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Mapping “Varieties of Workplace Bullying”: The Scope of the Field

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Concepts, Approaches and Methods


This chapter provides new direction to the field of workplace bullying by recognizing the phenomenon as a multi-faceted construct captured by D’Cruz and Noronha’s (2016) “varieties of workplace bullying” conceptualization. Encompassing three axes, namely, level of analysis, location of the source and form of mistreatment, workplace bullying could be interpersonal and/or depersonalized, internal and/or external and real and/or cyber, respectively, with a simultaneous combination of both varieties along the same axis giving rise to compounded, dual locus and hybrid bullying, respectively (D’Cruz, Noronha, & Syal, 2018a). Relationality, institutionalization and unethicality constitute the common underlying features that mark all varieties of workplace bullying and their combinations. That is, workplace bullying unfolds as psychosocial abuse against the backdrop of human interaction, is generally entrenched in systemic bases linked to proximal and/or distal contextual factors and goes against universal norms of social acceptability. In identifying and detailing the contemporary conceptual spectrum of workplace bullying, the chapter presents an overview of the scope of the field. As well as proposing a definition reflective of emergent insights into the construct, the chapter puts forward a future agenda which (a) urges the adoption of multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary and postpositivist research approaches to complement the extant psychology and positivist skew, for more complete knowledge of the phenomenon, and (b) underscores attention to unethicality and institutionalization as key intervention foci, if the problem is to be effectively eliminated, while also (c) emphasizing the importance of the culturalist thesis in both scholarship and practice.

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D’Cruz, P., Noronha, E. (2019). Mapping “Varieties of Workplace Bullying”: The Scope of the Field. In: D'Cruz, P., Noronha, E., Notelaers, G., Rayner, C. (eds) Concepts, Approaches and Methods. Handbooks of Workplace Bullying, Emotional Abuse and Harassment, vol 1. Springer, Singapore.

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    Mapping “Varieties of Workplace Bullying”: The Scope of the Field
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    Mapping “Varieties of Workplace Bullying”: The Scope of the Field
    02 May 2019
