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Training in Telepsychiatry

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Education about Mental Health and Illness

Part of the book series: Mental Health and Illness Worldwide ((MHIW))


Telepsychiatry (TP) is an effective, well-received, and a standard way to practice mental health care provision on distance. Both residents and young practitioners have significant interest and there is a growing demand for telepsychiatrists. Many are making strides towards addressing some of these needs and gaps in services for patients and trainees around the world. Traditionally, too, there was emphasis placed on knowledge acquisition, and more focus is needed on TP skill competencies for clinicians to practice effectively and achieve good clinical outcomes with their patients. TP competencies have been published and structured at novice or advanced beginner, competent/proficient, and expert levels. Curricula include seminar, rotations, and supervision, with accompanying feedback. Continuing education/medical education events may also help clinicians, programs, agencies, and other institutions. Both residents and young practitioners have significant interest, and there is a growing demand for telepsychiatrist. Many are making strides towards addressing some of these needs and gaps in services for patients around the world, but fewer are focused on competencies related to TP. This chapter will attempt to move forward the emphasis on skills (e.g., interviewing, assessment), attitudes that ensure quality care and knowledge (e.g., appropriate model, legal standards, privacy) by reviewing the history and scope of practice related to TP and other e-mental health (eMH) technologies. Readers will be encouraged to reflect, self-assess, and evaluate strengths and weaknesses, then consider clinical and curricular methods for improving. TP will also be explored on a spectrum of other eMH technologies used for clinical care, for which additional competencies may also be indicated.

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Mucic, D., Hilty, D.M. (2018). Training in Telepsychiatry. In: Hermans, M., Hoon, T., Pi, E. (eds) Education about Mental Health and Illness. Mental Health and Illness Worldwide. Springer, Singapore.

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