
1 Introduction

In the current decade, mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs) have received more and more attention because of their capabilities of self-maintenance and configuration. MANETs is a system of wireless mobile nodes which dynamically self-organize in arbitrary and temporary network topologies. In MANETs nodes may be mobile phones, computer, laptop, personal digital assistants (PDA) and handheld digital devices etc. MANETs doesn’t have any fixed infrastructure, i.e. there is no base station. Mobile ad hoc network structure shown in Fig. 1. Nodes arbitrarily change their own position resulting in a highly dynamic topology causing wireless links to be broken and re-established on the fly. The deployment of such networks faces many challenges such as limited physical security, node mobility, low processing power, low bandwidth and limited memory storage capacity. MANETs is used in such field like Emergency search operation, rescue operations, disaster relief effort, mine site operations, military operations in battle fields, electronic classrooms, conferences, convention centers etc. [1]. In MANETs, nodes can directly communicate with other neighbor nodes within radio-ranges; whereas nodes that are not in the direct communication range use the intermediate node to communicate with each other. In both situations, all the participated nodes in the communication automatically form a wireless network, therefore this kind of wireless mobile network is called as a mobile ad hoc network. Compared to the wired networks and MANETs, MANETs are much more vulnerable for security attacks.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Mobile ad hoc network (MANETs)

This is mainly due to its features of not closed medium, active topology, cooperative algorithms, lack of centralized supervise and management point. Secure routing is a progressive research area in ad hoc network and recent years, several routing protocol has been proposed for MANETS [2,3,4,5]. Current research is going on to secure routing and communication in MANETs. For security reasons MANETS should be expected to meet the following different security requirements [6].

Confidentiality: Only the knowing receivers should be able to execute the transmitted data.

Integrity: Before and after the transmission process data should be modified. It is ensured that data integrity must be maintained. i.e. during the transmission process the data should be entact.

Availability: The term availability refers that information should be available for legitimate nodes or authorized parties when needed.

Authentication: Authentication is a method to check the message coming from authentic node or authorized party or not. Nodes are able to authenticate the data has been sent by the authorized node.

Non-repudiation: Non repudiation is a process by which sender of a message cannot deny the sending the message and also receiver cannot deny the receipt after receiving the message. In recent years, many routing protocols have been proposed by researchers for MANETs. These routing protocols are proactive (Table driven) [7, 8], reactive (on demand) [9, 10] and Hybrid routing protocols [11]. The lists of well-known routing protocols are categories in Fig. 2.

Reactive routing protocol: It is a on demand routing protocol, when route is required node flooded the route request message and find the route. After that source route sends the message to the destination node.

Fig. 2
figure 2

Classification of routing protocols

Table 1 List of notations used

Proactive routing protocol: In proactive or table driven routing protocols, every node maintains the network topology information in the form of routing tables by sending HELLO messages periodically. If the link is not broken, then both the nodes exchange their routing information.

Hybrid routing protocol: Hybrid routing protocols are protocols that combine the best features of both reactive and proactive routing protocols.

In this paper we used IBE technique and same system parameter used in Boneh-Franklin’s IBC scheme [12, 13]. The notations used in this scheme are summarized in Table 1. For the setup of system parameter a PKG is required for IBC crypto-systems. The system public key \((P_{pub})\) setup by PKG. \(P_{pub}=sP\), where s is any number belongs to \(Z^*_q\) and P is a point on elliptic curve (\(E/F_p\)).

2 Review of Authentication Phase in Zhao et al. Routing Protocol

The authentication technique used in Zhao et al. protocol [14] is as follows:

  • The PKG selects a random \( s_0\in Z_q^*\) and \(P_0\in E/F_p\) of order q, and distributes pseudo system parameters \(params =\,<p,q,P_0,P_{pub0},H,H_0,H_1>\), \((P_{pub0}= s_0P_0)\) through public channels as traditional IBC schemes do.

  • Nodes demands to private keys and real system parameters. Node A selects a random \(x_A\) in \(Z_q^*\), encrypts its identity ID (with proof) with \(K_A= e(x_A.P_{pub0},P_0)\) and sends the encrypted identity \(C_{ID}\) with \(x_AP_0\) to the PKG: \(<C_{ID}, x_AP_0>\).

