
1 Introduction

Proteins executes vital functions in essentially all biological processes. Computational methods like gene neighborhood, sequence and structure, protein-protein interactions (PPI) etc. have naturally created a larger impact in the field of protein function prediction than the biological based experimental methods. Unknown protein function predicted from protein interaction information is an emerging area of research in the field of bioinformatics. In this approach functions of unannotated proteins are determined by utilizing their neighborhood properties in PPI network on the basis of the fact that neighbors of a particular protein have similar function.

In the work of Schwikowski [1] at first most frequent occurrence of k functional labels are identified. Then a simple counting technique is used to assign k functions to the unannotated protein based on the identification. Though the entire methodology is not too much complex in execution but the fact that the entire network has not been considered cannot be denied. Besides confidence score also play an important role in predicting functional annotations which is also missing in this work. This deficiency of assignment of confidence score has been erased in the work of Hishigaki et al. [2]. Here annotations of k functions to the unannotated protein P is dependent on k largest \( chi - square \) scores which is defined as \( \frac{{(n_{f} - e_{f} )^{2} }}{{e_{f} }} \), where \( n_{f } \) is the count of proteins belonging to the n-neighborhood of the protein P that have the function f and \( e_{f} \) is the expectation of this number based on the number of occurrences of f among all proteins available in the entire network. While on the other hand, the exploitation of the neighborhood property of PPI network up to the higher levels has been executed in the work of Chen et al. [3]. Whereas Vazquez et al. [4] annotate a protein to a function in such a way that the connectivity of the allocated protein to that function is maximum. An identical technique on a collection of PPI data as well as on gene expression data is applied by Karaoz et al. [5]. Nabieva et al. [6] applies a flow based approach considering the local as well as global properties of the graph. This approach predicts protein function based on the amount of flow it receives during simulation. It should be noted here that each annotated protein acts as the source of functional flow. While the theory of Markov random field has been reflected in the work of Deng et al. [7] where the posterior probability of a protein of interest is estimated. Letvsky and Kasif [8] use totally a different approach by the application of binomial model in unknown protein function prediction. Similarly, Wu et al. [9] includes the summation of both protein structure and probabilistic approach in this field of study. In the work of Samanta et al. [10], a network based statistical algorithm is proposed, which assumes that if two proteins share significantly larger number of common interacting partners they share a common functionality. Arnau et al. [11] proposed another application named as UVCLUSTER which is based on bi-clustering. This application iteratively explored distance datasets. In the early stage, Molecular Complex Detection (MCODE) is executed by Bader and Hogue [12] where identification of dense regions takes place according to some heuristic parameters. Altaf-ul-Amin et al. [13] also use a clustering approach. It starts from a single node in a graph and clusters are gradually grown until the similarity of every added node within a cluster and density of clusters reaches a certain limit. Graph clustering approach is used by Spirin and Mirny [14] where they detect densely connected modules within themselves as well as sparsely connected with the rest of the network based on super paramagnetic clustering and Monte Carlo algorithm. Theoretical graph based approach is observed in the work of Pruzli et al. [15] where clusters are identified using Leda’s routine components and those clusters are analyzed by Highly Connected Sub-graphs (HCS) algorithm. While the application of Restricted Neighborhood Search Clustering algorithm (RNCS) is highlighted in the work of King et al. [16]. The interaction networks are partitioned into clusters by this algorithm using a cost weightage mechanism. Filtering of clusters is then carried out based on their properties like size, density etc.

This survey highlights the fact that there is an opportunity for inclusion of domain as well as some other related specific knowledge like protein sequences to enhance the performance of protein function prediction from protein interaction network. Motivated by this fact, a neighborhood based method has been proposed for predicting function of an unannotated protein by computing the neighborhood scores on the basis of protein functions and physico-chemical properties of amino acid sequences of proteins. The unannotated protein is associated with the function corresponding to highest neighborhood score.

1.1 Dataset

We have used the Gene Ontology (GO) dataset of human obtained from UniProt. The dataset is available at FunPred-1 . Three categories: Cellular-component, Molecular-function and Biological-process are involved in the GO system. In this system, each protein may be annotated by several GO terms (like GO: 0000016) in each category. So, here, at first we have ranked every GO terms of 3 categories based on the maximum number of occurrences in each of them. Then 10 % of proteins belonging to the top 15 GO terms in each of three categories are selected as unannotated while the remaining 90 % proteins are chosen as training samples using random sub-sampling technique. Since we have considered both Level-1 and Level-2 neighbors, the protein interaction network formed for each protein in any functional group is large and complex. Therefore, in the current experiment we consider only 10 % of available proteins in each functional group as test set. Table 1 show the detailed statistics of the train-test dataset for the three GO categories. While overall protein interaction network of the three functional categories along with known (marked blue) and unannotated proteins (marked yellow) with their respective result comparison by FunPred 1 has been highlighted here .

