2, …, I} and j = {1, 2, …, J}

  • \( x_{ij} = 1 \) if item j is assigned to bin i

  • \( x_{ij} = 0 \) else.

In the formulation of bi-objective bi-dimensional bin-packing problem definition, percentage of gaps G is considered as a second objective to evaluate how balanced or stabilized the bins in packing strategy.

3 Existing Heuristics for Rectangle Packing

In this section, we describe various heuristic algorithms to fill rectangle item in bin. Those algorithms consist of two parts: first part denotes the number of permutation for which we have selected some standard strategy whether order the items in decreasing height, width or area. Second part denotes decoding algorithm for permutations. A level algorithm is a decoding algorithm in which items are placed from left to right in rows forming levels. Three most popular level algorithms are the Next Fit (NF), Best Fit (BF) and First Fit (FF) strategies.

Let we are given n rectangular items and current item \( {\text{i}} \in \{ 1,2, \ldots ., n\} \) have to be placed in a bin. The recently created level is s starting from level 1 bottom of the bin in beginning of algorithm.

3.1 Next Fit (NF)

In this strategy item i will be placed at left most feasible position of level s if possible, otherwise goes to next level by creating s := s + 1 and place it left justified as shown in Fig. 1(a).

Fig. 1.
figure 1

Strip packing problem of (a) Next Fit, (b) Best Fit and (c) First Fit

3.2 Best Fit (BF)

If there are given multiple unused horizontal area for placing an item i, place it in that position minimized unused area among all if possible, otherwise follow NF strategy by creating new level as shown in Fig. 1(b).

3.3 First Fit (FF)

For an item i pack through FF check available space starting from level one to the current level s then place it left justified in first available space if possible, otherwise follow the same procedure as NF by creating next level s: = s+1.

All three procedures are shown in Fig. 1 where we have six rectangle date items of different dimensions {l, m, n, o, p, q}.

3.4 Bottom Left Fill (BLF)

Bottom left strategy is most documented approach given by Baker et al. [2] in 1980. After that many variants have been proposed in successive few decades, but among all the common characteristics is that items are placed at the bottom left stable position one-by-one. Baker et al. used the concept of Bottom Left Fill (BLF) where item is placed at the left most among lowest possible positions. Jakobs [10] proposed another bottom left (BL) method that holds the item at top right first followed by sliding down then left alternately as long as possible.

3.5 Overlapping of Items in Bin

As by definition our aim is to place rectangle items in bin without overlapping fashion. So to avoid this there are two cases as described below:\newline

Case 1: let (\( x_{i} ,\,y_{i} \)) is insertion point of incoming item to be placed and \( h_{1} ,h_{2} \) is the intersection coordinate of item 1 to left side of bin. Therefore mathematically if \( h_{1} \, \le \,y_{j} \, \le \,h_{2} \) overlapping exist.

Case 2: let (\( x_{i} ,\,y_{i} \) is insertion point of incoming item to be placed and \( w_{1} ,w_{2} \) is the intersection coordinate of item 3 to bottom side of bin. If \( w_{1} \, \le \,x_{i} \, \le \,w_{2} \) overlapping exit.

All two cases of overlapping are depicted in Fig. 2 where \( {\text{P}}(x_{i} ,y_{j} ) \) is the point of overlapping and star represents insertion points for new coming rectangle item.

Fig. 2.
figure 2

Overlapping of new item with point P for case-1 and case-2

4 Metaheuristics for 2-D Item Packing

In the last three decades, many local search, heuristics and metaheuristics have been proposed on different variants of bin-packing problem. Dowsland [6] gave metaheuristics for 2-D item packing using simulated annealing (SA) with results of feasible and infeasible solutions. Jakobs proposed a metaheuristics for strip packing using genetic algorithm (GA) to find good permutation.

Here we have proposed a hybridized evolutionary algorithm to simulate the bottom left fill (BLF) heuristic with genetic algorithm applied on bi-objective bi-dimensional BPP. BLF heuristic is shown in Algorithm 1.

4.1 Proposed Hybridized Evolutionary BLF Algorithm

In this section we have proposed an hybridized evolutionary algorithm of BLF in Algorithm 2 where K is number of available bins to accommodate J rectangle items with minimum average % gaps \( (G_{avg} ) \). Here we apply evolutionary algorithm tool as metaheuristic to implement bi-objective bi-dimensional bin-packing problem.

Selection: Selection criteria depends on fitness function as specified by problem definition. Initially we are given K and \( G_{avg} \) as input to selection procedure. As we have taken the percentage of gaps, second objective as fitness function we can break the initial set of K into two different groups one having gaps percentage ≤10 as K′ and other having percentage >10 as K″. This procedure gives output as K′.

Crossover: For obtained set K′ we apply inter flipping of rectangle item between two bins selected randomly from set K′ to minimize percentage of gaps G. It gives output \( k'_{c} \) as new updated set.

Mutation: This involves the intra flipping (within bin) of rectangle item to minimize gaps through rotation or exchanging positions of it. Output of mutation procedure is given as \( k'_{m} \).

Merging and Update: In this procedure we merge solution set \( k'_{m} \) and \( k'_{c} \) to form new K′. Now to reduce set K″ apply BLF on new K′ using item i in K″. Output of this procedure gives updated set K with more optimized comparing to previous step.

Termination: Depending on problem definition we have to terminate the algorithm procedure. Here we considered number of iterations as termination condition that control the completion of evolution method.

5 Computational Results

We have implemented the Algorithm 1 for small dataset. Here we have selected random numbers in the range [1, 10] to initialize dimensions (width and height) of 50 rectangle items. The bin’s dimension (width, height) is fixed to 10. We show the results in following graphs. Figure 3 shows number of bins used versus the iterations. In Fig. 4 shows average percentage of gaps versus number of iterations.

Fig. 3.
figure 3

Plot 1 of number of iterations versus number of bins.

Fig. 4.
figure 4

Plot 2 of number of iterations versus avg % of gaps.

6 Conclusions

In this paper, a hybridized model for bi-objective bi-dimensional BPP is presented and the evolutionary algorithm is proposed to solve the problem. In this algorithm, we have considered bottom left fill (BLF) heuristic as operator to evolve better solutions as per definition of problems. We have implemented it on small data set. We are currently working on large data sets with some challenges to verify the final results as per required for proposed algorithm. The problem could be more complex if we consider irregular item in place of rectangle because finding exact position to minimize space wastage is challenging. We are working to formulate mathematical model to find solution criteria in this regard.