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Mass Spectrometry for Single-Cell Analysis

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Handbook of Single Cell Technologies


Cells are the basic structural and functional units in biology that plays important roles in living organisms. It can be affected by several factors that influence their proliferation, differentiation, and metabolic activities and consequently causing the wide heterogeneity among each cell within the same individual. It has been noted that the chemical composition and concentration found in two homogeneous cells are also different. Therefore, accurate cell morphology and composition can be obtained by studying at the single-cell level in a particular microenvironment. Nucleic acids, proteins, trace elements, and small molecule metabolites are the important chemicals present in cells and play key roles in cellular processes. Various analytic techniques such as flow cytometry, fluorescence microscopy, Raman microscopy, and mass spectrometry are used for single-cell analysis. Each technique has own advantages and disadvantages. Among them, mass spectrometry (MS) technique has received a considerable amount of attention owing to its high susceptibility and superior potential for the revealing of various molecules without any chemical agents. In addition, low sample consumption with high detection potential makes the MS technique suitable for single-cell analysis on the cellular level. Here, we concisely demonstrated the different kinds of MS techniques with their merits and demerits that are widely explored for single-cell analysis at cellular and subcellular levels.

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This research was supported by the Basic Science Research Program through the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF) funded by the Ministry of Education (No. 2018R1A6A1A03025582 and 2019R1D1A3A03103828), Republic of Korea.

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Patel, D.K., Dutta, S.D., Lim, KT. (2020). Mass Spectrometry for Single-Cell Analysis. In: Santra, T., Tseng, FG. (eds) Handbook of Single Cell Technologies. Springer, Singapore.

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  • Print ISBN: 978-981-10-4857-9

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