Table 1 Distribution of proteins and protein pairs in 3 functional categories in GO based Human dataset, considered under the current experiment

2 Related Terminologies

In both FunPred 1.1 and FunPred 1.2, we have used four scoring techniques: Protein Neighborhood Ratio Score \( \left( {{\text{Pscore}}^{1( = 1,2)} } \right) \)[17], Relative functional similarity \( \left( {{\text{W}}_{{{\text{u}},{\text{v}}}}^{{{\text{l}}( = 1,2)}} } \right) \) [17, 18], Proteins path-connectivity score \( \left( {{\text{Q}}_{{{\text{u}},{\text{v}}}}^{{{\text{l}}( = 1,2)}} } \right) \) [17, 19] and physico-chemical properties score \( \left( {{\text{PCP}}_{\text{score}}^{{{\text{l}}( = 1,2)}} } \right) \) [20]. \( {\text{PCP}}_{\text{score}}^{{{\text{l}}( = 1,2)}} \) is incorporated since sequences of amino acid of each protein also plays a vital role in unknown protein function prediction. While in FunPred 1.2, we have used one additional feature Edge Clustering Coefficient \( \left( {{\text{ECC}}_{{{\text{u}},{\text{v}}}}^{{{\text{l}}( = 1,2)}} } \right) \) [21] to find densely populated region in the network. All the other relevant graphical terms and properties are described in our previous work [17, 22].

3 Proposed Method

Two methods [17] have been proposed for unannotated protein function prediction. Uniqueness can be defined in the aspect that the selection of the neighborhood of the unannotated proteins in both these two methods differs over the different aspects of neighborhood properties defined in the previous section. The first method FunPred 1 is described below:

3.1 FunPred 1.1

FunPred 1.1 [17] uses the combined score of neighborhood ratio, proteins path connectivity, physico-chemical property score and relative functional similarity. Now, this method always focuses in identifying the maximum of the summation of four scores thus obtained in each level and assign the unannotated protein to the corresponding functional group (GO term) of the protein having the maximum value. Given \( {\text{G}}_{\text{P}}^{{\prime }} \), a sub graph consisting of any proteins (nodes) of set \( {\text{FC}} = \{ {\text{FC}}_{1} ,{\text{FC}}_{2} , {\text{FC}}_{3} \} \); where, \( {\text{FC}}_{\text{i}} \) represents a particular functional category, this method annotates proteins belonging to the set of un-annotated proteins \( {\text{P}}_{\text{UP}} \) to any GO term of set FC. Steps of FunPred 1.1 are described as Algorithm 1.

Algorithm 1

Basic methodology of FunPred 1.1

Input:Unannotated protein set \( {\text{P}}_{\text{UP}} \) .

Output:The proteins of the set \( {\text{P}}_{\text{UP}} \) gets annotated to any

functional group (GO term) ofset FC.

Step 1: Any protein from set \( {\text{P}}_{\text{UP}} \) is selected.

Step 2: Count \( {\text{Level - 1}} \) and \( {\text{Level - 2}} \) neighbors of that

protein in \( {\text{G}}_{\text{P}}^{{\prime }} \) associated with set FC.

Step 3: Compute \( {\text{P}}_{{{\text{FC}}_{{{\text{i( = 1,}} \ldots , 3 )}} }}^{\text{l( = 1,2)}} \) for each GO term in set FC and

assign this score to eachprotein

\( \left( {{\text{Pscore}}^{{ 1 ( { = 1,2)}}} } \right) \) \( \in {\text{P}}_{\text{A}} \) , belonging to the respective


Step 4: Compute \( {\text{Q}}_{\text{u,v}}^{\text{l( = 1,2)}} \) , \( {\text{W}}_{\text{u,v}}^{\text{l( = 1,2)}} \) for each edge in \( {\text{Level - 1}} \)

and \( {\text{Level - 2}} \) .

