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Identifying the Role and Managerial Leadership Competencies of Postgraduate Heads of Departments

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Postgraduate Education in Higher Education

Part of the book series: University Development and Administration ((UDAA))

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The higher education sector has seen substantial changes in the past decades fueled by technology and political imperatives. This has provided a complex context for the delivery of postgraduate education. Among these changes has been the introduction of managerialism to the higher education sector. As research better understands consumer needs for and satisfaction in postgraduate education there is a focus on the role of professional academic manager which is redefining academic leadership across universities including the role of the head of department. This role has been considered by numerous authors in terms of role clarity and the particular balance between teaching, research, and management. Overwhelmingly there has been a recognition for increased managerial leadership competencies for incumbents in this role. Although some universities have developed their own specific managerial leadership competency framework, this has needed dedicated resources. The Competing Values Model (CVM) offers a robust model for consideration of both roles and managerial leadership competencies within the context of the organizational culture. This model was used to identify managerial leadership competencies at six higher educational institutions, predominantly postgraduate institutions, in Kerala, India. It is proposed that this model be used as the basis for both the identification and development of managerial leadership competencies in postgraduate heads of departments.

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Crosthwaite, C. (2018). Identifying the Role and Managerial Leadership Competencies of Postgraduate Heads of Departments. In: Erwee, R., Harmes, M., Harmes, M., Danaher, P. (eds) Postgraduate Education in Higher Education. University Development and Administration. Springer, Singapore.

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