  • The PKG decrypts ID with \(k_0= e(s_0.(x_AP_0),P_0)= K_A\), authenticate identity of node A. The parameter P, \(P_{pub}\) and As private key with \(k_0\) encrypts updated system if that gets through it and through public channels, it is sent back to the respective node. Then updated system parameters and its private key is decrypted by node A. Other node which is not aware of \(x_A\) cannot learn that information.

3 Attack on Authentication Phase in Zhao et al. Routing Protocol

It is found that Zhao et al. scheme is insecure under Key compromisation attack. That is, a node is able to generate the key and read and/or modify the message during the communication. Other node which is not aware of \(x_A\) cannot learn that information. The process is as follows:

  • Sender node(A) is sending \(<C_{ID}, x_AP_0>\)

  • Attacker interrupt the message and collect \(V= x_AP_0\) and can able to compute the symmetric secret key \(k_A= e(V,P_{pub0}) = e(P_0,P_0)^{x_As_0}\)

Thus, not only authenticated nodes, but also attacker are able to compute the secret key, and thus the whole process is under attack.

4 Proposed Authentication Technique

The process is similar to the previous system. Additionally, we choose another point Q in \(E/F_P\) and make \(params =\,<p,q,P_0, Q, P_{pub0},H,H_0,H_1>\), \((P_{pub0} = s_0 P_0)\) through public channels as did in previous system. Nodes apply to real system parameters and private keys. A node A selects a random r in \(Z_q^*\), encrypts its identity ID (with proof) with \(k=e(P_{pub0}, rQ)\) and sends the encrypted identity \(C_{ID}\) with \(rP_0\) to the PKG: \(<C_{ID}, rP_0>\)

$$\begin{aligned} K=e(P_{pub0}, rQ)=e(s_0P_0,rQ)=e(P_0,Q)^{rs_0} \end{aligned}$$
$$\begin{aligned} C_{ID}=AES(K, ID_A) \end{aligned}$$

The PKG decrypts ID with \(K_0=e(s_0.Q,(rP_0))= K\), authenticate identity of node A. The parameter P, \(P_{pub}\) and private key of node A with \(k_0\) encrypts updated system if that gets through it and through public channels, it is sent back to the respective node. Then updated system parameters and its private key are decrypted by node A.

$$\begin{aligned} K_0=e(rP_0, s_0Q)=e(P_0, Q)^{rs_0} \end{aligned}$$

If \(K= K_0\), verifies identity of node A after that PKG updated system parameter P, \(P_{pub}\) in place of \(P_0\) and \(P_{pub0}\) it is sent back to the respective nodes through public channels. The updated new system parameter is \(< p, q, P, Q, P_{pub}, H, H_0, H_1 > \).

Now nodes are authenticated for secure communication. We choose proactive routing protocol OLSR because it has high efficacy, flexibility and extensibility for secure communication in MANETs.

5 Security Analysis


(Computational Diffie-Hellman Assumption) For an algorithm A, the computation of \(Z=b.Q\) in polynomial time t from the given tuple \(<P, Q, bP>\) is very hard, where b is chosen at random.


The proposed authentication scheme is secure under the hardness of CDH assumption, i.e., if the scheme is breakable then the underline hard problem is solvable in polynomial time.


Here we show that due to the unavailability of r other nodes cannot learn the corresponding information due to the hardness of CDH assumption which was leaked in Zhao et al. authentication technique. Unlike their scheme, we have introduced another point Q in \(E/F_p\) and resist the previous attack, i.e., a malicious node can also behave as original node and read as well as modified the message due to the valid secret key. Here, in attacker point of view, the hardness of finding a solution is to compute \(Z= s_0Q\) from the given tuple \(<Q, P_0, s_0 P_0>\) for an unknown \(s_0\in Z_q^*.\) If it is solvable then an attacker is also able to generate the symmetric key\( K= e(P_0, Q)^{s_0}\) and decrypt any message by acting as an authentication node. Since, there is no solution exists in polynomial time for the CDH problem, so, our authentication technique is secure as long as CDH is hard.

6 Conclusion

Recently, Zhao et al. proposed an efficient routing technique. For this, they have given a proposal of an authentication technique. However, we show that their proposed authentication technique is not secure in real time attack. So, as an enhancement, we have proposed an efficient authentication technique which is suitable for Zhao et al. routing scheme. The proposed technique is found to be secured under the hardness of CDH assumption.