Step 5:Obtain neighborhood score i.e.

$$ {\text{N}}_{{\left( {{\text{FC}}_{\text{K}} } \right)}}^{\text{l}} {\text{ = Max(}}\left( {{\text{max(Pscore}}^{ 1} {\text{ + Q}}_{\text{u,v}}^{ 1} {\text{ + W}}_{\text{u,v}}^{ 1} {\text{ + ECC}}_{\text{u,v}}^{ 1} {\text{ + PCP}}_{\text{score}}^{ 1} )} \right) , $$
$$ \left( {{\text{max(Pscore}}^{ 2} {\text{ + Q}}_{\text{u,v}}^{ 2} {\text{ + W}}_{\text{u,v}}^{ 2} {\text{ + ECC}}_{\text{u,v}}^{ 2} {\text{ + PCP}}_{\text{score}}^{ 2} )} \right) ) $$

Step 6: The unannotated protein from the set \( {\text{P}}_{\text{UP}} \) is

assigned to the GO term belonging to \( {\text{FC}}_{\text{K}} \) .

3.2 FunPred 1.2

In FunPred 1.1, all Level-1 neighbors and Level-2 neighbors belonging to any GO term of 3 functional categories are considered for any unannotated protein. Neighborhood property based prediction is then carried out, the computation of which considers all Level-1 or Level-2 neighbors. But if the computation is confined only on significant neighbors who have maximum neighborhood impact on the target protein then exclusion of non-essential neighbors may substantially reduce the computational time which is the basis of our heuristic adopted in FunPred 1.2 [17]. So this method looks for the promising regions instead of calculating neighborhood ratios for all of them and only then the calculation of \( N_{{(FC_{K} )}}^{l} \) is done. Here, at first edge clustering coefficient (ECC) of each edge in \( Level - 1 \) and \( Level - 2 \) (as mentioned in the earlier section) is calculated. Edges having relatively low edge clustering coefficient gets eliminated and thus the original network gets reduced upon which we will apply our previous method. Now the original FunPred-1.1 algorithm is applied on this reduced PPI network (renaming the entire modified method as FunPred 1.2). The computational steps associated with FunPred 1.2 are described as Algorithm 2.

Algorithm 2

Basic methodology of FunPred 1.2

Input:Unannotated protein set \( {\text{P}}_{\text{UP}} \) .

Output: The proteins of the set \( {\text{P}}_{\text{UP}} \) gets annotated to any

functional group (GO term) of set \( {\text{FC}} \) .

Step 1:Any protein from set \( {\text{P}}_{\text{UP}} \) is selected.

Step 2:Protein interaction network of the selected

protein has been constructed detecting its

\( {\text{Level - 1}} \) and \( {\text{Level - 2}} \) neighbors.

Step 3: Compute \( {\text{ECC}}_{\text{u,v}}^{\text{l( = 1,2)}} \) for each edge in \( {\text{Level - 1}} \) and

\( {\text{Level - 2}} \) .

Step 4: Eliminate non-essential annotated proteins

(neighbors) associated with edges having lower

values of \( {\text{ECC}}_{\text{u,v}}^{\text{l( = 1,2)}} \) both in \( {\text{Level - 1}} \) and \( {\text{Level - 2}} \) thus

generating a densely connected reduced protein

interaction network.

Step 5:Count \( {\text{Level - 1}} \) and \( {\text{Level - 2}} \) neighbors of that

protein in \( {\text{G}}_{\text{P}}^{{\prime }} \) associated with set FC.

Step 6:Compute \( {\text{P}}_{{{\text{FC}}_{{{\text{i( = 1,}}.. , 3 )}} }}^{\text{l( = 1,2)}} \) for each GO term in set FC and

assign this score to each protein \( \left( {{\text{Pscore}}^{{{\text{l}}\left( { = 1,2} \right)}} } \right) \) \( \in {\text{P}}_{\text{A}} \) ,

belonging to the respective functional group.

Step 7: Compute \( {\text{Q}}_{\text{u,v}}^{\text{l( = 1,2)}} \) , \( {\text{W}}_{\text{u,v}}^{\text{l( = 1,2)}} \) for each edge in \( {\text{Level - 1}} \)

and \( {\text{Level - 2}} \) .

Step 8: Obtain neighborhood score i.e.

$$ {\text{N}}_{{\left( {{\text{FC}}_{\text{K}} } \right)}}^{\text{l}} {\text{ = Max(}}\left( {{\text{max(Pscore}}^{ 1} {\text{ + Q}}_{\text{u,v}}^{ 1} {\text{ +\,W}}_{\text{u,v}}^{ 1} {\text{ + ECC}}_{\text{u,v}}^{ 1} {\text{ +\,PCP}}_{\text{score}}^{ 1} )} \right) , $$
$$ \left( {{\text{max(Pscore}}^{ 2} {\text{ +\,Q}}_{\text{u,v}}^{ 2} {\text{ +\,W}}_{\text{u,v}}^{ 2} {\text{ +\,ECC}}_{\text{u,v}}^{ 2} {\text{ +\,PCP}}_{\text{score}}^{ 2} )} \right) ) $$

Step 9: The unannotated protein from the set \( {\text{P}}_{\text{UP}} \) is

assigned to the GO term belonging to \( {\text{FC}}_{\text{K}} \) .

4 Results and Discussion

We have used standard performance measures, such as Precision (P), Recall (R) and F-Score (F) values for evaluating the training results for the \( {\text{ith}} \) functional category as described in our previous work [17]. The detailed analysis of FunPred 1.1 and FunPred 1.2 with respect to Precision, Recall and F-score values has been shown in Table 3. Functional category-wise Precision, Recall and F-scores of the two methods are given in Table 2. The average Precision of FunPred 1.2 is estimated as 0.743 (see Table 3). Although we observe relatively low values of Recall for the two methods, high Precision scores indicate that our algorithm has succeeded in generating more significant results. High F-score values have been retrieved in one functional category i.e. Molecular function. Ten percent of proteins from each of the high ranking GO terms in the three functional categories are considered as unannotated proteins using random sub-sampling in both of our methods.

Table 2 Evaluated results of FunPred 1.1 and FunPred 1.2 for three functional categories of GO based human dataset
Table 3 Recall, Precision, F-Score for FunPred 1.1 and FunPred 1.2 in accordance to Mean and standard deviation

The performance of FunPred 1.1 has been significantly improved in FunPred 1.2 as FunPred 1.2 reduces the neighborhood network. For example, from Table 2, it can be observed that a Precision improvement of 5.2 and 9.8 % occurs in the Cellular component and Molecular function respectively in FunPred 1.2 over FunPred 1.1. In our experiment, Biological process performs worst in comparison to the other functional category. Except this category, in almost all other cases we have either achieved good prediction performance in FunPred 1.1 or obtained significant hike in performance in FunPred 1.2 in comparison to its predecessor.

To compare the performance of the current method with the other existing neighborhood analysis methods, we have identified four relevant methods and compared the performances of the same on our Human dataset. More specifically we compared our work with the neighborhood counting method [1], Chi-square method [2], a recent work on Neighbor Relativity Coefficient (NRC) [19] and FS-weight based method [23].

The best performance among the four methods is the work of Moosavi et al. [19]. The NRC method generates average Precision, Recall and F-score values of 0.374, 0.434 and 0.368 respectively. The detailed result analysis of our method as highlighted in Table 3 over 15 functional groups clearly reveals the fact that our method is relatively better than the NRC based method in terms of average prediction scores. This betterment is achieved since both Level-1 and Level-2 neighbors have been considered along with the exploration of a variety of scoring techniques in the human PPI network. Not only that we have also included protein sequences, successors as well as the ancestors of a specific unannotated protein while estimating neighborhood score for unannotated protein function prediction.

The result obtained in all Chi-square methods [2] is comparatively lower than the other methods because it only concentrates only on the denser region of the interaction network. The neighborhood counting method though performs well but fails when compared to NRC, FS-weight#1 (only direct neighbors are considered) and FS-weight #1 and #2 (both direct and indirect neighbors are considered) methods since it does not consider any difference between direct and indirect neighbors. Figure 1 shows a comparative detailed analysis of the four methods (taken into consideration in our work) along with our proposed systems.

Fig. 1
figure 1

Comparative analysis of other methods with our developed method FunPred 1

All these analysis show that our proposed FunPred-1 software, relatively performs much better than the other existing methods in unannotated protein function prediction. But this work is limited to only 15 high ranking GO terms/functional groups in the human PPI network, which we would like to extend for other significant GO terms as well. Simultaneously, the function prediction of our method can be well enhanced in our future work if domain-domain affinity information [24] and structure related information [25] can be incorporated.